Book Read Free

Fault Lines

Page 10

by K. C. Stewart

  “Where are we?” she asked a little while later.

  “My home. Not sure how you found it since it is not exactly easy to get to.”

  Mira lifted her head and gave the room a good once over. His suite was not lavish like much of the main house. Instead it was comfortable and lived in. Unlike his parents who lived there before him, he decided against filling the space with useless objects just because they looked nice. He liked his things to have a function. No function, no place in his life.

  “Are we still in that big house?”

  He smiled. “We are.”

  Her next question was an easy one to guess. “Who were all those people? Shit, were you having a party?” Mira wiggled in an attempt to get off of his lap. Owen held firmly onto her legs not allowing her up. He found he quite enjoyed her straddling him.

  “No party. They live here too. My house is like a halfway house for the community. I give them a place to stay and get on their feet when then need it. We are on the third and top floor which is all mine. You are safe here, Mira,” he added because she looked a bit worried.

  “Why wouldn’t they let me in if this is a halfway house?”

  Because they didn’t know who she was and what she meant to their Alpha. A mistake they wouldn’t be making again. “You scared them. Your hair is all frizzy and bouncy with curls now but at the time you looked like a wet cat.” He took the chance to run his fingers through her damp hair. He had only ever seen it straight but the more it dried the curlier it got. “You were as white as a ghost and shaking like you were possessed.” Owen ran his thumb across one of her cheeks as color began to pinken her pale skin. “They couldn’t let you in until I was called. They are all my responsibility and I take their safety very seriously.”

  She considered him thoughtfully. “That’s a lot of responsibility for one man.”

  “It is. It is also a joy to have all these people here with me. They are my family.”

  Her mouth lifted into a tantalizing smile. “You’re a good man, Owen Purcell.”

  The storm had partly passed but thunder still echoed in the sky. Mira merely shivered. He was very much aware of her from the moment she latched on to him. He could see the moment when she became aware of him too. Conscious of where and how she was sitting, Mira began to shift her weight as if to get off of him. Owen cupped her chin, stopping her and demanding all her attention with one action. “I know it was by chance that you ended up at my home but I am happy you are here.” His thumb brushed over her cheek. Mira’s awareness brought a vibrant flush to her cheeks. He watched it crawl up her skin like ivy. When he reached her eyes, he saw an unguarded moment of lust.

  Mira’s gaze flicked like lightening between his eyes. He could hear her heart thump louder and louder as it began to race. She placed a hand on his chest, right over his heart. She was human but even her senses had to be picking up the pounding in his chest. Her fingers, small and delicate, traced the neckline of his V-neck t-shirt. Owen swallowed. Her light touch traveled the length of the hem to his neck. Her eyes lightened as a brief hint of a smile crossed her face. Those delicate hands that had been so gentle and searching just moments before dove into his hair with vengeance. She fisted her hands as much as she could in his short strands.

  Owen pulled Mira toward him as she did the same. Their lips met and Owen couldn’t hold back the sinful smile he felt. So much felt right about that moment. His body awakened in a way he never had known before. He was conscious of every brush of her skin, every inhalation of breath, every quickening heartbeat.

  “You’re smiling,” she said against his lips. “I can feel you smiling.”

  “Mmmmm,” he growled. “I am Rabbit. I have much to smile about.”

  She laughed like the sun shines, in abundance and whole heartedly. He kissed her again, because he could. This time it was sweet and exploring with less of the ferocity from before and more curiosity.

  The familiar buzz of the intercom interrupted him for the second time that day. Mira looked over her shoulder to where the sound was coming and then back at him with a raised eyebrow.

  “Really?” she asked.

  He pulled her in for another quick kiss. Owen couldn’t keep his hands and lips to himself. “Shut up,” he told her still smiling. He stood, taking her with him. She squealed and laughed all while holding on to him. “I’ve got to get that.”

  “Then get it.” Mira tightened her legs around his waist. He ran his hands up the underside of her thighs to cup her ass. He carried her across the room and leaned her against the wall by the door. While his hands were busy holding her, Mira pressed the button on the intercom.

  “Found the car. I’ve got the spare tire on but the engine isn’t sounding to well. Took it home and I’ll work on it later today. I came back to give Mira a ride,” Tyson sounded annoyed but then again he probably had an audience.

  “I will escort her down. Thanks Tyson.”

  She lifted her finger from the button, cutting off the sounds from below. Something had been lost in those seconds. Reality, sanity, awareness all came flooding into their minds. Mira’s shy blush and avoiding eyes heated her previously lustful gaze. She unlocked her legs, a silent command that their time together was over. Owen moved his hands to her hips and helped her slide to the floor.

  She opened her mouth and he was sure something awkward and uncomfortable was about to come out but he silenced her with his lips. Her body, still new and exhilarating, yielded instantly to his.

  “Let’s just say goodbye for today.”

  The truth was there. Mira knew what he had just done. She rolled her eyes but the apprehension he had seen was gone.

  “Alright,” she agreed. “Goodbye Owen, thank you for the shelter and the kisses.”

  “Oh, it was completely my pleasure, Rabbit.”

  Chapter Ten

  The truck tumbled along on the muddy road. The once warm day held now a briskness to it that left gooseflesh on Mira’s arms. Both Tyson and Mira had been sitting in silence for a few minutes. Mira’s excuse was because her mind was in a tailspin over what started as a panic attack and ended in hot and heavy make out session with Owen.

  What had she been thinking? What happened to figuring out her emotions over Sophia? She couldn’t say she felt the least bit guilty about it either. Actually, she felt much like a horse on new legs. Owen made her wobbly and her footing unsteady.

  Tyson had taken one look at the two of them as they descended the stairs and had known something had gone on between them. The glare he sent Owen’s way was one she imagined the two had passed back and forth a time or two. Owen only grinned in response and paying absolutely no mind to the threats in Tyson’s stare.

  He hadn’t spoken a word to her at all. The only thing he said on the matter was to Owen.

  “I can’t take you anywhere.”

  Owen was still reveling in their kisses and responded with his ever popular, popping, “Nope.”

  She felt the silence grow heavy in the small cab of the truck. Considering this man was most likely her brother in law, Mira felt it odd that they knew virtually nothing about each other. Or at least, she knew nothing of him. Sadie could very well have filled him in on all things Miranda James.

  “Does that happen a lot?” he asked.

  “What?” Making out with Owen?

  He looked at her like he could read her mind. “Not that. The panic attack.”

  “Oh.” Right, the thing that made her look like a child and a coward, that thing. “Well…yeah, I guess it does.” If she was being honest, this episode was much more intense than others she had. Mira chalked it up to the stress she had been feeling since the breakup with Sophia.

  Tyson made an indistinguishable sound.

  They had a thunderstorm just last week in Buffalo. Things were awkward and weird between Sophia and Mira at that point and they were both avoiding the other. When the storm hit, Mira was at home alone. She had known it was coming, all day they had been calling for a s
torm and there it was, right on time. Mira had believed Sophia had stopped to get a drink with a co-worker. Now she knew she was actually meeting up with Nicole, otherwise known as her new girlfriend. Mira braced herself as the clouds rolled in. She became dizzy a few minutes later after the first crack of thunder. She had just taken her Xanax when Sophia burst through the door.

  “Are you ok?” she had asked in a rush. The worry on her face had been such a surprise that Mira didn’t answer. “Miranda, are you ok?”

  “Yeah,” she had finally managed to get out.

  Sophie made her some tea and when the storm was at its peak, Mira laid her head in Sophia’s lap. They sat like that for the rest of the night. At some point the TV was turned on and a movie played that neither of them watched. It was the last time they had really touched. The last time she had felt any sort of love from Sophia. Three days later, Mira was coming to terms with the fact that her relationship was over.

  Tyson turned onto Main Street and lucked out with an empty spot out front of the bar. He seemed to be working up to saying something so Mira stayed put even after he parked.

  “So Owen…”

  So Owen…didn’t that say it all?

  “What is it that you want from him?”

  Mira wasn’t sure to be offended or not. “Excuse me?” She decided to go with offended.

  Tyson turned off the car. Apparently this was going to be a long conversation.

  “Is this just a fling for you or are you looking for something more?”

  He was serious. He was asking her what her plans were for his friend. Shouldn’t he be asking Owen these things? After all, she was possibly—probably—his sister-in-law. Mira now understood how all of her high school partners felt when she brought them home to meet her mom and Sadie and got interrogated when she was out of the room.

  “I think this is something that concerns Owen and me, not you.”

  He grimaced. “I know but…see, Owen gets attached. He goes all in every time. He doesn’t do flings or one night stands. It just isn’t in his makeup. Do you understand?”


  “So if you are serious about him then I’ll apologize for the intrusion but if this is just a meaningless fling for you then I’m going to ask you to stop before it goes any further.”

  Mira was a bit speechless at that. She stared at him like he had grown an extra ear on their way home. It was none of his business what they were or were not doing. And once she figured it out for herself, she owed Tyson a slap across the face.

  “I know he is your friend and all, but you just crossed a line. Thanks for the warning but we are both adults and can do what we want, with who we want, when we want,” she said in a clipped tone. “I’ll be by to pick up my jeep tomorrow. Don’t bother trying to fix her. She’s not broken, she’s just fussy.”

  Mira opened the door and hopped down out of the truck cab. She cut off whatever Tyson was saying by slamming the door shut.


  The few steps it took her to reach the door had her fuming. Who did he think he was? Protecting his friend was one thing but he called her a tease. Mira had been dubbed a bitch, whore, hooker and spawn of Satan, but she was no tease. She flirted when being flirted with, but never when she was in a relationship and never to lead someone on. Tyson knew nothing about her. She would appreciate it if he didn’t pretend to.

  But that was the point, was it not?

  He didn’t know her.

  But he did know Owen.

  The fire died just a little inside. She had to remember that he was just looking out for his friend. Mira opened the door. There was a tension in the restaurant that made the air hard to breathe. Sadie caught her eye first. She and Lee were standing behind the bar talking. Sadie’s eyes glinted over to a booth that she was near. Mitch sat with a grin on his face talking to Chuck. Mira looked back to Sadie who was looking straight at her. Her eyes were serious and she saw the fear in them. Too often had she seen that fear. Too fucking often.

  If she hadn’t already been pissed off then she probably wouldn’t have turned toward the table. If Tyson hadn’t insulted her, then she wouldn’t have sat down across from him surprising Mitch, Chuck and Sadie. If she had been in her right mind, Mira would have gone straight up to her room, but she was riding high on anger.

  “Hey Mitch,” she greeted him with a smile only a determined woman can pull off. It was sweet, flirty and badass. “Can I have a margarita, Chuck?”

  Chuck looked at her like she had lost her mind. And she might just well have. Tyson thought her attention wasn’t good for his friend then she would just use her powers of enticement against the evil in this world. Mitch Riley was as close as she was going to find at the moment.

  “Sure thing, Sweetness.” Chuck wandered back to the bar where Sadie immediately grilled him on what was being said.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Mitch asked with a grin.

  Mira shrugged adding as much sex appeal into the motion as possible. However she wasn’t sure how sexy a shrug could be. “I saw you sitting here all by your lonesome and had some time to kill.”

  “Lucky me.”

  Damn straight, lucky you, you fucking dickwheel.

  Chuck came back with her drink, which she tried really hard not to down in one long gulp. “Let me know if you need me.”

  She looked at him wondering what he was getting at until she saw Sadie staring at her, worried and pissed, over his shoulder. “Bring me another one of these in about twenty minutes?” Otherwise known as “please come back to see if I need saving in about twenty.”

  The cryptic message was received with a nod.

  When he was gone, Mira focused back on the lawyer. “So what did you say you were in town for again?”


  “Right, right.” Mira took a sip of her super dooper strong drink. Thank you, Chuck. “What kind of research?”

  She could see his shield secure in place. “For a project I’m working on.”


  “So what do you do in Buffalo?” He asked in a subject change.

  “A little of this and that.” I can do vague too, Asshat.


  Mira felt rather then saw someone’s eyes on her. She picked up her drink and turned her head to get a view of the room. Sadie and Chuck were elsewhere but Lee was staring daggers into her. Mira wanted to throat punch that twaffle. So she just made out with the woman’s ex-boyfriend. No need to be jealous when she’s the one that broke it off over a year ago. Move on sweet cheeks.

  Mitch noticed where she was looking. “Made yourself a friend?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, you could say that. She’s friends with my sister, the other waitress, but Lee is no fan of mine.”

  “Your sister?”

  That got his attention.

  “Yeah she’s the blonde one. I’m visiting her, but not really because…well, that’s a long story.”

  “Sibling love,” he smiled. “My brother and I were the same way. Never could see eye to eye but I still loved him.”

  Mira was shocked he mentioned Peter. She thought for sure he would keep up with his vague conversation. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a useless endeavor.

  “Past tense loved?”

  Mitch didn’t answer. He picked up his beer and took a nice long pull from it. His eyes avoided hers as she waited for him to continue.

  “He’s no longer with us,” Mitch finally got out. He looked pained to have said it out loud. Maybe he was pained to have said it to her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said with sincerity. And Mira was sorry. Peter was a sack of stalking shit but he was someone’s son, brother, friend. It was easy to forget that.

  His forehead creased like he was trying to figure out how she could say something like that to him. “Thanks,” he said, a little surprised himself. The awkward silence that followed had both of them looking anywhere but at each other. Reflectively she could admit that it was strange to be
sharing this moment with the brother of Sadie’s stalker.

  Mira was glassy eyed and staring out the window over his shoulder when his phone began to ring. She blinked a few times and found him watching her in the same attitude she had when staring off just now.

  “Dude, your phone…”

  He cleared his throat and looked away. When he saw who was calling him he cursed under his breath. “I’ll be right back.”

  Mitch slid from the booth and speed raced it out the door. She was alone for about two seconds before Chuck came over. He seemed very unimpressed with her. “Are you done playing detective and scorned woman?”

  She frowned. “I’m not scorned.”

  “Sure ya are. I’ve spent enough of my life around women to know when they are scorned or not. Now get your butt out of that booth before he comes back. I’ll make up some excuse for ya.” Chuck began herding her out of the booth and upstairs. “I will also try to keep the wolves at bay but when I left Sadie she was searching for her phone. I’m sure she has found it by now and is calling in the cavalry.”

  “Searching for it?” Mira asked when they reached the stairs.

  “I hid it,” he said with a little pride. “You seemed to have him talking and were in no danger. I was curious to see what you could accomplish.”

  This made Mira laugh. “High five to that.” Chuck amused her by not leaving her hanging. “If you care to know, I didn’t find out much but the lines of communication are now open. Operators will be standing by.”

  He nodded. “Let me know when you need to have another one on one with him and I’ll make myself available.”

  This man was a saint. “I’ll do that. Thank you, Chuck.”

  Chapter Eleven


  “Mr. Riley,” a clipped tone began, “be in your room in five minutes. We have some things to discuss.”

  Mitch looked at his phone, offering the sneer he would not give Mr. Jones in person. “How did you get my number?”

  “That’s not important. What is important is you being in your room in four minutes and…” there was a pause,”…twenty-six seconds.” The line went dead.


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