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First Witch (Awakening Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Jane Hinchey

  "Are you ready for tomorrow?”

  “I guess so. I just wish I knew more about the spell. What will it do? What’s going to happen?”

  “All in due course my dear. You should go. Get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a big day and we need you at full strength.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She hadn’t been expecting her aunt to kick her out, thought they’d spend more time together, that she’d teach her more of her witchcraft heritage. Melissa helped her return the books to the shelves, then hugged her.

  "Come back tomorrow night. At dusk."

  "Can I come back sooner? I'd like to keep reading." She indicated the bookshelves behind her.

  Melissa shook her head. "Tilda and I will be prepping for the spell. And it's best you rest. Don't practice any magic tomorrow, at all. You need to be fully charged, so to speak. We're going to have to channel your power. If you deplete yourself beforehand, the spell might fail."

  "Okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow night then." She thought it strange they wouldn't let her return until it was time for the spell, even stranger that no one would tell her about this new mysterious spell. Exactly what would it do? They said it would kill the hunter, but not how. Worry pulled at her. She was keeping secrets from everyone, and it appeared they were all keeping secrets from her too.


  With a final hug at the door to the shop, Georgia stepped out into the night. She was almost back to the hotel when she passed a trendy little pub. Backing up, she peered inside. She was hungry and could use a drink, so why not? For a woman who was used to her own space and own company, she hadn't been alone in a long time and she welcomed it. Stepping inside, she let her eyes adjust to the dim light for a moment before stepping up to the bar. It was early; not many patrons filled the small space. Grabbing a menu at the bar, she ordered a burger and a beer and found herself a seat in a booth made for four.

  "Here you are." Zak slid into the booth opposite her. Her mouth full of burger, she looked at him. He didn't seem angry, which was a relief. She finished chewing and swallowed.

  "I was hungry," she said a tad defensively. Why did she have to justify herself to him anyway?

  "Is it good?" He indicated the burger.

  "It's fucking brilliant!" She grinned. She took another bite, watched as he headed to the bar, returning with two bottles of beer.

  "Have a good day?" he asked conversationally, taking a swig.

  "What is this?" She frowned, suspicious.

  "What's what?"

  "What you're doing? Being nice. Why aren't you pissed that I didn't come straight back to the hotel?"

  "Is that why you came here? To piss me off?"

  "Actually, no. I came in because I was hungry and could use a drink. Or two."

  He nodded. "That's what I thought."

  "So, you're not angry?"

  "Nope." He took another swig of beer, watching her. She held his gaze for a moment longer before shrugging and picking up her burger again, taking a massive bite and closing her eyes as the flavor burst over her tongue.

  His own burger arrived shortly after and they ate in silence. Finally, when the plates were cleared away and he'd ordered them both a whiskey, he asked the question she'd been hoping to avoid.

  "How was your day with the witches?"

  She didn't know what to tell him. Of her suspicion that they were keeping something from her. Because he was the enemy. She didn't know if the witches were her enemy too, and she wished she had her Zak here to talk to.

  Blowing out a breath she muttered, "It was okay."

  "Just okay?" One dark brow arched.

  "I'm part of their coven now," she admitted.

  "You don't seem happy about it," he observed.

  "I don't's just...only a few months ago I was human, then I became a vampire, now I'm a witch—hell, I don't even know if I'm a vampire anymore! I don't know what I am."

  "You're more powerful than you know. Than you can imagine." His dark eyes pinned her to her seat.

  "And what the fuck does that mean? You all talk so vaguely, without giving me details." She cursed jaw tense.

  "I can't tell you. It's too risky."

  "Risky for you, you mean."

  "Exactly." He smirked at her, the curl of his lip drawing her attention.

  "If you keep staring at me like that we're going to be in a whole lot of trouble you hadn't counted on," he ground out. She could hear it in his voice. His desire. Tearing her eyes away, she slid from the booth, stopping when his hand snaked around her wrist.

  "Where are you going?"

  "To the bar. I'm pre-loading for tomorrow." She tugged out of his grip.

  Cocking his head, he frowned. "Pre-loading?"

  "Tomorrow’s a full moon, right? Something big is going down and I'm smack dab in the middle of it. What better way to face your demons than laden with alcohol?"

  "Sounds like a plan." He stood, captured her hand with his and led her to the bar. She eyed him in shock.

  "What are you doing?" The change in him confused her, even more so when he opened up a tab at the bar, pulled a bar stool up next to hers and ordered shots.

  "Having fun?"


  "This is the most fun I think we can have...with our clothes on. Unless you want to go back to the hotel and...?"

  "What? No! This is great. This is my kinda fun."

  He laughed out loud, clinked his glass with hers and downed the shot. Signaling the bartender, he told him to leave the bottle.

  Three hours later and she was well and truly hammered. Maybe she wasn't a vampire anymore because she sure as shit wasn't burning off alcohol like she used to. The room was not exactly spinning, more like swaying. All her worries had taken flight on an alcohol-fueled plane to who the hell cared.

  "I need to pee," she slurred, sliding off her stood and almost face planting. Since when did the floor get so far away?

  "Easy there." Zak laughed, catching her, holding her steady until she got her feet under her. "Need a hand?"

  "Nope. I've been peeing on my own since I was born. But thank you." Weaving across the room, she banged through the ladies room door, nearly clocking herself in the face when the door slammed against the wall and bounced back at her. "Ooops."

  Sitting on the toilet, she smiled. She was having fun. She'd missed nights like this. Drinking at the bar. Having Zak with her kept the sleazes away, which in turn stopped her from having to punch some dickwad in the face. She didn't want to think about the witches. Or the hunter. Or Skye. Or any of it. God, life was so goddamn complicated, and tonight, tonight she wanted to be free. And she was.

  "Zakky!" She sidled up to him at the bar, leaning into him. He smiled, shaking his head at her. His eyes had followed her from the moment she'd opened the bathroom door and weaved her way back to the bar. Several men had looked like they were going to approach, but he'd stared them down.

  "Zakky?" He laughed.

  "What?" She frowned.

  "You called me Zakky."

  "No, I didn't."

  "You did."

  "Get me a drink."

  "How about a water?"

  "Pft. How about...tequila? Cos, y'know, this might be my last night on Earth!" she declared dramatically, waving her arm in the air and staggering. Slipping his arm around her waist, he heaved her back onto the bar stool by his side.

  "Y'know"—she looked at him—"I can't work you out."


  "You're this big bad hunter that the witches are terrified of, I'm on your hit list, yet you're being nice to me."

  "I didn't think you wanted to talk about that tonight," he reminded her.

  "You’re right!" she suddenly yelled, making him jump. "Ssssh," she shushed him with a finger over her lips. "You're being too loud." He laughed, shaking his head.

  It was two in the morning, the bar was packed, yet they stayed. When a song came on the jukebox that she liked, she dragged him up to dance with her. Her sense of rhythm was totally of
f and he did little but shuffle from one foot to the other, but still, she beamed at him, delighted. Another hour passed. They lost their seats at the bar, but he found them a spot to sit and catch their breath. Only he didn't appear to be drunk or breathless.

  "Phew! It's warm in here." She'd shrugged out of her hoodie and draped it over the back of her chair where it promptly fell to the floor because she'd missed. He picked it up and placed it on his chair.

  "Do you have any friends?" she asked, leaning her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands.


  "That's sad." She smiled sadly at him, then tears filled her eyes. "Geez, that's really sad, man." She sniffed.

  "Hey," he soothed, leaning over to wipe a tear from her cheek, "it's okay."

  "You're okay? I don't feel so good." She lowered her head to rest her cheek on the table.

  "Ready to go?" He chuckled, crouching by her side.

  "I want to plant cats."

  "Plant cats?"

  "Mmmm. They're so cute. Scratchy little bastards though."

  "Do you have a cat?"

  "No." Her eyes closed and she was out.


  "Georgia!" Zak smiled at her, his eyes sparkling, his arms reaching for her.

  "What's going on? Why are you here?" She held out a hand to ward him off. She'd had enough of the hunter's games, using her own desires against her.

  "What? What do you mean?"

  "Just cut the crap, okay? I'm tired of all this." She sat down on the edge of the bed they shared. It was cruel of him to choose this setting.

  "Georgia?" He kneeled in front of her, brows pulling together. "What's happened? The last thing I remember is going after the hunter. I don't know what he did, but something hit me like a massive electric shot. I remember my whole body seizing. That's it. That's all I've got. What's happened? Why are we here?"

  "Zak?" She cupped his face, searching his eyes. Was it really him? Her Zak?

  "It's me." His voice was soft, reassuring. Could it really be? She was hesitant to believe, to trust that the hunter would allow them this...with trembling fingers she traced his face before tugging him to her. Before their lips met, he froze. "Who else would it be?" He frowned, his breath hot on her face.

  "What?" she murmured, already lost in the heat swirling between them.

  "You asked if it was me. Who else would it be?" He pulled back, but she refused to let him go.

  "No one. It doesn't matter." She planted her mouth on his, poured all of her pent-up emotion into this kiss. He responded immediately, tongue dueling with hers...

  "Oh my God," she whimpered, grasping his broad shoulders and pressing into him.

  "You taste soooo good," he whispered, running his tongue along her earlobe, muttering against her skin what he wanted to do to her...with her. He ran his lips over her jaw and back to the corner of her mouth. Threading her hands through his thick black hair, she cupped the back of his neck and pulled his lips to hers. He teased her mouth with the tip of his tongue, licking along her lower lip before he slanted his mouth across hers and turned her to jelly.

  His mouth and teeth traveled down her body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. She barely noticed when he tugged her shirt over her head and unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts. He stopped, mesmerized. His eyes were hooded with desire and she sucked in a breath, arching her back. She wanted him to touch her. Needed him to touch her. His mouth descended to one aching breast; he took her nipple into his mouth and drew long and hard. He divided his attention between each breast equally, licking and nipping until she was squirming against him.

  They tumbled back onto the bed, her legs wrapping around his hips, and he groaned into her mouth as his hands cupped her behind, pulling her impossibly closer. He shuddered as she dragged her mouth from his to explore his neck, tracing circles with her tongue, tasting him, teasing him. His breath hitched as she scraped his neck with her teeth, but she didn't bite him. Not yet. If she bit him now it'd be all over, and she'd waited too long for this.

  His hands were all over her, tugging at her jeans, pulling them down her legs until she was naked beneath him. Burying his face in her neck, he nipped.

  "You're so fucking delicious," he said as his lips and teeth explored the curve of her throat, down to her collarbone. His hand slid down her body, reaching with his fingers between her legs. He groaned when he felt how wet she was, rubbing in circular motions until she bucked against his hand, moaned his name, and raked her nails down his back.

  "Jesus. So hot. So wet. Mine." He growled, capturing her mouth at the same time he buried two fingers deeply inside her. His tongue matched the rhythm of his fingers and her body jerked and tightened around him. He muttered incoherent words into her mouth as she came apart in his arms.

  "My turn." She pushed him off her and onto his back. Propping herself on one elbow, she let her eyes devour him, his broad shoulders, chiseled chest, rock hard abs, to his erection standing tall and proud. Straddling him she worked her way down his body, dropping kisses along the way until her mouth was right where she wanted it. He was frozen beneath her, body tense, as she flicked her tongue out and circled the swollen head of his cock. He groaned and twisted his fingers in her hair as she worked him with her mouth, sliding up and down, running her tongue over and around him.

  "Georgia, stop!" he hissed, pulling her off him. "I need to be inside you. Now!" He flipped them, tossing her to the mattress and moving between her legs in one fluid movement.

  "Open your eyes," Zak commanded. "Look at me."

  She did. They watched each other as he entered her, slowly pushing into her, as she stretched and adjusted to the size of him. He paused, then withdrew with agonizing slowness. Her hips bucked, trying to draw him back into her, but he held firm, his fingers digging into her hips to hold her still.

  "Please..." she groaned,

  "What do you want?" he teased, rocking slightly, teasing her with his cock.

  "I want you." Another groan, laced with frustration

  "You want me to fuck you?"


  With a quick deep thrust, he buried himself completely inside her. Her body convulsed around his and she cried out. He started slow and steady, but her writhing and bucking beneath him pushed him over the edge. Before she knew it, he was pounding into her with a force and speed that would have killed her if she was still human. Instead, she met every thrust with joyful abandon.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him deeper access. He growled his approval. She sucked his tongue into her mouth and gripped him inside her with a force that sent shock waves rippling through her body and shudders to rock his. Moments before her orgasm hit, his teeth sunk into her neck, and he drank from her as she exploded around him, milking him with her internal muscles until he tore his mouth from her and threw back his head with a roar, his own orgasm consuming him.

  She woke with a groan and a throbbing head. As hot and satisfying as the dream walk with Zak had been, the reality of one very hung over body overshadowed everything.

  "Here." A glass of water appeared on the bedside table, two white pills next to it.

  "Thanks." Sitting up, she gingerly swung her legs out of bed, not caring that she only wore her bra and panties, that he'd obviously undressed her the night before. Right now she needed to pee. And possibly throw up, because now she was upright, the room was spinning alarmingly.

  "You look a little green," Zak commented. She glanced at him. She felt more than a little green, she felt disgusting.

  "Oh God." Feeling bile rise in her throat she rushed to the bathroom, hand clamped over her mouth. Skidding to her knees, she heaved into the toilet. She felt her hair being held back as she continued to wretch until her stomach must surely be empty. Resting her head on the arm she had draped over the toilet, she closed her eyes. She felt like shit. She was shaking and sweating.

  Zak let go of her hair and she heard the shower turn on. Then she was being lifted and shoved beneath t
he spray, underwear and all. She stood beneath the water, not moving until eventually she pried her eyes open and looked at Zak, who was leaning against the frame.



  He laughed, passing her a toothbrush. "Use it. You'll feel better."

  Dutifully she stood in the shower and brushed her teeth. After a few minutes, he reached in and flicked the taps off, wrapping her in a big fluffy towel.

  "You wanna takes these off, or shall I?" He indicated her wet bra and panties.

  "I'll do it," she muttered. Wriggling under the towel there was a wet slap as her bra hit the tiles, followed by her panties. Secure in the towel, she cautiously made her way back into the bedroom, sat on the end of the bed, and released a shaky breath. The mattress dipped when he sat behind her, then rubbed a towel over her wet hair. She didn't have the energy to argue with him, simply sat passively while he dried her hair, then ran a comb through it.

  He finished with her hair, appearing in front of her again with the glass of water and pills from her nightstand.

  "Take these. Get back into bed and sleep it off. You'll feel better."

  She accepted the glass, swallowed the pills, and crawled beneath the covers still wrapped in the towel. She thought she felt his lips on her forehead, but couldn't be sure, oblivion calling her.

  "Hey, sleepyhead." Zak nudged her awake. She rolled over, glancing at the window and the dim light outside.

  "What time is it?"

  "Six o'clock."

  "In the morning?" Jesus, why was he waking her up this early?

  "In the evening."

  "What?" Shit. She had to get to The Black Cauldron. Melissa had told her to come at dusk. It was dusk now. Sitting up, she was relieved that the room didn't spin.

  "Did I sleep all day?"

  "Yup. You were awake briefly this morning. Do you remember?"

  "Throwing my guts up and showering in my underwear. Yes, I do." She paused, eyeing him. "Thank you for taking care of me. That couldn't have been pleasant."


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