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GENT_An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Page 24

by Harloe Rae

  Crystal and Maggie took a chance on a new author last year. In this industry, there are so many book and too little time. These two didn’t hesitate when I asked them. I love you ladies something crazy. Thank you for everything, from my bottom of my happy author heart!

  A huge shout out to Tia, Devney, Cora, Lauren, Penelope, Kahlen, Luke, Leigh, Auden, Jess, Andi, Ella, Alyson, Haylee, and Dylan.

  To my Hotties, you’re the greatest reader group EVER! Thanks for always interacting and being around for me. I love our special place on social media!

  To the Harloe’s Review Crew, thank you so very much for wanting to read and review my words. You’re the bestest and I’m forever grateful.

  To my fellow DND authors, I owe you all a huge hug for all the motivation and support. I love our little family and would be lost without your encouragement.

  To The Squad, you’re all lovely and fantastic and beyond words phenomenal. Nicole, Jane, Jess, JL, Kim, Liv, Paige, Meg, Ava, and Brooke rule for always!

  Bobbie, Margie, and Jen are my besties forever. We started years ago and are still going strong. BS&BS strong!

  I’m extremely grateful and honored to have such fantastic blogger support. You know who you are and I’m sending a big hug your way! I wasn’t sure what to expect when first publishing but so many sensational people stepped up to help. Even when social media cuts off visibility and organic reach, you all still power through. You’re in this for the love of books and I love you all so much for it. Thank you for sharing and spreading the word.

  To Eva and Emily for making gorgeous teasers and GIFs.

  A huge thank you to Christine with Type A Formatting for always making my books beautiful.

  And last but certainly not least, thank YOU for reading GENT. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that. Keep reading and loving books, yeah? You’ve made me a very, very happy author!

  HARLOE RAE IS a Minnesota gal with a serious addiction to romance. She’s always chasing an epic happily ever after.

  When she’s not buried in the writing cave, Harloe can be found hanging with her hubby and son. If the weather permits, she loves being lakeside or out in the country with her horses.

  Harloe is the author of Redefining Us, Forget You Not, Watch Me Follow, and GENT. These titles are available on Amazon.

  Find all the latest on her site

  Join her newsletter at HERE

  Continue reading for short previews of her novels.



  Seven years earlier . . .

  Working at a restaurant sucks sometimes. Like right now.

  Why is it so slow?

  Usually Friday afternoons bring in a decent lunch crowd but that’s definitely not the case today. The other host got cut an hour ago after we finished rolling two full bins of silverware. I’ve been stuck at the front alone ever since, trying to keep myself preoccupied by doodling in my notepad while desperately hoping a customer strolls in. I’d even accept the overly chatty manager from the bank across the street at this rate.

  Just as I’m starting to draw another cartoon heart, the outer door swings open and a relieved sigh whooshes from me. I toss my pen aside and slide the decorated paper into my apron. When my focus returns to the person coming in, my breath stalls in my lungs.

  I’d usually have a polite smile plastered across my face as I rushed forward to greet the guests but my entire body is frozen solid due to the stunning sight before me. Tingles erupt along my skin as my heart takes off in a sprint, but I still can’t move.

  The most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen is only a few feet away and my stomach nervously tangles in a complicated twist. He’s tall and broad, easily over six feet, which swallows up my petite frame. Probably a few years older than me, this guy still has a hint of youth lighting up his smooth features. My pulse skyrockets as I get trapped in his swirling ocean irises that remind me of a tropical paradise. I remain suspended in my paralyzed state as he approaches the host stand with a confident stride.

  Wow, he’s beautiful.

  My cheeks heat with that thought and I dip my head to hide the flush covering my face. I attempt a sneaky peek by glancing up at him through my lowered lashes. When my gaze connects with his, I notice a sexy smirk lifting his lips and it tightens my chest further.

  Crap, I’m totally busted.

  I clear my parched throat so I can properly greet him before getting fired for gawking, but he beats me to it.

  “Hey.” He pauses with an audible swallow and I watch his Adam’s apple bob. A soft chuckle rises from him as he rubs over his left pec. “Wow, you’re really beautiful. Is that weird for me to say? Shit.” His feet shuffle nervously as his gaze lowers to the floor before quickly focusing on me again. “I feel really creepy blurting it out but that’s the truth. Sorry if I’m being super awkward. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Tell me to stop talking.” He laughs again before sucking in a deep breath. “What’s your name?” His voice is like melted chocolate filling my hungry stomach. His extremely good looks match the silky-smooth timbre that’s thrumming my bones. He seems anxious, which makes my heart race even faster.

  As I continue silently staring at him, I determine he’s my every teenage fantasy come to life and reminds me of Ryan Gosling from The Notebook. All striking blue eyes and dark-blond hair that’s the perfect length to run your fingers through. That’s what I’m talking about.

  I do my best to collect my stray thoughts before wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans. I lock my wobbling knees and stand up straight, then raise my chin to meet his burning stare.

  “Umm, hello. Thanks for coming to Brack’s Box. My name is Lark and I’ll be showing you to a table. How many are in your party? Oh, I should have asked if you were dining in or carrying out. Will you be eating here?” I feel like a total idiot as my speech fumbles and bumbles. My tone is shaking worse than my trembling hands. At least he appears flustered too.

  The sexy stranger moves closer until he’s hovering on the edge of my personal space. His chest seems to shudder as he reaches out and traces a jagged line from my temple to my jaw with a coarse finger. Electric shocks spark along the skin he touched and a small gasp escapes me. I’ve never had this type of reaction before and it has a hoard of love-struck butterflies taking flight in my belly.

  “You’re blushing, Lark. Are you nervous too?” His whispered words rush across the small space between us and I shudder in response.

  Could I be more embarrassed?

  I roll my shoulders back in an effort to infuse my body with strength.

  “What? No. No way. Why would you think that? That’s just silly.” I toss out a lame chuckle—as if he has no effect on me—before taking a step away from him. If my boss came out here and saw me standing so close to a customer, I’d be in serious crap.

  This handsome man tilts his head and continues his slow perusal of my face. He lifts a curious brow as a mouth-watering grin stretches his pillowy lips. I’m not sure what to do with myself as his golden glow graces my presence. Everything is a scattered jumble in my brain and I’m not sure what the right move is at the moment. I settle on getting back to work and the task at hand.

  “So, do you want a table or are you ordering out?” The line slips out easily enough. Awkward tension skims down my spine as he keeps up with the intense eye contact.

  A loud clap of laughter booms out of him.

  “Are you trying to get rid of me, Sweetheart?” His white teeth gleam in the overhead lights as a wide smile lifts his cheeks. “I can’t seem to stop thinking about how gorgeous your amber eyes are.” His breathy pause finds me lost in the kaleidoscope of blue hues that make up his enchanting stare. “My name is Rowen, but all my friends call me Row. It’s my pleasure to meet you.” He holds out a steady hand for me to shake and I immediately slip my clammy palm into his.

  When our skin makes contact again, a blast of fire rushes up my arms until the heat reaches my core. I bite my t
ongue to trap the moan desperate to escape. His basic touch is lighting me up and shock surges through me. I’ve read about this type of reaction in romance novels, but this is actually happening.

  Why does this man have such a powerful impact on my body?

  He’s turning me into a giggling pile of mush with simple physical connection. My mind is lost to him as well if I’m being totally honest. His expressive gaze appears bottomless and speaks to the lonely spirit within me. The insecurities usually plaguing my mind are forgotten under his attention. My pasty legs and nonexistent curves don’t matter to him based off the frantic pulse in his neck.

  A low hum yanks me back to reality and I realize Rowen is the one making that delicious noise. Before I can react, he pulls me into his hard body and murmurs close to my ear, “Do you believe in destiny? What about soul mates?”

  I can only nod since my mouth feels like desert sand. Could Rowen possibly understand the chaos buzzing in my blood?

  His jaw works back and forth. “It seems like I was meant to come in here today. Does that sound crazy, Lark? I don’t know how to describe what’s happening to me but you’re mixing me all up. This was supposed to be a quick stop but now I never want to leave. Can we sit down, Sweetheart? Maybe eat lunch?”

  When a little squeak pushes past my lips and puffs against his neck, a rumble shakes his wide chest that has me leaning further into him.

  Unfiltered excitement and overwhelming joy causes my entire body to bloom with intoxicating warmth. This beautiful guy wants to know more about me. Shockwaves travel down my spine as my brain whirls in contemplation. I settle on being ambitious and impulsive as my body sways along his.

  Screw the consequences.

  Rowen’s grip tightens slightly and I swear his hands wobble. “I knew you could feel it. Let’s go outside where we’ll get some privacy.” His tone soaks into my thirsty heart but when his request registers into my foggy brain, it seems like a cold bucket of water has been dumped over my head.

  What am I doing?!

  I suddenly remember where we are, which effectively snaps me out of my romantic haze. I can’t believe I’m behaving this way at work. This is definitely not normal—let alone acceptable—and the significant hold this guy already has on me is becoming more obvious.

  Breaking contact with him is like ripping off a layer of flesh but it’s necessary for now. I’m at my freaking job and need to start acting like it. Once I’ve placed a few feet between us, air finally travels freely through my lungs and brings fresh clarity to this crazy situation.

  The chemistry between us is so powerful that my soul already seems bonded to him, which makes me sound like a whacky person. My fingers comb through my messy brown hair while I try to get a freaking grip on my sanity.

  “Alright, pump the brakes for a moment. I can’t go anywhere with you now because I’m working. If I don’t get back to my job, I won’t have one for much longer and I really need the money. How about I find you a nice table outside to eat your lunch and I’ll join you once my shift is over. Deal?” I try my best to inject my voice with confidence but I can hear the quiver.

  If Rowen notices my fumbling, he’s kind enough not to point it out. There is a moment of silence as his stunning ocean eyes sweep along my body from head to toe. Color rises on his flawless face and his fingers fidget nervously.

  When his gaze returns to my face, my legs tremble at the raw hunger that’s being directed at me. What sounds like a groan pushes past his clenched jaw before he seems to regain control and realizes I’m waiting for confirmation.

  “Whatever works for you, Lark. I’ll patiently wait hours for even a moment of your time.” Rowen sweeps his arm toward the patio door before saying, “Ladies first.” I quickly move ahead of him after grabbing a menu.

  Once I have him seated and comfortable, I turn to leave but look back for another glimpse at all his yummy sexiness. Rowen shoots me a wink that has me second guessing the devotion to my job.

  I’ll be off soon enough.

  I make my way back inside with an extra spring in my step. Happiness churns in my stomach like gooey caramel. I’m sure this guy is the one I’ve been waiting for, my rapid heartbeat and clinging urges tell me so. It’s never, ever been this way. I might be desperate for love but I’m not going to fall for just anyone. Rowen seems to understand too. His sweeping stare reflected something that reminds me of forever and I’m ready to get lost in his blue waves. He didn’t want to leave and I’m sure he never will. I can’t wait to share my deepest desires with him.

  After a dreadfully dull thirty minutes crawl by, I manage to make my way toward the patio to check on Rowen. As I pass the glass doors and find his table empty, I assume he’s in the bathroom or left to grab something real quick.

  When a few minutes blend into fifteen and he’s still gone, dread begins to spread throughout me like a poison and a weight settles onto my chest.

  I try to remain positive and convince myself of his eventual return. Tears blur my vision as a lump forms in my throat but I don’t let the sorrow drag me down. At least not yet.

  Rowen will be back.

  He said there was something special between us.

  We’re meant to be together.

  But we really aren’t anything at all.

  I never saw Rowen again and the longer he stayed away, the further my fragile heart cracked, until one day there was nothing left to salvage.


  For the first time in my life, I don't feel alone. This blinding ray of sunshine has suddenly appeared in the form of a beautiful girl.


  Lennon Bennett is the most beautiful creature to ever grace this fucked up planet and she’s currently turned around in her seat, grinning at me.

  That’s never happened before so I’m not sure how to react. I fight the initial urge to shield my face with the thick curtain of hair tucked behind my ear because I want her to see me. Shock streaks through me like lightning as her unwavering stare stays fixed on me—the boy everyone always looks away from. I’m not prepared to handle this sort of blatant attention, especially from her. My heart threatens to burst as I’m consumed by her gaze but my face remains blank, like usual.

  “Hi,” Lennon barely whispers. “Can I, um, borrow a pencil?”

  Her sugary voice is soft but clear, sinking deep into my bones. Sweat dots my brow as I blindly reach into my backpack, refusing to break eye contact. My clumsy fingers fumble a few times before getting a grip on one and hold it out to her.

  “Oh, uh . . . thanks,” she mumbles as red colors her cheeks.

  Why is she blushing?

  Confusion clogs any attempt at processing this interaction while I scan her flushed face. My head jerks in acknowledgement but my lips remain frozen in a flat line.

  Lennon clears her throat before asking, “Can I have a piece of paper too?”

  I carelessly tear a sheet from my notebook and offer it without hesitation. Her shoulders shake with a soundless giggle as she thanks me and takes the paper from my trembling grasp. Lennon doesn’t look away and I wonder what she sees as she keeps staring at me. After a moment of shared silence, she sighs heavily and the smile slips from her lips.

  Before I can consider Lennon’s reaction further or try forcing a response, she twists back around and effectively breaks our connection.

  I fucking blew it.

  She talked to me and I said nothing, which is exactly what I am—fucking nothing. Why do I even bother? Maybe because the small slice of hope surviving in my starved heart believes she could be different.

  Ever since Lennon started school here a few weeks ago, my thoughts have rarely strayed from her. Each glorious piece of her fuels my fantasies and drags me deeper into obsession. I’m totally infatuated with her, but what the hell am I supposed to do about it?

  Keep staring like a creep.

  Lennon’s skin glows with a bronze tan even though it’s still spring in Michigan. I'm not sure where s
he moved from but it must have been warm. She’s very short, tiny really, which makes protective instincts I didn’t know existed rattle inside me. Even though I never touch anyone, my arms ache with the urge to wrap around her skinny waist and pull her close. Lennon’s glossy dark hair appears to be made of the softest silk. The long waves shimmer whenever she shifts her head and constantly lures me into a trance. Her sparkling aqua eyes remind me of a tropical sea. Today is the first time her smile has been cast my way and the beaming sight is by far my favorite. Possessiveness has been slowly spreading through me but I’ll never be able to let her go now that she’s acknowledged me. The realization hits hard and knocks any remaining sense loose.

  Not that I had much to begin with—at least according to everyone else.

  I slouch deeper into my desk as the dark memories wash over me. Every nasty name in the book has been spat my way, but I stopped listening years ago. The verbal assaults all sound the same eventually, whether coming from my worthless parents or the jerkoffs currently surrounding me. The constant onslaught makes keeping to myself even easier. I’m not interested in spending time with people, mostly because they cause anxiety to perpetually pound inside me. The nerves created insecurities and embarrassing misunderstandings when I was little so it became natural to distance myself.

  Soon enough, everyone thought I was some sort of freak.

  I never bothered correcting them because they’re right.

  I’m a fucking loser weirdo.

  What started as awkwardness morphed into fury, but only toward myself for being this way. It’s all my fault.

  At least now everyone at school pretends I don’t exist, but their taunts behind my back carry across the echoing classroom. The snickering ridicule and cruel names bounce directly to me but all I do is hunch down further.

  I don’t blame them for keeping quiet to my face. Considering I’m built like a professional linebacker and barely eighteen, I’d turn the other way too. I work out almost constantly to manage my anxiety and ensure the threatening madness doesn’t take over. Probably doesn’t help that I never talk to anyone or even look their way.


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