Book Read Free

Everything, Everything

Page 3

by Nicola Yoon

  I don’t go to the window that night or the next.


  I CAN’T STAND it. I peek out from the corner of my curtains.

  The Bundt is sitting on the sill, Band-Aids and bandages covering half its body. Olly is nowhere to be found.


  THE BUNDT IS sitting on a table next to the window. There’s a martini glass filled with green liquid, a pack of cigarettes, and a pill bottle with a skull and crossbones label. Another suicide attempt?

  Still no Olly.


  THE BUNDT IS lying on a white sheet. An upside-down plastic water bottle is attached to what looks like a coat hanger and is hanging above the cake. A string hangs from the bottle to the Bundt like an IV. Olly appears wearing a white jacket and stethoscope. He’s frowning down at the Bundt and listening for a heartbeat. I want to laugh but I don’t let myself. Olly looks up and shakes his head solemnly. I close my curtains, suppressing a smile, and walk away.


  I TELL MYSELF that I won’t look, but as soon as the first ping sounds I’m at the window. Olly is wearing a black bathrobe with an oversized silver cross around his neck. He’s performing last rites of the Bundt.

  Finally I cannot help it. I laugh and laugh and laugh. He looks up and grins back. He takes a black marker from his pocket and writes on the window:




  From: Madeline F. Whittier


  Subject: Hello

  Sent: June 4, 8:03 PM

  Hello. I guess we should start with introductions? My name is Madeline Whittier, but you can tell that from my e-mail address. What’s yours?

  - Madeline Whittier

  P.S. You don’t have anything to apologize for.

  P.P.S. What is that Bundt made of?

  * * *

  From: genericuser033

  To: Madeline F. Whittier

  Subject: RE: Hello

  Sent: June 4, 8:07 PM

  you are a terrible spy madeline whittier if you haven’t already figured out my name. my sister and i tried to meet you last week, but your mom wasn’t having it. i really don’t know what the bundt is made of. rocks?

  * * *

  From: Madeline F. Whittier


  Subject: RE: RE: Hello

  Sent: June 4, 8:11 PM


  Bundt Cake Recipe

  3 cups all-purpose cement mix

  1¼ cups fine-grain sawdust

  1 cup gravel (various sizes for added interest)

  ½ tsp salt

  1 cup Elmer’s Glue

  2 sticks unsalted butter

  3 tsp paint thinner

  4 large eggs (room temperature)


  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  Grease Bundt pan

  For the cake

  1. In medium bowl, whisk together cement mix, salt, and gravel.

  2. In large bowl, whisk together butter, Elmer’s Glue, paint thinner, and eggs. Do not overmix.

  3. Gradually whisk in dry ingredients in small batches.

  4. Spoon batter into Bundt mold.

  5. Bake until a tester inserted in cake refuses to come out. Cool in pan on rack.

  For the glaze:

  1. Whisk together sawdust and enough water to form a thick yet pourable glaze.

  2. Set rack with cake over a piece of wax paper (for easy cleanup).

  3. Drizzle cake with glaze and let solidify before serving.

  (Serves 0)

  - Madeline Whittier

  P.S. I’m not a spy!


  Wednesday, 8:15 P.M.

  Olly: i was going to email you back, but saw you were online. your recipe cracked me up. has there ever been a spy in the whole history of spying that’s admitted to being a spy? i think not. i’m olly and it’s nice to meet you.

  Olly: what’s the “f” stand for?

  Madeline: Furukawa. My mom is 3rd generation Japanese American. I’m half Japanese.

  Olly: what’s the other half?

  Madeline: African American.

  Olly: do you have a nickname madeline furukawa whittier or am i expected to call you madeline furukawa whittier?

  Madeline: I don’t have a nickname. Everyone calls me Madeline. Sometimes my mom calls me honey or sweetie. Does that count?

  Olly: no of course it doesn’t count. no one calls you m or maddy or mad or maddy-mad-mad-mad? i’ll pick one for you.

  Olly: we’re gonna be friends

  Thursday, 8:19 P.M.

  Madeline: Since we’re going to be friends, I have questions: Where are you from? Why do you wear a cap all the time? Is your head oddly shaped? Why do you only ever wear black? Related question: Are you aware that clothing comes in other colors? I have suggestions if you need them. What do you do on the roof? What’s the tattoo on your right arm?

  Olly: i have answers: we’re from all over, but mostly the east coast. i shaved my head before we moved here (big mistake). yes. i’m dead sexy in black. yes. none needed, thanks. nothing. barcode

  Madeline: What have you got against capital letters and proper punctuation?

  Olly: who says that i do

  Madeline: I have to go. Sorry!

  Friday, 8:34 P.M.

  Olly: so how grounded are you?

  Madeline: I’m not grounded. Why do you think I’m grounded?

  Olly: well something made you log off in a hurry last night. i’m guessing it was your mom. trust me i know all about being grounded. and you never leave the house. i haven’t seen you outside once since we got here

  Madeline: I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say. I’m not grounded, but I can’t leave the house.

  Olly: very mysterious. are you a ghost? that’s what i thought the day we moved in and i saw you at the window. and it would be my luck that the pretty girl next door is not actually alive

  Madeline: First I was a spy and now I’m a ghost!

  Olly: not a ghost? a fairytale princess then. which one are you? cinderella? will you turn into a pumpkin if you leave the house?

  Olly: or rapunzel? your hair’s pretty long. just let it down and i’ll climb up and rescue you

  Madeline: That has always sounded impractical and painful don’t you think?

  Olly: yes. so not cinderella and not rapunzel. snow white then. your evil stepmom put you under a spell so that you can’t leave the house and the world will never know how fair you are

  Madeline: That’s not how the story goes. Did you know that in the original version it wasn’t an evil stepmother, it was an evil mother? Can you believe that? Also, there were no dwarves. Interesting, no?

  Olly: definitely no

  Madeline: I’m not a princess.

  Madeline: And I don’t need rescuing.

  Olly: that’s ok. i’m no prince

  Madeline: You think I’m pretty?

  Olly: for a fairytale ghost spy princess? definitely

  Saturday, 8:01 P.M.

  Olly: how come you don’t log on until after 8?

  Madeline: I’m usually not alone until then.

  Olly: someone’s with you all day?

  Madeline: Can we please not talk about this?

  Olly: curiouser and curiouser madeline whittier

  Sunday, 8:22 P.M.

  Olly: here’s a game. fast five favorites. book word color vice person

  Olly: come on come on. type faster woman. don’t think just type

  Madeline: Sheesh. The Little Prince. Uxorious. Aquamarine. I don’t have any vices. My mom.

  Olly: everyone’s got vices

  Madeline: Not me. Why? How many do you have?

  Olly: enough to choose a favorite one

  Madeline: OK, your turn.

  Olly: same list?

; Madeline: Yes

  Olly: lord of the flies, macabre, black, stealing silverware, my sister

  Madeline: Ugh. Lord of the Flies? I don’t think we can be friends anymore. That book is awful.

  Olly: what’s so awful about it?

  Madeline: Everything!

  Olly: you just don’t like it because it’s true

  Madeline: What’s true? Left to our own devices we would kill each other?

  Olly: yes

  Madeline: Do you really believe that?

  Olly: yes

  Madeline: Well, I don’t. I definitely don’t.

  Madeline: Do you really steal silverware?

  Olly: you should see my spoon collection

  Monday, 8:07 P.M.

  Olly: what’d you do to get so grounded?

  Madeline: I’m not grounded and I don’t want to talk about this.

  Olly: does it involve a guy?

  Olly: are you knocked up? do you have a boyfriend?

  Madeline: Oh my God, you’re insane! I’m not pregnant and I don’t have a boyfriend! What kind of girl do you think I am?

  Olly: a mysterious one

  Madeline: Have you spent all day thinking that I was pregnant?

  Madeline: Have you?

  Olly: it crossed my mind once or twice or fifteen times

  Madeline: Unbelievable.

  Olly: don’t you want to know if i have a girlfriend?

  Madeline: No.

  Tuesday, 8:18 P.M.

  Madeline: Hi.

  Olly: hey

  Madeline: I didn’t know if you’d log on tonight. Are you OK?

  Olly: fine

  Madeline: What happened? Why was he so angry?

  Olly: i don’t know what you’re talking about

  Madeline: Your dad, Olly. Why was he so angry?

  Olly: you’ve got your secrets. i’ve got mine

  Madeline: OK.

  Olly: ok

  Wednesday, 3:31 A.M.

  Olly: couldn’t sleep?

  Madeline: No.

  Olly: me too. fast five favorites movie. food body-part class

  Madeline: That’s only four. Besides, it’s too late for this. I can’t think.

  Olly: waiting

  Madeline: Pride and Prejudice—the BBC version, toast, hands, architecture.

  Olly: jesus. is there a girl on this planet who doesn’t love mr. darcy

  Madeline: All girls love Mr. Darcy?

  Olly: are you kidding? even my sister loves darcy and she doesn’t love anybody.

  Madeline: She must love somebody. I’m sure she loves you.

  Olly: what’s so great about darcy?

  Madeline: That is not a serious question.

  Olly: he’s a snob

  Madeline: But he overcomes it and eventually realizes that character matters more than class! He’s a man open to learning life’s lessons! Also, he’s completely gorgeous and noble and dark and brooding and poetic. Did I mention gorgeous? Also, he loves Elizabeth beyond all reason.

  Olly: huh

  Madeline: Yeah.

  Olly: my turn?

  Madeline: Proceed.

  Olly: Godzilla, toast, eyes, math. wait, is the body part your favorite on yourself or on someone else?

  Madeline: I don’t know! It’s your list.

  Olly: o yeah. all right, i’m sticking with eyes

  Madeline: What color are your eyes?

  Olly: blue

  Madeline: Be more specific, please.

  Olly: jesus. girls. ocean blue

  Madeline: Atlantic or Pacific?

  Olly: atlantic. What color are yours?

  Madeline: Chocolate brown.

  Olly: more specific please

  Madeline: 75% cacao butter dark chocolate brown.

  Olly: hehe. nice.

  Madeline: That was still only four favorites. We need one more.

  Olly: i leave it to you

  Madeline: Form of poetry.

  Olly: that assumes that I have one

  Madeline: You’re not a heathen.

  Olly: limericks

  Madeline: You are a heathen. I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.

  Olly: what’s wrong with a good limerick?

  Madeline: “Good limerick” is a contradiction in terms.

  Olly: what’s your favorite?

  Madeline: Haiku.

  Olly: haikus are awful. they’re just less fun limericks

  Madeline: You’ve been downgraded from heathen to heretic.

  Olly: noted

  Madeline: OK. I should be asleep.

  Olly: ok me too.

  Thursday, 8:00 P.M.

  Madeline: I wouldn’t have guessed that math was your favorite class.

  Olly: why not?

  Madeline: I don’t know. You climb buildings and leap over things. Most people are good with their bodies or their minds but not both.

  Olly: is that a nice way of saying you think i’m dumb?

  Madeline: No! I mean that…I don’t know what I mean.

  Olly: you mean i’m too sexy to be good at it. that’s ok. i get that a lot

  Madeline: …

  Olly: it just takes practice like anything else. i was a mathlete two high schools ago i’ll have you know. got a probability and stats question? i’m your guy

  Madeline: No!

  Olly: yes!

  Madeline: So sexy.

  Olly: i sense insincerity

  Madeline: No!

  Olly: yes!

  Madeline: :) So are you going to be a Mathlete at SFV High?

  Olly: probably not

  Olly: my dad made me quit. he wanted me to do something more manly like football

  Madeline: You play football?

  Olly: no. he made me quit the mathletes, but he couldn’t bully the coach into taking me midseason. he let it go eventually

  Madeline: What if he brings it up again now?

  Olly: i’m a little harder to bully now than i was 2 years ago

  Olly: i’m meaner now. bigger too

  Madeline: You don’t seem mean.

  Olly: you don’t know me that well yet

  Friday, 3:03 A.M.

  Madeline: You’re awake again.

  Olly: yeah

  Madeline: I know you don’t want to talk about this.

  Olly: and yet

  Madeline: I saw what happened today. Is your mom OK?

  Olly: she’s ok. it’s not the first time. it’s not the last time

  Madeline: Oh, Olly.

  Olly: please don’t oh olly me

  Olly: tell me something, anything. tell me something funny

  Madeline: OK. Why was the boy surprised to find celery growing out of his ears?

  Olly: why?

  Madeline: Because he’d planted corn!

  Madeline: Hello?

  Olly: oh jesus. that is not a good joke

  Madeline: Made you smile though.

  Olly: yeah it did

  Olly: thanks

  Madeline: Anytime.

  Saturday, 8:01 P.M.

  Olly: i guess i won’t get to meet you in person until school starts

  Madeline: I don’t go to school.

  Olly: you mean you don’t go to SF Valley High? where do you go?

  Madeline: I mean I don’t go to regular school. I go online.

  Olly: why?

  Madeline: I really can’t talk about this.

  Olly: come on. you gotta give me something here

  Madeline: I want us to be friends. I don’t want you to feel sorry for me.

  Olly: just tell me. we’re still gonna be friends

  Madeline: I’m sick.

  Olly: how sick?

  Madeline: Really sick. Can’t leave the house sick.

  Olly: jesus

  Olly: are you dying?

  Madeline: Not right now, no.

  Olly: soon?

  Madeline: If I left the house, yes.

  Olly: ok

  Olly: we’re still friends. i don’t feel sorry fo
r you

  Madeline: Thank you.

  Olly: how does the school thing work?

  Madeline: All my classes are over Skype. I have homework and quizzes and grades. Lots of people are homeschooled.

  Olly: huh. cool

  Olly: ever notice how a lot of the national spelling bee finalists are all homeschooled?

  Madeline: I’ve never noticed that.

  Olly: it’s a thing

  Olly: i wish we could meet

  Madeline: Me too.

  Madeline: OK, I need to go now.

  Olly: go then

  Olly: you still there?

  Madeline: Yes.

  Olly: come to the window

  Madeline: Now? I’m wearing my nightgown.

  Olly: put on a robe. come to the window so that I can see you

  Madeline: OK, I’ll be right there. Good night, Olly.

  Olly: goodnight maddy


  “MR. WATERMAN’S ON his way up,” Carla says from the doorway. I’m finally putting the finishing touches on my model for architecture class. I’ve had to cut short two nights of IMs with Olly to get it done. I don’t want my mom to get worried again. The assignment was to design an outdoor shopping/dining center in my favorite style. I chose art deco because the buildings look like they’re flying even though they’re standing still.

  The centerpiece of the complex is a grassy outdoor seating area populated with oversized, oddly shaped chairs painted in bright zigzag patterns. I’ve already “planted” miniature plastic palm trees in the grass, and now I’m strategically placing miniature plastic people holding miniature plastic shopping bags to give it the “vigor of life,” as Mr. Waterman would say.

  In two years of tutoring I’ve only met Mr. Waterman in person twice. Usually all of my tutoring, including architecture, takes place via Skype. My mom made a special exception this week. I think she’s still feeling bad about Kara and Olly’s visit from a couple of weeks ago. I told her she had nothing to feel bad about, but she insisted. Having a visitor is a big deal because they have to agree to a medical background check and a thorough physical. Also they have to be decontaminated, which is basically like getting a high-speed air bath for about an hour. It’s a pain to come see me.


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