Thug Passion 2

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by Mz. Lady P

  Thug Passion2

  Written By: Mz.Lady P

  Copyright 2014 by Mz. Lady P

  Published by Shan Presents

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.

  No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  First and foremost giving all praises to God Almighty. It's your will that has brought me this far.

  To the loves of my life Larry and Latrell please forgive me for the countless days I spend in my room writing or on the computer. Everything I do I am doing to make a better life for you guys. All of my hard work will pay off for all of us in the future. I love the both of you with all my heart

  To my parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins and my entire family I love you all and thank you for all your support.

  A very special thanks to Myss Shan for not only being my Publisher, but also a really great confidant and friend. I am so thankful for you. I want to be the first to let you know that your hard work does not go unnoticed. It's an honor to be a part of Shan Presents.

  To all the ladies at Shan Presents the best is yet to come and the sky is the limit

  Last but not least, To David Weaver and the entire Team Bankroll Squad Family I am so happy to be a part of such a great movement. It's an honor to be surrounded by so much talent. #SALUTE

  I would like to dedicate this book to my READERS you guys are the best hands down. I appreciate you for all of the love and support that you have shown me.

  Text Shan to 22828 to stay up to date with new releases, sneak peeks, and more

  Chapter 1- Tahari

  It Was All a Dream

  My eyes fluttered as I tried to focus them. The lights were so bright that they were hurting my eyes. Finally after a few minutes, I was able to focus. I looked around the room and realized that I was in my bedroom at my home. The beeping sounds were driving me crazy. I looked around to find out where the noise was coming from and noticed I was hooked up to an IV machine and had a Blood Pressure Cuff on.

  My mouth was so dry, I felt as if I had rocks in my throat. My body was sore and I was so weak. What the hell happened to me? I asked myself. Immediately, flashbacks of my wedding day flashed before my eyes. One moment I was happy and the next I was crying and bloody. The whole scene came back to me as if it was happening right at that very moment.

  Thug, Malik, and Sarge had been shot and I was in a car with Venom and Cassie. Immediately, I sat up in bed and started ripping the wires and tubes from my arms. I moved toward the edge of the bed and stood up to my feet. I went tumbling down to the floor like a ton of bricks. My legs were like noodles.

  I stood up to try it again and this time I was able to stand, but I had to get my balance before taking a step. I opened the bedroom door and I could hear voices downstairs. Slowly, I walked to the balcony attached to the spiral staircase. I looked over the balcony and I noticed Thug, Malik, and Sarge sitting in the living room having a deep conversation. Not to mention all of the guns and rifles sitting on the coffee table. For a minute, I thought I was going crazy. The last time I saw them they had been shot. They looked healthy and ready for war.

  "Ka'Jaire, what's going on? " I asked getting his attention.

  "Oh, shit Bae! I'm so happy you're up." Thug ran up the stairs three at a time. Once he made it to me, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me so tightly. I barely could breathe due to his massive arms and body holding on to me.

  "Where is Venom and Cassie? I saw them Thug. Please take me to my parents."

  "Come on baby, I think you need to lay down. The doctor doesn't want you walking around like this so soon. Your wound is still healing," Thug said as he picked me up and carried me back to the bedroom.

  "Thug, I need to see them. Where are they?"

  "I don't know where they are, Ta-Baby. I really don't give a fuck. My only concern is making sure you are okay." Thug put me back in bed and hurriedly walked out of the bedroom. It was like he was trying to avoid talking to me or answering my questions. A pain shot through my stomach and I placed my hand over my stomach. I could feel a big patch on it. I closed my eyes and tried to make sense of all the events that had been going on in my life.

  As soon as I closed my eyes, Venom and Cassie's face popped up in my mind. Their images were so real to me.

  "Welcome back to us, Mrs. Kenneth. I missed you so much." Marta our maid came in carrying a tray of food and kissed me on my forehead. “Come on Mr. Kenneth wants you to eat this Chicken Noodle Soup. The doctor will be here shortly to make sure you're okay and change your bandages.”

  "Hi, Marta. How long have I been out of it?" I grabbed the spoon and started to slowly eat the food. My throat was so raw it felt like it was on fire as the broth went down.

  "It's been about a month. You lost so much blood. It's a miracle that you survived.'' As soon as Marta finished her sentence, Thug walked in, took over my care, and dismissed Marta.

  "Ka'Jaire, I'm so confused. I don't know what's going on? I know for a fact I was with Venom and Cassie. Are you okay baby? Did you get shot by any of the bullets?" I checked his body to see if there were any holes.

  "Baby, you have been out of it for sometime now. It was all a dream. Venom and Cassie have not been here. I need you to stop being focused on them and get back to being healthy for your man. I have been going crazy thinking that you wouldn't wake up. It's a miracle you survived. You lost so much blood that you needed several blood transfusions." I laid my head back and tried to take in the fact that he was telling me that Venom and Cassie's presence was all a dream. I was frustrated because something wasn't right. I was positive that shit was no dream.

  1 week later

  My strength was back and I was now up and about walking around the house. Thug didn't want me doing anything strenuous. I couldn't even piss without him standing outside of the door. I couldn't be mad at him, though, from the moment we met he had been concerned about me. Thug was hiding something from me, though. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

  I had a gut feeling about everything that happened to me on my wedding day. For now, I would stop thinking about it and asking questions. I knew that Thug was overwhelmed with me and taking care of the family’s business. Thug spent the majority of his time in his office. I might be crazy, but I felt he was avoiding me.

  I never bothered him when he was in the office because I knew he liked privacy when he conducted business. He was going to have to suck it up. I really missed just laying with him. Since I woke up, he had yet to sleep in the bed with me at night. I walked to his office and walked in without knocking. He was asleep on the couch. I just turned around and went back up the stairs. I didn't want to wake him up, but we would definitely be having a conversation about this later. I was stabbed not killed.

  Chapter 2- Thug

  Thug Life

  That morning of our wedding, I had a funny feeling some shit was about to jumpoff. However, I had no idea Khia would stab Tahari because of Nico's death. Apparently, his phone dialed out during the night we murked his ass. After Ta'Jay and Barbie beat the shit out of Khia, they held her down until the police came. Her ass was currently in custody for attempted murder.

  I went and had a long talk with her and I made the bitch an offer she couldn't refuse. I would kill her mother and her son if she ever said a word about what she overheard. I would never harm an
innocent child, but sometimes you have to put the pressure on these bitches, though. I had yet to even tell Tahari about any of the events that had unfolded that day.

  Once Tahari had informed me that Cassie had been sending letters to Grandma Lucy, I hired a Private Detective and sent him down to Miami to scope out the address. For a month before the wedding, I had the crib staked out. It was a week before the wedding when the detective sent me pictures of Venom and Cassie coming and going.

  From the looks of it, they ass was living lavishly. All these years they had been in Miami getting bread and said fuck Tahari. I also found out that they had been making frequent trips to and from Chicago. The wheels in my head started to turn and I noticed that the dates they flew in were the same times my house had been shot up. I really didn't want to believe that they would even put Tahari in jeopardy like that. Due to it being her wedding I didn't want to even inform her on what I had find out.

  The morning of our wedding I made sure I was vested up. Malik and Sarge were vested up, as well. I'm glad I followed my first mind because if I hadn't, I would be one dead ass nigga right now. We were skinned by some of the bullets. The impact of the bullets hitting the limo and us caused me to immediately take cover.

  The fucking power of those bullets caused us to be winded and knocked out briefly due to the bullets hitting our vests. I quickly regained myself and that's when I saw Venom place her into an awaiting car. As soon as I tried to go after him, I heard the police sirens approaching in the distance. I guess they panicked and rethought taking her with them. I watched in horror as the car door swung open and he threw her out of the moving car and got the fuck out of dodge. I couldn't believe the shit that I was seeing.

  It was a miracle she didn't sustain any serious injuries. She could have died from the injuries alone. They didn't give a fuck about their daughter and I swear on everything I love, I’m on that ass. That's why I was trying to convince my wife that the shit was all a dream. I couldn't bring myself to tell her about Venom and Cassie with their deceitful ass. All she wanted was her mother and father to love her and I hated myself for even idolizing a nigga like that. I loved my family and my kids, but my wife was my world. They didn't get to hurt her especially since they had never even done shit for her.

  It was heart breaking to see her lying in that hospital bed fighting for her life. After about two weeks of being unconscious, I had her moved to the house. She had around the clock care, and I felt more comfortable with her being at home with me. It did something to a man's ego when the woman he loved was constantly being hurt.

  I had every intention on singing both of their asses a lullaby quicker than they knew. They hadn't been back to the address in Miami. It was like they had disappeared off the face of the earth. It's cool, though, I'm at that ass whenever I caught them. With all that's been going on, I had beefed up security on all of our houses. I had armed men surrounding the crib twenty-four hours. I wasn’t playing this time around. Niggas wouldn't even make it past the gate without getting rocked to sleep.

  With Peaches still locked up, I had full control of the business. I had been busier than ever and I could tell it was starting to bother Tahari. I decided to give Marta the night off and cook dinner for her. I made Lasagna, Ceaser Salad, and Garlic Bread.

  "Hey, Baby, could you come downstairs to the kitchen?" I said into the intercom system. Shortly later, she came downstairs and I had the food on the table and the candles lit.

  "What's all of this?"

  "It's dinner for my Queen. I'm so sorry that I have been so busy lately. I never want to neglect you."

  "It's okay, Baby, I understand. I just want you in bed with me every night. I hate sleeping alone." Tahari kissed me on my forehead and sat down at the table to eat.

  "So, how does it feel to be Mrs. Ka'Jaire Kenneth?"

  "I love it, but I missed my honeymoon. So, you owe me one."

  "Where do you want to go?"

  "Surprise me. I really don't care baby as long as I'm with you that's all that matters to me."

  I stared at Tahari in amazement because no matter what she was feeling, she made a nigga feel like a King and that's why she was Mrs. Ka'Jaire Kenneth. My head of security Dino's voice came through the intercom system as we were fixing our plates.

  "Yo Boss, there’s a woman at the front entrance with two shorties. She's demanding that we let her in the gate." I immediately knew it was Kelis' mother with my kids. I spent time with them on the weekends and I made sure they were well taken care of. She didn't have to spend a dime of her money. I gave her my address in case of an emergency and it had better been one. I didn't play people showing up at my crib unannounced.

  "Let her through." I looked over at Tahari and I could tell she was just as curious as I was for the visit.

  As I opened the door for Ms. Brenda, I could tell this wasn't a social visit.

  "Ka'Jaire, I need you to get the kids for a couple of days. I am overwhelmed with raising them. I really need a break. Plus, I don't know what my daughter was teaching them, but they are so damn disrespectful. They got some mouths on them that won't quit! I'll come and get them on Monday morning for school."

  Her ass never even gave me a chance to answer. She pushed them inside the foyer and rushed off. I had no idea how to take care of no kids day in and day out. I'm glad Tahari was here. I was definitely going to need her help. I ushered the kids into the kitchen so they could sit down with us and eat, but Tahari was no longer at the table.

  "Daddy, I am so happy to be at your house. Grandma Brenda is a hot mess. All she does is smoke cigarettes all day long," Ka’Jairea said with her hands on her hips.

  "Take your hands off your hips, Baby Girl."

  "What's up, Dad?" Ka'Jaire Jr. walked up to me and hugged me around my waist. I noticed he still had a slight limp from being hit by the car. I had to make it my business to put him in physical therapy ASAP.

  "Hey, Son. Go in the movie theater and hook up the Xbox, so we can play some Call of Duty."

  "I don't want to do nothing with no boys. Those video game wrecks my nerves, Daddy. Can I watch Disney Channel instead?"

  "Of course Baby girl, but first I want y’all to eat something." I couldn't do anything, but laugh at her. She looked exactly liked Ta'Jay and had mouth on her like Peaches. I was in for some trouble with her. I realized that Tahari had yet to come back downstairs. I decided not to disrupt her and let her deal with her emotions right now. I just hoped she wasn't having a change of heart in regards to loving my kids as if they were her own. That would really crush me if she were having second thoughts about them. Once I got the kids fed and situated, I went upstairs to check on Tahari. She was laying in bed catching up on episodes of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.

  '"Why you come upstairs when the kids came in the door? That shit was kind of rude, Ma."

  "I was starting to feel dizzy, Thug." She continued to look at the TV as if I wasn't even in the room.

  "Let me know if them being here is too much. I'll have Ta'Jay come and get them for me."

  "No, I don't have a problem with them being here."

  "Then what the fuck is wrong with you! I'm walking around here trying my best, but you killing me right now, Ta-Baby." I plopped down on the side of the bed and put my head in my hands. This shit was becoming too much for a nigga. Here I was trying to protect her heart and her life and all I needed was some type of support and understanding from her at some point.

  "I'm so sorry, Thug. Please forgive me. I really like the twins and I want them here. When they came inside the house and I looked at how much they look like you, all I could see was the baby we lost and I got emotional that's all." I got up and got on my knees in front of her and positioned myself in between her legs.

  "We have a lifetime to have babies. If you're ready, we can start right now. It hurts me to my heart to know that you lost our child and it bothers me every day. Stop crying and let's go downstairs. I want you to become more comfortable being around them because
I'm actually thinking about moving them in permanently. That is if it's okay with you?

  "Of course baby. I love you so much." Tahari leaned in and started to kiss me. I stood up and she did the same. She tried to pull down my pants, but I had to stop her.

  "The doctor said no strenuous activity until the staples are out of your stomach. I want some of that pussy bad, but I can wait it out until you are properly healed. Trust and believe when I get up in them guts, I'm making that ass tap the fuck out all night."

  "I can't wait for you to make me tap out. I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve I want to try anyway." We both laughed and joined the kids downstairs. I played the game with Jr. and Tahari and Ka’Jairea polished each other's toes and fingernails. The site before me was beautiful. I prayed the scene could last forever. My kids deserved stability and my wife deserved happiness. If it was the last thing I did I was going to die trying to give it to them.

  Chapter 3- Tahari

  My King

  It had been two months since our wedding and life for us had gotten back to normal. Thug had been so overwhelmed with worrying about me, the kids, keeping the family business in order, and going back and forth to see Peaches. I was glad Thug decided to let the kids stay with us permanently because they kept me company. He was never home, but I didn't trip; I knew he had to do what he had to do. I had put the whole Venom and Cassie thing behind me. Thug made me promise to leave it alone.

  It was best that I did just that because thoughts of my parents were consuming me. I put it in the back of my mind. Hopefully, one day I would be able to meet them and they could answer all of my questions. Until then, I would just focus on my marriage and being a mother to the twins.

  Since Thug hadn't been home, I decided to pay him a surprise visit at his storefront. I knew he was immersed in his work, but I just wanted to check on him and bring him a burrito bowl from Chipotle. It had been so long since I had been out of the house. I felt funny driving alone because someone was always with me.


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