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Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Page 29

by Guanzhong Luo

  The two messengers presently reached Shouch’un, saw Yuan Shu and presented the letter.

  “How is this?” said Shu.“Formerly he slew my messenger and repudiated the marriage; now he sends to ask for it.

  “It is all due to the vile plans of that monster Ts’ao Ts’ao. I pray you, Illustrious Sir, to consider it carefully,” replied Ssu.

  “But if your master was not hemmed in by his enemy and in imminent danger he would never have thought of renewing this proposal of marriage.”

  The messengers said,“You may decide not to help him, but the teeth are cold when the lips are gone. It will not make for your happiness and comfort.”

  Said Shu,“Feng-hsien is unreliable, tell him that I will send soldiers after the girl has arrived here.”

  This was final and the two messengers took leave. When the party reached Yuan-te’s camp they decided to try to get through in the darkness, the escort remaining behind to protect their rear. They tried that very night and the two messengers crept across without discovery. But the escort found themselves faced by Chang Fei. Ho Ming tried to fight but was captured in the very first bout and the men of his half company were either killed or they fled.

  The prisoner was taken to Yuan-te, who forwarded him to the main camp. There he told the story of the marriage and the scheme to save the city. Ts’ao Ts’ao was angry and ordered the execution of the prisoner at the main gate.

  Then he sent orders to each camp to exercise the greatest diligence with threats of rigorous punishment of the officers of any corps that permitted any communication between the besieged and the outer world.

  Every soldier felt mightily afraid. Yuan-te returned to camp and cautioned his brothers saying,“We are in the most important place with regard to Huainan and you must be very careful not to allow any breach of this command.”

  Chang Fei was inclined to grumble,“We have just captured one of the enemy’s leaders,” said he,“and there is no word of praise or reward for us; nothing but new orders and threats. What do you make of that?”

  “You are wrong to complain,” said Yuan-te.“These are orders of the Commander-in-Chief and what would happen were there no orders? Do not disobey them, brother.”

  They promised obedience and withdrew.

  In the meantime the messengers had got back to Lu Pu and told him what Yuan Shu had said, that if the girl came the soldiers should go.

  “But how can she be sent?” said Pu.

  “That is the difficulty. Ho Ming’s capture means that Ts’ao Ts’ao knows the whole plan of getting help from the south. I do not see how any one but you yourself could hope to get through the close siege.”

  “Suppose we tried, today?” said Lu Pu.

  “This is an ill-omened day; you must not try today. Tomorrow is a very lucky day, especially in the evening, for any military action.”

  Then Lu Pu ordered Chang Liao and Kao Shun to get ready three companies for the venture and to prepare a light carriage. He would lead till they had got a couple of hundred li away. Thence they could escort the bride-elect the remainder of the way to her new home.

  Next evening toward the second watch Lu Pu wrapped up his daughter in soft wadded garments, bound her about with a mailed coat and took her on his back. Then with his mighty halberd in hand, he mounted his steed and rode at the head of the cavalcade out of the city gate. The two captains followed.

  In this order they approached Yuan-te’s camp. The drums at

  once beat the alarm and the two younger brothers barred the way.

  “Stop!” they shouted.

  Lu Pu had no desire to fight; all he wished was to get through so he made for a side road. Yuan-te came in pursuit and the two parties engaged. Brave as he might be, Lu Pu was almost helpless now that he was hampered by a girl on his shoulders, whom he was desperately anxious to preserve from hurt. Beside other parties came up all shouting and attacking and he had no alternative but to give up his project and return into the city. He reached his palace very sad at heart. The besiegers returned to camp well pleased that no one had got beyond their lines.

  Lu Pu found consolation in the wine cup. The siege had gone on for two months and still the city stood, when they heard that Chang Yang, Prefect of Honei, had been inclined to come to the help of Lu Pu. But one of his subordinates had assassinated him and was bringing his head as an offering to Ts’ao Ts’ao, when he also had been slain by one of the Prefects friends. He had then gone to Tach’eng.

  In the camp of the besiegers there now arose much murmuring. The officers grumbled saying,“Though Chang Yang, who meant to hurt us, is happily no more, yet we are threatened on the north by Yuan Shao and on the east Piao Hsiu is a menace. Here we meet with no success against the city. We are for leaving Lu Pu to his fate and returning home. We need a rest.”

  Among them Hsun Yu fought against this discontent.“You must not act like this,” said he.“Lu Pu has lost much and his spirit is broken. The spirit of the leader expresses that of his men, and when the leader fails his men do not fight. Ch’en Kung is clever but nothing is done. Lu Pu broken, Ch’en Kung without decision, it only needs a sharp attack and we shall succeed.”

  “I have a plan to propose,” said Kuo Chia,“a plan to overcome the city at once; it beats twenty legions.”

  “I suppose you mean drowning the city,” said Hsun Yu.

  “That is it,” said the proposer, smiling.

  Ts’ao Ts’ao accepted the suggestion with joy and set his men to cut the banks of the I and Ssu Rivers, and moved his men to the high ground whence they watched the drowning out of Hsiaop’ei. Only the east gate remained clear of water.

  The besieged soldiers hastened to their leader. He said,“Why should 1 fear? My good horse can go as well through the water as over the land.” And he again returned to the wine cup for consolation, drinking deeply with his wife and concubine.

  The continual drinking bouts told at last and Lu Pu began to look dissipated. Seeing himself in a mirror one day he was startled at the change and said to himself,“I am injuring myself with wine; no more from this day forward.”

  He then issued an order that no one should drink wine under penalty of death.

  Now one of his captains, Hou Ch’eng, lost fifteen horses, stolen by one Hou Ts’ao, who intended them for Yuan-te. The owner found out where they were, went out after them and recovered them. And his colleagues congratulated him on his success. To celebrate the occasion he brewed a few catties of wine to be drunk at the feast, but thinking his chief might find him in fault he sent the bottles of wine to his palace with a petition explaining that by virtue of his lord’s warlike renown he had recovered his horses and asking that he and his comrades might be allowed a little wine at their feast.

  Lu Pu took it very angrily saying,“When I have forbidden all wine you brew some and begin to give feasts; you are simply defying me.” Whereupon he ordered the officer to instant execution. However, a number of his colleagues came in and interceded and after a time Lu Pu softened.

  “You ought to lose your head for this disobedience, but for the sake of your colleagues the punishment shall be reduced to a hundred strokes.”

  They tried to beg him off this, but only succeeded in reducing the number of blows to one half.

  When the sentence had been carried out and the offender was permitted to return home his colleagues came sadly to console him.

  “Had it not been for you I should have been put to death,” said Hou Ch’eng.

  Sung Hsien replied,“All he cares for is his family, there is no pity for any one else. We are no more than the weeds by the roadside.”

  Wei Hsu said,“The city is besieged, the water is drowning us out. There will not be much more of this for we may die any day.”

  “He is a beast, with neither a sense of humanity nor of right. Let us leave him,” said Hsien.

  “He is not worth fighting for. The best we could do would be to seize him and hand him over to Ts’ao Ts’ao.”

“I was punished because I got my horses back again, yet all he trusts in is his own steed. If you two will betray the gate and seize Lu Pu I will steal the horse and go out to Ts’ao’s camp.”

  They settled how to carry out the plot and that very night Hou Ch’eng sneaked into the stables and got the Hare away. He hastened to the east gate which was opened to let him through. The guard made a pretence of pursuing him but only a pretence.

  Hou Ch’eng reached the besiegers’ camp, presented the horse and told Ts’ao what had been arranged. They would show a white flag and open the gates to his army. Hearing this Ts’ao had a few notifications written out, which were attached to arrows and shot over the walls. This is one of them:— “The General Ts’ao Ts’ao has received a command to destroy Lu Pu. Those who interfere with the operations of his grand army, whatever their rank, shall be put to death in the gate on the day that the city shall be captured. Should any one capture Lu Pu or bring his head he shall be well rewarded. Let all take note of this.”

  Next day at daylight a tremendous hubbub was heard without the city and Lu Pu, halberd in hand, hasted to the wall to see what it meant. As he went from gate to gate inspecting the defences and guards he censured Wei Hsu for letting Hou Ch’eng escape and get away with his horse. He threatened to punish him. But just then the besiegers began a fierce attack as the white flag had just appeared and Lu Pu had to turn all his energies to defence. The assault lasted till noon, when the attacking force drew off for a time.

  Lu Pu was taking a rest in the tower and fell asleep in his chair. Sun Hsien sent away his attendants, and when they had gone he stole his master’s weapon, the halberd in which he trusted. Then he and Wei Hsu fell upon Lu together and before he was well awake had bound him with cords, trussing him ‘so that he could not move. Lu Pu shouted for his men, but they were driven off by the two traitors and could not come near. Then a white flag was shown and the besiegers again approached the city. The traitors shouted out that Lu Pu was a prisoner. But Hsiahou Yuan could hardly believe it till they threw down the famous halberd.

  The gates were flung open and the enemy entered the city. Kao Shun and Chang Liao, who were at the opposite gate, were surrounded and cut off by the water and helpless. They were captured. Ch’en Kung made a dash to the south gate but was also taken. Presently Ts’ao Ts’ao entered and at once gave orders to turn the streams back into their usual courses. He put out proclamations soothing the people.

  He and Liu Pei seated themselves side by side in the White Gate Tower, with Kuan Yu and Chang Fei in attendance. The captives, to the number of a thousand, were brought before them. Lu Pu looked a pitiable object. Although a very tall man he was tied up in a veritable ball.

  “The bonds are very tight,” cried he,“I beseech you to loosen them.”

  “A bound tiger frets of course,” replied Ts’ao.

  Seeing the three traitors standing there looking pleased at their success Pu said,“I treated you all well enough; how could you turn against me?”

  Said Sung Hsien,“You listened to the words of your women but rejected the advice of your captains. Was not that mean?’

  Lu Pu was silent. Then Kao Shun was brought forward.

  “What have you to say?” asked Ts’ao.

  Shun sulkily held his tongue and was ordered out to execution.

  Next Ch’en Kung was led in.

  “I hope you have been well since we last saw each other, Kungt’ai?” said Ts’ao.

  “Your ways were crooked and so I left you,” said Ch’en.

  “You say I was crooked; and what of your serving Lu Pu?”

  “Though he was a fool, he did not resemble you in deceit and wickedness.”

  “You say you are able enough and clever, but what about your position today?”

  Turning toward Lu Pu, Ch’en Kung said,“This man would not follow my advice. Had he done so he would not now be a captive.”

  “What think you ought to be done about this day’s work?” said Ts’ao.

  “There is death for me today and that is the end,” shouted Ch’en Kung.

  “Very well for you; but what of your mother and your wife?”

  “It is said that he who rules with due regard to filial piety does not harm a man’s family; he who would show benevolence does not cut off the sacrifices at a man’s tomb. My mother and my wife are in your hands. But since I am your prisoner I pray you to slay me quickly and not to try to harrow my feelings.”

  Ts’ao’s heart still leaned toward mercy, but Ch’en Kung turned and walked away, repulsing the attendants who would stop him. Ts’ao rose from his place and walked with him, the tears falling from his eyes. Ch’en Kung never looked at him. Turning to his men Ts’ao said,“Let his mother and family be taken to Hsutu and looked after. This insolent fellow must die.”

  The condemned man heard him but uttered no word. He stretched out his neck for the blow. Tears sprang to the eyes of all present. His remains were honourably coffined and buried in Hsutu.

  A poem pitying his fate says:—

  Neither hope of life nor fear of death moved him.

  How brave was he, A hero indeed!

  But his lord heeded not his words,

  Wherefore in vain Possessed he great talents.

  Nevertheless, in that he stood by his master,

  To parting with wife and mother,

  He merits our pity and profound respect.

  Who would not resemble Kung-t’ai

  That day he died at the White Gate?

  While Ts’ao sadly escorted Ch’en Kung on the way to death, Lu Pu appealed to Yuan-te,“Noble Sir, you sit there an honoured guest while poor I lie bound at your feet. Will you not utter one word to alleviate my lot?”

  Yuan-te nodded. As Ts’ao Ts’ao returned to his place his prisoner called out,“Your only trouble, Illustrious Sir, is myself and I am on your side now. You take the lead, I will help you and together the world is at our feet.”

  “What do you think?” said Ts’ao turning to Liu Pei.

  “You are willing to forget the episodes of Ting Yuan and Tung Cho?”

  “Truly the lout is not to be trusted,” said Lu Pu, looking at Yuan-te.

  “Strangle and expose,” said Ts’ao.

  As he was led away the prisoner turned once more to Yuan-te,“You long-eared lout, you forget now the service I rendered you that day at my yamen gate, when my arrow hit the mark.”

  Just then some one shouted,“Lu Pu, O fool! death is but death, and why are you scared at it?”

  Every one turned to look; the lictors were hustling Chang Liao to the place of judgement.

  A poet has written upon the death of Lu Pu:—

  The flood spreads wide, the city drowns,

  Its lord is captive. Nought avails

  His courser’s speed or halberd’s thrust.

  The tiger erstwhile fierce, now whines

  For mercy. Ts’ao had meted him

  Full well, a falcon flown at will

  And hungry kept. Poor fool! He let

  Ch’en Kung’s advice be overborne

  By harem tattle; vainly now

  He rails against the Long-eared Childe.

  And another poem says:—

  Bound is the hungry tiger, eater of men, for whom is no pity,

  Since the blood of his victims is fresh and not yet dry.

  Yuan-te spoke no word in favour of Lu Pu,

  To whom even a father’s life was not sacred.

  How could he save him to be a menace to Ts’ao Man.

  It was recorded earlier that the executioners were hustling Chang Liao forward. Pointing to him as he stood there Ts’ao said,“He has a fine face.”

  “You were not likely to forget me; you saw me before in P’uyang,” said Liao.

  “O, so you remember me, eh?”

  “Yes; mores the pity.”

  “Pity for what?”

  “That the fire that day was not fierce enough to burn you up, rebel that you are.”

; Ts’ao began to get angry.“How dare you insult me?” cried he and lifted his sword to kill the bold speaker.

  The undaunted Chang Liao never changed colour, but stretched out his neck for the blow. Then a man behind Ts’ao Ts’ao caught his arm and in front of him another dropped on his knees, saying,“O Minister, I pray thee stay thy hand.”

  Lu Pu whining was not spared,

  Railing Chang far better fared.

  Who was it that saved Chang Liao? The next chapter will show.


  * An editor here remarks in a note,“With a hundred ounces of silver Liu An could get himself another wife, But i am afraid no one would merry him. And what them? No women could help reflecting that she might have to serve as the ‘game’ course in a chance visitor’s dinner”.



  T he last chapter said that Ts’ao Ts’ao was checked in his angry attack upon Chang Liao. It was Liu Pei who held his arm and Kuan Yun-ch’ang who knelt before him.

  “A man as generous-hearted as he is should be saved,” said Liu.

  Kuan said,“I know him well as loyal and righteous. I will vouch for him with my own life.”

  Ts’ao threw aside his sword.“I also know Wenyuan to be loyal and good; I was just testing him,” said he.

  He loosed the prisoner’s bonds with his own hands, had a change of dress brought in and clothed him therewith. Then he was led to a seat of honour. This kindly treatment sank deep into Chang’s heart and he hastened to declare formally that he yielded. And then he was given a rank and the title of marquis. He was sent on a mission to win over Tsang Pa, who hearing what had happened, came forthwith and gave in his submission. He was graciously received and his former colleagues also yielded, with the exception of Chang Hsi, who remained obdurate. All these former enemies who came over were kindly treated and given posts of responsibility wherein they might prove the reality of their conversion. Lu Pu’s family were sent to the capital.

  After the soldiers had been rewarded with feastings the camp was broken up and the army moved away to Hsutu. Passing through Hsuchou the people lined the roads and burned incense in honour of the victors. They also petitioned that Liu Pei should be their governor.


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