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How Sarah Became a Nudist

Page 13

by NTS

  Especially because Sarah knew Yukiko was a lesbian - her friend could have reacted just like a guy, leering after her as if she was some three dimensional porn. But in all this time of being naked around Yukiko, she'd been a perfect gentleman. Er, lady. Sarah found herself wondering why - maybe she wasn't sexy to a lesbian? Or did Yukiko just not want to get worked up over a straight girl? Or did Yukiko just see enough other girls naked anyway that it was no big deal to her?

  Wait a second - do I want Yukiko to be attracted to me? No, Sarah decided, I'm just really tired and thinking crazy things. Yukiko's just a good friend.

  Yukiko stood up, and Sarah's heart missed a beat - she felt sure her roommate had read her thoughts. But that idea was put to rest when Yukiko spoke. "Well babe, I don't know about you but I need to crash."

  "Me too," Sarah said sleepily, though made no move to get up.

  Yukiko approached her; Sarah admired her friend's beauty. It was weird, she'd seen Yukiko naked a lot over the last few months, but it was like the first time Sarah was really noticing her...

  Yukiko squeezed Sarah's hand. "You're a good friend; you mean a lot to me Sarah. I'll always be here for you," she said, before planting a light kiss on Sarah's forehead and disappearing into her room.

  Sarah sat there for a little while longer, too tired to think about anything, but with too many thoughts circling her head to want to go to bed. Eventually she realized she'd fall asleep here on the couch and wind up with a sore back if she didn't get moving though, and sleepily stumbled to the sheetless bed in her own room.

  I wonder if Yukiko pictures me when she masturbates... was Sarah's last thought before falling asleep. But it would be forgotten by morning.

  Chapter 19

  The news tore through the office fast. The verdict had come in, and the settlement was huge. $150 million! It meant six figures for each of the plaintiffs and big bonuses for almost everyone in the firm.

  Of course Sarah, as an intern, would see none of that, but she was happy nonetheless. She'd seen firsthand just how much S-mart had wronged the nudists, and how much work everyone here had put into getting them justice. She felt everyone was deserving, and was glad to have played a role in it.

  As the "hero" of the whole story, Sarah got another round of admiration from everyone in the office who was grateful for the paycheck they could now expect. Sarah accepted it modestly; it was better than the kind of attention she usually got, but she was having a hard time sharing in the enthusiasm.

  Sarah felt frustrated.

  The day she gave the testimony that she was now being congratulated for, she had had a huge personal revelation. But nothing had really changed because of it. She still felt embarrassed by every look and humiliated by her constant public exposure. She felt no better about being naked than she had the day before she'd given her testimony. She still found herself cringing, hiding, and shying away from being seen as much as possible. Perhaps the worst part: deep down, being naked in public still made her horny.

  She kept expecting to wake up and just be used to it. To not care about the attention or who was looking, to be able to act like Lisa or any of the other nudists she'd met this summer. But that morning never came; every day she woke up feeling a little depressed that she couldn't get dressed and go outside like a normal person. Shed begun to wonder if what she'd said in court had been a lie after all.

  Nevertheless, she kept up the facade. At least that part was a little easier now - her credibility as a nudist was pretty unassailable, and she felt a little more comfortable being a little more shy about things without feeling that she was putting anything at risk. Kierra was still giving her a hard time and threatening to blow the whistle, but even that seemed minimal lately. Sarah didn't know if her new status around the office had changed things, or Kierra was just getting tired of her games... but in either case, Sarah wasn't complaining.

  In fact, it was early afternoon and Sarah hadn't even seen Kierra that day. Not that she wasn't getting enough attention from everyone else.

  "Hi, you must be Sarah," a brunette woman spoke. She was dressed professionally, but a little less so than was normal for a law office. Sarah also saw someone was with her; a younger guy with a digital camera around his neck.

  "Hi," Sarah greeted her. "I'm sorry... who are you?"

  The woman smiled and extended her hand, which Sarah shook. "Barb Tridilowsky," she smiled. "Don't worry about spelling it; even I have a hard time with it. I'm with Time magazine - we've been covering the S-mart case from the beginning, and to get right to the point - we'd love to do a cover story on you."

  "What?!" Sarah said, unable to believe what she'd just heard. "You're not serious?"

  Barb explained: "Sarah, your story is a compelling part of this trial - perhaps the most compelling part. Your testimony captured the attention of the nation. It's a terrific human interest story; you've become the face of nudism for this country, and people want to know more about you."

  Sarah felt dizzy upon hearing that. She had no idea she'd acquired national attention - but she certainly didn't want to amplify it by having her biography all over Time magazine. She was about to turn the reporter down when Sam and Tom came walking in.

  "Oh, Barb, I see you found Sarah already!" Sam said. "Listen Sarah, don't worry about doing any work today - it's a hell of an honor, and you deserve it. You and Barb take as much time as you need"

  Tom smiled. "Sarah's a really wonderful girl," he told Barb. "I want to read nothing but good things about her."

  And like that, Sarah's objection was lost in the wind. "Great! Let's go for a walk."

  The "walk" turned out to be an excuse to follow Sarah around as she walked naked through the city, giving Barb's photographer a chance to shoot her in a variety of settings. It wasn't the first time Sarah posed nude for photographs, but she was nervous given that any one of them could wind up on the cover of the magazine. But she once again found herself facing that familiar conflict - being forced to humiliate herself by posing because she felt she had no choice. She wanted to just forget this whole thing, but instead, she obliged by posing as requested for what was easily hundreds of shots, showing every part of her body to the camera and then some. She just tried not to think about where they'd wind up - never in her life had she imagined that nude photos of herself would be printed in a magazine where literally millions of people would see them.

  Exhibiting herself - on the streets, for the camera, also had its effect between her legs. She did her best to suppress it and hoped that it wouldn't show up in the pictures.

  Barb turned out to be pretty friendly, in an on-the-record-with-a-journalist sort of way. She seemed genuinely interested in getting to know Sarah, and Sarah found herself opening up a little bit - though she was ever conscious that any one of her words could wind up in this article. She spoke a lot about her life growing up, college, her plans for the future... and becoming a nudist. Barb was interested in how it impacted her relationships, especially with her parents. She also talked about the trials and tribulations of being naked, what she'd expected, hadn't expected, and how she felt people treated her.

  Finally they made their way back to the office, Sarah still talking, "I never imagined I'd become some kind of spokesman for nudists. It's not anything I ever wanted, and definitely not something I'd imagined doing three months ago. I guess I'm not sure I'm up to it... there are a lot of better ones than me."

  Barb smiled. "Sarah... I'm stepping outside the boundaries of professional journalism, but I wouldn't worry about that. You're just looking to be taken for who you are, and that's what people admire."

  Sarah smiled, though she still couldn't believe this would all be printed for an article. "Thanks."

  "Would you mind going back up to the office for a few? We'd love to have some shots of you there, and maybe talk to some of your co-workers."

  "Sure, I guess," Sarah said. That was fine, just so long as they avoided one particular co-worker.

  Back in th
e office, Barb spent some time talking to Tom, and then the other interns. Sarah was left with the photographer, who posed her around the photo copier and among some of the cubicles. Sarah was starting to get nervous though, as all the posing was beginning to get to her - suppressing her feelings was getting harder, and her will power wasn't enough to hide some of her body's visible signs.

  To make matters worse, Kierra showed up just as Barb was walking out of Tom's office. Sarah nearly panicked; there was simply no way this could end well.

  "Nubbly!" Kierra said. "I heard you were going naked for the national press now? Good for you."

  Which got the inevitable question from Barb: "Nubbly?"

  Kierra looked at Sarah with an evil grin. "Why Sarah, surely you told her about your nickname?"

  "I..." Sarah began, but was interrupted. Kierra launched into the whole story of that fateful day when Sarah was just a high school freshman and lost her top at a birthday party. Kierra told it with what almost sounded like pride. Sarah was helpless to do anything but sit there and listen, mortified, as the most humiliating day of her life became national news.

  The photographer got a shot of Kierra as she finished the story. Barb responded with a reporter's interest: "So Sarah must be quite a different person today than that shy girl you first met in high school?"

  Sarah felt like time was standing still; every moment became an extended period of humiliation as Kierra spoke. It was like slowing down to look at an auto accident as you passed by... except that she was the victim.

  "Oh yes!" continued Kierra. "Back then, she was so easily embarrassed. These days - well look at her! So immodest, I don't think anything embarrasses her - she's such a little show off. She even keeps a vibrator in her desk there, and doesn't mind if the whole world watches her get off. Sarah, why don't you give the reporter a show?"

  Her anxiety peaked. Sarah entered a dream world, where everything felt surreal. She couldn't think, couldn't act. The loudest noise in the room was her heartbeat, which was suddenly deafening.

  "Would you Sarah? It'd make a great shot for the story," Barb encouraged her. Her voice sounded really far away.

  Kierra reached over and found the vibrator in the desk drawer she'd given Sarah on her birthday. Sarah had completely forgotten about it... until now. "Do it," she whispered into Sarah's ear. "Or there's more I could tell your reporter friend for this article."

  Bzzzz... Kierra switched it on and shoved it into Sarah's limp hands.

  Sarah's skin felt intensely sensitive; she felt every molecule of air as it passed over her. She knew, in the back of her head, that others in the office were starting to get interested and crowd around. She couldn't escape. Not from the situation, not from her own head, not from her own body's needs. Tom was there. Kierra was there. Half the office was there. A reporter for a national magazine was there. The humiliation was greater than anything she'd felt to date, and still climbing. And it was having it's effect... she was aware of it... but she couldn't. There was no way she could bring herself -

  Lightning traveled through her body as the vibrator made contact. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before. The sensations, the humiliation, the nudity, the audience... they all coalesced into a feeling like none Sarah had ever experienced. It felt good and it felt bad, each and every long second that ticked by increased her pleasure and increased her humiliation. She had to stop, but couldn't. Not because of Kierra or any consequences, but because she couldn't tear herself from the sensations now consuming her.

  Did I just moan? Yes, I think I did. Oh my god, everyone just heard me moan...

  It continued. Everything built up inside of her. Every pent up emotion of the last three and a half months of being naked started to swell, causing the first cracks in the damn. She buried the vibrator inside her, fucking herself, surrendering what little modesty she had left. The most private, intimate act a person could do, she was now doing in public. Deliberately. She didn't think about whether she should, or why she was... she was running on instinct now. She was so fucking horny. She just let go.

  The world filled with stars. For how long, Sarah couldn't tell - minutes, perhaps. Her hearing came back first - "Wow," a voice said. Sarah couldn't tell who it came from. Her vision came back next; she hadn't even realized the world had gone black until blurry, stunned faces re-entered it. The flash of the camera - had he been taking pictures this whole time? She was breathing hard, and her heart was pounding. She was sweaty, drenched in fact. And smelled of sex. And then...

  Horror. Dread. Realization about what she'd done. A sickening feeling, unlike anything she'd known before, or knew how to deal with. Oh God...

  Kierra wore a victorious smirk.

  Chapter 20

  Sarah couldn't remember how she'd ended it with Barb, or anyone else at work that day. Maybe she maintained herself long enough to keep up appearances, maybe she'd just walked out. Now, she just had to get out of public. Forever, if she could. Instinctively, there was only one place she felt safe, and that's where she headed. She shut everything else out, and paid no heed to other pedestrians or even to the traffic as she made a deliberate march for home. People stared. More than usual, even. But it didn't matter - it was for the last time.

  The walk home was already forgotten when she finally arrived; the humiliation she felt was the only thing that stayed in her mind for more than a few moments at a time. She shut the door behind her and collapsed in tears, curling up on the floor and burying her head in her knees. Her only thought, which kept repeating over and over: I was wrong.

  She stayed in that position until she became so dehydrated she couldn't cry anymore. Then, with red swollen eyes and a dry raspy throat, she began to half stumble, half crawl towards the bedrooms. Only she didn't enter her own; she went for Yukiko's instead. She was tired. Tired of everything. Tired of life. Tired of being naked. In Yukiko's room, she found the one thing she desired most: clothes.

  She went into her roommate's closet, pulling out the first thing her hand landed upon. It happened to be a T-shirt. That was fine. Sarah pulled it over her head. Yukiko was smaller than Sarah, so her clothes made for a tight fit - but Sarah didn't care. She wanted to be clothed, but more importantly she needed to feel clothed. The snug fit of the shirt was reassuring and comforting, and she reveled in the sensation. She'd forgotten what clothes felt like against her body.

  I actually forgot what clothes felt like. It seemed so shocking.

  She next found some pants. She first spent a minute trying to fit into a pair of Yukiko's jeans, but it wouldn't make they passed her larger hips. So Sarah tossed them aside, and desperately dug for a pair of sweat pants. She got them on - they hugged her skin even more closely than the shirt. Sarah relished it, rubbing her hands up and down the fabric now covering her legs, protecting them, clothing them.

  She was dressed. For the first time in over three months, she was dressed. Her body was once again private - hidden from the public, from reporters, from Kierra. It was hers again.

  But she still didn't feel covered enough. Mindlessly, she crawled into Yukiko's bed, pulling the blanket over her, covering her whole body, keeping it shielded from the world in its own private cocoon. Privacy was so wonderful. Having regained a tiny amount of her sense of security, she drifted off to sleep...

  Sarah stood at the gates of the emerald city, her long odyssey finally nearing an end. She'd journeyed the whole length of the yellow bricked road, wearing nothing but the ruby red slippers she'd taken from that Wicked Witch upon arriving in this strange place. Now, her goal was finally in sight. She'd traveled long and far in search of the Wizard, and all the embarrassment of being naked would be worth it. Sarah knew he would give her what her heart desired most: clothes to cover herself with.

  She walked excitedly through the city. She used her hands and arms to try to shield her body from the view of the city's residents, but not even their ogles and stares could slow her down now. The Wizard... the Wizard... she kept thinking to herself.
All her hopes were pinned on his ability to grant her wish.

  She reached his door and knocked loudly. "Who is it?" came a booming voice from within.

  "My name is Sarah... " she answered. "I was told you have the power to dress me!"

  "Go away!" it said.

  Not to be deterred, Sarah stood her ground. "Please!" she shouted. "I've been naked for so long! If you can help, you must!"

  Silence followed. Sarah worried for a moment that she'd come all this way for nothing; but finally the big door opened. Sarah stepped inside into a great big room, with a giant, ghostly floating head in the middle.

  "Do you know what your heart seeks?" the Wizard asked.

  "Yes!" Sarah exclaimed. "I need clothes! I don't want to be embarrassed anymore!"

  The Wizard pondered, looking over Sarah as he did. Sarah felt frightened, vulnerable - but stayed focused on the idea that soon she'd have clothes again. "But don't you see?" The Wizard said. "You've had the power to not feel embarrassed all along!"


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