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The Deal (The Fallen Angel Series Book 1)

Page 23

by S C Cunningham

  Pyke tilted his head, patiently waiting for further explanation.

  Jack continued. “They’re not dead or anything…although, admittedly a few will not look the same or be able to piss in a straight line again, but hey…they’re alive.”

  “The Bosses aren’t fools, we’ve been a little too proactive recently, and we may have been found out.” Pyke shook his head. “This is not good. For some reason the Unit is being watched like a hawk at the moment. Someone tried to hack us. It seems they’ve gathered your files and may be planning to use them against Maggie. Our moonlighting could get us closed down.”

  “But we’re here to dish out karma, protect the weak and all that. Sometimes you can’t be all politically correct with these shits. They aren’t. So why should we be?” moaned Amy.

  “I’m so gonna scratch that onto your tomb stone, Miss Fox.” Jack teased in a squeaky voice. “They don’t play by the rules, so why should we.” Giving the mock-offended Amy a playful punch to the shoulder, she punched right back.

  “This is not funny guys.” Pyke put his hands on his hips and squared up to Jack. “I also know about your soldier saving mischief. The US, Iraq and Syrian Units are asking questions. You can’t go around teleporting tanks away from land mines, or redirecting missiles into the sea. For fucks sake, when do you find the time, do you ever take a rest?”

  Jack gave a little boy ‘but I can’t help it’ shrug.

  Pyke shook his head. “I can’t keep covering up for you guys. I’m gonna come clean with Maggie. I feel bad. She trusted me to keep an eye on stuff. It was all well and good, going rogue for a while. We got good shit done and our figures were good. But now that someone has the information, they may use it against us. Maggie will have a battle on her hands to keep this place open. If she’s gonna win, she needs to know what she’s up against. Sorry, guys. We may all be out of a job.”

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  The office door slammed open to the sound of shouting. Jack, Amy, and Pyke all flipped around to determine the source. Pyke quickly closed his screens.

  Maggie stormed into the office with Mara following her, yelling and arguing nonstop at each other.

  “You’re sick,” Mara spat. “Why are you trying to blame everything on me? What about your blue-eyed boy? It’s OK for Jack to kill Amy, but—”

  Maggie lost her cool, spun round, and slapped Mara hard in the face.


  The room stood quiet, shocked at Maggie’s loss of control.

  “Jack didn’t kill Amy,” she whispered. “I did.”

  Maggie slumped, turned away from Mara, and walked slowly to her desk. Everyone stared in disbelief, the room so quiet one could hear a feather drop. They stared at her, dumbfounded, speechless. She kept her face downward, avoiding eye contact.

  Mara rubbed her sore cheek and followed her with narrow eyes.

  “What?” Pyke spoke first, shaking his head. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Yes, Pyke, it’s a long story.” She took a deep breath. “When I was working undercover at MI6, I was tracking a rogue insider, a traitor. He was a manipulative man. I fell in love with him. God help me. I found myself with an unplanned pregnancy, and if caught, I could lose my job. He tried to blackmail me into working with him, using our relationship as a weapon to ruin my career and supply information to adversaries. I came clean to one of my bosses. I was a good recruit; everyone said I showed promise, so he was kind to me.” She stepped around her desk and sat down, feeling the weight of what she was about to say.

  The team moved slowly to join her. They surrounded her desk, standing in silence. She continued.

  “Against the rules, my boss risked his job packing me off to a remote village in Scotland under the guise I was on another undercover job. He said I could give birth to my child, but no one must know…to keep it safe from the traitor. The child was adopted for her own protection. I was allowed to name her, but not know where she was. It nearly broke me to do it, but I had no choice. I feared for my child’s life. The traitor was capable of doing anything; he had no soul, no empathy, no moral compass. He wouldn’t think twice about killing, even his own child, to get what he wanted.”

  The four stood in silence, listening to her story, witnessing her pain in telling it. Maggie reached out for Pyke’s cup of tea. He gave it gladly. “It’s a teabag, I’m afraid, but you’re welcome,” he offered.

  She grabbed it and knocked the soothing drink back on one slurp. Holding the warm cup with two hands, she stared into it, gathering her thoughts. Micael had advised her to be truthful with her Unit, that secrets would only weaken them and prevent strength as a team. Taking a deep breath, she continued.

  “I then came back into the fold a year later and carried on with my career. The traitor seemed to have disappeared, but I lived in fear he would come back to haunt me, that he would find out about the child. I need not have worried. Years later, I heard the info I had given about him resulted in his execution. One of the gunrunning regimes he was involved in took him out.”

  Jack offered her the remnants of his tea. Maggie reached out accepted it with a grateful smile. She knocked it back with another slurp. They waited for her to carry on.

  “Losing my child like that has burdened me my entire life. I never had a proper relationship after that. I threw myself into work, being a mother to the child from afar. I kept an eye on her from a distance, kept her safe. When I found out the traitor had died, I just couldn’t upset the child’s life. By then, she was an adult with great adoptive parents. I kept putting off making contact. Until it was too late.”

  “After I died, I regretted terribly not telling my child I loved her and was proud of her. When I arrived up here, I found I could still keep an eye out, so it was bearable.”

  Unable to look her team in the eye, she slowly spun her chair around and faced the window instead. Her eyes followed the swaying field of white clouds. Her voiced cracked as she said, “I was at the train station when Amy died. You were there too, Jack. So was he…the traitor,” she whispered.

  The boys looked at Amy. Amy’s jaw dropped open.

  “Are…are you…are you my mother?” she stuttered, pulling her hand to her mouth.


  “Yes.” Tears welled in Maggie’s eyes as she watched the white clouds swirl.

  Amy took a sharp intake of breath.

  “And you pushed me?”

  “What a bitch,” piped up Mara. “Some mother.”

  Jack and Pyke shut her down with a stare. The office doors slammed open, and the smell of cigar smoke wafted in as Gregori strode into the room.

  “Do tell, Maggie…do tell. Did you push her?”

  “Who the hell are you?” asked Amy.

  “He’s the one who’s been following us,” sneered Jack. “What are you doing here?”

  Maggie turned her chair to face Mara.

  “You were there, too, weren’t you, Mara.”



  “I didn’t even know Amy,” Mara spluttered.

  “Oh, yes you did! After Jack died, you took up a new obsession…following Amy.”

  Mara stepped back from the table, moving herself away from the other three. All gazes focused on her with suspicion.

  Maggie spoke softly, controlled. “I’m the reason Amy died, because I didn’t stop you. You stood behind her in the crowd, dressed as an old lady; you pushed her in the back. It all happened too fast for any of us to stop it.”

  “You bitch!” whispered Amy, glaring at Mara.

  When Jack lunged towards her, Pyke grabbed his arm and held him back.

  Maggie continued.

  “You picked the wrong girl to kill, Mara. Oh yes, I’m happy she’s here, but Gregori wants her to go back. He wants me punished. He wants to hurt me, to steal her away from me, cut my precious time with her. He wants her gone. She is in danger here.”

  Amy shook her head confused.

  “So, the bitch i
s my killer? You are my mother? And the traitor is my father?”

  She looked across at Gregori’s burning cigar. “You’ve been following me, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, dear child. I’m your daddy,” he said with a spiteful grin, eyeing her up and down as if appraising her. “I sent lilies to your funeral. Did you like them?”

  Jack’s strength outdid Pyke’s. He broke loose and lunged at Gregori.

  “A traitor! I might have known,” he spat as Pyke regained his grip and yanked Jack back.

  Amy stared, open mouthed, looking from one to the other, her new family. She felt dizzy. This was crazy. Jack shook free of Pyke and grabbed Amy’s shoulders. Grateful, she let her weight fall into his body.

  “Tell her, Maggie…tell her,” sneered Gregori, enjoying the show.

  Maggie stood up from her chair and leaned forward on her desk, tears in her eyes.

  “You have to leave us, Amy. You can come up here again when I’m gone. But not now, or he will drag you down with him, below earth, and close the Unit. I have to give you up, again.”

  “She can’t leave,” offered Jack. “I’ll take her place.”

  Mara gave out a dramatic sigh.

  “Oh, for god’s sake,” she walked over to Gregori and stood beside him. “Daddy, get me out of here. I’ve had enough of this drivel.”

  “What?” asked Jack, horrified. “He’s your father?”

  “Yes, from another hussy I shagged,” Gregori bragged. “Women are so easy. I’ve been the sperm donor for a few kids down there. But Mara is my favourite. It’s a shame she had to fall in love with a loser like you, Jack, but for her bad taste in men, I would never have found Amy or Maggie. You brought me right to them. I thank you for that.” He shifted to face Maggie.

  “And once I discovered your obsessive interest in Amy, I put two and two together…sweet name choice by the way…Rod Stewart’s Maggie May was one of our favourite songs, I used to sing it to you…remember? Amy is an anagram of May. How quaint. I’m touched. You always were an old romantic, Mags.”

  Maggie dropped her head. Their love had been heady and all-consuming. She winced at the memory. How could she have ever loved him? Gregori read her mind. He stepped closer. The others parted as he stood at the edge of her desk, looking across at her.

  “We were good once, weren’t we?” he said softly. “You were my angel for a while.” He leaned forward, reaching out his hand to stroke the side of her face. She closed her eyes.

  Jack stepped in. “Don’t you dare touch her,” he bellowed.

  Gregori dropped his hand to his side, the moment gone.

  “There has to be a way of sorting this out, of coming to an agreement,” offered Pyke.

  “No agreement. Are you kidding? I’ve waited for decades for this moment. You shouldn’t have told on me, Maggie. I will never forgive you for that. They sliced my face. They did this to me.” He thrust his scarred jaw at her.

  “They had a lot of fun before they finished me off. Do you want to know what my last words were?” He jutted his head closer to hers, and when she didn’t answer, he told her anyway. “I cursed your name. I will not rest until I repay you. Since death isn’t an option, taking the things you love is. She’s going back. You have two hours.”

  “You bastard,” growled Jack.

  “It’s not my fault she’s here,” snapped Gregori. “I didn’t know she did the deal. But I suppose she is her mother’s daughter. A do-gooder, through and through.”

  “And what about being a good father? Being a man?” yelled Jack.

  “Blah de blah, Jack, blah de bloody blah.” Gregori gave a dismissive wave of his hand. “I’m bored now, goodbye.”

  Gregori grabbed Mara’s hand and walked out of the office. A chill swept their ankles as father and daughter left the room.

  It suddenly struck Maggie how alike the two were; both tall, striking, dark-haired creatures with piercing black eyes. How did she not see it?

  Jack, Pyke, and Amy watched Maggie as she slumped back into her chair and leaned over her desk, her face hidden by her hands as she quietly sobbed.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

  “What does he mean he’ll take me below earth, what is that?” asked Amy.

  She leaned on the desk, hovering over Maggie. She was shocked at finding her biological parents, learning that Mara was her stepsister, and that Mara had killed her. It was a lot to take in. Her world had just been tipped upside down.

  “…and we’re stepsisters…fuck!”

  “You don’t want to go below earth,” muttered Pyke.

  “Why, what is it?”

  “Well, you know there is a yin and yang to everything. That place is the opposite to here. It’s hell. Not good. Trust me.”

  “Amy, I’m sorry to put you through this. You have to go back.”

  “But I’m not done here yet. He can’t make me go. Surely good wins over evil and all that crap. I can beat him. Isn’t that how it goes?”

  “No, not always that easy. You must go. You can come back later when it’s your right time to die and re-join the Unit then.”

  “But I don’t want to…” She looked at Jack for help. “I want to stay here. Hey, I’ve just found my mum and a bloke I fancy. Do you know how hard it is to find a good man?” She forced a weak smile, but they were having none of it.

  “I’ll be here when you come back,” muttered Jack.

  “I’ll make sure his extension request gets accepted,” Maggie nodded.

  “But it could take years. I could be ninety!”

  “I don’t care. I’ll wait, besides time is nothing here. It’ll go in a flash. We’ll be OK.”

  “But I’ll be old and ugly by then, and you won’t look at me twice.”

  “Don’t be stupid Amy,” Jack shook his head. “It’s you, your laughter, your wild stubborn energy, the way you make me feel, that I love. I’ve always loved you. We fit. I like who I am with you. That’s all there is to it.

  “So, it’s all about you,” she said. A teasing smile cheered her face.

  “I made a pact as a little boy, and I’m gonna keep it.”

  Amy moved forward to hold him, but he stepped back, placing an outstretched hand between them.

  “Don’t, don’t make this any harder than it is already.”

  Amy retreated. “This is ridiculous, who the fuck does he think he is bossy us around?” She looked to Maggie.

  Pyke saw a light flashing on one of his screens and rushed to check it out.

  “And what about you, Maggie? If he gets his way, I won’t be able to see you again, get to know my own mother.”

  “Exactly, that’s what he wants.”

  “He can’t do that.”

  “Look… I’ve spent precious time with you. I’m grateful for that. I will protect you. I love you. I’m proud of the woman you’ve become. It’s a price I’m willing to pay. Thank you for not moaning about giving you up for adoption. You understand why, don’t you?”

  “Hey, I can’t complain. I had a great life and you gave me that chance. To know you were protecting me from that little shit, and that you gave me the best you could…what’s to moan about? Life’s way too short…literally.” She shrugged. Maggie smiled up at her.

  “Hey, look at me being all grown up and philosophical,” Amy teased as she walked around the desk and pulled Maggie to her feet. She wrapped her arms around her mother and held her tight.

  “Thank you for being my mum. You rock. I’m proud of you. You do have lousy taste in men though. We’re gonna have to talk about that…Gregori…I ask you.”

  She looked across at Pyke, her eyes pleading. “Are there any ways out of this Einstein?”

  He shook his head. “I’ll need to work on it. At the moment, you have no choice, so do as he asks. It will stall him whilst we find a way to get you back and keep everyone safe.” He saw tears build in Amy’s eyes. “It’s shit, I know, but it may only be for a short time. We’ll find a way. Promise.”
br />   Amy nodded. “The bastard! OK, but you’d better crack on with it. Don’t forget about me stuck down there.”

  “How could I forget you? You’re gonna keep us busy, I’m sure.” He looked sheepishly at her. “I’m gonna miss you though…and Jack’s gonna be a nightmare.”

  Lights began to flash on Pyke’s screen. He reached over and converted files.

  Amy took a deep breath.

  “OK, I’ll do it, on three provisos. One, you guys work your arses off to find a way to fight Gregori and get me back here ASAP. Two, the three of you will be here when I get back. And three, you let me win the lottery big time. I’m gonna set up child abuse and animal protection charities. It’ll keep me busy until I get back. Oh, and four, Dick Parker is mine to deal with. I haven’t finished with him yet.”

  “I haven’t even started on him yet,” muttered Maggie under her breath.

  “What?” asked Amy, straining to hear her.

  “It’s a deal,” agreed Maggie.

  “A deal,” Pyke seconded.

  Jack couldn’t stand it, he turned to walk out of the room.

  “Hang on a minute, Jack,” said Pyke, scanning through pages of text.“Before you go, I’ve got one last job for the pair of you. Jack, get back here.” He tapped out some text and pressed send. “You’ve just been sent the coordinates. We don’t have much time.”

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  Brighton, UK

  With heavy hearts, Jack and Amy walked the length of the luxury penthouse balcony. Neither felt like working. They were too wound up in their own little worlds. This would be their last job together for God knows how long.

  Amy couldn’t get her head around what was happening. Father or not, she wanted to track Gregori down and kick the shit out of him. And Maggie was her mother, Amy smiled. Awesome, the woman is uber cool. And as for Mara…

  But right now she had the rest of the team to think about. They needed to play the long game and work something out. For once it was not in her hands, not in her control, it felt uncomfortable. A gust of wind blew her hair off her shoulders and across her face, taking her mind off the madness. She turned to face the view below her.


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