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Double Down (The Drift Book 1)

Page 19

by Susan Hayes

  Zura spotted Phyl seated in one of the booths and smiled at her. Phyl raised her drink and smiled back, clearly enjoying herself. The veteran pilot had shown up not long after Zura had been released from medical, and she seemed content to stay. She and Royan had become friends, too. In fact, they were getting along so well that it had started Zura thinking about not only her future but the future of the people she cared about.

  She scanned the room until she spotted Royan. He had a drink in his hand and was chatting with Owen. The two of them had become fast friends in the last two weeks. He was staying at the club these days, and it was Zura’s hope that he would soon agree to make the Drift his permanent home.

  With everyone accounted for, she placed two fingers to her lips and let loose a piercing whistle that cut through the merrymaking. When all eyes were on her, she raised a hand and waved.

  “I wanted to say thank you all for coming to celebrate with us tonight. As you know, I’m now married to Kit and Luke Armas, and I couldn’t be happier!”

  The cheers and applause took time to die down, but when it did, she continued speaking. “I have been welcomed into the Nova Club family with so much warmth, I cannot tell you what it means to me. For a long time, I thought I was alone. I believed that I would never have a family or call anywhere but the Sun Sprite home. Now I stand here with two men I love, surrounded by friends and family. There is nowhere else in the universe I would rather call home.”

  More applause rose, and she took the time to swallow down the lump in her throat. Without a word, Kit and Luke joined her on the bar, wrapping their arms around her in silent support. They didn’t know what she was about to say, but they were there for her no matter what, and she loved them for it.

  “I wanted all of you to be the first to know that I’m retiring as pilot of the Sun Sprite. I’m stepping aside so that my brother Royan can take over. Royan, you better take good care of my baby, or I will kick your ass from here to the edge of the galaxy.”

  Royan blinked in shock and then grinned. “You got it, sis.”

  There was more cheering, but she held up her hands to call for quiet. “I’m not done yet. Since I’m not captaining a ship anymore, I’ll need a new job to keep me out of trouble. I’ve decided to open my own shipping business, bringing in rare and hard to find items for those of us on the Drift to enjoy. Royan, you’re invited to be my first employee, and Phyl, you’re welcome to join as well. I let both of you slip out of my life once before. I don’t want to let that happen again.

  “I’m proud of you,” Kit whispered.

  “So am I,” Luke added, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

  “I’m in!” Phyl announced in a loud voice. Zura already had a hunch Phyl would say yes once she heard the offer. Zura had done all she could to ensure that outcome by speaking to the veteran pilot at length about the future. Phyl was ready for a change, and this gave her a way to do it without surrendering her freedom.

  “Me, too,” Royan declared. “I think we need to raise our glasses to my sister. Congratulations on your marriage, your new business, and your new life. I wish you every happiness, Zura. You’ve earned it.”

  The entire bar erupted with cheers and well wishes, and Zura knew she had made the right decision. This was the right future, not just for her, but for all of them.

  Kit couldn’t stop grinning. Zura was staying on the station. They would have found a way to make it work if she wanted to keep running cargo, but this way they wouldn’t have to. They could stay here and forge a life together. Not caring that they were still standing on the bar in front of everyone, Kit pulled Zura in close and kissed her with all the love and passion burning in his soul.

  “I love you, little one. I’ll love you from now until the last star burns out and the universe goes dark.”

  There were tears in her eyes as she smiled up at him. “I love you too. Both of you.”

  “You’re sure you want to do this? Stay here on the Drift instead of being out there among the stars?” Luke asked.

  “I’m sure. This is where I belong now. This is home. That doesn’t mean I’m going to stay here forever. I’ll still want to travel sometimes. Maybe see some of those planets I never got around to visiting. Take Luke to see a real ocean and lie on a warm beach somewhere. I always said I’d take a vacation someday when I could afford it. Now, I can, and I want my vardo to come with me.”

  Luke chuckled and stole Zura out of Kit’s arms to kiss her. “You have yourself a deal,” he told her softly. “You in, Kit?”

  Kit nodded. It was more than time that they all took a vacation.

  Raising his head, Luke bellowed his next words loud enough to be heard half a light-year away. “Zura’s first act as the head of her own business is to declare that she’s going on vacation, and we’re going with her. Cynder, the club’s all yours. We’re going to the beach!”

  Kit looked down at his beautiful wife as she stood wrapped in his brother’s arms and thanked whatever forces in the universe had brought her into their lives. She was everything they dreamed of all their long, lonely years of service, and now she was theirs. Forever.

  The End


  Susan lives out on the Canadian west coast surrounded by open water, dear family, and good friends. She’s jumped out of perfectly good airplanes on purpose and accidently swum with sharks on the Great Barrier Reef.

  If the world ends, she plans to survive as the spunky, comedic sidekick to the heroes of the new world, because she’s too damned short and out of shape to make it on her own for long.

  To contact her about her books or to arrange end of the world team-ups, you can email her at

  For all titles by Susan Hayes, please visit her website:

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