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Spies and Secrets 02 - Daring the Duke

Page 16

by Anne Mallory

  Stephen took a few deep breaths and adjusted his clothing. If she thought she’d won, she was vastly mistaken.

  He exited the carriage and was slightly mollified to see her hurrying into the house.

  Footmen, maids, stable lads, housekeepers, and cooks dotted the front entrance. Greeting the staff took nearly an hour. The butler was explaining everything in a dry, formal manner. Grimmond would probably like him. Stephen vaguely wondered what Grimmond was going to do with all of the duplicate staff between the Marston households and his own. Stephen had tasked Grimmond with restoring order, but it might be quite entertaining to watch these two spar.

  The cook asked if they were hungry The housekeeper asked if there were any special requests. Finally, the butler, lord save him, steered him around the other servants, explaining that His Grace had estate business to attend and would surely rather meet the rest of the staff in the morning when he was fresh and relaxed.

  Oh, he’d attend to business all right.

  “Your cousin, Miss Kendrick, is in the Blue Room for the night. lf another room would be more suitable, we can change it for her.” A room with bars and locks would be most adequate, but he didn’t think the butler would understand.

  As they passed the Blue Room, the only closed door in the hall, the butler pointed it out.

  Stephen hoped she’d have a nice night and pleasant dreams. She’d need them.

  They reached the master suite, and Stephen dismissed the butler. His valet was waiting to assist him. After cleaning up from the ride, Stephen dismissed him as well. Prowling around the room, he found no urge to sleep, and realized he and Audrey hadn’t discussed their plans for the next day. What if she went off on her own tonight?

  He carried on a running conversation with himself. He wasn’t going to go to her tonight. It would be a show of defeat. But he couldn’t let her escape either. He would set a watch on the room. Satisfied with his decision, he strode to the door and opened it. Audrey stood on the other side in her nightclothes, her hand poised to knock.

  Stephen cocked a brow. “Yes?”

  “Um, I realized we hadn’t discussed our plans.” She looked him over, from top to bottom; a fine rose tinted her cheeks.

  He leaned his bare shoulder against the doorframe and slipped his hands in his pockets, not willing to give her the upper hand in any way.

  “So you came here to discuss our plans? Why couldn’t we discuss them tomorrow.” He watched her squirm and found himself enjoying her discomfort, especially after her stunt in the carriage.

  “We can search tonight.”


  “Why not? ” Her brows drew together in irritation.

  “Because it’s not safe. I don’t know the lay of the land well enough, and neither do you.”

  “I know enough.”

  “Yes, we both know you know better than I how many pieces of silver I own, but this is different. Besides, we are tired. Be sensible.”

  Perhaps he should have left the sensible comment off; she looked even more irritated.

  ” I don’t have time to bandy sensitivities with you, Chalmers; what I want to know is—”

  Footsteps were rounding the corner, so he did the sensible thing and pulled her into the room and shut the door.

  “Wha—” she sputtered.

  The door started to open, and he pushed Audrey against it, closing it tight again. The action pushed his hips against hers.

  The person on the other side seemed to hesitate. “Your Grace? I haven’t properly put your clothes away.”

  “That isn’t necessary. I’ve taken care of everything I need.”

  “Is there anything else you require tonight, sir?”

  “No, thank you, I will see you in the morning.”

  His valet again hesitated. “Very well, Your Grace.” The man finally retreated.

  “Well, uh, I suppose that was necessary.” Audrey didn’t seem to know what to do stuffed against the door. He saw the color in her cheeks and the deepened blue of her eyes.

  “Mmmmm.” He didn’t move.

  “Um, I think I will go back to my room now.”

  “No, I don’t think so. You went to all the trouble to come to mine, and now here you are.”

  He stepped a hair closer, putting his right leg in between hers.

  She looked into his eyes. “Well, do you want to discuss our plans?” Her voice was a bit high.

  “Yes, after that deal you promised me earlier.”

  “I didn’t promise you a deal, I was merely—”

  He didn’t let her finish. Instead he crushed her to him, kissing her thoroughly. She was immobile for only a few seconds before shivers of desire raced though her, and her hands began their own exploration up his chest, around his neck, and into his hair.

  Audrey pushed her body into Stephen’s even as he pushed her against the door. He was devouring her with kisses, and she reveled in the assault. A voice in her head intruded momentarily, reminding her that he wasn’t hers. But for a short time he could be. For tonight he could be hers.

  She ran her fingers through his sunshine hair and gave a gentle tug. He responded by covering her mouth and increasing the depth and pressure of the kiss. Spirals of ecstasy coursed through her. So this is what it was to be consumed. She nearly melted down the door. Her fingers continued a path down his naked back. Strong muscles moved beneath her hands, and he responded by running his hands down her shoulder and over her breast. Her body leaped to his touch, and the bodice of her dress was suddenly too tight. Her breath came in short gasps.

  The comfort of his arms, the strength he exuded was at odds with the dangerous feelings that his touch provoked. And the greedy creature that she was, she wanted it all for as long as she could have it. This was a gorgeous oasis in a deserted wasteland.

  She arched against him, molding her lower body to his. He moved his hands from her breasts to her rack and deftly unfastened the buttons. He stepped between her legs and feathered kisses down to her neck. She arched into him again, this time pressing herself in direct contact. He missed a button in response. Finally, the unfastened nightdress slipped downward, his lips following its path. Her breath caught as the gown reached the tips of her breasts. He pulled the fabric ever so slowly back and forth across her nipples, and she moaned aloud from the erotic sensation.

  Her reaction fueled the urgency in him. He lifted her against the door, pulling her into his mouth. His free hand moved down her other breast, her side, and to her thigh. He bunched the fabric upward. The hem of her nightdress started its ascent. His mouth began its downward exploration, moving gloriously from one breast to the other. Heat zapped downward to where she was pressed against him, their hips rocking rhythmically together. The material along the side of her leg was finally freed.

  He shifted a bit, putting one leg outside of hers and giving free rein to his hand.

  She reached down toward him, but he blocked her attempt and pushed her more firmly against the door, taking her mouth fully in his. She threaded her hands through his hair and pulled him closer, tasting him, needing to devour him. This was exactly what she wanted and needed. To be enveloped in his embrace and made to feel like she was the only one on earth that mattered to him.

  His clever fingers reached their goal, and she gasped into his mouth as he lightly stroked her. His kisses continued, and her sensitive nipples brushed against his rough chest in a rhythm that nearly ignited her. She stilled as one of his fingers slipped inside her while his thumb continued its exploration without.

  He had taken control, and she could only move with the flow. One stroke, two strokes, two fingers, three strokes. In and out. Her body clenched and coiled around his fingers before exploding in a million fragments.

  When her breathing returned to normal, Audrey released the tight grip on his neck, and the back of her head hit the door with a thud. But it didn’t hurt. She didn’t think anything could.

draperies across the room could have ignited, and she wouldn’t have been surprised. She searched his face. Stephen smiled, and his expression made her suddenly lazy heart speed up again.

  She reached for the front flap of his trousers, but he intercepted her hand and lightly laid his forehead against hers.

  “No, love, not tonight.”

  Not tonight? He had just made her feel like the most sensuous and alive woman in the world, which was not an easy feat to do to someone who had lately felt half-dead inside, and he didn’t want or expect anything in return? Why? That tiny warning bell started again somewhere in her brain.

  “l can see your discomfort. I can feel it,” she said.

  He didn’t answer, but tugged her toward the bed. He pulled up her nightdress and redid the buttons while her mind was in denial. She wanted him. She knew he wanted her. His body was hard and ready. The tension was written all over his face. But he wasn’t going to go any further tonight—she knew it, knew by the set of his features. She could seduce him, not that she had ever seduced anyone before, but she had been around the streets long enough to know how it was done. And she knew he would capitulate eventually. There was something between them that pulsed through the air.

  The question was why wasn’t he initiating the seduction? He had made it perfectly clear in the last few days that he wanted her.

  Tonight, something in their relationship had changed. She chewed on her lip as he refastened the last button on her nightgown. Had she done something wrong?

  He picked her up, placed her under the covers, and snuffed the light.

  Joining her there a few seconds later, he pulled her against him. Audrey fretted for a few minutes before the eventual tug of sleep and the haven of safety she always found in his arms pulled her under.

  Stephen listened to her even breathing and expelled his breath. He stared into the darkness. His body throbbed and ached. Being this close to her without release was sheer torture. But he deserved it. Her confused face flashed in his mind. He couldn’t explain to her why he had chosen to deny himself, deny them both, the pleasure.

  Something about taking her against the door for the first time had pulled some sense into him. He wanted her so badly, so strongly, that something in his mind had set off alarm bells to quit and not take their physical relationship further. If they made love, it was over for him. By doing so it would give her too much power over him. There would be no separation between the mission and the girl. There was barely any now. That she was going to betray him before this was over seemed inevitable. He wasn’t sure how he would bear her betrayal if he allowed her to worm herself any closer into his heart. And he knew she was already pushing the barrier. It worried him more than he cared to admit.

  Chapter 15

  Audrey woke in Stephen’s arms for the second time in as many days. She was nestled against him, and it felt good. She rotated to look at him. He was asleep, the light caressing his face.

  Conflicting emotions surged through her. Stephen. Last night. Her body tingled in remembrance. But he was a distraction she couldn’t afford. Her mind returned to the painful realization that Faye was still missing.

  She touched his rough cheek. He stirred but didn’t open his eyes. “ls it time to rise?”

  She looked to the window. “Yes, I’d say it’s around eight. Past time to be up and searching.”

  He opened a bloodshot eye. Now that he had his eyes open, he looked tired and a bit haggard.

  “You look terrible.”

  “You look terrific.”

  She blushed and slipped from the bed, desire to remain cuddled safely under the covers nearly overriding the need to face the day. She didn’t look

  back as she walked to the door. She needed to re-focus. She looked into the hall and crossed the distance to her room. Hoping to find it empty she was

  slightly embarrassed to find a maid waiting for her. The young woman hopped up and immediately helped her change.

  The maid said nothing about Audrey’s appearance or the fact that she hadn’t slept in her own bed. She simply helped her change into a riding habit and pinned her hair while maintaining a pleasant chatter about the estate.

  Audrey thanked her and the girl bowed and left. Too bad she couldn’t steal the girl. She was a three hundred percent improvement over the maid in Travers’s employ.

  Audrey strapped her knives into place and checked her appearance in the cheval glass. She made sure no conspicuous bulges showed the weaponry beneath. Excellent.

  Stephen was seated at the dining table when she arrived. He greeted her politely and continued to eat and read the paper. She helped herself to the breakfast buffet. She had planned on stuffing down a few mouthfuls of food, not wanting to waste time, but he seemed somewhat invested in the paper.

  She peeked over, trying to read the headlines. He handed her a section without looking up. Audrey relaxed and started reading the paper, grimacing when she realized they were the gossip pages. Shooting Stephen an evil look, she read the first few snippets.

  … VSJ fought another duel in the dawn of the third day of the month.

  Word has it that his opponent CF has fled to the Continent in disgrace …

  … the M of A has been seen with numerous persons of less-than-genteel description. One can only guess that her dear husband has not broken her of

  her poor associations …

  … LW has reappeared in town after the E of P’s gathering and has been seen frequently in the vicinity of the B of R. Dare we speculate as to why?

  … whatever are we to do with the handsome new D of M? He is causing a riot in the streets. Rumor has it that he is searching for a woman of means. All over town women are stabbing their husbands and young ladies are holding up stagecoaches to try and ensnare his interest …

  Audrey couldn’t decide whether to smile or frown at the last entry It looked like Stephen’s secret was out. The ladies of the ton would be breaking down his door when he returned to town.

  “Anything interesting?”

  She dropped the paper on the table. “Not particularly “

  He smiled, and her heart jumped. She smiled back.

  A quiet cough and clearing of the throat alerted them to another’s presence. They turned to the room entrance.

  “Your Grace, a messenger has arrived from London to see you.”

  “Send him to the study.”

  Stephen turned to her, “If I’m not back by the time you finish breakfast, feel free to wander to the stables or browse through the house.” He winked and rose. “You can reacquaint yourself with the rooms.”

  Before Audrey could respond, a boy walked past the room. His eyes widened when he looked at her. Not a good sign. Her heart picked up speed.

  “Great.” She forced a smile, and the boy skittered past.

  Stephen walked from the room and followed the boy to the study. She pushed her plate forward, no longer hungry. Chewing on her lower lip, she grabbed the gossip section and scurried after them.

  The door to the study was closed, and she paused in front, casting a quick glance around the hall. There was no one in sight.

  She knelt on the ground, spreading the sheets in a disordered fashion. It was a feeble excuse at best, but it was going to have to do in a pinch. She leaned toward the closed door while maintaining the act of collecting the fallen papers.

  The voices were muted but still audible.

  “He says that you have to return forthwith to the city. Don’t tip off the girl but use extreme caution.”

  “Did he tell you anything else?”

  “The girl murdered your solicitor, Mr. Logan. The Watch and Bow Street runners are presently looking for the girl.”

  Audrey’s heart hammered in her chest. No. She refused to be locked away again for a crime she didn’t commit.

  The boy continued, “There are reports that the woman stole documents and books from the man before doing him in.”

  “How was Logan

  “Stabbed, Your Grace.”

  Should she run or stay?

  A servant rounded the corner, and Audrey swept the papers into a pile.

  She forced a smile and walked down the hall.

  So what was the worst that could happen? He could kill her. He could jail her. He could take her back to the city. He could … what? Not care? Not be upset? Because she meant nothing to him? She increased her pace.

  This was a game to him, after all. A game for the bored aristocrat.

  She stumbled, but caught herself. Her breath came out in short gasps. She didn’t care. This was a game to her too.

  She headed for the stables, unsure what to do. A groom greeted her, and she followed him inside. She selected a spirited mare. The mare, a beautiful rich brown horse with friendly eyes, nudged her from inside her cell. Audrey shook her head. Stall, not cell.

  There was nowhere for her to run. She was as good as caught—a fly in a web. If Stephen chose to arrest her, she’d never make her escape in time.

  His lands and woods stretched for miles. She wouldn’t even make it to Travers’s lands before Stephen could hunt her down. He would overtake her, bind her, and cart her to prison. No one would question a duke. No one would care.

  She patted the mare’s nose and stared blankly at the stall door.


  Stephen stood at the next stall, absently playing with the stallion’s reins.

  Audrey straightened her shoulders and stared back.

  “Have you decided where you want to begin?”

  Her heart started beating again. It was a game. Play it like a game. Her options were limited. If Chalmers wanted to play it out, she would too.


  The reins flipped left to right. “Shall we begin?”

  She nodded.

  “I told the grooms to make the saddle astride. Would you rather have a sidesaddle?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I have ridden both ways. I grew up in the country.”


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