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Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Rebecca Clark

  As quickly as the wind started, it ceases. I lower my hands and the protective shield disappears.

  "All dry," Ry says. "Are you ready to talk strategy now?"

  "Yes, I believe I am." I hide my amazement with a casual expression, which couldn't be further from the truth. The synergy between the two of us is remarkable. I'm hopeful we will get Miri back and soon. Before I can make any other comments, Ry spins around and leads the way, farther from the center of Aurora.

  Without hesitating, I follow closely behind him, wondering where we're headed. Obviously he's not going to share his grand plan with me. If he wants the power I'll give it to him.

  "Don't roll your eyes. Boy, you're feisty." Ry adds a playful snarl.

  "I did not," I fight back.

  "I know all, Alexa. There's nothing you can get by me. Your attitude is understandable, but I'm not your enemy. If anything, I'm going to save your sister, Miri, and this galaxy. You're here to help, but I'm the one calling the shots." His condescending tone sours my stomach. How can one being be so wrapped up in himself?

  "It's called confidence. You should try it sometime."

  Great, he's answering my questions without me even verbally asking. Another being that can read my mind. Is nothing sacred anymore?

  "Not when you're the princess with a diabolical mother," he quips.

  Well, this is fun. I'm being attacked without actually saying a word.

  Ry laughs. "You know you can prevent beings from hearing your thoughts. All you have to do is use your abilities."

  Entertaining his last comment, I close my eyes and picture a wall in my mind. A tall stone wall that is impenetrable, a wall that hides my emotions and prevents any being from entering my mind to read my thoughts.

  I immediately think something harsh, something that will warrant a comment from Ry. Ry may be as evil as my mommy dearest. He's a chauvinistic being that is obsessed with himself.

  I wait.

  And wait.

  "You've got nothing to say?" I ask breathlessly as I try to keep up with his long strides.

  "About what, exactly?" Ry turns his head and shoots me a look of confusion.

  "You didn't hear me?" I excitedly ask.

  "No, did you say something? Or did you think something?"

  "I did," I say. "Right after I mentally built a wall blocking you out."

  "Well done, princess. Maybe you aren't a lost cause after all."

  "Thanks… I think." I jog a few steps in order to catch up.

  We continue on for a few more minutes until we reach a clearing. Aurora's expanse and complexity still blows my mind. I still can't fathom how much life and biodiversity is present here.

  "Okay, finally, we're alone. I've set up a protective field here. We won't be bothered," Ry says.

  "We were being followed before?" Chills run down my spine as I imagine someone watching my every step.

  "Yes, the little green men. I think they like you," Ry teases. "A little too much, perhaps."

  "They're harmless. Maybe they're worried about me." I defend Ayu and his clan. He's been nothing but helpful and I'm grateful for that.

  "Remember, not everyone you meet has your best interests in mind." Ry's playful smirk is quickly replaced with a serious expression.

  "Are you saying that I shouldn't believe what Ayu has said, or that he's going to help me?"

  "No." Ry's black eyes focus on me. "Don't believe that all of his men are in compliance with what Ayu has said or promised you."

  "Ry, if it makes you feel better, I don't trust anyone." I've been hurt too much to really trust another being. I think of both Michael and Jax. I definitely do not trust Michael but for some strange reason Jax is not on my list of beings not to trust.

  "It's for the best. Someone will always betray you in their best interest."

  "Are you saying I shouldn't trust you either?" I tap my foot waiting for another quick response.

  "Trust no one." Great, another being who cannot be trusted. How are we supposed to work together?

  "Okay, message received," I say.

  "My trust will be earned. It should never be assumed." He nods in my direction. "Now about Miri… I think it would be best to go to Mapu alone, no army, only you and I. That way we can go there almost completely undetected using our abilities."

  "You really think that's the best way?" I ask. "We won't have any militia support."

  "The more beings that attack Mapu, the worse it will be for Miri and retrieving her unharmed."

  I let his words sink in. Part of me agrees, but a larger part of me wonders what Kalus or Jax would say or think.

  Ry adds, "If we fly there cloaked with your powers, I can get us close enough, perhaps even into the castle or on the beach so we can get in with little to no audience." Flashes of Miri on the beach play back in my head while the salty air tickles my nose. Her playful giggle echoes in my ears. I want her back.

  I let a few minutes pass as I mull over his plan. I really don't want Miri to be harmed, and if the queen feels backed into a corner, who knows what she'll do. She's evil.

  "I need to think about this. I need to talk to Kalus or Jax about your plan."


  "What do you mean, no?"

  "They'll easily try and talk you out of the plan." He sighs and crosses his arms across his chest. "Once they find out, more beings will find out, and then we run the risk of being discovered before we even try."

  "I need to think about this, Ry. I just met you, and I'm not sure if I can believe what you say. I know literally nothing about you."

  "What do you want to know?"

  I'm caught off guard by his candid response. "Anything—where are you from? What do you gain out of helping me? Why are you here?"

  "I already told you, I'm from Tribus, a neighboring planet in the galaxy."

  "Yes, you did tell me that. So why have you come all this way? Don't say to help me. We both know that's not the case."

  Ry throws his head back and roars. "Direct, I can appreciate that."

  "Tell why you've come all this way to help me get my sister."

  "Since we aren't playing any games, I'll be direct as well." His playfulness abruptly ends. "Princess, you're right. I'm not here to help you. I've come to kill your mother."

  Chapter Eight

  "Kill my mother? That's why you're really here? You could've done that without me. I mean, if your powers are so strong and all." At first, he doesn't say anything. Instead, he erupts in laughter. I didn't know I was this funny.

  "You're too much, Alexa. I think you're trying to insult me. Don't worry I'm not insulted. Quite the opposite. My powers are strong enough. It wasn't the right time."

  "Oh. Why is that?" I question raising my eyebrows.

  "If you must know, it's because of you."

  "What do I have to do with this?" How can he accuse me of anything that has to do with my so-called mother? I want nothing to do with her.

  "Everything." He exhales an exaggerated groan and continues. "I was waiting to find out who and where the elusive princess was. Once your identity and location were known, I was planning on killing you." His face reveals no playfulness. He's absolutely telling me the truth.

  "K-k-kill me?" I stutter.

  "Yes, kill you," Ry answers, unaffected by my confusion.

  Shock fans out through my body, leaving me chilled. "I didn't do anything to you or your family."

  "That doesn't matter. If she valued you, killing you would hurt her more than taking her life. Since she doesn't value you or your mother-daughter relationship, then killing you would be a waste of my time," he says, clearly unfazed by the bomb he dropped on me.

  Speechless. I'm not sure what to say.

  "Why are you surprised, Alexa? A lot of people want you dead. That's why you can't trust any being." Ry exhales. "Even though you may be the one that can save the galaxy, the truth is still the truth. You are the queen's offspring. Therefore, you're seen as a liability. Unfortunately
, you need to prove all the beings wrong that view you as the princess. Don't wait for something to happen. Make something happen. Only you have the power to change things."

  I let his words sink in. He's right. I won't openly admit that to him, but he's most definitely speaking the truth. I don't want to be a victim. Someone that goes with the flow and believes everything she's told. I also don't see myself as a savior or princess. But that doesn't matter right now. I need to be better.

  "You also need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. So what if people lied to you? Who cares? You need to get over it. No one respects a whiner." Ry looks away, probably because he sees my dumbfounded expression.

  "You're a jerk," I reply, trying to hide the blush creeping up my neck.

  "I never said I wasn't. So what's the plan? Are you coming with me?"

  I take a few deep inhalations to calm myself down. Who does he think he is?

  "I don't know. I told you I need some time to think." I don't budge. He thinks he knows me, but he's mistaken. He cannot assume I will do what he wants.

  "You have until tonight. As soon as the light dims, I'm leaving. Meet me here and tell no one. Either way, I'm going with or without you, and I'd like to get there undetected. I'm putting a stop to your mother's reign."

  "Fine." I spin around and storm away from him. What a self-absorbed being. Who acts like that? What if storming the castle early is what she expects and in return she hurts Miri or even worse, kills her? How is this the best plan?

  I think he's right.

  "Oh, great. You think I'm a whiner too?"

  No…well, maybe a little. I think getting to Mapu undetected would be best. If anyone can do it, it would be you two.

  "I don't want to work with him," I grumble. "He's out for blood and there's more that needs to be done. The Queen has captives, guards and minions at her beck and call. We need to be smart about this so it doesn't blow up in our face.

  It doesn't matter what you want to do. What's best for Miri? What about the other beings in the galaxy? You're the chosen one. You need to do something.

  The state of the galaxy and my sister's kidnapping weigh me down. How am I going to do this? I can't be expected to save everyone if I'm not really sure how. Thoughts of fighting and war spin around in my head making me dizzy. I want to help, but how? Saving the beings of Aurora and Pumalia come at what cost. Who else will pay with their life?

  I descend down the hill through the forest toward the center of Aurora. I slow my pace and admire the city before me. Beings interacting, bustling around the market, while some cultivate the crops in the manufactured fields. One word comes to mind. Peaceful. The beings, even though scared, are working and living together harmoniously.

  They do look happy.

  "What should I do?" I question Dolon.

  What does your gut tell you to do?

  His response surprises me. Usually, no one asks what I think. I quickly contemplate what Ry said and it does make perfect sense. Also, it would be nice not to endanger any other beings. I would be crushed if any of the militia volunteers were injured or worse while trying to free Miri. If Ry completes his task of killing my mother than so many more lives would be preserved. I worry how Jax will feel if I leave him out of the loop. I imagine his disappointment and instantly cringe. How can I purposefully upset him?

  I understand why you're torn. But this issue is bigger than you and him.

  "I know, but I'm sick of being lied to, and the last thing I want to do is hide something from Jax. He's been so helpful, and he genuinely cares about me. He's the one exception. I do trust Jax." Imagining his blue eyes, I quickly lose myself fantasizing over my sort-of alien fling but it's so much more. I mentally swoon over the idea of a legitimate boyfriend.

  Miri needs you. The beings of this galaxy need you.

  "You don't think I know that?" I just about scream from the top of my lungs out of pure frustration, but I'm interrupted by buzzing. I turn to the right and see Ayu moving toward me at a fast pace. "Princess, can we speak?"

  "Sure, Ayu. What can I do for you?" I quickly plaster a fake smile on my face to appear interested in what he's about to say.

  "Is he here?" Ayu is more jittery than normal.

  "Who?" I try and act aloof, but I'm sure he's speaking about Ry.

  "I sense a Triban, a powerful one. A dark one. You must not trust him." Ayu's gaze darts around, looking for the source of his accusation.

  "That's funny… He said the same thing about you," I reply calmly, even though Ayu's comments strike me as odd. How am I supposed to do the right thing when all these beings are telling me a different story?

  "That's absurd. I'm here to help you. It's written in the stars, this is supposed to happen." Ayu's face turns a deep shade of green. "Tell me where he is. I want to talk to him this minute." Ayu's wings flap more rapidly, clearly a result of his anger.

  I try and calm him by smiling. "I don't think that's a good idea, Ayu." I know Ry is supposed to stay hidden, and I'm not about to go search him out after our last encounter. I need time to think.

  "Princess, I no longer can hear your thoughts… Have you blocked me out?" A flash of worry washes over his stern face.

  "I've built a wall against all beings, not just you. I don't want anyone reading my thoughts. You understand that, right?"

  "Of course, it's also great practice using your abilities while multitasking." A slight grin appears. "You're showing initiative, princess, I'm proud of you!"

  "Thanks, Ayu."

  "Back to that Triban—why is he here?" His head moves back and forth, searching for the being that he's obviously not excited to see.

  "I think you know why, Ayu. It's the same reason we're all here." I continue walking toward Kasper's house. I need some time to think. Dolon is telling me to follow my gut, but I need more to go on than that. I need advice. I need Kalus.

  "Where's Kalus now? Do you know?"

  "You mean your father?"

  Why does that word make me cringe? I grew up thinking my biological father was dead. I bite the inside of my cheek while nervously chewing on my bottom lip.

  "Yes, him." I clear my throat uncomfortably ridding myself of the metallic taste.

  "He's fishing up at the falls. Would you like me to take you to him?"

  "Fishing? His daughter is missing and he's fishing? Clearly father of the year. Yes, please take me to him."

  "Princess, don't be so hard on him. He's been living a life away from you, for you. And he didn't even know about Miri's existence until recently. You don't think this is hard for him too?" I watch as Ayu speeds ahead of me, granting me the silent treatment.

  I guess he's right. Kalus has been through a lot as well. I need to put the past behind me and move forward so I can focus. It's so much harder than that. I sigh and keep my feet shuffling. I wish I understood Kalus a bit more. I mean, he was my biology teacher and he never let on. In fact, he wasn't very nice to me in general, perhaps even more stern than other teachers I've had.

  My mind spins, kicking up memories of being in class with Mr. Riley—I mean Kalus. The way he conducted class was always unorthodox, but I figured he was odd, not an alien. I can't help but laugh out loud at my last thought. My teacher is an alien from outer space. Not only is that true but he's also my father.

  "This way, princess." Ayu points to a rock wall that must be scaled in order to reach the falls. This does not look familiar. Normally when looking at this wall, I'd be nervous or doubtful that I'd make it over in one piece.

  I calmly close my eyes and envision myself flying over the boulder. Before I know it, I'm air bound. I look to my side and see Ayu flying next to me with a proud, toothy grin.

  I turn my head and whisper into the air, "Thank you for believing in me, Ayu."

  His smile doesn't falter. Instead, a crimson blush spreads across his small green face, indicating he heard me. My feet land gently onto the ground beneath me, and on cue a feeling of accomplishment spreads throughout my being.
I did it without too much fuss or preparation. I turn to Ayu to boast about my flying abilities, but all I see is Ayu speeding off in the opposite direction.

  "Ayu, wait!" I scream, but he continues on without looking back.


  I whirl around to see Kalus staring back at me. At this close range I can see that his eerie, light-gray eyes are outlined in lavender. Simply exquisite. Very different from his Earthly brown eyes.


  "What are you doing here?" he asks. "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

  "No…well, not really. I wanted to speak to you about something. I mean, if you have the time." I shift from leg to leg as I wait for an answer. How can my absentee father make me so nervous?

  Without hesitation, he places his hand on my shoulder. His touch creates a spark, and then calmness spreads though me. No longer am I anxiety ridden. "I always have time for you, Alexa. Regardless what you think of me, I'm still your father and I love you more than I can express."

  Words escape me. Instead, I can't help but wonder if what he's saying is the truth.

  "Of course it's the truth, Alexa."

  Great, my mental block is no longer working.

  "It's working, Alexa, but we're connected and I can sense how you feel and hear what you think when we're this close."

  "Can you give me a little privacy? I'm not sure how I feel right now, and I'd like to pretend you can't hear my thoughts."

  He chuckles. "Of course." The sound of his laughter is comforting. Honestly, being around him makes me feel so much better. This is a different Kalus. He seems more at ease and happy out here in the middle of nowhere.

  "Can I show you something?" Kalus asks. "It will only take a minute."

  "Umm, okay." I can't imagine what he's going to show me now. I hope it's not a new being. I can't handle another opinion.

  Kalus slowly moves his hand toward my forehead.

  I take a giant step back.

  "I'm not going to hurt you, Alexa."

  "I know." I step forward without hesitation.

  Slowly, he places both hands on my temple. His fingers are cool at first, but then they warm right up. After a few moments pass, he softly chants a few unrecognizable words. My eyes automatically close; I grab a fistful of my white dress and brace myself.


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