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How Sarah Became a Nudist

Page 4

by NTS

  Finally the inevitable question came. Tom cleared his throat, and asked, "So Sarah, tell me about being a nudist."

  She gulped. "I only registered relatively recently," she said, choosing her words carefully so as not to outright lie. "It's just something that I'd felt was right for me. I'm not sure what else to say about it, honestly."

  Tom looked her over, and the conversation paused. Sarah grew nervous, wondering if she'd said something wrong, or if he'd guessed the real reason she had shown up naked today. Then suddenly, before she even gave herself a chance to reconsider, she shifted in her seat and spread her legs a bit, just enough to give Tom a full display of everything between them, from her blond pubic hair to her pouting lips. She immediately kicked herself - this is wrong. But she didn't move from that position, and instead tried to look casual, as if she hadn't noticed the show she was giving Tom. Just like a nudist would.

  Tom didn't miss the bait, staring openly for several long moments before he seemed to gain control of himself. "Oh, um, yes, that's fine. Mostly it was my own curiosity. We don't currently have any other nudists working at the firm."

  Sarah smiled, taking the opportunity to close her legs and shift positions again. "I understand," she said.

  Tom stood up and Sarah followed. "Well Sarah, it was a pleasure to meet you. We'll be making our decision at the end of the day, someone will call you."

  "Thank you," she said, shaking Tom's hand. "It was a pleasure as well."

  Tom led her back to the lobby where Sarah quickly got on the elevator and breathed a huge sigh of relief. It was only then that she realized how hard her heart had been pounding.

  Chapter 5

  Sarah had no memory of the trip home after her interview, which she blamed on the adrenalin surge she was still feeling hours later. She couldn't believe that she'd now spent over a day totally naked - around the dorm, around campus, and even in the middle of the city. She went to the most important interview of her life wearing nothing but heels and a smile, and given the interviewer a full display of her most intimate parts.

  All of that made her blush to think about, but inexplicably, it was also making her feel hornier than she could ever remember feeling. Which is why she'd spent most of the afternoon splayed out on her bed with her vibrator buried deep inside her. In her mind, she relived every moment of being stared at, but especially that moment in the interview where she'd consciously displayed herself, exhibiting her pussy for Tom Matthews. It was so embarrassing when it happened, but now it seemed so... hot. In the back of her head Sarah wondered if she was turning into some kind of exhibitionist, but that thought was buried deep below the waves of pleasure crashing over her.

  Sarah gasped as a powerful orgasm ripped through her, and then collapsed, smiling and squirming in the afterglow, her skin glistening with beads of sweat as she lay sprawled out on her bed.

  Her afterglow was unfortunately cut short by her cell phone ring tone. She fumbled blindly for it on her nightstand, finally finding the handset and putting it to her ear.

  "Hello?" she said.

  "This is Mary Williams with Matthews and Grant. I'm calling to invite you to be a part of our summer internship program," the voice on the other end said.

  Sarah hardly contained herself through the rest of the brief conversation. She managed to write down a few notes, a phone number, some other information that Mary gave her over the phone - but when she finally hung up, Sarah contained herself no longer. "EEEEE!" she yelled, literally bouncing with excitement.

  This whole nudist thing may have been a dumb idea, but it just PAID OFF big time. She got the job. This was huge!

  Excited and hardly thinking, she danced out of her room, unconcerned with her nudity or anything other than finding someone to share the news with. As fate would have it, the first person she ran into was Yukiko, wrapped in a towel and headed for the shower.

  "Whoa, Sarah, you look happy," Yukiko commented.

  "I got the job!" Sarah explained, embracing her friend in glee.

  Yukiko, far from acting uncomfortable about being hugged by a naked Sarah, shared in the enthusiasm. "That's great!" she shouted, hugging Sarah back.

  Having finally shared with someone, Sarah calmed down a little bit and her self consciousness began to reassert itself. She still smelled of sex, and was standing naked in a hallway with her lesbian friend, herself only wearing a towel. Awkward...

  "Yeah," Sarah said, still smiling, but now with just a hint of embarrassment. "So... headed for the shower?"

  "Yeah, just got back from a work out," Yukiko said.

  "I think I'll join you," Sarah said. Then, catching herself, "Separately, I mean. Not join you join you." she added, blushing.

  Yukiko laughed. "I got what you mean. Come on."

  The two girls walked to the bathroom, which was otherwise empty. "So, you'll be working in the city all summer?" Yukiko asked.

  "Yeah, guess so!" Sarah answered as the girls picked up their soap and shampoos from the common ledge.

  To Sarah's surprise, Yukiko whipped off her towel before entering one of the shower stalls. It occurred to Sarah that she was the first person she'd seen naked since, well, everyone had gotten to see her naked. It was surprising how little Yukiko seemed to care.

  "Given any thought to where you're going to live?" Yukiko asked, talking over the wall separating the shower stalls.

  "Not yet," Sarah replied, after stepping into the stall next to Yukiko's and turning the water on.

  "Well, if you're interested, I'm looking for a roommate for the summer, the girl I was supposed to stay with bailed on me to go to Europe," Yukiko said.

  "Where?" Sarah asked.

  "Downtown," Yukiko answered. "It's on Lowry, about a block from the 5th st subway entrance."

  That was only one stop from the law firm. Sarah could hardly hope for anything better than that. "That sounds great!"

  The girls conversation drifted to other things after that, talk about the end of their classes and some campus gossip. Sarah was feeling pretty good about herself by the time she shut off the water and dried off with her half sized towel.

  Yukiko stepped out of the shower stall with her towel wrapped around her. "Hey," she said. "Feel like going down to the union for a bite to eat? I'm starved, and don't think I can stand the meal plan food one more day."

  Sarah paused briefly - she didn't exactly look forward to more public nudity. But she was still feeling pretty good about herself right that moment, and the rumbling in her stomach overruled any apprehension.

  "Sure," she said. "Just let me get dressed and -"

  Yukiko laughed, and Sarah realized her mistake. "I mean, you can go get dressed. I'll just dry off."

  The girls returned to the respective rooms. Sarah dried her hair, but decided to simply put it up rather than try to do anything else with it. She slipped on a pair of sandals and picked up a pair of sunglasses and realized she was ready to go, which for some reason surprised her. There were some parts of being a nudist that just felt weird, and not taking any time to get ready to go out was one of them.

  Still naked save for her sandals, she walked out of her room and headed to Yukiko's, knocking on the door. "Come in!" Sarah heard from within.

  Sarah opened the door and found her friend wearing only a denim miniskirt, seemingly unconcerned with the fact that she was topless as Sarah walked in. "I can't decide... the white one, or the red one?" Yukiko asked, holding up each top respectively.

  "The red," Sarah asked, with a pang of jealousy at even having this choice to make. She marveled a little bit at how casual Yukiko seemed to be with her own body - she wondered if it had something to do with being a lesbian, but she kept that thought to herself. She also thought it was weird that despite being gay, Yukiko seemed like the only person so far not to act weird about Sarah's nudity. Yukiko admired her body, to be sure, but it was more a complimentary look than a lustful one, and a stark contrast from most of the men and even other women who'd seen Sarah
that day..

  Yukiko looked at the red top again and nodded. "Yeah, totally. The other one so doesn't go with this skirt. Don't know what I was thinking," she smiled, pulling the chosen top over her head and straightening it. "Must be nice to be free of these kind of dilemmas for yourself, huh?"

  "I guess," Sarah said. In truth, her emotions were decidedly mixed on the subject. On the one hand, this was the most humiliating ordeal of her life. On the other...

  "Ready?" Yukiko asked.

  "Yep," Sarah answered.

  The two girls left the room and headed for the staircase, Yukiko dressed lightly in her skirt and halter top, Sarah in nothing at all. They walked briskly through the lounge, Sarah choosing to ignore the attention that she immediately garnered just by walking through. They emerged into bright sunlight, which just felt good against Sarah's naked body. It was a sign of the oncoming summer that even this late in the day the sun was still up, something Sarah was glad for. She hadn't yet considered how she'd deal with being a nudist in the cold northeastern winter, and was perfectly happy not to think about it with nothing but summer months ahead.

  As they crossed the campus, Sarah did took stock of her admirers. The most openly staring were the various groups of frat boys hanging around the green. But she didn't go unnoticed by the more bookwormish students either, who all lifted their heads from their study notes as she walked by. Even many of the girls couldn't help but notice the naked girl now so brazenly walking across campus, her every inch of skin exposed for anyone who cared to look. It was still deeply embarrassing for Sarah, who doubted she'd be feeling so courageous if Yukiko wasn't walking by her side... still, she took notice of something else she was feeling deep inside, buried underneath the embarrassment and desire to cover up. It was the thing that made her jiggle her breasts just a little more than was strictly necessary, and put a little extra sway into her ass as she walked - it was a part of her that didn't entirely dislike her self inflicted forced nudity, and made itself known between her legs.

  This was going to be an interesting summer...

  Chapter 6

  Sarah moved about her new apartment nervously, opening and closing cabinet doors, straightening things, moving things. By contrast, Yukiko, now her roommate, relaxed comfortably on the sofa engrossed by whatever book she was reading. After this went on for some time though, Sarah's movements must have become too distracting. Yukiko put the book down and looked at her naked roommate. "Sarah, is everything okay? That's the third time you've moved that picture frame."

  "Oh," Sarah said, embarrassed. "Sorry, didn't mean to bother you."

  "It's okay, it's just you're acting like something's on your mind?" Yukiko asked.

  "No, everything's fine," Sarah said. Then, after reconsidering. "Well, I dunno. My family's going to be here in a little while. And I haven't exactly, you know, told them... that I'm a nudist..."

  The previous week had been such a blur. After the elation about getting the internship, Sarah had been forced to buckle down and refocus on finals. She'd spent most of the time in her dorm room studying, not thinking about the job, her nudity, or much else besides the immediate need to pass her classes. Aside from some shocked TA's and fellow classmates when she showed up to take the tests naked, it had been an uneventful week. That had changed suddenly with a hectic move yesterday, as it was the last day to move out of the dorms. Sarah and Yukiko struggled to fit everything into Yukiko's small car to move to their new apartment. Both were grateful that Sarah didn't have any additional suitcases full of clothes to worry about (and that the apartment was fully furnished already). And though Sarah had excitedly spoken to her parents about the internship several times in the last week... the subject of nudism just never seemed to come up. They did, however, insist on driving up to take Sarah out to a congratulatory dinner before she began her internship tomorrow.

  Yukiko did her best to conceal her amusement, but couldn't hide the smirk. Sarah just looked at her friend distraughtly and collapsed in a chair, only closing her legs several moments later in a bout of self consciousness. "I'm serious! They haven't seen me naked since I was three!"

  Yukiko, realizing her reaction was uncalled for, switched gears to comforting her friend instead: "Well, do you think they'll take it badly?"

  "I... I don't know," Sarah said. "They're pretty liberal and open minded I guess, but it's not like either of them are nudists. I don't know what they'll think of me."

  Yukiko took her friend's hand. "When I was in High School I must have spent months fretting about how I was going to come out to my parents about being gay. I think up until then they'd wanted me to register for the traditional Japanese housewife lifestyle or something. But, when I finally did it, they just accepted it. Parents are cool like that, they love their kids. They'll see how important being a nudist is to you, and they'll support it."

  But being a nudist wasn't important to her. It wasn't something Sarah would have ever chosen if she hadn't wanted that job so bad. And even the fact that she had gotten hired now seemed a minor consolation compared to the thought of opening that door naked for her parents. But that wasn't anything she could confess to Yukiko, so she just smiled and said "Thank you."

  Sarah relaxed a little after that, at least enough that she could sit and watch TV until that fateful moment arrived.

  Just a few minutes after six, the buzzer rang.

  "Sarah?" The crackly, near-unrecognizable voice came over the building's intercom system. "It's your mother - buzz us in please."

  Sarah held down the buzzer for a few seconds, unlocking the door at the front of the building for her parents. Sarah stood apprehensively, waiting.

  "Do you want me to go?" Yukiko asked politely.

  "No," Sarah said quickly. "Please stay." The thought of facing this alone was suddenly too much to deal with; Yukiko's presence was a comfort.

  "Okay," Yukiko said, squeezing Sarah's hand for support. Sarah felt good about that, appreciating what a good friend Yukiko had turned into over the past week.

  A minute later a knock came at the door. Sarah suddenly felt more aware of her nudity than she'd felt since her first day as a nudist. The thick carpet dug between her toes as she walked across it. She felt every wisp of air against her exposed skin as she crossed the living room. Her breasts bounced subtly as she moved, unconstrained by a bra. After a week like this, none of it felt especially unnatural to her anymore. But it did all reinforce the fact that she was about to greet her parents naked, which was filling her with indescribable dread.

  Sarah grabbed the door handle and with a deep breath swung the door open wide, exposing her unclad body to her family for the first time since she was a little girl.

  Her mother Jillian, a tall, blond haired woman in her late 40's, looked confused at first. "Oh - Sarah - I'm sorry - wait - huh - where are your clothes?" She managed to stammer out.

  Sarah's father, David, seemed more shocked than anything. "Sarah!" he exclaimed, before turning his head to look away from his naked daughter.

  Her fourteen year old brother Dave Jr. (who Sarah had NOT been expecting) had apparently been too preoccupied with his iPod to notice what had happened right away. It was only at the sound of his dad's exclamation that he looked up. "Whoa..." he said.

  Sarah was burning with humiliation, her whole body blushing uncontrollably. "Hi guys..." she said meekly. "Please come in..."

  Jillian, in an apparent effort to preserve something of her daughter's modesty, entered the apartment and shut the door, leaving Sarah's father and brother in the hallway. "Sarah!" she shouted. "Why are you naked? Is this some sort of joke?"

  "No, mom, please," Sarah said, panicking. "I'll explain..."

  The front door cracked open a bit, and her dad's voice came through. "Is everything alright?"

  "Just wait a moment David, our daughter still isn't dressed. Go get dressed Sarah, and then we'll discuss this," her mom said coldly.

  "I can't mom," Sarah was on the verge of tears. "I'd... I've dec
ided... I'm a nudist."

  "A what!?"

  Seeing how badly this was going, Yukiko took a few steps to be closer to her friend.

  "A nudist," Sarah repeated, in barely a whisper. She looked down, unable to meet her mother's eye, as she rubbed the carpet with her foot like an embarrassed little girl. She felt more ashamed than she'd ever felt in her life. "I... I... have to be n-naked..."

  Her dad, too impatient to wait in the hallway for any longer, came into the room, followed by her brother. "Jillian, Sarah, what's going on?"


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