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Rescuing Halin: Hissa Warrior, Book 1

Page 14

by RK Munin

  “We declare this Council session over. We will open the doors now and bid everyone a good day and bright night. May Brimming bring you love and life and may Diminish keep you safe from strife.”

  All the men in the cavernous room speak in unison, their voices filling the space. “Thank you for your service, Council. We give the Moons thanks and hope they’re bright light will guide you to the best decisions for all of Hissa.”

  “Thank you for your service, men and women of Hissa. We will endeavor to deserve your trust,” the Council reply in unison and step off the dais. No one else moves as the Council members all make their way to the massive double doors and together push them both open. The whole thing has the feel of a very old ceremony and what strikes sadness in Mian’s heart is that they still include “women” in the verbiage despite their civilization devastating loss.

  Although they’re being urged to leave, many of the Hissa are reluctant, casting longing looks at her as they file out. Then she sees several men carrying out an unconscious Halin, and a small sound of distress comes out of her throat.

  “He's fine,” Revin assures her. “They sedated him. If they hadn't someone might have gotten hurt. I've never seen the Commander act this way.”

  “You and me both,” Mian mutters. How did her loving and fun Halin turn into that violent possessive person?

  “Medical will sort it out,” Revin assures her. “Perhaps he’ll get his senses back in time to court you himself. Although for my own selfish reasons I hope you might look to me for comfort while he's gone.”

  Mian looks up at the large man. Why does she bother thinking of him as large? All these Hissa tower over her. Using the word large and Hissa together is redundant. If the hundred Hissa who just filed out of the room are anything to go by, there’s no such thing as a reasonably sized Hissa. As long as she’s on this planet, no one’s going to be standing eye to eye with her.

  “I'd really like a shower and a change of clothes. He didn't trust me enough to let me bath or change, and I wouldn't let him do it for me.”

  Revin leans over and sniffs, then grins. “You smell lovely,” he assures her, and Mian realizes the man is a flirt. She gives him a small smile and shakes her head.

  “Stow the charm for now. Shower and clothes,” she demands, and he nods and turns. It's then she notices the other man who also stayed behind.

  Revin addresses the man just behind him. “Selan, do you know where we might find clothes small enough to fit her?”

  “On my own damn ship,” Mian says with barely suppressed annoyance. “Just take me up to my ship, and I can pack enough for an extended stay.”

  Both men grin at her, but Revin shakes his head. “I'm sorry, Captain,” he explains. “But you're not allowed off planet until the Council reconvenes. Not even for a quick trip to an orbiting ship and back. Just tell us what to get, and we will send someone.”

  Mian sighs, knowing it was too much to hope they let her on Fortune. If she could get aboard ship there's a slim chance she could figure out a way to escape, but these men are too cautious. She gives them instructions, and Selan pulls out a data pad to record what she wants and where to find it.

  “And whatever you do, don’t touch anything unless I’ve specifically said to!” she warns him. “You might not survive the consequences.” That gets Selan’s attention, and he double checks her instructions before sending the message off.

  “Your things will be planet side soon. We’ll escort you to your lodging now,” Revin tells her. She expects to see some of the planet on the journey to her temporary housing. But between being hurried along and packed tightly between not just Revin and Selan, but four other warriors, she doesn't even get a glimpse of much except the tops of some stone building and a little greenery.

  She wonders if she'll ever see what the planet looks like.

  In short order she's inside her new, and hopefully interim, home. Revin shows her how to work everything and then warns her there will be guards posted and she's not to go anywhere without them. After that he leaves, and she suddenly finds herself alone.

  That could have gone better, she thinks to herself. She couldn’t get access to Fortune, and she has round-the-clock guards. Escape is going to be tough when she decides she’s had enough.

  Then she remembers Halin raging and trying to get his hands on her. But then again, it could have gone a lot worse.


  Mian wakes suddenly when a large hand covers her mouth. She throws a punch before she's even opened her eyes and hears a chuckle as her assailant captures her fist.

  She goes still and blinks, a face finally resolving in front of her in the dim light of the room. Halin is grinning as he looks down at her. “I’d rather you didn’t scream. That could get uncomfortable really fast.”

  He pulls his hand away from her mouth and releases her wrist. To her surprise he scoots back on her bed until he's crouching near her feet. She sits up and tries to get her sleep fogged brain to work.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I would think that obvious,” he replies with a shrug. “I needed to see you.”

  “They took you to medical.”

  He makes a little scoffing sound at her words. “If they wanted to keep me there then they should’ve used better restraints. Or kept me drugged.” Suddenly he drops his head, and she can just make out the expression on his face. It's shame.

  “I don't know what's wrong with me,” he admits. “I don't feel right.” He rubs his chest absently. “I can't seem to control myself around you. I have a strong impulse to grab you and take you somewhere secluded. Some place where no one could find us. It's hard to fight.”

  “And even with that you thought it would be a good idea to break out of medical and come visit?” she asks, voice heavy with sarcasm.

  He shakes his head. “I know I'm dangerous right now. I don't know what’s going on, but looking back I can tell I haven't felt right since we left Bicoma.” He takes a deep shaky breath. “I needed to see you to explain that I'm not going to fight with the Menders. I want to get better. I don’t want these violent thoughts constantly swirling around in my mind. But I need to be able to see you while they test different things on me. I don't think I could keep my sanity if I can't see you.”

  Mian regards him thoughtfully. “It looks like I'm not going anywhere any time soon,” she points out, not sure why she feels the need to reassure him. This version of Halin, sitting at the foot of her bed, flashing fangs as he grins, and speaking with articulation makes her hope that whatever is wrong with him can be fixed. She wants the violent Halin to be the aberration.

  “This is one of the finer dwellings close to the port,” he tells her, glancing around the dark room. “It appears they’re treating you well.”

  “They got my things from Fortune and fed me a massive dinner. The guys guarding me kept telling me to eat more and shoved food under my nose. I feel like a strange combination of honored guest and captive. And the way they keep pushing food makes me feel a little like a prized animal being fattened for slaughter.”

  “They didn’t let you on your ship, did they?” he asks with a knowing grin. She raises an eyebrow and gives him a sour expression, making him chuckle.

  “No, they didn’t let me on Fortune,” she says regretfully. “But I've been told I get to tour a couple of places tomorrow. Meet lots of people and see lot of nice things. I was wondering—” she starts to say, but a low growl ticks out of his throat, making Mian stiffen.

  “Don't let any of them touch you. If any of them get too close you need to tell them you're mine.” She moves slowly away from him and to her relief he stays where he is.

  She feels better when she’s standing in the doorway to the bedroom. It’s not so much that she thinks she can get away now. Halin could easily cover the distance between them in two strides. But the fact that he’s letting her create space between them indicates he’s somewhat in control.

  “Easy there,”
she says in a soothing voice. “That growly possessive thing isn’t helping your case. If you want to see me in the future, tone it down.” She watches him close his eyes and draw in a deep breath. When he opens them he appears calm again.

  “That was harder than it should have been,” he admits. “Can I hold you? I find I need to feel you in my arms and fill my nose with your scent. I wouldn't ask, but my head hurts and being close to you makes the pain go away.”

  Mian hesitates, unsure if she can trust him. In the short time she's known him he's been both a lover and a jailer. “You growl or roar at me again, and I scream for the guards. I'm pretty sure if they have to haul your ass back to medical, they'll chain you down this time,” she warns him. When his familiar mischievous smile curls his lips, a small warmth unfurls in her chest. She loves that smile.

  “If I do anything that makes you scream, I'd rather it wasn't from fear.”

  Huffing out a chuckle, Mian steps back to the bed. Sliding in she pats the empty space next to her. “Come on over.”

  Halin stretches his body out next to her, but despite her earlier bravery, she stiffens.

  With a look of sadness, he gathers her close to him. “I hate that I've put that look on your face,” he whispers. He runs a hand up and down her back. Soon she starts to relax in his arms. “There,” he murmurs. “That’s better.”

  “Your species seems advanced,” she says. “I'm sure your Menders can figure out what’s going on with you.”

  “Speaking of Menders,” he starts, and she tenses up again. “No, don't get upset,” he tells her quickly. “I'm not going to say anything about your sterilization. I'd like you to be seen by the Menders for your general well-being. I've seen how stingy you are with anything, well anything except spending credits on Fortune. I'm sure you never go to a medical suite except for dire emergencies. I'd like our Menders to make sure you're healthy.”

  She can hear his concern and nods. “Sure, I guess I can let them poke and prod me to keep you happy.”

  He hugs her to him just a little tighter. “Thank you, my heart.”

  The endearment makes her flush with pleasure, and suddenly his hand is slipping between her legs. She doesn't protest as he finds his way under her night clothes. Soon he's stroking her sex with those skilled fingers.

  She gives a little sigh, “Oh, that feels good.” She moves against him, wanting more. He hasn't touched her intimately since leaving Bicoma and she aches for him.

  “Can I taste you?” he asks. She stretches her face up for a kiss and then realizes that's not what he meant. She hesitates for a second, and his face transforms from need to despair.

  “No, not yet apparently,” he says and starts to pull his hand away. “I’m sorry I broke your trust. I deserve your refusal.”

  “Give a girl a moment to think,” she growls out, grabbing his hand to keep it between her legs. “You can be overwhelming. It's not fair.”

  His gives her a questioning look, but his hand remains still, waiting on her. She feels him tremble against her and understands he's fighting his need and aggression with everything in him to give her the time to decide. She knows he'll leave if she demands it, even though it might cost him dearly.

  She's never been this important to anyone but her parents. Never had anyone want her so badly. Never felt so needed.

  She pushes his hands off her and sits up. He rolls away, disappointment clear on his face. She pulls her top off. “Get those clothes off,” she demands and shimmies out of her sleeping pants.

  He freezes and turns his head to look at her, his eyes going wide when he sees she's already naked. “Are you sure?”

  She puts her hands on her hips and juts her breasts out. “Do I look like I'm not sure?”

  He grins and practically rips his clothes off. Before she can say another word, he's on her, pushing her back on the bed and settling his hips between her legs. She gives a little sigh as his weight covers her, only realizing at that moment how much she was missing the feeling of him on top of her.

  He kisses her, taking his time. She runs her tongue along one of his fangs, enjoying the way it makes him shudder. “Did it hurt very bad?” he asks.

  “When you hit me or when you kept me restrained?” she asks, confused.

  “No, I know those were hurtful things, and I expect some day for you to hurt me so I can forgive myself,” he tells her with brutal honestly. “But do you think you will ever be able to forgive my betrayal? I paid back your kindness with brutality and force. I should have let you take me to Wint. I could’ve spent my time convincing you to come home with me.” He draws back, and she sees regret on his face. “It shouldn't even have been an issue. There is no reason I should’ve acted so badly when you told me about sterilizing yourself. That was your decision and your right, done long before you met me.”

  “That’s all true,” she agrees, deciding to ask something that she'd kept buried, fearful of his answer. “Why does it matter that I can't have children? Is that my only value? You seemed to like me well enough before Bicoma and all the revelations about the Decanted. What changed?”

  Dropping his head, he buries his face in her neck. She feels his hot breath against her skin. She waits, her ardor cooled by the conversation. He rolls them to the side, tucking her tightly against him.

  “It felt like you betrayed me. When you told me so casually that you'd ended any chance of us having young it was….” He takes a deep breath, and she feels him shudder against her. “I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. After I saw the mating marks, I pictured you getting round with our child. I saw our young in my mind. It would be a girl, and she would have your eyes, and I would care for you both. I could almost feel her little body in my hands.” He stops talking, overcome with the memory.

  She feels like she wants to cry. “Then it felt like I took that all away?”

  “I know it's not rational.”

  “Emotions rarely are,” she sighs. “I remember my mom once saying love is impossible to quantify but easy to feel.”

  “You mother was a wise parent,” Halin says after a moment. “I miss my mother and sisters. I was so young when they were taken that I have few memories. Each is precious to me.”

  She wraps her arms and legs around him, hugging him tightly. They hold each other like that until the first moon is high in the sky, casting a warm light through the window.

  Finally, Mian speaks. “I'm not sure I've forgiven you yet,” she starts and feels him tense against her. “But I'm willing to let you woo me, that is, if you still want me.” She feels his cock harden against her and almost laughs.

  “Is there any doubt I still want you.”

  “Even if I probably can't have children?” she asks and holds her breath for the answer.

  “There will be other Decanted females found, Hissa doesn't need to rely on you to repopulate the species,” he assures her. “If there are no children, I'll be sad. But my love for you wouldn't diminish.”

  She grins from relief. “You guys do realize that we humans usually only have one baby at a time, max maybe two. We don't give birth to litters.”

  He gives a little laugh. “I'm sure one of the Menders has figured that out. After Tiran presented Mara with mating marks the Menders were eager for samples and started researching human females. Requests have been made to Earth for information on Decanting technology, and preparations are being made for a diplomatic mission. Already we have found information to lead us to several Decanted females sold into slavery. Ships have been dispatched to find them and bring them back.”

  “That’s fast. You guys don't mess around.”

  “Not with something this important.”

  They both fall silent, and Mian moves against him, enjoying the feel of his erection pressing against her; then she remembers the question that sparked the whole conversation.

  “What where you asking me?” When gives her a confused look, she elaborates. “When you asked if it hurt? What were you refer
ring to?”

  Suddenly he grins, playful and passionate. “Did it hurt when I bit you because I find I want to do it again.” The idea of him biting her makes her insides warm. His nostrils flair, and his grin is wide enough to show off fang. “You did like it!”

  “Maybe,” she responds with a sly smile. “Might just need to try it one or two more times before I decide if I really liked it.”

  “I'd be happy to help you test this theory,” he tells her and nuzzles her neck, running his fangs along her skin. Her breath hitches, and she moves her hips against him.

  Bracing himself on one arm he runs a hand down her shoulder, collar bone, and then cups her breast, moving his callused thumb over the tip. The rough skin of his thumb feels good against her nipple, and she tries to push forward to increase the pressure. He rolls them back over, using his bigger body to pin her. He keeps his touch light and tormenting until she finally makes a small sound of frustration.

  “You're killing me,” she growls at him. “If you don't give me more, I'm going to tie you down and take what I want!”

  He kisses her neck, then moves down her body, kissing and scraping fang as he goes. “I think I might like to be your prisoner. Being used by you would be more than any captive could hope for.”

  “Perverted Hissa,” she grumbles, trying to get her arms out from under him so she can touch and torment him.

  Instead, the moment he's not pinning her arms down anymore he pushes her legs apart with his wide shoulder, ducking away from her searching fingers. He gently bites the inside of her thighs eliciting a little moan from her. He works his mouth closer to her sex, and she can tell he's deliberately pushing his fangs against her flesh almost to the point of breaking skin.

  She stills as he runs his fangs up her leg, nibbling and threatening but not piercing. She's panting by the time he reaches her sex and nuzzles his face between the folds there. He licks his tongue across her clit. She pushes her hips up, desperate for the feel of his mouth on her.


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