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Page 28

by Michelle Larks

  Mother, father, and daughter sat in the bed huddled close to each other and savored the moment.

  When Monet and Faith had fallen asleep, Marcus sat in the chair next to Monet’s bed, looked upward, and said, “Thank you, God. Please forgive me for all my sins.”


  Two months later, at the conclusion of the morning service at the Temple, Monet, Marcus, Liz, and Wade stood at the altar as Reverend Wilcox christened Faith. The baby looked like a little princess clothed in her christening outfit. Aron, Duane, and Derek stood behind the parents and godparents as a show of love and support.

  Aron was standing next to Derek. Father and son smiled at each other guardedly. They were working on mending their relationship. By the time Marcus and Monet brought Faith home from the hospital, Duane informed his twin that Aron was moving into their basement apartment. Duane explained that Monet and Marcus needed time to heal as husband and wife and bond with their newborn daughter. Derek knew his brother was correct and had no choice but to agree to his brother’s demand that he allow their father to move into the twins’ house. Aron and Derek returned their attention to the front of the church.

  Reverend Wilcox prayed, “Father, we come today to give this child back to you. Help her parents stay strong and vigilant as they raise her in the turbulent world we inhabit. Lord, we give thanks for the miracle that is Faith Imani Caldwell. We dedicate her life to you. As the song goes, you made a way out of no way, Monet kept the faith, and in turn, she birthed Faith. Lord, her parents, godparents, grandfather, and uncles, along with our entire church, promise to raise this child in a Christian way that will be pleasing in your sight. Give her parents wisdom and plenty of patience.” The church chuckled as Faith cooed loudly when Reverend Wilcox said plenty of patience.

  Then Reverend Wilcox held the baby up toward the audience and said, “Church, I’d like to introduce you to our newest member of Jubilee Temple Baptist Church, little Miss Faith Imani Caldwell. Let the church say Amen.”

  The church stood and clapped, and yelled, “Amen!”

  Reverend Wilcox handed Faith to her father, whose smile was so wide that one would have thought he’d won the lottery. Then Monet, Marcus, Liz, Wade, Aron, Duane, and Derek returned to their seats.

  Monet heard a voice from above tell her, “You’re not done yet, my daughter. You will bear twins boys.

  “Goodness gracious,” she said aloud.

  “What did you say? What’s up?” Marcus asked her, as he put Faith on his shoulder.

  “We’ll talk later,” Monet promised, as they stood for the benediction.

  After reciting the benediction, the church members swarmed around Marcus and Monet as if they were celebrities. The sun beamed brightly through the stained glass windows, while well wishes rained down on baby Faith.

  Monet’s creed became; Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. And for the remainder of her life, Monet urged people to never give up hope because for those who call on Him, God does answer prayer.

  Discussion Questions

  1. Monet has a talent her family called the gift; do you believe people have intuitive abilities?

  2. How well would you say Marcus coped with his life changes under the circumstances?

  3. Was Marcus justified in giving Monet an ultimatum to terminate the pregnancy?

  4. Do you feel Monet could have been more understanding of Marcus’s issues or were her responses valid?

  5. Was Wade too preachy to Marcus? Should he have been less spiritual and more realistic toward his friend’s plight?

  6. Should police officers be allowed to investigate crimes against their families? Or are they too close to the situation?

  7. Did Aron seem to be sincere about wanting forgiveness from his children and to be a part of their lives?

  8. Should Monet’s doctor have mentioned abortion as an option to Monet?

  9. Which character did you relate to or enjoy the most?

  10. Should Monet’s mother have given her children the letters from their father sooner? Was she correct in determining the best time to give the letters to her children?

  11. Which people were more supportive to Monet and Marcus during their dilemma?

  12. Do you feel Marcus lost faith in God after the misfortunes that befell his family?

  13. Is there anything else Monet could have done to persuade Marcus that he was Faith’s father?

  14. Who was your least favorite character?

  15. Did you feel it creditable or disturbing that Marcus cried several times during the story in the face of adversity?


  UC His Glory Book Club is the spirit-inspired brainchild of Joylynn Jossel, Author and Acquisitions Editor of Urban Christian, and Kendra Norman-Bellamy, Author for Urban Christian. This is an online book club that hosts authors of Urban Christian. We welcome as members all men and women who have a passion for reading Christian-based fiction.

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  Many Blessing to You!

  Shelia E. Lipsey,

  President, UC His Glory Book Club

  Urban Books, LLC

  78 East Industry Court

  Deer Park, NY 11729

  Faith Copyright © 2010 Michelle Larks

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-6016-2878-7

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

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