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GENT_An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Page 4

by Harloe Rae

  I lift my gaze to hers. “But he has reason to be.”

  Delilah’s lips twist. “Don’t go feeling sorry for him. It won’t do any good or earn you any brownie points. That man is sour and surly.”

  “Maybe he needs a friend. Someone in his corner,” I suggest quietly.

  “You’re so sweet, Rave. He’d eat you alive. Trust me. Even before they died, he was a hellion. What Trey experienced was horrible, but we’ve all tried reaching him. He doesn’t want help or sympathy or anything from anyone. Well, except sex.” She holds her hands out defensively when I scowl. “Okay, okay. I’ve struck a nerve. But please don’t give him excuses for being a jerk because of this. We’ve all let Trey’s shit go because of the accident, but it’s only enabling him. He’s going to spend his life alone, just like his uncle.”

  “What do you mean? Who’s his uncle?”

  “Jack Sollens. He owns a garage on the outskirts of town. That’s where Trey works. Jacked Up Repairs,” Delilah boasts like a commercial. “He’s a decent enough guy but a chronic bachelor. I’ve never seen him on a date but he gets plenty of attention. Jack is super sexy, especially for a man in his thirties. That family has some great genes. He took Trey in after . . . you know. Ugh, you’re turning me into a gossip like Marlene.” I elbow her, and she yelps. “What? I speak the truth. I’m airing out all their laundry.”

  I shoot her a wry look. “Oh, give me a break. I didn’t have to twist your arm too hard.”

  “Riiiggghhhht.” She drags the word out. “Pretty sure you were digging for information on Trey not five minutes ago. The Jack stuff was a bonus.”

  “Because it was bugging me. Now I know. Case closed.”

  She crosses her arms. “Uh, huh. Easy as that?”

  “Yes. I feel better. Next time we have words, I’ll be better prepared.”

  “Oh, you’re planning ahead? Don’t put yourself in his path on purpose, Rave.”

  I wave off her concern. “I won’t. But Garden Grove is tiny so we’re bound to bump into each other. Turns out we have something in common, like kindred spirits.”

  Delilah groans. “Girl, you’re asking for trouble. He doesn’t like talking about it at all. Pretty sure the topic is an automatic trigger to a deeper layer of asshole-ness. But I can tell you’ve already decided. Always trying to be the balm and smooth shit over. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “There’s a point to be made, that’s all.”

  “And you’re going to tell him how it is?”

  “Maybe,” I say. “If I see him again.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “But you love me.”

  “That I do. Are we moving on? Can we talk about tonight?”

  I squint at her. “What are you scheming?”

  “It’s Saturday, which means time to go out. Maisey will open tomorrow so I don’t have to be here until noon. That means party time!” She claps, bouncing on her toes. “We can head over to Boomers where there’s a decent dancefloor. We’ve gotta shake what our mamas gave us!”

  A few customers glance our way at her outburst, but I just laugh. “You’re lucky these people love their coffee or they’d run away scared.”

  “Puh-lease. This town would be lost without me. Not to mention boring,” Delilah sing-songs. “Only two more hours before quitting time. Then we’ll pre-game at Dagos. Addy is working the early evening shift so she can come out with us too.”

  “Oooh, good. She’s awesome. Maybe we can convince her to come work here instead of the bar.”

  “Nah. I’ve tried. She makes too much money there. I can’t afford her ass.”

  “Tips from drunk guys are a beautiful thing.”

  “Right? But owning my own business is better. She can deal with those slobbering jerks.”

  I smile at Delilah and bask in her obvious happiness. My heart soars at witnessing her success surrounding us. It masks the disappointment constantly dragging me down. Then again, I’m only twenty-two; I have plenty of time to figure out my career goals. For now, working at Jitters is enough.

  Delilah wags her brows at me. “Oh, by the way. I’ve got a killer dress for you. It’ll be perfect for tonight.”

  “Should I be worried?”

  She winks. “Absolutely.”



  I’VE BEEN AVOIDING downtown since my chat with Jack, but there’s no real escape. Even though I can’t hear them, the gossips are whispering about me. Spreading garbage they don’t know shit about. I should be used to it by now, but their pitying stares are like acid in my veins.

  Poor, screwed up Trey.

  He can’t help being an asshole.

  He’ll get over it eventually.

  Fuck that. This is just me, the way I’ve always been. These people need to get a damn life and stay outta mine. I’d think talking about me all these years would get boring, but there’s always something new to blab about. I was damn surprised to discover the insignificant incident with Raven resurrected their interest. Marlene and company must be lacking for better drama to spread.

  That fucking new girl is creating chaos, and she’s only been around a week. By staying away, I’m letting her win. Garden Grove is my town, dammit, and I won’t be chased away by bullshit rumors. Whatever Jack heard about Raven and me is bogus. If anyone dares to ask, I’ll set the record straight.

  Being cooped up at my house has left me more agitated, which isn’t good for anyone. The urge to hit something twists through me, and I flex my hand. The sting from my busted-up knuckles is evidence that I’ve already been beating the bag too hard. The extra workouts haven’t curbed my frustration in the slightest. If anything, the additional exercise has me keyed up for another release.

  Which leads me straight to Dagos. I park my Ford pickup in front of the glowing windows and blow out a breath. A warm breeze whips through the truck’s open door, a reminder that summer is in full swing. Even after sunset, the temperature is oppressive and suffocating. My shirt clings to me as I walk in, more than ready for the cool blast of air conditioning.

  Agitation curdles in my stomach as a few people watch me enter. I ignore their eyes. I lift my chin at Greyson, the bartender on shift tonight. As I settle on a stool, he ambles over and wipes the countertop in front of me. He gets straight to the point, which I appreciate.

  “Hey, Trey. Want the usual?”

  “Yeah. A bottle would be great.”

  He pops the cap and slides the beer over. “You just missed the new girl.”

  So much for no small talk.

  I offer a grunt in response, not wanting to discuss Raven. Greyson keeps blabbing away, unaware of the heat rising up my neck.

  “She was dressed to kill. Or fuck. Not sure which. Either way, smokin’ hot.”

  My teeth grind together. “And I care because?”

  He shrugs while pouring a draft. “Thought you usually enjoy the newbies. Anyway, whoever ends up with her tonight is a lucky man.”

  Not sure why I’m feeding into this but, “Thought you said they already left.”

  Greyson nods. “Yeah, from here. She’s with Delilah and Addison. They stumbled over to Boomers.”

  Fuck, they’re going to dance. Probably looking for some nice guys to buy them drinks and treat them sweet. Raven is sure to get plenty of attention. But who the hell cares?

  I scoff. “Good for them.” With that, I’m putting an end to the subject.

  Yet I can’t control the pang of desire rushing through me. What do I want? Fucking Raven would be great, but unlikely. So, then what? I’m not gonna trudge over there and watch her shake ass, no matter how fine it is.

  I glance around the room, searching for a distraction. The bar is fairly empty considering it’s Saturday night. Some regulars are shooting pool along the far wall. A few more folks are scattered about the space, keeping to themselves.

  “Where the hell is everyone?” I ask Greyson when he comes back with another beer.

omers has some swanky cover band playing. Everyone dashed over there by nine o'clock.”

  “Fucking figures,” I mutter.

  He leans closer. “What’s that?”

  “Forget it.”

  “Suit yourself, Trey. But I won’t be offended if you wanna go over there.”

  “I’ll take my chances and stick around, but thanks.”

  “Or you can follow the masses. Find yourself some company because there isn’t any here.” And Greyson isn’t lying about that.

  I peel at the bottle’s label while playing the options in my mind. Going home to sulk isn’t happening. I refuse to tuck tail and leave so soon. My knee bounces wildly as restless energy swims through me. Another round at the gym might be helpful. I can stay here and silently stew in the misery of my current situation. Otherwise I’ve gotta suck it up and check out the action at Boomers.

  A groan rumbles from my chest as the possibilities ping-pong around. Under normal circumstances, I’d eagerly follow the crowd for a chance to get laid. Running into Raven makes everything more complicated . . . and I hate her for it.

  After downing half my beer in one gulp, I’m determined to man the fuck up. She’s just a chick, and I’ve dealt with her type countless times. Raven wants to be the talk around town, another dramatic diva to stir up trouble. She can have the spotlight. I prefer being ignored, sneaking off unaffected with my dignity intact. If I happen to have a hot hookup on my arm, that’s even better.

  It’s been several weeks since I’ve gotten laid. A large portion of my recent frustration is of the sexual variety. After tonight, that shouldn’t be an issue. This will be my reset button.

  “Another?” Greyson asks and motions to my bottle.

  I shake my head. “Nah, I’m gonna check out the band.”

  He laughs. “The hell you are.”

  “If I happen to find some company over there, even better.”

  “Play on playa. Best of luck.”

  I knock on the wood ledge. “Don’t need it.”

  Without a backward glance, I’m off the stool and striding outside. I roll the strain from my shoulders as the dense heat envelopes me. Driving would provide momentary relief, but Boomers is only a few blocks away. I jog across the street before hitting the sidewalk, thankful for the lack of traffic. Loud music vibrates off the walls as I near the brick building. If I didn’t already know, the noise would be a dead giveaway to the concert inside.

  As I push through the double doors, it’s like entering a different world. This place typically turns into a dance club on the weekends, but tonight is something else entirely.

  What the hell did I get myself into?

  On the brightly lit stage, the band belts out a popular country song, and the sound is deafening. Apparently, this show is drawing people in from several towns over. Bodies are packed in the dark room, so many it’s impossible to count. Thick smoke and fog coat the air, which makes visibility even harder. I rub the sting from my eyes before pushing toward the bar.

  Out of nowhere, a tornado of blonde hair and flailing limbs crashes into me. I reach out to hold her steady as she stumbles again.

  “Shit. You okay?” I yell over the racket.

  She wobbles in my grip before standing upright and spinning around. Ice floods my veins and everything around us slams to a stop.


  Fuck. What are the chances?

  Pretty damn good considering the size of this town and my shitty luck. Regardless, this seems like a far-fetched stretch. I yank my hands off her smooth skin as if the touch suddenly burns. Another curse flies past my lips as I get a look at her outfit . . . or lack thereof. The sorry excuse for a dress is just a scrap of red material, a bright signal for trouble. My gut clenches as I glare into her glassy eyes.

  “You hounding me, Princess?” I growl in her ear.

  “Why do you insist on calling me that?” Raven jerks away, only to topple back into me.

  “How much have you had to drink?” Not sure why I’m asking—she’s obviously had plenty.

  Raven holds up her thumb and pointer finger, indicating only a pinch. She squints at me and tilts her head. “Crazy running into you here. This place is packed.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, real great. Where are your friends?”

  “Why do you care?”

  “Because you’re alone in a massive crowd. Don’t know where you’re from, but girls around here tend to travel in packs.” And for some stupid reason I don’t want her wandering into the wrong hands.

  Raven jabs my chest several times. “I’m from here now. And you better get used to it.”

  I grab her wrist and yank her closer. “Didn’t you learn not to poke the bear?”

  Her unfocused gaze morphs into blue flames, threatening to incinerate me. “Oooh, big scary furball. I’ve heard all about you. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  I’m sure she’s heard all sorts of shit, most of it bull. The urge to shake some sense into her rattles through me. Raven needs to stay the hell away from me. Yet I don’t let her go.

  She peers down at my grip on her arm. I’m about to snarl something nasty about her getting dirty until she swipes along my torn-up knuckles. The tentative touch is an electric surge to my system.

  “What happened to your hand?”


  “With who?”


  Raven’s focus jumps to my face. “You’re hurt. Why’d you do that?”

  “Better than breaking someone’s nose.”

  She smirks. “I don’t believe you’d actually harm anyone.”

  I bark out a sharp laugh. “Well, you’re dead wrong.”

  “Does attacking others make you feel better, then?”

  Red flickers on the edge of my vision. “You shouldn’t test me, Princess.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I’m not a nice guy. I won’t hesitate to wreck you. That’s what gets me off.”

  She squeaks, “On purpose?”

  Frustration is coiling tight, strangling any patience I have remaining. “And I won’t be there in the morning to put you back together.”

  “Wait. Are you talking about sex? Or in general? I’m confused.”

  A rumble rises from me as I snap. Tugging her hips into mine, I let her feel exactly what I’m referring to. Raven gasps and wiggles, which gets me harder. Her luscious tits are pressed tight against me, and the mounds look good enough to eat. I’m tempted to take a bite. Toying with her couldn’t hurt, and I could use a little fun.

  I lean down to murmur, “All night long, Princess.”

  She sputters. “Wh-what?”

  “Don’t look so shocked. You’re pitching tents wearing that. Pretty sure we’re here looking for the same thing.”

  Raven looks down before glaring at me. “This is Delilah’s dress. Everyone seems to love it.”

  “Can’t imagine why,” I scoff. “The dense act doesn’t work for you, Princess.”

  “Ugh, you’re a jerk.”

  When she tries pulling away, I drag her to the nearest corner, cloaking us in darkness. I cage Raven in, effectively pinning her to the wall with my lower half. Her sweet scent seduces me, and I’m getting higher with each inhale. The floral perfume invades my airway, and all I can do is breathe her in. Why must she smell so damn good?

  “Do you want me?” I murmur close to her mouth.

  “In your dreams,” she snips.

  I grind into her, pressing my hard against her soft. In this inebriated state, she doesn’t hide her reaction. Raven’s head rolls back as she bites her lip. I’m toying with her, hoping to provide a sliver of the torture she’s giving me. When her fingers dig into my biceps and tug, I know she’s feeling it. That’s my cue to back off. I might be an ass, but there’s a limit, even for me. I’d never take advantage of an intoxicated woman. Screwing with her mind is enough for now.

  “That’s what I thought, Princess,” I taunt.

en immediately snaps out of the lustful haze. “Asshole.”

  “That can be arranged.”

  She sucks in sharply and her eyes widen. Her shock is amusing so I take it one step further. “I’d never deny some backdoor action.”

  Raven’s jaw practically hits the floor. “You’re something else, Trey.”

  “And you love it. Otherwise you’d be trying to get away.”

  She seems to take stock of our situation, but still doesn’t move. “I’ve been drinking and can’t control myself.”

  “Oh, yeah? So, this is typical for you?”

  “You’re twisting my words!” Raven spits. She pushes against my chest, and I back off slightly, giving her some space. “I’m done with this conversation.”

  A flash of disappointment strikes me, which means it’s definitely time to go. I separate from Raven completely and rub at the tension building in my nape. I clear my throat, confused by the tightness gathering there. “Do you need—”

  From out of nowhere, Delilah screeches, “Cheese on a cracker! What the hell is happening here?”

  My attention shoots toward the sudden interruption. I cringe and cover my ears; her pitch is high enough to leave dogs whimpering. “Jesus, D. What the fuck is with the hollering?”

  “Oh, no. Nope. Don’t you start with me, Trey.” Delilah’s sights land on Raven. “And you! What the hell? I thought you were just going to the bathroom.”

  “Uh, well . . .” Raven stutters.

  Delilah doesn’t wait before coming at me again. “This place is packed with available pussy, Trey! You can have any girl in this damn bar, but not her. Didn’t I already tell you that?” She wags a sloppy finger in my face.

  I tuck my chin and take a deep breath, allowing the irritation to wane slightly. When I raise my eyes again, she’s shooting daggers at me.

  “I wasn’t gonna do anything. Just messing around.”

  Delilah scoffs. “That’s all it ever is with you, right? Well, go screw around with someone else.”

  “Hello? I’m still standing here.” Raven announces.

  I ignore her and address D. “You got this?”


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