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How Sarah Became a Nudist

Page 2

by NTS

  Life was going to be a lot different without clothes... she was afraid of what she'd gotten into, embarrassed about being exposed to the world, and nervous about the interview which was still looming over her tomorrow. Eventually she tried to sleep, but found the insomnia impossible to overcome.

  Which is how she got to where she was now, laying in bed, thinking about what she'd done and how she'd have to deal with it, without so much as a sheet to cover her naked body.

  Chapter 2

  Sarah laughed with her girlfriends as they walked down the school hallway, trading the latest fashion advice and gossip, laughing and enjoying themselves, just as she'd done a million times before. But something about it felt wrong. She kept walking through the crowded hallway, unable to shake the uneasy feeling and unable to peg what was causing it. It almost seemed like they were laughing at her, instead of with the last joke that was told. But that was impossible - Sarah was the most popular girl in school, why would she get laughed at? They continued down the hallway, Sarah still feeling like something was wrong. They reached the middle of the school building, where Kierra was standing, along with her friends. Kierra pointed a finger right at Sarah. "Nubbly!" she shouted. Soon the whole school was chanting. "Nubbly! Nubbly!"

  She dropped her books with a startle, for she realized that she'd completely naked except for her platform shoes, completely exposed in front of the whole school....

  Sarah awoke suddenly, disoriented from the vivid dream she'd been having. She immediately sought to reassure herself that she wasn't in High School any more, and that she wasn't naked. It only took a moment for reality to come crashing down on her though, as the memory of yesterday came flooding back into her head. She wasn't in high school anymore... but she didn't have clothes anymore, either.

  Sarah sat up, swinging her bare legs over the edge of the bed and breathing heavily, trying to shake off the last remnants of the dream. She glanced at her clock. 6:30. She couldn't have been asleep for very long, although she didn't know when exactly she'd managed to fall asleep. Warm sunlight was coming in through the window and falling on her skin. The humidity had broken during the night; it felt much more pleasant now than it had yesterday, and the air flowing through the slightly open window had none of that stickiness to it. She took several deep breaths, pushed the bad dream from her head, and turned her thoughts to the day ahead.

  Today was the day of her interview at Matthews and Grant, the whole reason she'd become a nudist. She was sure that had been a mistake now; she felt no confidence at all as she sat on the edge of her bed. How could she, when she was stark naked, exposed for everyone to see? She looked at her closed dorm room door. She'd have to do the biggest interview of her life nude in just a few hours, and she hadn't even been brave enough to venture outside her tiny room yet.

  She became aware of the pressure in her bladder and realized that sitting here wouldn't be an option for very much longer. She felt around the floor under the bed until her bare feet came upon her furry pink slippers. Unfortunately, that was the limit of the clothing she'd be allowed from now on.

  Taking a deep breath, and noticing how that seemed to make her bare breasts stick out, she picked up her small purse containing her ID and key ring and then walked to the door of her room. Nervously, she unlocked it, and opened it just enough to stick her head out and see if he hallway was empty. Satisfied there was no one there, she hesitantly stepped outside into the hall. There were about six rooms to each side of the hallway on this floor, and she knew from experience it was unlikely to stay empty for long before she was spotted.

  Sarah began a slow walk to the end of the hall where the girl's bathroom was located, trying to adjust to the surprising number of new sensations she felt. She wasn't sure what she'd expected really; if she thought about it at all, she'd imagined walking around nude wouldn't have felt any different than wearing clothes. The myriad of feelings on her body surprised her though: each tiny wisp of air across her bare skin, every bounce of her breasts, and every time her swinging arm touched her naked hip reminded her of her state of undress, and added to her embarrassment at being out like this.

  She entered the communal girls' bathroom to discover it wasn't nearly as empty as the hallway. She heard several showers running and two of Sarah's dormmates, Wendy and Ronda, stood at the row of sinks brushing their teeth. Both were dressed in their pajamas; Wendy in flannel pants and a baby T, Ronda a little less modestly in girl boxers and her bra. But even that was modest compared to Sarah.

  She did her best to act casually as she found her bathroom kit amongst the others usually left on the far ledge, but she was immediately noticed by the two girls.

  "Um.... Sarah? You forget something?" Wendy said, sounding more confused than surprised.

  "No, this is how I'll always be now... I registered as a nudist," Sarah said, not sure she sounded at all convincing.

  "Why?" Ronda asked, putting down her toothbrush and staring at Sarah.

  Sarah did her best to act naturally, though she knew she was failing as she fumbled to get some toothpaste onto her brush. The humiliation of being naked in front of other people, in public, was excruciating; she hadn't really been ready for this. "I've just... thought about this lifestyle for a long time. It's something I wanted for myself. I can't explain it." It was true, she couldn't explain it. Even she felt like she was nuts.

  "So like, you're just gonna walk around naked all the time now? In front of everyone?" Ronda continued, clearly dumbfounded.

  Sarah just nodded as she brushed her teeth. She felt her skin turning red with embarrassment, especially as Ronda's words started to sink in. In front of everyone... these two girls were just the beginning.

  "I don't get it," Ronda said simply.

  "Yeah, you never seemed the type. You're usually so modest," Wendy chimed in. "What changed?"

  The truth was something Sarah didn't want to admit to anyone... it sounded stupid even to her now. But why else would anyone want this?

  "Nothing," Sarah said, trying to think of something. "I just like to be naked... I think I look good."

  "Is it about boys?" Wendy asked. "Cuz you know -"

  "Whoa!" Yukiko, an Asian girl and open lesbian said as she emerged from a shower stall and saw the naked Sarah. "Hey, nice, Sarah."

  Sarah felt humiliated. It wasn't that she was homophobic... she and Yukiko were friends, and Yukiko's sexual orientation had never bothered her before. But as Yukiko looked over her naked body, Sarah squirmed inside.

  "Thanks," Sarah said, somewhat quietly, before darting into a shower stall and hiding behind the curtain. She hadn't been ready for the way the other girls looked at her, as if she was on display for them to examine. She was shaken and embarrassed... and oddly, a little excited. There was a familiar moisture between her legs that she couldn't explain. She couldn't be turned on from all this, could she? No, she told herself, that just couldn't be.

  She gulped, placing her pink slippers on the small stool and stepping into a hot stream of water. She forced herself to calm down a bit. It hadn't been that bad, she told herself. It was just the because this was her first time. She'd get used to it and soon enough this would all seem normal, right? As much as she tried to convince herself of that, she couldn't quite believe it. She felt overwhelmed with a endless array of unexpected sensations and emotions. Being the only naked person when everyone else was fully dressed was embarrassing, to say the least. She had no idea how she'd go on like this, let alone manage to present herself for the interview later today.

  At least I'm supposed to be naked in here, she thought. The shower worked it's magic, relaxing her until she felt better. She stepped out and used her small towel to dry off. Feeling refreshed, she put her pink slippers back on and stepped out. The bathroom was now empty save for two other showers running. Sarah didn't especially want to be seen by their occupants, so she quickly headed out of the bathroom.

  Normally, the next step in her morning routine was to go back to her room t
o get dressed. But since that was now impossible, she didn't see any reason to return to her room, even though it was tempting to get out of the public eye again. Sarah resolved to deal with her situation though; she was here of her own doing and she knew she had to live with it. So rather than go back to the privacy and comfort of her room, a determined Sarah headed downstairs to breakfast, wearing only her pink slippers.

  Sarah was lucky enough to live in a dorm with its own dining hall on the first floor, but today that provided little comfort. She could hear the bustling noise of the hall as she descended the last flight of stairs into the lounge. She immediately attracted the attention of the few students hanging out there; her presence stopped all conversation as the students admired the naked co-ed in their presence. Sarah blushed; she was accustomed to being admired, but these looks were different. Instead of being an object of desire that was out of reach for most, she was now... just an object available for anyone and everyone to see. Sarah tried not to look at anyone as she crossed the lounge, but as a result almost crashed into another girl who was making her way to the stairs. Sarah dodged at the last second and cringed at the scowl the girl shot at her. Sarah looked at her with envy as the girl headed up the stairs, fully dressed in a short skirt and thin T shirt. You could see her black bra through it... that used to be about as exposed as Sarah would wear in public, too.

  The dining hall was small, but busy. Even at this early hour, twenty to thirty students sat around eating and chatting. Sarah was helpless to stop the inevitable staring that met her as she crossed to the buffet line. Conversations stopped, and the room was briefly quiet before a round of hushed conversations began discussing the naked girl in the dining hall. Sarah overheard a few - one person asked who she was and if she lived here, another described nudists as "attention sluts", and still another said he'd love to do something to her... Sarah didn't quite catch what it was, but decided she was best off not knowing.

  She made her way down the buffet picking up a good sized breakfast: Orange juice, cereal, some waffles, and an apple. She slid her tray to the end of the buffet line, where a student worker sat at a register. She guessed he was a freshman like her, but her looked young and had a particularly pervy look about him. Sarah cringed as she stopped in front of him to dig out her meal plan card from her purse, keenly aware of the fact that her breasts was barely a foot from his face, and his eyes never rose above that level.

  "So, Sarah..." he said, reading her name off her card before swiping it. "Got any plans for the weekend?"

  Sarah couldn't believe the little twerp was actually hitting on her. "I'm busy," she said indignantly, before taking her card back and walking away, looking for a seat.

  "Whoa, Sarah is that you?" A girl said as Sarah walked through the dining hall.

  Sarah stopped, turning to see who had spoken. The voice belonged to Jennifer, the girl who lived across the hall from Sarah. She was sitting with her roommate Lindsay and a boy named Scott who Sarah recognized from the floor above them. "Hi, Jenn," Sarah replied uneasily.

  "I didn't recognized you without your clothes," Jennifer said. "Um, why aren't you wearing clothes?"

  "It's my lifestyle now," Sarah answered simply. Scott's eyes were unabashedly roaming her body, making her feel even more embarrassed.

  There was an awkward silence that lasted for several moments before Jennifer offered "Wanna sit?"

  Sarah accepted the offer, and once again found herself in the embarrassing position of being naked in a group of fully dressed friends. She was keenly aware of it as she took her seat; she was clearly the center of attention, exposed and unable to hide herself, an outsider even as she joined the circle.

  Sarah tried to keep her mind off of it by turning her attention to her food. Her ordeal hadn't affected her appetite in the least; her belly was rumbling with hunger. The small table sat in relative silence for a few minutes, although everyone's eyes pretty much stayed on Sarah. Finally, Scott broke the silence. "So I don't get it," he said.

  Sarah looked up from her almost finished bowl of cereal. "Get what?" she asked. His eyes were boring into her breasts; she wanted to cover them so badly, but knew she shouldn't - she couldn't let people know she'd only become a nudist as a resume builder, so she had to act like this was something she'd wanted for herself.

  "Why you'd want to show off like this," he said. "I mean not that I'm complaining, a hot girl like you... but you never really seemed like an exhibitionist."

  "She's not an exhibitionist, she's a nudist. There's a difference," Jennifer said. "Isn't there?"

  "Yes. Nudists just don't believe in modesty or body shame. I don't get off on this," Sarah explained. Even as she said it though, a wetness between her legs told a different story... something that confused and frightened her and made her squeeze her legs even more tightly together. The stares she was getting were humiliating... there wasn't anything enjoyable about this.

  That's what she told herself, at least.

  "Isn't today the day of your big interview?" Jennifer asked.

  "Yeah. It's at one," Sarah answered.

  "Funny it's on the same day you became a nudist..." Jennifer said quietly.

  Sarah didn't answer, instead taking a last gulp of orange juice and then standing up. "Actually, I have to go get ready for it. I'll see you all later. Thanks."

  "Yeah... be seeing a lot of you!" Scott said.

  Sarah burned with embarrassment as she walked off, still turning the heads of everyone in the dining hall. She still couldn't believe what this felt like, or even that she was doing this at all. But she didn't have a choice now. She'd made it her life. Sarah the nudist.

  And she was glad she hadn't felt the tiny trickle of moisture crawling down her leg from her wet pussy until after she'd left the dining hall.

  Chapter 3

  "Oh God," Sarah moaned, as her fingers rubbed her clit furiously. A moment later she bucked her hips in the air, groaning as an intense orgasm washed over her, causing her whole body to tremble before she collapsed back down on her bed.

  For several minutes she simply laid there panting, enjoying the feeling of bliss that came with in afterglow of her orgasm. She was naked, sweaty, and smiling. Though she hadn't been with many boys, she'd always been a very sexual person. When she pleasured herself, the whole world had a way of fading into the background, and that was true in this case. The stresses of her predicament and impending interview were distant things in her mind as she squirmed on her bed and relived the intense feelings of pleasure still coursing through her.

  She couldn't believe how horny she'd felt this morning, she didn't know what had come over her. When she'd gotten back to her room she just sort of started touching herself. She honestly didn't remember starting... but it quickly grew to one of her most intense orgasms ever.

  She laid in her bed, sweating and naked, for several minutes. Eventually the afterglow faded and reality started to encroach on her mood again. She had a huge interview in barely three hours that she was in no way ready for; not least of which because she had to do the whole thing naked. She hadn't thought of that when she'd hatched this stupid plan; she didn't know how she was going to put her best foot forward without even wearing shoes.

  But wait, she suddenly realized. Shoes weren't out of the question; there was just limits to what they'd be allowed to cover (no more than half of the top of the foot). She jumped off her bed and dove to her mostly empty closet, digging through the shoes she'd be allowed to keep. It didn't take her long to find what she was looking for; three inch open toed heels. She could wear them and still be well within the nudist guidelines.

  She smiled to herself as she began to consider what else she could do. She had to be naked; but she should still look her best for this interview. Quickly, she exited her room and headed for the bathroom, glad to find it empty at this hour. She hopped in the shower to wash the smell of sex off of herself, and replaced it with scented soap and shampoos. Exiting the shower, she stood at the mirror groomi
ng herself, paying extra attention to her hair so it would look perfect. She headed back to her room and found her make up. She didn't apply much, but it made a difference. She tried to imagine herself wearing a business suit and looking professional, and tried to duplicate everything about that, even though the business suit part was impossible now.

  Finally, she slipped on her chosen shoes and looked at herself. Not bad, she thought. It was as professional as she could get while still being naked. The heels really accentuated her legs and forced her to stand straight, thrusting her perky breasts straight out. She tried to picture herself in front of the interviewer like this... she couldn't just yet, at least not without turning red with embarrassment. But she had over two hours to figure that out.

  She stood at the door to her room and took a big breath. This was it. She had to do this right or it would be all for nothing. With all the confidence she could muster, she opened the door and strutted out.


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