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The Stage

Page 7

by Jenna Galicki

  Staring at Brandon on the television screen, Tommy realized how much he and Brandon resembled one another. He knew they had a similar appearance, but at a quick glance, it looked like it was he and Angel on the TV screen, instead of Brandon and Angel.

  Tommy sat back and wondered if the resemblance somehow stirred an unconscious attraction in Angel toward Brandon. Maybe the sexual chemistry that Tommy and Angel shared was inadvertently transferred to Brandon on stage. Tommy thought back to when he had first met Angel and when they had first started playing together. Their flirtation and bond had formed on stage through the provocative music and seductive energy they shared. They fell in love on stage in front of the world.

  Today, Angel spent the day with Brandon. Tommy’s husband and his rock star idol shared their love of music without him. He felt upstaged by a man he always viewed as an idol in the genre of music he loved. When you’re constantly the center of another’s attention, and then all of a sudden there’s someone or something else there to replace what the two of you share, it’s crushing. Tommy felt sidelined, and his heart hurt.

  He revisited his romance with Angel and realized that this is how Jessi must have felt when Angel first joined their marriage, only by a thousandfold. It’s why he had resisted the relationship with Angel in the beginning, but love won out and he couldn’t deny his feelings.

  Their triad hadn’t always been balanced the way it is now. Their relationship had needed time to evolve into the rock it is today. In the beginning, there had been an adjustment period, and it was Jessi who had the hardest time. She’s the one who had suffered the most. Tommy’s heart sank to the floor, and he felt ill. The guilt still ripped his insides apart, and the nagging fear that he had betrayed Jessi by falling in love with Angel haunted him once again. He thought he was finally over it. He thought it was behind him, but the guilt never fully goes away.

  Everyone thought he had it easy. That he was spoiled by the love of both a man and a woman. He was their prince, as Angel had coronated him when they had first met. In truth, it was a heavy crown to wear. He knew how lucky he was. He was probably the luckiest man on the planet. Jessi and Angel possessed pure unselfishness in sharing him, but he still struggled to make sure they knew he loved them both equally. He leaned his head back on the couch and blinked back the moisture that filled his eyes.

  Engrossed in sketching on her iPad, Jessi never looked up when Tommy entered the bedroom. “Did you pick a movie?” she asked. “This design just hit me when I saw the way Tessa dressed her doll, and I wanted to sketch it out while it’s fresh in my head. I’m almost—”

  Tommy cut her off with a hug. He buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent and remembering the first time he had lain eyes on her across a football field in college. He had fallen in love almost immediately, and he never wanted to spend a day apart. “I love you so much, Jessi.”

  She wasn’t prepared for the emotional embrace and traced a soothing hand down his back. “I love you too, baby. What’s going on?”

  “I . . . I don’t even know where to begin.” He pulled back so he could look into her pale blue-gray eyes.

  She stared back at him with concern, trying to read the pain in his gaze.

  Tommy exhaled a deep breath. “Do you remember when it was just me and you? Before we were married? Before . . . the threesomes?”

  “Of course I remember.” The corners of her mouth curled up into a smile. “We were so young. And so in love.”

  “Do you ever think about what our lives would be like if we stuck it out? By ourselves?”

  “I used to. But it hasn’t crossed my mind in a very long time.” She held his face between her palms and leaned closer so their faces were a few inches apart. “Are you seriously going there again? After all these years? I love you, Tommy, more than anyone could love another human being. And I have that same love for Angel. I love you even more for bringing him into my life. He gave me Tessa. He was the missing puzzle piece to our lives. We weren’t completely happy when it was just the two of us. There was something missing. We both felt it. And that missing piece was Angel. We needed him in order to make us whole. Don’t you see? It was destiny for the three of us to become a family.”

  She kissed him, and it was so full of love that it made everything in the world right. She was his rock. She was the one who always kept him centered and grounded. “Are you sure? You’d tell me the truth, wouldn’t you?”

  “You know I’d never lie to you. I have everything I’ve ever wanted. I’m blessed. I’m happier than I ever thought possible. Our life is perfect.”

  The edges of Tommy’s lips curled into a tiny smile. “Our life is pretty fucking perfect.”

  The muffled sound of the guitar filtered in from the other room with the familiar sound of Metallica. Tommy looked toward the music and let out a small chuckle. It was Lucas, who he thought was already asleep. Damn, he loved that his kid loved Metallica as much as he did.

  “What’s he still doing up? Playing the guitar at this hour?” Jessi asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ll go check.” Tommy went to his son’s room and knocked once before he opened the door.

  Lucas never looked up. He had the same concentration that Jessi just had when she was sketching. His eyes were on the strings of his acoustic Fender. His fingers meticulously held each chord, and his guitar pic struck each string with precision.

  Angel was sitting on the edge of the bed bobbing his head to the music and singing the lyrics at a soft pitch. He turned halfway, looked at Tommy and smiled. “Our boy decided he wanted me to sing him a bedtime lullaby while he accompanied me on the guitar.”

  Tommy laughed. “Enter Sandman? Nice choice, Lucas. Finish up and go to sleep, little man. It’s late. When you’re done, A, come find me and Jessi.”

  The little spark that flared behind Angel’s dark eyes indicated he knew exactly what Tommy had in mind. Tommy shut the door to Lucas’ room and returned to Jessi.

  “You’re back.” Jessi placed her tablet on the nightstand and folded her legs underneath her. “I was just about to join you in the living room.”

  A naughty grin spread across Tommy’s face, and he crawled up to Jessi from the foot of the bed. She let out a whimsical laugh and threw her head back as he nuzzled her neck and nipped at her earlobe. Her legs snaked around his waist, and her crossed ankles locked him inside a circle of heaven.

  The door opened and closed quickly. Angel’s heavy footsteps crossed the room, and he dove onto the bed. He grabbed Tommy’s face between his hands and pressed a forceful kiss onto Tommy’s mouth. His tongue swirled in an impatient circle, then he placed a lust-filled kiss onto Jessi’s lips.

  Tommy shifted his weight so he was between his two loves. This is where he wanted them – underneath him, so he could shower them with his affection. He traced one hand over Jessi’s breast and the other down Angel’s leg. The hard denim and soft cotton made Tommy wonder why they were all still dressed. He sat back on his knees and pulled his T-shirt over his head.

  The three of them quickly discarded their clothing and rolled together on the bed, their arms and legs intertwined. Jessi’s lips were on Tommy’s neck, Angel’s mouth was on Jessi’s shoulder, and Tommy’s tongue traced a trail across Angel’s chest. Their love created an infinite circle that tied them together. Tommy found himself on his back with Jessi and Angel on either side of him, each stroking and petting his body. He sat up and tried to turn around so he could bestow his love on the both of them, but Jessi pulled him back down to the mattress. He tried to get up again, and this time Angel tugged him back down on the bed. They each covered his neck with kisses and his chest with caresses.

  He exhaled a deep breath, overheated by the passion coursing through him. “Wait.” He lifted his shoulders in a feeble attempt to escape their sensual thirst. “I want to show the two of you how much I love you.” He felt them both smile against his skin, but they ignored his meager protest.

  Jessi slid down between hi
s legs, while Angel gave him another potent kiss. The bed dipped and bounced as Jessi hopped off the mattress.

  “Where are you going,” Tommy asked, barely able to speak around Angel’s authoritative tongue.

  “I’m just getting some toys.”

  “Bring the big dildo,” Angel said in a singsong voice.

  The thought of penetration with the extra-large rubber appendage brought a smile to Tommy’s lips. “Don’t forget the lube.”

  “Never.” Jessi returned to the bed with three purple sashes, a giant flesh-colored dildo, and a large tube of lubricating jelly.

  All of Tommy’s senses were tingling at the sight of tonight’s playthings, and his cock was God damn vertical.

  Angel and Jessi each took a sash and loosely tied Tommy’s wrists to the headboard. He watched them, the anticipation making his heart race and his legs twitch. When another sash blocked out his vision, the sound of his blood pumping filled his ears. Unable to see what they were going to do to him made visions run wild in his head. He imagined them covering the dildo with lube, preparing it for insertion. Wet sucking sounds and light moans indicated that Jessi and Angel were kissing. Low whispering told Tommy that they were scheming their plan of attack.

  A set of soft hands stroked Tommy’s inner thigh, then drew on his cock – Jessi. Strong lips sucked on Tommy’s right nipple – Angel. Their touch was singular and identifiable, opposite and contrasting in their individual mannerisms. Jessi’s light touch and puckered lips counterbalanced Angel’s powerful and demanding mouth and hands. The constant clash of hard and soft continually sent Tommy’s hormones swarming in every direction.

  The tug of Angel’s lips on Tommy’s nipple and the succulent pull of Jessi’s mouth on Tommy’s cock had him already on the verge of coming. “Oh, fuuuck. You both know exactly how to touch me.” He let out a heavy sigh and shuddered, fighting the orgasm that threatened to break him so easily.

  Just when he was about to give up, surrender to the bliss that had him on the edge of ecstasy, Jessi and Angel both removed their mouths and hands. A whimper slipped from Tommy’s throat and his muscles went slack. Panting heavily from holding back his orgasm, he listened to the noises around him.

  A light giggle from both Jessi and Angel made the blood rush through Tommy’s veins. The dildo. Please let them be getting ready to use the dildo! Tommy lifted his hips and rotated his pelvis, offering his bottom as well as he could with his hands secured to the headboard.

  “Do you want me to untie you?” Angel asked.

  Tommy hesitated. He loved being restrained, but it left him either on his back or on his stomach. “Yeah,” he decided. “But keep the blindfold on.” Darkness offered the element of surprise and let his imagination soar.

  Angel removed the sashes from Tommy’s wrists. They weren’t tight, and the smooth satin never left a mark, but Angel’s lips soothed the area anyway. His succulent kisses left wetness and a surprising tickle in the delicate erogenous zone.

  Jessi ran a smooth hand underneath Tommy’s butt, and he turned so he was lying on his side. This was his favorite position. It allowed him to offer his front and his back to both of his spouses.

  “Kiss me,” Tommy whispered. Angel’s mouth covered Tommy’s with a fiery heat. A hot, thick tongue invaded Tommy’s mouth with a demanding hunger and took its fill.

  Angel pulled away and Jessi took his place. Her mouth was cool and fresh and her breath blew passion across Tommy’s cheeks. While her tongue lapped at Tommy’s, Angel’s slicked fingers invaded the crevice between Tommy’s butt cheeks, causing his breath to hitch. He felt Jessi’s lips smile against his mouth.

  “You like that, don’t you?” she asked, coyly. “You love when Angel sticks his finger in your bottom, don’t you?”

  “You know I do.” Tommy grunted. “But his finger’s not inside me. He’s only teasing me. Driving me fucking crazy by playing with my hole.”

  Angel let out a small laugh.

  “Angel’s being naughty,” Jessi said sternly. The bed dipped and then the sound of a sharp slap, followed by a gasp, filled Tommy’s ears with rhapsody. He imagined the red mark across Angel’s butt, delivered by Jessi’s angry hand – and Tommy wanted one just like it. He ran his teeth over his bottom lip, hoping to get a scalding slap without asking. The anticipation and silent begging had butterflies sailing through his stomach. “Can I have one? I’ve been bad, too.”

  “Oh, you haven’t been bad, Tommy. You’ve been good,” Jessi said. “So fucking good.” The slap caught Tommy off guard. It seared his buttocks like a hot poker and sent a shockwave of electricity careening through his lower half. A wet mouth on Tommy’s cock delivered a bolt of pleasure that collided with the stinging sensations of the harsh crack across his bottom. It was a twister of hot and cold. A burn of pain and gratification.

  Angel’s fingers were back, separating Tommy’s butt cheeks, but this time he pushed a digit deep inside. Tommy sucked in a breath and let out a long sigh, overcome by the different sensations. Two fingers were inside him now, stretching and opening the muscle, while Jessi continued to suck his cock.

  Something nudged at Tommy’s bottom. At first, he thought it was a third finger, covered in lube to ease its entry. Then he remembered the dildo, and he held his breath. His blood raced, eager and impatient.

  Angel’s fingers slipped out and the dildo slipped inside. Tommy sighed and moaned as the rubber cock pushed deeper. Angel pulled it back a few inches, then inserted it further. Twisting, churning, jiggling, and jerking against the hard muscles inside his bottom, it was paradise.

  Jessi continued her oral attack on his cock while she tugged and massaged his balls. It was an overload of stimulation. A wonderland of joyous sensations. He grabbed the sheets in his fists and turned his head from side to side, tangling his long hair into knots. “Oh My God. My body feels like it’s going to combust. My nerve endings are jumping like they’re on fire. Oh, fuuuuck.”

  Jessi and Angel both removed themselves from Tommy’s body. He was vacant, begging for contact. He slipped the sash from his eyes and tried to focus. Two sets of lips were on his mouth, and a pair of delicious tongues flavored his palate.

  “I love you both so much,” Tommy whispered.

  “And we love you.”

  “So, so much.”

  Blood rushed through Tommy’s chest. He sprung to his knees and turned Jessi around so she was facing the headboard. He caressed her beautiful taut ass with the palms of his hands before he entered her from behind. She gasped at the sudden penetration, and he grunted from the warmth and tightness around his shaft. He moved his hips slowly back and forth and then stilled to present his bottom to his husband.

  Angel knelt on the bed and watched, but made no move to participate.

  “What are you doing?” Tommy asked, impatient to be filled by the man he loved.

  “Mmm. I think I want to fuck our wife tonight.”

  Jessi’s head spun around, a smile on her lips and an eyebrow arched high. “Lucky me.”

  Tommy loved sharing, but both Jessi and Angel had toyed with his bottom mercilessly leaving him begging for penetration. He stuck his bottom lip out and sulked. “Then who’s gonna fuck me?”

  “Both me and Jessi will. A large phallic-shaped toy slipped inside Tommy, causing him to grunt. “Would you like to do the honors, sweetheart?” Angel passed a small remote control over Tommy’s shoulder to Jessi.

  “I’d love to.” She took it, adjusted a dial and pressed a button.

  The appendage inside Tommy’s bottom came to life with a wild hum. It wiggled and moved while it vibrated with a rumble that could drown out a Harley. It hit all of Tommy’s nerve endings, making him twitch and buck wildly. His hips thrust savagely into Jessi, which made her grab onto the headboard tightly and moan.

  “Hold on.” Angel snatched the remote from Jessi and turned off the bliss that occupied Tommy’s bottom. “You’re both having too much fun without me. We need to reposition ourselves so ou
r wife is in the middle.”

  A shuddering sigh escaped Tommy. Since Angel would be penetrating Jessi from the front, it meant he’d be taking her by the back door. It was euphoric to be in the middle, to be the giver and the receiver, but tonight’s position would be pure nirvana. He quickly spun around, the rubber dick still dangling from his butt. Angel lied down on the bed so Jessi could straddle him. Tommy placed his hand on her hips, alongside Angel’s and watched his husband’s face as their wife lowered herself onto him. Jessi’s head fell back as Angel entered her, and Angel’s eyes fluttered. Witnessing the two of them, watching without touching or being touched, sent a shiver through Tommy’s body. His cock tingled and he clenched his butt cheeks. He never knew visual stimulation could be so euphoric. He could probably come just from the voyeuristic show, but he’d much rather participate.

  He was gentle with Jessi, making sure she had sufficient lubrication and stretching her with his fingers before he entered her. She was tight . . . so gloriously fucking tight. Angel pumped his hips, filling Jessi from the front while Tommy filled her from the back. The three of them were linked together, body to body, connected by an intoxicating high.

  Suddenly, without warning, the toy in his bottom jumped and reverberated. It made him jolt his hips forward, causing Jessi to grunt and bounce on Angel’s cock. The vibration shook Tommy through to his core. His bottom lit up with pulsating energy. Electricity had him shaking with ecstasy. He hammered his hips into Jessi, who, in turn, rode Angel like a wild bronco. Through heavy gasping breaths, Tommy caught sight of Angel over Jessi shoulder. So it was Angel who wielded the remote control, turning the intensity all the way up as he reaped the benefits from Jessi’s spasmic thrusts. What a deliciously devious ulterior motive.

  Jessi was the first to come. She dug the palms of her hands into Angel’s chest and lifted her hips. Shuddering breaths, rigid thighs, she let out a long moan while she quivered with rapture. Tommy couldn’t hold out any longer and let the sensations overtake him. His mind was buzzing. He was floating, dizzy with a dreamlike stupor. Soaring sky-high, he thrusted his hips forward and backwards while he emptied himself into his wife’s bottom. Angel came last, with a grunt and legs extended like tree trunks. Slowly, Tommy came down to reality and caught his breath. He and Jessi both rolled onto the bed, each falling on either side of Angel.


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