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The Deal (The Fallen Angel Series Book 1)

Page 28

by S C Cunningham

  “Oh that, yes.” She’d seen a few clips on the news, but didn’t know the full details.

  “The police have been conducting a search and interrogating residents, but they haven’t found anything. They’ve only just cleared off today. Made a right mess, they did.”

  “Did you mention another girl?”


  “You said you told the other girl.”

  “Oh, yes, the shy one.” He pointed outside to a park bench across the street. “She’s still there. She doesn’t believe Mr. Smythson doesn’t live here either. She looks a bit out of it, if you ask me, on drugs or something.”

  Amy peered through the reception doors to spy on a figure curled up on the park bench all alone, wearing a dark coat and woollen hat, hunched over, rocking rhythmically.

  “Sorry to have bothered you.”

  “No problem. Goodbye, miss. And if I might say, he’s a fool to have strung you along. Best you find out now, I say.”

  Amy forced a grin. “Ahhh, you may be right. He did have bad breath anyway.” She half giggled, winking at the guard. If there was any consolation, she had her friend Jack now. She didn’t need bollocky James, or whoever he was.

  She left the building and took a detour across the road to the bench. The girl raised her head, her gaze half hidden, her features vague. The closer Amy approached, the more nervous the girl became, rocking and visibly trembling beneath her coat.

  “Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here?” Amy asked, using polite, reassuring intonations, demonstrating her nonthreatening intentions.

  Silently, the girl scooted to the end of the bench, acting uncomfortable, wrapping her arms around her body as if she needed to protect herself from being touched.

  “It’s OK,” she whispered, her voice weak.

  Amy sat with her back erect against the cold bench, her eyes fixated on the apartment building she’d just visited. She took a few sly peeks at the girl, trying to assess her, but her hat prevented seeing her face. The girl trembled, her foot constantly tapped the air. Anxious fingers scratched at her jacket sleeve, as if soothing an itch through the material. She waited a moment to let the girl adjust to her presence.

  “Cold out, isn’t it?”

  The girl’s head shifted slightly. Amy caught her taking a quick glance at her, but she still couldn’t see her clearly. She didn’t answer.

  “Have you ever been in that big apartment building?” She’d try a different angle.

  The woman started to shake her head but then gave a short nod.

  “I don’t suppose you know James Smythson?”


  “James, the guy who lives in the apartments.” She pointed across the road.

  The girl sat upright, suddenly interested. She turned to face Amy, both studying each other’s faces. Did Amy recognise her from somewhere? The girl’s sunken dark eyes and sallow skin outlined an undernourished girl’s face.

  “Do you know James?” The girl asked, her voice low, her eager eyes staring into Amy’s. The longer she stared at her, the more familiar she seemed, but Amy couldn’t work out where she’d seen the girl before.

  “Yes, and no…I mean, I met him the other night. I wanted to see him again, but he’s gone. How do you know him?”

  “He helped me find someone. I wanted to talk to him, to warn him.”

  She looked across at the building. “But he’s not here anymore. I don’t know what to do next.”

  “Are you all right? You look a bit out of it.”

  “I’m on drugs.”

  Amy gave her a look of distaste.

  “No, not those kinds of drugs. I was just released from the hospital…painkillers.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Hope it’s nothing serious.”

  “If you call being abducted by a crazy man serious, then, yes…It’s all over the news.”

  “Oh, my god.” The unexpected admission took Amy by surprise. “I’m sorry, so sorry. You weren’t involved in that were you…I can’t imagine…how awful…how did you…”

  “How come I’m alive?” The girl fidgeted again, as if her horrendous ordeal took her back to a place worse than hell. Amy regretted asking the minute she saw the pain in the girl’s eyes.

  “The police…they came…many police. They rescued me.” She wrapped her arms around herself and rocked back and forth in continuous rhythm, silent tears streamed down her face.

  Amy reached for a tissue in her purse and gently held it out. She could sense the girl wanted to talk about it, to let it out. She sat and listened.

  Once she’d regained some composure, the girl rambled on. “That bastard…they arrested him. Hope he rots in hell. Really, hell is too good for him.” The anger spilled forth now. Her face hardened in disgust.

  “So, they arrested the perpetrator?” Amy asked, keeping the woman engaged.

  “They got the bastard. They got him.” Her voice trailed off.

  “At least he won’t hurt someone else…I mean…now that he’s caught.”

  The girl’s eyes raged, the scars of her torment holding her soul captive. “He hurt many, many of us he kept prisoner…forever.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Amy wanted to reach out and put her arm around the girl, but didn’t, not sure how her experience would make her react. She’d heard of post traumatic symptoms. She could understand how much easier it was for some people to unload on a total stranger.

  “He kept us locked all alone in a small box of a room, barely fed us, did horrible things to us. And I prayed every minute for an angel…someone to find us. And at first I thought I’d died because it seemed so strange that they’d found us. I thought I was in a cloud somewhere with uniformed angels lifting me out of hell. But, it was for real…the police and the bodies they carried out of the cages.”

  “Bloody hell! How many were there?”

  “I don’t know exactly…but some didn’t make it.”

  “That’s horrifying. Are you going to be okay?”

  “No, not really, but I just wanted to see James to tell him.”

  “What has James got to do with all this?”

  “I came to this address, looking for a missing person. I met James, and he was nice to me. He tried to help me find a man that had information on that person. I went to the man, but he turned out to be a psycho, and I got hurt. James needs to know about this man.”

  “Well, he’s not here. You can’t stay here all night. Have you a place to stay?”

  “Back to the hospital. They’ll be looking for me, but I don’t want to go back. I can’t stand anyone touching me, and they keep prodding me with needles, tests and shit.”

  Amy pulled her arms closer into her body, glad she hadn’t tried to physically comfort the poor girl. For some reason, she felt drawn to this victimized soul. “You’re welcome to come stay with me if you wish, just for a short while. We can have a cup of tea. You can get a good night’s sleep, then we’ll see if we can find James. I can take you back to the hospital when you’re ready.”

  The girl took a moment to take Amy in, and she couldn’t blame her. She stared at her, measuring up whether to trust her or not. Finally, she nodded, giving Amy a grateful smile. She stood up and stepped cautiously onto the sidewalk. Amy waved down a taxi.

  Jack watched them get into the cab. He tapped his ear and spoke to Pyke.

  “What info did you get on Smythson?”

  “Hello there, Pyke. How are you, mon petite Chou. How are you managing up there on your own?” replied Pyke, sarcastically.

  “Yeah, yeah. How are you, Pyke? Now, what info did you get on Smythson?”

  “I see you picked up the dating phone I set up for you. A thank you would be nice.”

  “Yeah, yeah, for fuck’s sake, Pyke. I got the phone, and thank you. Now, could you just answer the bleedin’ question?”



  “Is this cos I said I love you, mate?” Pyke asked, pointedly, then broke out in
another one of his chuckling spells. “Cos, if it is…”

  “For fuck’s sake, stop taking the piss and answer the question before I come up there and…”

  “OK, OK. Keep your nickers on, mate.”

  “What info do you have?” he asked, shouting.

  “Err..well, not a lot, to be honest. He isn’t on any database. My guess is he’s using an alias. There is no Smythson client at Amy’s workplace and no Smythson living at the Kensington Apartments address. We have his headshot image taken from the apartment’s security CCTV the night he was with Amy. Am putting it through recognition databases to see if we have a hit. Nothing yet, though. He’s not known to us or the police.”

  “Hmmm…OK. I’ve some good news, sort of. Alice is alive and well…well, not well exactly. She’s a bit wobbly, but she’s with Amy, going back for a cup of tea and sympathy. They’re both trying to track down Smythson.”

  “Wow! That’s great! You’ve ID’d her? You know it’s her?”

  “Yep, I clicked some images for you. Check them out. It’s definitely her face, and you’ll see strands of pink hair sticking out the back of her hat. She looks a bit freaked out, but she’s OK. I’ll stick with them. Any news from Maggie yet?”

  “She’s gone a little quiet on me, huddled up with Micael, in meetings. With you all gone, the Unit has been put on hold. I’m sitting here twiddling my thumbs. So, a good time to keep me up to date and use me to find out stuff.”

  “Is she angry I’m staying down here?”

  “I think she understands. She’s grateful, and Micael is cool with it. I didn’t tell her about your physical contact with Amy or the dating site messaging thing. She won’t like that. So, delete all messages and history from the phone every time you use it, OK?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I will. You could’ve fixed me up with a quirky keyboard. I hate these touch phones. My fingers are too big.”



  “Qwerty keyboard. It’s with a ‘t’ not a ‘k’.”

  “Whatever! Can you keep tabs on Gregori?”

  “Not easily. He’s not on our system. He moves about underground a lot, but I’ll try. He’s been put out by us as wanted, so I guess he’ll stay under the radar. He might not be working alone.”


  “I don’t know. She hasn’t surfaced anywhere. Probably down there with him.”

  “What’s Dio saying?”

  “He’s playing the ‘no comment’ card and uncooperative with Police enquiries. He was remanded and pleaded not guilty at the initial court hearing. He’ll attend crown court in a few months. I don’t expect him to get off with such overwhelming evidence.”

  “Yeah, but he’s a slippery fish. We need to keep an eye on it.”

  “If Alice is of balanced mind, she will be a crucial witness for the prosecution. A lot of the victims who survived are suffering with mental issues, understandably. It’s going to take a lot of therapy to turn it around for them. Meanwhile, they’re not fit to attend court and give evidence. This means the burden lies on Alice, which means her life is in danger.”


  “Police will probably provide protection and move her to a safe house. These days, safe houses are not that safe. Dio seems to have his fingers in many pies. He has a pretty powerful address book and a lot of blackmail material. Many in authority will do his bidding to stay out of the media limelight. She, and now possibly Amy, are not safe.”


  “Yes, fuck.”

  Chapter Sixty-Nine

  Russell Garden Mews,

  Earls Court, London, UK

  Amy walked fragile Alice up flights of stairs to her apartment, trying not to touch her, whilst gently guiding her hunched body. Alice would flinch at any contact.

  Gregori stood at the top of the staircase, observing them.

  “Dear, dear, darling daughter, you just can’t resist getting into trouble, can you? Like father, like daughter.” He leaned against the wall and watched Amy fumble with her keys to open the door. As the girls stepped into the apartment, Gregori dropped through the floor and disappeared.

  Amy escorted Alice to the sofa and gently moved pillows out of the way. Alice’s visible shivering sent Amy to the linen closet for a blanket. She helped Alice wrap it around her to add warmth. She switched the lights to low, lit a sweet-smelling candle, and put on some soft Ibiza chilled music. She slid behind her kitchen counter to make them both cups of tea.

  Amy didn’t talk much as she moved around her apartment, understanding her guest’s fragile state, her need to adjust to her surroundings and feel safe. She didn’t know the extent of her abuse, but whatever it was, the experience freaked her out. Who wouldn’t be?

  On handing Alice a hot cup of tea, Amy sat at the dining table and signed on to her laptop. The two girls sat in silence, allowing the music and fragrant smells to soothe them.

  Alice, cupping her warm drink with both hands, let her head rock back and closed her eyes. For the first time in a long, she felt safe.

  Amy tapped various words into the search engine until she homed in on Dio Buchanan and his arrest. Reading about the abuse he’d inflicted on his victims turned Amy’s stomach. She looked across at Alice and shook her head. What a bastard.


  A message box opened in the corner of her screen from Jack888. Amy’s heart gave a little leap. She opened the message and read.

  Jack888: Hi, how are you? Got time to chat?

  She winced. Now might not be a good time. She looked across at the sofa to check on her guest. The exhausted, terrified girl snored softly to the music. Amy wondered when she’d last slept without fear.

  Amy reached over, removed the cup from between Alice’s fingers and placed it on the side table. She tucked the blanket across the exhausted girl’s chest and sat back in front of the laptop. OK, but for just a little bit.

  AngelEyz: Yes, can chat, but not for long. I have a friend here. She’s sleeping. When she wakes, I’ll have to stop.

  Jack888: OK, keep quiet. Don’t wake her. What have you been up to?

  Jack sat on the chair opposite her, clumsily tapping letters on his phone. He watched her face over the top of the screen, smiling, enjoying the intimacy of reading her expression as she wrote.

  AngelEyz: Not a lot. You?

  Jack888: I’ve been reading the British news about a guy called Buchanan. Hope he’s nowhere near where you are, that it’s nothing to do with you. It’s terrible.

  Amy squirmed in her chair. If only he knew.

  AngelEyz: Why would he have anything to do with me? He was in Brighton, on the South Coast. I’m in London, a few hours north. Not even close to me, so no worries.

  Jack raised an eyebrow at her little white lie.

  Jack888: Good, I just wanted to let you know that I’m in the security business. If you ever need anything or anyone looked at, let me know. It would be a pleasure to help.

  AngelEyz: What do you mean?

  Jack888: Well, if ever anyone bothers you, you know, an ex or something, I can do a search on them and help you work out what to do. It’s part of my job. I’m in the security and protection business.

  AngelEyz: You mean, if I gave you a name you could find that person for me?

  Jack888: Yes, we have very good search technicians here to source most things.

  AngelEyz: Who do you work for?

  Jack888: Mainly the government and larger corporations who can afford us.

  AngelEyz: Oh, like you’re a spy?

  Jack888: I’m not very James Bond, I’m afraid.

  AngelEyz: No, in your bio pic you look more like Poldark.


  Jack888: Who?

  AngelEyz: Poldark, a television show we have over here.

  Jack888: Never heard of it…

  AngelEyz: Ahhh, well, check it out if you get a chance. You look like the lead character with your sexy, shaggy hair, mean, moody, complex, stubborn, big
on justice thing going on.


  AngelEyz: It’s a compliment!

  Jack ran a hand through his hair, trying to tidy it up, like he could see her?

  Jack888: Thanks, I think!!

  AngelEyz: So, are you a spy?

  Jack 888: Not really. It sounds a bit cloak and dagger-like, but it really isn’t. Most of the information we use is on the web. Anyone could source it with the right equipment. Everyone and everything is easy to find.

  AngelEyz: OK, that’s cool.

  Jack888: Just saying, if you ever need help.

  AngelEyz: Thank you. That’s very kind of you. But I’m ok. I know nothing about you. Tell me something.

  Jack888: Like what?

  AngelEyz: Like where you live, are you married, do you have a girlfriend? Any children, how tall are you, do you have a dog?

  Jack888: Whoah…wait a minute. I live in a small town outside Austin, Texas. I’m divorced. I don’t have a girlfriend. Well I did, but she just left me. I’m 6’4” and no, I don’t have a dog, but I’d love one.

  AngelEyz: What would you have?

  Jack888: A Saint Bernard.

  AngelEyz: Ahhhh! Good choice. Why did your girlfriend leave you?

  Jack looked over the laptop at her, aghast. Straight to the point or what?


  AngelEyz wrote: Sorry. That’s a bit personal. Ignore it.

  Jack888: Do you mind if I don’t answer that…just yet?

  AngelEyz: No, no, sure. It’s OK. Sorry. I can be a bit pushy, I know.

  Jack nodded in agreement. How right you are.

  Jack888: What about you? Do you have someone?

  Jack eyed her, waiting for her reaction. She hesitated, thinking about her answer. He waited.

  AngelEyz: Well, I thought I did. I’ve only just met him. We spent a night together, and boom, he disappeared. I went to try and find him tonight and instead met another girl looking for him. She’s the one sleeping on my sofa.

  Jack888: Bummer. Did you like him?

  He watched her eyes. She nodded.

  AngelEyz: Yeah, I think I did. He seemed nice. I haven’t been with someone in a while. I’m not that lucky with men.


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