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Dangerous Desire

Page 13

by Sebastian Ex

  I can’t be gentle. I need to own her, to claim her surrender, her gift of pure trust. I close my eyes and just let myself feel her ass perfect around me.

  “Please, Master, may I come?” she asks in a small voice.

  My balls draw up, a shiver runs through my body. Raw electricity charging through me. I’m holding onto my own release. She was ready to explode moments ago, and now I’m ready to come. “No,” I say, while my cock slides in and out of her ass. I lean forward, find her clit and pinch it hard.

  “Ahhh,” she cries out. I pinch it harder. The pain is what she needs, and the pain is what I’m giving her. “Come,” I command her.

  Petal’s entire body vibrates under my own. The moment she lets go, I gift her with my cum. I feel myself spurting inside her. I slow my battering on her ass, and lean my cheek on her back. Petal’s breathing is ragged, her body still shivering from the orgasm I granted her. “Thank you, Master,” she says.

  I straighten and carefully pull away from her ass. As I slowly move my cock out, a ribbon of cum drips out of her ass. Fucking sexy. Fuck, I love her.

  Once I’ve helped Penny clean up and we’re in bed, she conentedly lays in my arms. Exactly where she’s meant to be.

  “Thank you, Brandon. The pain was a perfect filler for what I need.” She kisses my chest, and lets out a small laugh.

  “What?” I say as I smooth her hair and kiss her forehead.

  “Your chest hair tickled my nose.” She laughs again, and places another kiss on my chest.

  A moment of silence passes and I kiss her forehead again. “We’re having a barbecue this Sunday,” I say.

  “We are?”


  “I’m not sure I can do too much,” she says, worry thick in her voice.

  “You don’t have to do anything. I’m handling everything.”

  “Okay…” she pauses. “Who’s coming?”

  “Matthew and Ella, Nathan and Bianca, Daisy and Jackson and Dylan.”

  “Dylan from the club?” She snuggles closer to me.

  “Yeah. He’s got wood for Daisy. I want him here to see how he is with Jackson, make sure he’s alright around the kid.”

  Penny laughs again, but it soon turns to a sigh. “You’re such a good guy, Brandon. I can’t ask you to give up having a child, because I can’t give you one.” Her arm tightens around my waist. It’s like she’s trying to tell me something without using words.

  “If you can’t give me a child, then we’re not meant to have one.” I kiss her again.

  “I don’t want to make you choose.”

  “You’re not. I’m voluntarily choosing. And I choose you.”


  “Don’t try to put thoughts in my head. Don’t try to play this any other way than what it is. My mind is made up. I only want you.”

  She sighs again, her breath warming across my chest. “I was horrible, leaving you like I did. I don’t deserve you.” I feel wetness on my chest.

  “I fucking love you, Penny. And you deserve me as much as I deserve you.”

  “I love you,” she whispers, as she quietly cries.

  Maybe she’s crying for the child she’ll never be able to give me, or maybe she’s crying because she thinks she’s disappointed me.

  Either way, I let her tears fall, because in this moment, she needs to cry in order to heal.


  I’m working on the accounts in my home office and my cell phone rings. Looking at the number, I see it’s Justin. Damn it, I forgot to return his call when he called last week to check on Penny. “Bro,” I say as I answer.

  “Fuck man, if it was a life or death emergency I’d be dead ten times over.”

  “Sorry. I’ve been so fucking busy. Actually I was going to call you anyway.”

  “When? When hell freezes over?” he chuckles, and I can’t help but laugh too.

  “Matthew and I are buying another building. We need some design work on it. Can you do it? Or do I have to find someone who’s actually good?”

  He laughs into the phone. “When will you have it?”

  “Soon, like within a month or two.”

  “The permits I need to get alone can take months, and you want me to do it in a few weeks?”

  “We’re not knocking anything down, just redoing the interior.”

  “For fuck’s sake, that’s piss easy.”

  “You can do it?”

  “In my sleep. Do you have blue-prints or plans on how you want it?”

  “I have no blue prints, but I can get them. And we’re looking at freshening it up.”

  “What kind of business is in it now?”

  “It’s a BDSM club, but incredibly run-down. It needs to be fixed up, new fixtures, all that.”

  “Are you converting it into another burlesque club?”

  “No, we’re leaving it as a BDSM club. We’re changing the name and making it more upscale.”

  “A BDSM club? As in whips, chains all that stuff?” he asks, with a surprisingly high tone to his voice.

  “Yes. But there’s more to BDSM then just those. And besides, this club will be a temple to kink and fantasy.”

  “Kink and fantasy. I might have to check it out once it’s opened,” his voice breaks again.

  Hmm, my little bro is into kink. I’ve never seen that side of him, or even gotten any inclination he might be kinky. “You want to tie a girl up, do you?” I ask.

  “Not exactly,” he says in a small voice.

  Well fuck me, little bro wants to be tied up and used. Not your business, Brandon – leave it alone. “Have you got a Domme?” I ask, not leaving it alone.

  “What? No!” he yells at me. His voice too enthusiastic. “No, just no,” he says attempting to convince me he’s not interested. Or possibly trying to convince himself.

  “It’s not my business if you want a Dominatrix, matter of fact, once this club opens, I’m sure there will be at least one looking for casual play.”

  “What? I said no; I’m not into that perverted abuse shit.”

  “Perverted abuse? Are you fucking kidding me? Now you and I have a problem. It’s not perverted or abusive.”

  “But, if you tie a girl up and beat her with whips and crap, isn’t that what it is?”

  “Not if I respect her safe word. Not if there’s trust there, and not if it’s consensual. Don’t judge my lifestyle before you understand it. It’s all well and fine to point fingers and say shit, but do your research first, then you can judge it.”

  “Whatever, I’m just not into giving up my freedom.”

  “Again, you’re being highly judgmental and not understanding what it’s truly about. The submissive is the one with all the power. It all comes down to them and what they want. The Dominant is merely a trusted person to let go with, and experience the surrender a submissive willingly gives,” I say as I grab my coffee cup and drink the luke-warm beverage.

  “The submissive calls the shots?” he asks quietly. I can tell he’s considering what I’ve said.

  “Yes. The submissive can choose to continue or stop. All with the power of one word, which has been mutually decided upon prior to anything happening. If it was abuse, then no matter what the submissive is screaming, the abuser won’t stop. Big difference. Trust is the ultimate.”

  “Huh, really?”

  “Yes, really. Now, can you do the work or not?” I steer the conversation away from Dominance and submission. I’ll let him think about it and if he has questions, he can ask me.

  “I can do it. You know I will. And don’t worry about the blue prints, I’ll get them. Send me through what you want and I’ll have something to you soon.”

  “Thank you. And if you have any questions, about the club or what it is that will happen inside the club, then just ask.”

  “Um, yeah, okay,” he says hesitantly. “See ya.”

  The catering company I’ve hired has been at my house since early morning preparing the food. It’s ju
st before midday when my phone vibrates from inside my pocket.

  “Michael,” I say as I answer it.

  “The apartment building will officially be yours tomorrow at 3 p.m.”

  “Good to hear,” I answer, as I pick at a salad the catering company is preparing and pop a piece of lettuce into my mouth.

  “And the offer was accepted by the old guy, and he’s asked if you want the transfer to be done as quickly as possible. All the reports and inspections have come in, and it’s all good to go.”

  “How fast does he want to hand it over?”

  “Record speeds. I’m doing what I can, I’ll email you a list of things to do if you can and if you want it transferred faster into your and Matthew’s names.”

  “Excellent, let’s get it done.”

  Michael hangs up, and I see Matthew waltz into my house like he fucking owns it, with Ella behind him.

  “Don’t you knock?” I say as I grab a beer and offer it to him.

  Matthew shakes his head at the beer. “I’ve known you for how many years? I’m not about to start knocking now.” Fucker. If Ella wasn’t beside him, I’d tell him that, too.

  “Penny’s outside, Ella. Why don’t you go join her?” I say as she gives me a kiss on the cheek.

  “I think I will. Thank you, Brandon.”

  “Kitten,” Matthew calls her back.

  “Yes, Sir,” she responds.

  “If it gets to be too much, let me know.”

  Ella’s face reddens and she smiles. “I will, Sir.” She lowers her eyes and bites the inside of her cheek. She goes out through the sliding side door.

  “What are you doing to her?”

  “She’s wearing a vibrating butt plug. She was moving around on the seat of the car trying to make herself come. So I pulled over, made her suck me, and left her hanging on the edge. I told her if she’s a good kitten, I’ll use the cane on her tonight. But I’ll take her into your bathroom and fuck her half-way through lunch.”

  I just laugh. “I just got off the phone from Michael. The old man wants to make this transfer as quick as possible. The reports have all come back, everything’s ready to move. Michael sent me an email with what we can do to assist in a flawless, quick transaction. I haven’t had a chance to look yet.”

  “Great, send it on to me, and we’ll work on it tomorrow at the club.”

  “Speaking of which, I take ownership of the apartment building tomorrow too.”

  “Congratulations, brother. Time to celebrate.”

  There’s a knock on the door and I walk over to find Nathan with Bianca standing behind him, eyes to the ground.

  “My slave has been a brat; she’s on restriction,” Nathan tells me. His words aren’t filled with malice, it’s just to let us know how we’re to treat Bianca. “Go and sit in the corner, nose to the wall. Legs crossed, and hands on knees.”

  “Yes, Master,” Bianca says and takes herself to the corner Nathan has pointed to.

  “Beer?” I ask as he follows me outside.


  I grab a beer from the outdoor fridge and give him one. Nathan makes the rounds, swooping in to give each of our girls a kiss on the cheek.

  “Where’s Bianca?” Penny asks as she stretches out on the lounger, soaking up vitamin D.

  “She’s inside. She’s in time out,” he answers.

  Penny and Ella look at each other and lower their eyes, knowing not to question Nathan any further.

  “How long is she in time out for?” I ask Nathan, because Matthew and I want to talk to him about the club.

  Nathan looks at his watch then back to me, “She’s got five more minutes.” He takes a swig of his beer.

  “We need to talk,” Matthew says, as he comes and stands beside Nathan and myself with a bottle of water in his hand.

  Nathan notices the water and his eyebrows shoot up in question. “Getting too old to handle your alcohol,” he digs at Matthew.

  I can’t help but laugh. Sooner or later the age jokes had to start, now that Matthew’s turned the big four-oh. My turn is soon, and I can only imagine the shit Matthew and Nathan will dump on me once it’s my birthday. Fuckers.

  “Do you need help with…anything?” Ella asks, her voice breaking on the last word.

  “I want to fuck you,” Matthew says to her, and Ella’s face lights up with happiness.

  “Leave the poor girl alone,” Nathan mumbles only loud enough for Matthew and me to hear.

  “We’re fine. Go and talk with Penny,” I say to Ella, who turns and slowly walks back to Penny. Very slowly. “One day that girl is going to wake up and leave you.”

  “She can come live with me,” Nathan jokes.

  “Screw that, man. She can come live here,” I say.

  “Neither of you can have her. Unless I die, then you both need to look after her, you two are the only ones I trust with her.”

  “Now that you’re forty you’re getting all sentimental and shit. Cut it out before we start hugging,” I say, fully aware of the consequences which I’m sure will come.

  “Hang on, I’ve got to get Bianca,” Nathan says, disappearing inside.

  A moment or two later Nathan comes outside, followed by Bianca. He leads her to a chair, and sits her on his lap. She’s quietly sobbing into his chest, and he has her wrapped in his arms.

  I go inside and get some dark chocolate and a juice from the fridge and bring them out to Nathan. I hold them up behind Bianca, so I don’t undermine his authority with her. Nathan nods to me, and I place them on the table beside him. Bianca may be experiencing anything from subdrop to just plain bratty behavior. I’m not sure, and it’s not my business. But if it’s subdrop, the chocolate and juice will help with replenishing her endorphins.

  “Would you like a drink?” I ask Penny. Matthew’s already gotten a soda for Ella and is giving it to her.

  “No, thank you,” she says. I lean down and give her a soft kiss on the lips. “The doorbell,” Penny mumbles against my lips.

  I walk inside and open the door to see Dylan has arrived at the same time as Daisy and Jackson. “Hi, Brandon,” Jackson excitedly says, as he comes in and hugs me around the waist.

  “Hi Champ, how’s the arm?”

  “It’s okay. The doctor said I get my cast off on Friday.”

  I look at Daisy and she seems a bit uncomfortable. Dylan is standing behind Daisy, sheepishly looking at her butt.

  “Daisy,” I say gesturing for her to come in, then kissing her on the cheek. “Dylan.” I hold my hand out for him to shake.

  “Thank you for having Jackson and me, Brandon,” Daisy says.

  “You’re welcome. If you head out through those sliding doors, you’ll find everyone else out there.” I put a hand on Dylan’s shoulder, holding him back. “Don’t fucking stare at her ass. You don’t have the right to check her out like that. You keep your eyes on her face. If for one moment I think you’re looking at her like she’s nothing more than meat, I’ll rip your fucking eyes out of your head.”

  “Yes, Mr. Edwards,” he says and looks down, embarrassed.

  “I’m just Brandon here. Come, grab a drink.” I lead Dylan outside, and show him to the fridge.

  Dylan gets a beer and sits beside Jackson, who’s swinging his legs back and forth because he can’t quite reach the concrete of the patio. Dylan turns to Jackson and starts talking to him. Jackson nods and says something, and it looks like those two easily fall into conversation.

  “Mr. Edwards, we’re ready to start serving,” one of the wait staff says as he comes out of the back door.

  “Good. That table is fine,” I instruct and point to the extra table. The staff begin to bring out trays of food. “Ladies, gentlemen, and Champ, plates are this way.”

  Jackson’s first in line to get a plate. “Thanks, Brandon,” he says as I help him with the food and fill a plate for Penny’s lunch.

  “No problem, Champ.”

  “How deep is your pool?”

lly deep. Can you swim?”

  “Nah. Mom wanted to send me to learn, but she said she couldn’t afford it.”

  “That’s okay. You can’t swim with that cast on your arm anyway.” I look down and see it’s been signed by a few people. Most likely the kids from his school.

  “Yeah, I know,” he says in a small voice.

  “Has your mom talked to you about moving?” I dish some green-looking salad thing on his plate. He wrinkles his nose at it.

  “Yeah, she said we’re going to a new apartment or something. But that means I can’t play catch anywhere.”

  “Yes, you can, because across the street from the apartment is a park.”

  “There is?” he asks with enthusiasm.

  “Yep. And you’ll be going to a new school too.”

  “Really?” He takes his plate and sits down. I follow him and place Penny’s plate in front of her.

  “Do you need anything, Petal?” I kiss her forehead.

  “No, thank you.” She arches her neck and offers me her lips. How can I deny her? I lean down, and kiss her.

  I go and get a plate for myself, and Matthew and Nathan are already there, getting food for their girls. I look at Bianca and she’s sitting on the chair smiling and talking with Ella, Penny, and Daisy. “Everything okay?” I ask Nathan in a low voice.

  “Yeah, it is now.”

  “Do you need help with anything?” Matthew offers.

  “No, we’re all good. Thanks.”

  Matthew and Nathan take the prepared plates to their girls, then come back and make themselves a dish. We three sit together, opposite our girls. Our girls are happily talking, laughing, even including Daisy. I look over to Dylan, and he and Jackson are discussing superheroes. What a screwed-up subject…superheroes. As if they fucking exist.

  Lunch goes over easy. Everyone is having a relaxed time, just enjoying the day for what it is. The catering company cleans up, and brings out a few desserts. Penny’s favorite chocolate cake, of course, and some others that look tempting.

  “Ladies, Dylan and Jackson, if you don’t mind excusing Matthew, Nathan and myself, we have some business to discuss,” I say, as I stand and walk over to get Penny her dessert before we leave. Matthew and Nathan do the same thing, getting their girls dessert before the three of us leave to go into my office. Nathan leans down and whispers to Bianca, and I see her lips move as she says, “Yes, Master.”


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