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An Idea Whose Time Has Come: Two Presidents, Two Parties, and the Battle for the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Page 45

by Todd S. Purdum

  religion and

  RFK and

  scheduling in Senate of

  scheduling of House Rules Committee hearings on

  Senate amendments to

  Senate cloture motion on

  Senate debate on

  Senate motion for consideration of

  Senate passage of

  signing of

  civil rights bill S. 1731

  Civil Rights Commission

  civil rights bill and

  establishment of

  on housing

  JFK’s call for extension of

  report in 1963 from

  civil rights movement

  demonstrations and

  Freedom Riders

  grassroots efforts of

  leftist movements and

  murder of civil rights workers in Mississippi

  National Council of Churches and

  violent backlash against peaceful protests of

  Civil Service Commission

  Clark, Joseph

  Clark, Kenneth B.

  Clemens, Emerson

  Clemens, Viola

  Clinton, Bill


  Cohn, Roy

  Cole, Nat King

  Coleman, James P.

  Colmer, William

  Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity

  Community Relations Service

  Como, Perry

  Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

  Congressional Quarterly

  Connally, John

  Connell, Bill

  Connell, Patricia

  Connor, Theophilus Eugene “Bull”

  Cooper, John Sherman

  Coordinating Committee for Fundamental American Freedoms

  Copenhaver, William

  CORE. See Congress of Racial Equality

  Corbin, Paul

  Cotton, Norris

  Cowan, Mo

  Cox, Courtland

  Craig, Greg

  Craig, May

  Cramer, Bill

  Cross, James

  Cuban Missile Crisis

  Curley, James Michael

  Curtis, Carl

  Daley, Richard J.

  Darden, Colgate

  Davis, Sammy, Jr.

  Dawson, William

  de Gaulle, Charles

  Deason, Bill

  Desautels, Claude


  of public accommodations

  of public buses in Montgomery

  of public schools. See public schools, desegregation of

  See also segregation


  Dewey, Thomas E.

  Diem, Ngo Dinh

  Dillon, Douglas

  Dingell, John

  Dirksen, Antje Conrady

  Dirksen, Everett McKinley

  alcohol and

  background of

  Baker inquiry and

  civil rights bill and

  death of

  Halleck and

  JFK and

  LBJ and

  Mansfield and

  March on Washington and

  reaction to JFK’s assassination

  at signing of civil rights bill

  spoken-word album of

  Voting Rights Act and

  Dirksen, Johann Frederick


  civil rights bill and

  in federally supported housing

  Doar, John

  Dodd, Thomas

  Donne, John

  Donohue, Harold

  Douglas, John

  Douglas, Paul

  Douglas, William O.

  Downs, Hugh

  Drew, Elizabeth

  Duc, Thich Quang

  Duke, Angier Biddle

  Dungan, Ralph

  Dylan, Bob

  Eastland, James O.

  civil rights bill and

  JFK and

  Mitchell and

  education. See public schools, desegregation of

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  advice to LBJ

  civil rights bill and

  MLK and

  role in desegregation of public schools in Little Rock

  Ellender, Allen

  Emancipation Proclamation

  Engle, Clair

  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

  civil rights bill and

  Dirksen and

  RFK on

  Equal Rights Amendment

  Ervin, Sam

  civil rights bill and

  praise for RFK

  Evers, Medgar

  Face the Nation

  Fair Employment Practices Commission

  Fair Housing Act of 1968

  Fair Labor Standards Act

  Farmer, James

  civil rights bill and

  Freedom Riders and

  on JFK

  Farr, Frank

  Fauntroy, Walter

  Fehmer, Marie

  Ferris, Charles

  Fifteenth Amendment


  Filvaroff, David

  Fitzgerald, Ella

  Fitzgerald, John F. (“Honey Fitz”)


  Flynn, Clyde

  Foley, William

  Ford, Gerald R.

  Forman, Jim

  Foster, Stephen

  Fourteenth Amendment

  Freedom Riders

  Freeman, Orville

  Friedan, Betty

  Frye, David

  Fulbright, William

  Gallant Men (Dirksen)

  Garland, Judy

  Garner, James

  Genovese, Kitty

  Giancana, Sam

  Gilbert, Ben

  Glenn, John

  Goldberg, Arthur

  Goldman, Eric F.

  Goldstein, E. Ernest

  Goldwater, Barry

  Goodell, Charles

  Goodman, Andrew

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns

  Goodwin, Richard

  Gore, Albert, Sr.

  Graham, Billy

  Green, Edith

  Green, William

  Greene, Harold

  Gregory, Dick

  Griffin, Marvin

  Griffin, Robert

  Griffith, Andy

  Griffiths, Martha

  Gruening, Ernest

  Guthman, Ed

  Gwirtzman, Milt

  Haley, James A.

  Haley, Nikki

  Halleck, Charles Abraham

  background of

  civil rights bill and

  death of

  foreign aid appropriations bill and

  JFK and

  LBJ and

  March on Washington and

  reaction to JFK’s assassination

  at signing of civil rights bill

  Hamilton, James

  Hand, Lloyd

  Hansberry, Lorraine

  Harriman, Averell

  Harris, Louis

  Harris, Oren

  Hart, Philip

  Hartsfield, William

  Hatcher, Andrew

  Hatcher, Avery

  Hayden, Carl

  Haygood, Atticus

  Hebert, F. Edward

  Hesburgh, Theodore

  Heston, Charlton

  Hickenlooper, Bourke

  high school graduation rates

  Hill, Lister

  Hodges, Luther

  Hoeven, Charles

  Hoffa, Jimmy

  Holder, Eric

  Holland, E. L.

  Holland, Spessard

  Holtzman, Elizabeth

  Hood, James

  Hoover, Herbert

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Baker inquiry and

  investigation of missing civil rights workers

  JFK and

  Levision and

  MLK and

  RFK and

  at signing of civil rights bill

  Hope, Bob

  Horn, Stephen

  Horne, Lena

  House Rules Committee. See also civil rights bill H.R. 7152

  housing, discrimination in

  Hovde, Frederick

  Hruska, Roman

  Hugo, Victor

  Hulsey, Byron

  Humphrey, Hubert, Sr.

  Humphrey, Hubert Horatio, Jr.

  background of

  Biemiller’s letter to

  civil rights bill and

  death of

  JFK and

  LBJ and

  March on Washington and

  presidential campaign of

  on reaction to JFK assassination

  at signing of civil rights bill

  on Wallace

  Humphrey, Muriel

  Humphrey, Robert

  I’ll Cry Tomorrow (J. Richard Kennedy)

  Inouye, Daniel

  integration. See desegregation

  Jackson, Mahalia

  Javits, Jacob

  Jenkins, Walter

  Johnson, Claudia Alta (“Lady Bird”)

  demonstrators treatment of

  on Emancipation Proclamation

  at joint session in the House

  LBJ’s courtship of

  on night of JFK assassination

  on Russell

  at signing of civil rights bill

  on Whittington

  Johnson, L. W. (“Gator”)

  Johnson, Luci

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines

  after JFK assassination

  background of

  Baker inquiry and

  Brooks and

  civil rights bill and

  Cuban Missile Crisis and

  death of

  Dirksen and

  evolving views on civil rights

  foreign aid appropriations bill and

  on Halleck

  hiring of Whittington

  JFK and

  as JFK’s running mate

  management style of

  MLK and

  personality of

  reelection as president

  RFK and

  Russell and

  on Senate

  swearing-in of

  tax bill and

  vice presidency of

  Vietnam and

  Voting Rights Act and

  Johnson, Paul

  Johnson, Sam Houston

  Johnston, Felton (“Skeeter”)

  Johnston, Olin

  Jones, Clarence

  Justice Department

  Kastenmeier, Robert

  Katzenbach, Nicholas

  background of

  civil rights bill and

  on Halleck

  on Hoover memo

  on LBJ

  March on Washington and

  Meredith and

  on RFK

  on Thompson

  Keating, Kenneth

  Kefauver, Estes

  Kelly, Edna F.

  Kelsey, John

  Kempton, Murray

  Kennedy, Caroline

  Kennedy, Cornelius (“Neal”)

  Kennedy, Edward M. (“Ted”)

  Kennedy, Ethel

  Kennedy, J. Richard

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  JFK assassination and

  letter to McCulloch

  on MLK

  Kennedy, Jean

  Kennedy, John, Jr.

  Kennedy, John Fitzgerald

  assassination of

  campaign for Congress

  campaign in presidential election of 1960

  civil rights and

  civil rights bill and

  on Connor

  discrimination against

  family background of

  Freedom Riders and

  funeral of

  handling of resistance to integration of public schools

  Hoover and

  inauguration of

  interactions with black Americans

  LBJ and

  March on Washington and

  midterm elections in 1962 and

  military background of

  MLK and

  Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and

  Profiles in Courage

  response to bombing of Birmingham church

  response to demonstrations

  RFK and

  sexual indiscretions of

  speech on civil rights bill

  use of hidden tape recorders

  Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr.

  Kennedy, Joseph P., Sr.

  Kennedy, Robert Francis

  assassination of

  as attorney general

  background of

  civil rights bill and

  dinner with prominent black Americans

  Freedom Riders and

  handling of resistance to integration of public schools

  JFK and

  LBJ and

  Levison and

  March on Washington and

  McCarthy and

  midterm elections in 1962 and

  MLK and

  personality of

  on protection of demonstrators

  reaction to JFK assassination

  riots in Birmingham and

  role in JFK’s campaigns

  on Rustin

  signing of civil rights bill and

  on Soviet Union

  Kennedy, Rose

  Kerner, Otto

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kilduff, Malcolm

  Kimball, Robert

  King, A. D.

  King, Coretta Scott

  King, Cyril

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  assassination of

  background of

  bombing at house of

  boycott to desegregate public buses

  civil rights bill and

  desegregation crusade in Albany

  as a figure of controversy

  Freedom Riders and

  Hoover and

  JFK and

  LBJ and

  “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

  march in Detroit

  march in St. Augustine

  March on Washington and

  Nobel Peace Prize and

  RFK and

  at signing of civil rights bill

  Smith on

  Wilkins and

  King, Martin Luther, Sr.

  Kleberg, Richard

  Kopper, Philip

  Krock, Arthur

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kuchel, Thomas

  Laird, Melvin

  Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus

  Leadership Conference on Civil Rights

  Lennon, John

  “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (King)

  Levison, Stanley David

  Lewis, Anthony

  Lewis, John

  on Civil Rights Act of 1964

  civil rights bill and

  March on Washington and

  on Rustin

  Young and

  Libonati, Roland (“Libby”)

  life expectancy rates

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lincoln, Evelyn

  Lindsay, John V.

  Liston, Sonny

  Little Rock

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.

  Loeb, William

  Long, Huey

  Long, Russell

  Lowell, James Russell

  Luce, Clare Boothe

  MacArthur, Douglas

  Macomber, William

  Madden, Ray

  Magnuson, Warren

  Major League Baseball

  Malcolm X

  Malone, Vivian

  Mansfield, Mike

  Baker inquiry and

  civil rights bill and

  efforts to end literacy tests

  March on Washington and

  reaction to JFK assassination

  Teasdale and

  March on Washington (August 28, 1963)

  civil rights bill and

  fiftieth anniversary of

  JFK and
  media coverage of

  participants in

  planning of

  speeches at

  Marshall, Burke

  as assistant attorney general for civil rights

  on Celler and RFK

  civil rights bill and

  March on Washington and

  MLK and

  role in negotiations in Birmingham

  Marshall, George Preston

  Marshall, Thurgood

  Martin, Joseph

  Martin, Louis

  Matthews, D. R.

  May, Catherine

  Mays, Benjamin

  McAdoo, Walter

  McCammon, Vicki

  McCarthy, Joseph R.

  McClellan, John

  McCormack, John

  McCulloch, William M.

  amendments and

  background of

  civil rights bill and

  death of

  during debate on civil rights bill

  on JFK assassination

  March on Washington and

  negotiations about civil rights bill

  opposition to discharge petition plan

  at signing of civil rights bill

  testimony on civil rights bill

  Voting Rights Act and

  McDonald, C. C. (“Charley”)

  McDonald, Dave

  McGovern, George

  McGrory, Mary

  McKinley, William

  McPherson, Harry

  McShane, James

  Meader, George

  Meany, George

  Mechem, Edwin

  Meet the Press

  Meredith, James

  Metcalf, Lee

  Metropolitan Club

  Metz, Joe

  Miller, Jack


  demonstrations in

  Meredith’s admission to University of Mississippi

  murder of civil rights workers in

  resistance to Civil Rights Act of 1964

  Mitchell, Clarence, Jr.

  background of

  Byrd and

  Celler and

  civil rights bill and

  death of

  Dirksen and

  JFK and

  on JFK’s assassination

  LBJ and

  Mitchell, Clarence Maurice

  Mondale, Walter


  Montgomery Improvement Association

  Moore, Arch

  Morgan, Edward P.

  Morgenthau, Robert

  Morse, Wayne

  Morton, Thruston

  Moss, Ted


  Moyers, Bill

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

  Mudd, Roger

  Mundt, Karl

  Murrow, Edward R.

  NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)


  Nasaw, David

  National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  Brown v. Board of Education and

  desegregation of public buses in Montgomery and

  JFK and

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference and

  University of Mississippi and

  National Basketball Association

  National Council of Churches

  National Football League

  National Labor Relations Act

  National School Lunch Act

  National Women’s Party


  Nelson, Dick

  New Orleans

  New York Times

  New Yorker

  Newman, Cecil E.

  Newman, Paul


  Niebuhr, Reinhold

  Nixon, E. D.


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