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Believe (San Francisco Brides Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Juliano, Celia

  Lorenzo’s chuckle reverberated through his chest. “Damn, you’re cute.”

  Lita grinned and peppered him with kisses. She poked him in the side. “Cute?” she said in an accusatory tone.

  “Yes, kitten.” He kissed her. She didn’t need to hear his happiness. She could feel it.

  Chapter Ten

  “Is Lee here?” Lita said as Gina helped her with her short veil. Celeste bustled around the room, making sure Lita’s bags were packed and the room was tidy.

  “Not last time I checked.” Gina fluffed the veil out. “You and Lee were really close, huh?”

  “He was like a father to me when I was little…He and Lorenzo are starting a business together…” But their new business hadn’t brought Lee and Lorenzo closer. Lee was still stand-offish. She and Lee hadn’t been as close while Lita was in Italy, but now the distance between them wasn’t a matter of geography.

  Lita studied herself in the mirror. She was okay with the white 1950s-style cocktail dress instead of the princess wedding dress she’d always wanted, she was okay with getting married at home by a judge instead of in the church, she was okay having said goodbye to Jane and the Lawsons…but not Lee.

  “He might be here already,” Gina said. “You look beautiful. But you need these. Something borrowed and blue.” Gina handed her a pair of pretty teardrop-style blue topaz earrings.

  Lita slid them on. “Thank you.” She smoothed her dress. It was new. Celeste had given her the veil, which had been Celeste’s, so Lita had everything.

  Lita smiled and hugged Gina and Celeste. They both smiled, a similar calm expression on their beautiful faces. They looked like a couple of movie stars, especially when they were dressed for a special occasion, which today was. Too bad the rest of her family didn’t see it as a special day. More like a strange one, as Lita’d overheard Carlo say—a strange day, to see Lorenzo get married.

  “We’re all happy for you,” Celeste said.

  That wasn’t true, but it was kind of Celeste to say it, and at least she and Gina meant it.

  But it seemed to be a thing lately for people to say they were happy and not sound it. None of the rest of the family seemed happy for them—accepting, but not happy. And some of the D’Angelos especially didn’t like Lorenzo, or the DeGrazias, though things had improved since Gina and Vincente’s engagement. Maybe Lee would accept her and Lorenzo eventually. She couldn’t lose Lee, and neither could Lorenzo. Lita blew out a breath. What mattered today was she and Lorenzo were happy.

  A knock sounded. Gina peeked out.

  “Can I come in?” Lee said.

  Lita hurried to the door.

  “I’ll be back when it’s time.” Gina smoothed her turquoise dress, which seemed to brighten her olive skin. She glowed. Lita didn’t, not according to the reflection in the mirror.

  Lita nodded. Celeste patted Lee’s arm as she followed Gina out.

  Lita hugged Lee. His body was rigid, not like the usual hang-loose Lee. She stepped back. He shut the door and turned to her. No easy smile lit his face. Lita clasped her hands.

  “I’ve been thinking about you,” Lee said. He rubbed a hand through his tight, light brown curls. “You know we’ve been busy setting up the new office space, Janetta and Lorenzo coordinating, getting clients...”

  Lita knew all that from Lorenzo. Did Lee think she didn’t talk to her own fiancé? “That’s great,” Lita said. Janetta was an architect like Lee, but she had a minor in business, so she could handle the business side while Lorenzo and Lita were on their honeymoon.

  “That’s not why I haven’t been in touch. I was hoping this would blow over. This—you getting married to Lorenzo—isn’t great, Lita.”

  “Don’t start again, Lee. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been sure I want to get married and have a family of my own. And now I’m sure I want it with Lorenzo. He’s your best friend. Why can’t you be happy for us?” Lita checked her appearance again in the mirror. Good enough. Soon she’d be Lorenzo’s wife, and that was what mattered. Everything else would float into place. Turning, she stepped toward the door.

  “He has a lot of good qualities. But, you’re young. And he’s…very experienced. I don’t believe he can be monogamous.”

  Lita stopped and twisted her engagement ring. “I believe in him.”

  “He still flirts. It’s like he doesn’t even know he does it. And he’s done some things—there were these twins…and flight attendants in every city—”

  Lita turned on him, scowling, hands balled into fists. “This is my wedding day. How can you come in here and try to ruin it, try to turn me against Lorenzo? I know what he did in the past. He’s been honest with me. I don’t want details, and I don’t care about his past.” She did care, and when she heard about Lorenzo with another woman, her stomach clenched and she wanted to lash out. She didn’t like that side of herself—how she could get insecure and mean. She frowned. Sometimes she just didn’t like herself very much. She wanted to always be the woman Lorenzo seemed to see her as: sweet, sexy, silly, caring. Especially today, she wanted to be that woman.

  “The flirting isn’t in the past. Him meeting with interior designers and consultants he used to have sex with isn’t in the past. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “This is hurting me, Lee.” Lita grabbed a tissue from the dresser top and dabbed at her eyes. Her throat hurt, tight with tears and her labored breathing. She went back to the mirror, focusing on twirling strands of hair, to make them soft and wavy, the way Lorenzo liked. Maybe she should’ve worn her hair up. She pulled off the veil and ran to the bathroom. Pinning up her hair in a loose chignon, her breathing calmed. Slowly, she walked back into the bedroom.

  “It doesn’t matter what I say—you’re going through with it anyway, aren’t you?” Lee said, as if he had a lot worse things he could tell her.

  Lita placed the veil back in her hair. “Yes.”

  “I’m never going to stop watching out for you. I held you the day you were born, and I promised myself I would always be the best brother anyone could have.”

  “And you have been, Lee.” Lita hugged him with a light embrace. “You were only six then. It was always too much for you, to expect yourself to be a father to me.”

  Lee shrugged. “I love you. Both of you. This is big for Lorenzo. Maybe too much—he feels responsible. I don’t think either of you is ready. I don’t think Lorenzo will ever be ready.”

  “It’s not for you to say.”

  Lee shook his head. “I know. But when I see a car wreck about to happen, I try to stop it.”

  Lita pinched her lips together. She locked Lee’s words in a closet in her mind.

  Gina poked her head in. “Everything’s ready.”

  Lita stilled. She tilted her head back and blinked. No tears—not on her wedding day.

  Gina entered the room and squeezed her hand—Gina’s hand was so warm. “You okay?” Gina glanced at Lee.

  “Lita,” Lee said. “Enjoy your trip. I’ll see you when you get back?” He kissed her cheek.

  “Yes.” She shivered. The room had grown somehow colder, though the sun shone in through the curtains.

  Lee left, leaving the door open. His footsteps sounded on the stairs. Lita and Gina walked into the hall. Voices echoed up. Then the front door closed. This so wasn’t okay. Not now…she couldn’t think about Lee’s words now. She closed her eyes and willed Lorenzo’s image into her mind. Taking a deep breath, she walked out and down the stairs with Gina.

  Uncle Enzo waited at the bottom of the steps.

  “This is your happy day,” Gina said. “Don’t let anything get you down.” Gina hurried into the living room.

  Lita nodded. Gina didn’t let the fact that her dad didn’t embrace her engagement to Vincente stop her from being happy. Lita could learn to do that too.

  Uncle Enzo supported Lita’s arm. They stepped forward.

  “I’m glad I don’t really have to give you away,” he whispered.

“Me too.” She patted her hair. She’d always imagined Lee giving her away. Or that he’d be next to Lorenzo as his best man. But he was gone. “Thank you for giving us half the house.”

  “It’s what Angela would’ve wanted. We love you.” Uncle Enzo kissed her forehead. His lemon scent joined that of the roses flooding the living room.

  Celeste, Sophia, Carlo, and Joey stood on one side of the room. Vincente, Gina, Grandpop, and Paolo faced them. Lita smiled at the gathering of handsome, caring faces. The judge, tall and serious, stood in front of the fireplace. Finally, Lita let herself look at Lorenzo.

  She warmed and covered her mouth as a sound between a laugh and a cry escaped her. Lorenzo shifted his broad shoulders, smoothed a hand over his neatly tailored suit. Perfectly groomed and handsome, as usual…yet beneath that exterior was an intense, passionate man. A wave of longing and fear made her hesitate for a second.

  Uncle Enzo squeezed her arm. “Are you sure about this?” he whispered.

  Lorenzo smiled as he gazed at her. He stepped forward. The judge cleared his throat.


  They walked to Lorenzo. His brows tugged together. It was okay, all she didn’t know about him. They had a lot to discover, but surely it would be…miraculous.

  Uncle Enzo handed her to Lorenzo. They faced the judge, who read the vows. Lita’s ears hummed. She whispered her vows while Lorenzo said his with steady gravity. They slid on the rings. Her hands trembled. Lorenzo’s were warm but stiff. Then he kissed her, a quick peck on the lips.

  “I present Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Calabra,” Judge Polito said as they turned to the family.

  Sophia and Celeste hugged them, then everyone shook hands and exclaimed to each other. Lita couldn’t take it all in. Maybe it was good they hadn’t had a big church wedding if the pit of overwhelming queasiness in her stomach was any indicator.

  “You look pale,” Celeste said. “Have you eaten today?”

  “I can’t remember,” Lita said.

  “I’ll make you a plate.” Celeste walked out.

  Lorenzo came to her side. Lita leaned into him. The queasiness washed away, like the tide going out, and a lightness made her smile again. He enfolded her in his arms, bringing her into his solid frame. He kissed her ear. She caressed his forearms.

  “You okay?” he said.

  “Never better.”

  “Wait til later,” he whispered.

  Her cheeks heated. Celeste brought her and Lorenzo plates of food. Everyone else had moved into the dining room, where a buffet lunch was laid out.

  She and Lorenzo sat together on the oversized arm chair. Enjoying each bite, Lita ate some Aracini, salad, and a mini zucchini frittata. Sophia and Celeste knew their ways around a kitchen. Lita snuggled into Lorenzo, listening to the pleasant chatter of her family. Sophia came and took their plates. Lita watched Uncle Enzo and Celeste together. They appeared so at ease, comfortable, yet interested in each other—absorbed. And Gina and Vincente were even more so—always keeping contact with each other, whispering together, laughing. Maybe someday, she and Lorenzo would be that comfortable together.

  Lorenzo kissed Lita’s hand. A spark ignited in her. He twirled her rings, but remained silent.

  “Did you talk to Lee?” Lita said.


  “And?” Sometimes she felt like he didn’t want to talk to her.

  “You already know how he feels.”

  Lita gritted her teeth and tried to rise. She became upset when Lorenzo didn’t want to discuss something she felt they should address. He held onto her, forcing her to stay snug against him. She pushed out a breath.

  “Don’t make me send everyone home,” Lorenzo growled.

  Lita scooted to face him. His face was almost expressionless, but serious enough—he meant it. An odd feeling bubbled in her—part anger, part arousal. Neither won out, as her thoughts flashed to the embarrassment of ending their wedding reception early, without even cutting the cake Celeste and Gina had worked so hard to make.

  “Fine,” she said. She stayed perched on his lap and focused on their guests.


  “Thanks for coming,” Lita said for the second time as Sophia, Carlo, and Joey left. They wished her and Lorenzo well and went out.

  Only Grandpop, Vincente, Gina, Celeste and Uncle Enzo remained, putting on their coats by the open front door.

  “We’ll send Nico by in the morning to take you to the airport,” Grandpop said, shaking Lorenzo’s hand. He kissed Lita’s cheek.

  “Enjoy yourselves,” Celeste said. She hugged Lita and Lorenzo.

  “Call me when you arrive,” Uncle Enzo said, hugging Lita. “You take care of my girl here,” he said to Lorenzo.

  Lorenzo nodded. His shoulders tensed, as if Uncle Enzo had handed him an actual weight, a heavy responsibility. Lita rubbed her stomach. If Lee was right about Lorenzo feeling responsible…

  “He will, Uncle Enzo,” Vincente said, his deep-set eyes matching the spark in Uncle Enzo’s. Vincente clasped Gina’s hand.

  “Have fun,” Gina said with a grin.

  Lita and Lorenzo thanked everyone. Uncle Enzo and Celeste were spending the night at Vincente and Grandpop’s, which was no doubt Vincente’s idea. Lita hugged them all and watched as they walked to their cars. Lorenzo pulled her back into the house and shut the door.

  “Let’s go upstairs.”


  “Everything’s cleaned up. No arguments, kitten.”

  He brought her into him and kissed her. No peck this time—his mouth took hers with deep intensity. Lita wrapped her arms around his neck to keep herself upright. Lorenzo scooped her up, never breaking their kiss. He strode upstairs, into the guest room. Setting Lita down, he began undressing. Lita glanced around. Roses graced the night table, light petals strewn across the bed and floor, their scent heightened in her excitement. Again, something warred in her belly—excitement and fear. The curtains shut out most of the light, the room seemed hazy. But Lorenzo wasn’t. He stood in front of her now, his white V-neck undershirt tight against his torso, his slacks still on, but bare feet. Even his feet were sexy.

  He took her hand and led her into the bathroom, facing her toward the big mirror behind the sink. With nimble fingers, he unpinned her hair, running his fingers through the waves until it fell loose over her shoulders. As she watched him, her body lightened and her thoughts disappeared. All she saw or felt was Lorenzo and their love, the beauty of it, of them together.

  He unzipped her dress and slid it off with almost painful slowness. Her skin warmed with each caress of his fingers, each trailed kiss along her neck and shoulders. She closed her eyes and melted into the sensations, the infusion of joy and contentment being in Lorenzo’s arms brought.

  “I love you. I need you,” she whispered.

  His breath tickled across her neck. He grasped her hand and led her to the bed. Facing her, he cupped her cheeks in his hands, gazing at her with intense focus. She flickered her eyelids, almost unable to handle the passion of his look, his touch. Instead, she forced her eyes open, met his gaze, and let herself fall into the moment.

  He kissed her. The room spun slightly. She felt for the bed, something else to lean against. Lorenzo placed her on the mattress and peeled off his clothes. Lita unhooked her bra as she watched him, her nipples hardening at the sight of him, his tall, athletic body, tanned, toned, his erection long and hard. Just the sight of him, the lingering whispers of his touch, aroused her more than anything ever had. He moved on top of her, edging them back into the bed as Lita explored his body the way she’d dreamed of so many times. She caressed and licked, stroked and kissed, until they both panted for air, for a deeper taste of each other.

  “Lita, oh God, Lita,” he whispered in a hoarse tone. She held his hard length, guiding him between her open thighs. Then he kissed her with such force and fire that she let go, throwing her hands back, slack by her head. She tried grinding her hips into him, but he pressed himself closer
, kissing her, rubbing his body against hers in a dance of slow seduction.

  When she was completely open, whispering words of longing and need, he entered her. She flinched. He slowed his movement, letting her ease against him, taking him deeper, until he filled her. She softened—the familiar mellow sultriness his nearness brought engulfed her. They rode the tide of their love and desire until Lita gasped, arching her body into Lorenzo’s. He held her close and with a final thrust, he spent himself in her.

  Warmth radiated in her as Lorenzo held her in bed, her mind jumbled and incoherent. She smoothed a hand over his chest and smiled. Her husband should be People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive.” He ran his fingers through her hair and held her hand with his.

  She rested her chin on his chest and smiled at him. She snuggled into him again. He caressed her back, sending tendrils of heat into her. They stayed like that a long time, maybe sleeping a little, but all Lita knew was warmth and pleasure.

  A clapping sound from somewhere made her start. The image of Lorenzo, hand raised, with some woman, flashed in her mind. She tugged the tiny hairs on his chest. She bit her lip and shuddered. He took her face in his hands, their heat and smoothness covered her cheeks.

  “I love you. Only you,” he said.

  “Me too.”

  He kissed her and pinched her rear, like she hoped he would. Then he started tickling. She giggled and squirmed.

  “Stop,” she called through her laughter.

  He pulled her onto him.

  “I love you, forever,” she whispered.

  He kissed her. Waves of molten pleasure poured through her. She moved her legs astride him and let herself kiss back, let herself make all the moans and purrs she wanted, let herself grind and nibble and lose control. Lorenzo grunted. She sat all the way up, accidentally kneeing him in the stomach as she tried to climb off him. She collapsed onto her back and pulled the sheet up. A full body blush was possible. They eyed each other. She covered her face with the sheet. He snuck a hand under and moved it over her. She squirmed, the heat starting again.

  “I like your enthusiasm,” he said.


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