Mahabharata Vol. 3 (Penguin Translated Texts)

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Mahabharata Vol. 3 (Penguin Translated Texts) Page 46

by Debroy, Bibek

  ‘On learning of his resolve, the daityas and the danavas, the terrible denizens of the nether regions, who had earlier been defeated by the gods, knew that their own side would be weakened because of Duryodhana.79 They performed a sacrifice so as to summon him. They were skilled in mantras and pronounced mantras uttered by Brihaspati and Ushanas. They performed the rites mentioned in the Atharva Veda and the Upanishads, those that were capable of being performed through mantras and prayers. There were brahmanas who were learned in the Vedas and the Vedangas and extremely firm in their vows. Extremely attentively, they uttered mantras and poured offerings of milk into the fire. When those rites were completed, Kritya arose from the fire.80 O king! She was extremely wonderful and had a gaping mouth. “What must I do?” she asked. Extremely happy in their souls, the daityas told her, “The king who is Dhritarashtra’s son is fasting to death. Bring him here.” Thus commanded, Kritya agreed that she would do this, and departed. In an instant, she went to where King Suyodhana was. She grasped the king and entered the nether regions.81 Within an instant, she brought him and handed him over to the danavas. On seeing that the king had been brought, the danavas assembled at night. All of them were delighted in their minds and their eyes were dilated in delight. They then spoke these proud words to Duryodhana.’


  ‘The danavas said, “O Suyodhana! O Indra among kings! O extender of the Bharata lineage! You are always surrounded by brave and great-souled ones. Why have you resorted to this rash deed of fasting to death? Suicide always brings a person down and ill words are spoken about such a person. Intelligent ones like you should never embark on contrary tasks that strike at the roots of their best interests. Restrain this resolution. O king! This is destructive of dharma, artha and happiness. It kills fame, power and fortitude and increases the happiness of the enemies. O lord! O king! Hear the truth about your divine origins and how this body of yours came to be created. Then resort to fortitude. O king! In ancient times, through our austerities, we obtained you from Maheshvara.82 O unblemished one! The upper part of your body has been made from a collection of vajras and is impenetrable to every type of weapon.83 The lower part was created by the goddess84 herself, out of flowers, and its handsome form is attractive to women. O supreme among kings! O tiger among kings! Thus, your body was created both by Ishvara and by the goddess. You are divine, not human. There are extremely valorous kshatriyas, with Bhagadatta at the forefront. They are brave and skilled in the use of divine weapons and will kill your enemies. Therefore, do not grieve. There is no reason for fear. To aid you, many brave danavas have been born on earth. Other asuras will penetrate Bhishma, Drona and Kripa. Possessed by them, they will discard their kindness and fight with your enemies. O supreme among Kurus! When the danavas have possessed their inner souls, they will cast aside all affection and kill everyone in battle—sons, brothers, fathers, relatives, students, kin, young and old. Those tigers among men will be deluded through ignorance. They will be driven by the dictates of destiny. Their minds will be dark and they will discard all love. They will gleefully tell each other, ‘You will not escape with your life.’ They will establish themselves in their manliness and release every kind of weapon.85 Priding themselves, those foremost ones among the Kurus will destroy a large number of people. The great-souled Pandavas will be capable of fighting back. Those greatly strong ones are favoured by destiny. O king! They will kill masses of daityas and rakshasas who have been born in the wombs of kshatriyas and who will fight with your enemies with clubs, maces, swords and missiles.86 O brave one! Whatever fear there exists in your heart about Arjuna, for that too, we have devised a means for Arjuna. The soul of Naraka, who had been killed, has entered Karna. O brave one! Because of that enmity, he will fight Keshava and Arjuna.87 Karna is supreme among warriors. He is proud in battle. That maharatha will defeat Partha and all the enemies in battle. The wielder of the vajra88 knows this. To protect Savyasachi, he will rob Karna of his earrings and armour. But there are hundreds and thousands of daityas with us. We have also appointed rakshasas by the name of samshaptakas.89 Those famous ones will kill the brave Arjuna. Do not sorrow. O king! This entire earth will be yours, without any rivals. Do not resort to despondency. That is not worthy of you. O Kourava! If you are destroyed, our side will be weakened. O brave one! Depart. You should never direct your intelligence towards any other task. You are our recourse, just as the Pandavas are of the gods.”’

  Vaishampayana said, ‘Having thus addressed him, the daityas then embraced that elephant among kings. Like a son, the bulls among the danavas consoled that invincible one. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! They steadied his intelligence with loving words. Then they gave him permission to leave, saying, “Go,” and “Be victorious.” When he had obtained permission, Kritya again brought the mighty-armed one back to the spot where he had decided to fast unto death. Having placed the brave one down and having honoured him, Kritya took his permission to leave and instantly disappeared. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! When she had disappeared, King Duryodhana thought that it had all been a dream. But a thought always remained with him. “I will vanquish the sons of Pandu in battle.” Suyodhana thought that Karna and the samshaptakas had been given the task of killing of Partha, the slayer of enemies, and that they were capable of this. O bull among the Bharata lineage! Thus did resolution harden in Dhritarashtra’s evil-minded son, about defeating the Pandavas. Karna’s mind and soul had been possessed by Naraka’s soul. This turned his mind towards the cruel task of killing Arjuna. Various rakshasas possessed the intelligence of the brave samshaptakas. They were overtaken by rajas and tamas90 and wished to kill Phalguna.91 The minds of Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and the others were taken over by the danavas. O lord of the earth! They were no longer as affectionate towards the sons of Pandu. But King Suyodhana did not tell anyone this. When the night was over, Karna Vaikartana smiled at King Duryodhana, and joining his hands in salutation, spoke words full of reason to him. “No one who is dead can defeat his enemies. Only those who are alive witness fortune. O Kouravya! How does a dead one obtain fortune? Where is the victory? This is not the time for despondency, fear or death.” He then embraced the mighty-armed one with his arms and said, “O king! Arise. O destroyer of enemies! Why are you lying down? Why are you sorrowing? How can you desire to die when the enemy has been tormented through your valour? Or if fear has been engendered at the sight of Arjuna’s valour, I truly promise that I will kill Arjuna in battle. O lord of men! When thirteen years have elapsed, I swear on my weapons that I will bring the Parthas under your subjugation.” Having been thus addressed by Karna, remembering the words of the daityas and witnessing the prostrations of the others, Suyodhana arose. Having heard the words of the daityas, he adopted a firm resolution in his heart. The tiger among men asked his army to be prepared, with many chariots, elephants, horses and large numbers of infantry. O king! The great army marched like the waves of the Ganga. It had white umbrellas and pennants and extremely white whisks. It was extremely radiant with chariots, elephants and infantry, like the sky when the thick clouds have disappeared and autumn is yet to arrive. Indras among brahmanas pronounced benedictions of victory over him and praised him like an emperor. With hands joined in salutation, Dhritarashtra’s son, the lord of men, received the homage of garlands. O Indra among kings! Blazing in supreme prosperity, Suyodhana was in the front, together with Karna and the dice-player Soubala. Beginning with Duhshasana, all his other brothers were there, and Bhurishravas, Somadatta and the great king Bahlika. The extenders of the Kuru lineage followed that lion among kings on many types of chariots, horses and excellent elephants. O king! In a short while, they entered their own city.’


  Janamejaya asked, ‘O excellent one! When the great-souled Parthas lived in the forest, what did the sons of Dhritarashtra, great archers, do? What about Karna Vaikartana, the immensely strong Shakuni, Bhishma, Drona and Kripa? You should tell me all this.’

  Vaishampayana s
aid, ‘O great king! When the Parthas had left in that way and Suyodhana had been freed by the sons of Pandu and had returned to Hastinapura, Bhishma spoke these words to Dhritarasthra’s son.92 “O son!93 I had told you earlier, when you had intended to go to the forest of ascetics, that I did not like the idea of the trip. But you went despite that. O brave one! You were then forcibly taken captive by the enemies. You were freed by the virtuous Pandavas. But you still have no shame. O Gandhari’s son! O lord of the earth! In your sight and in the presence of your army, the suta’s son94 was frightened of the gandharvas and fled from the field of battle. O Indra among kings! O son of a king! While you and your soldiers cried in distress, you witnessed the valour of the great-souled Pandavas and that of the mighty-armed and evil-minded Karna, the son of a suta. O supreme among kings! Whether it is in knowledge of arms, valour, dharma or devotion to dharma, Karna is not worth a small part of the Pandavas. O foremost among those who strive for peace! Therefore, for the welfare of this lineage, I think that peace with the great-souled Pandavas is desirable.” O king! Having heard Bhishma’s words, Dhritarashtra’s son, the lord of men, laughed and abruptly departed with Soubala.

  ‘On seeing him leave, Karna, Duhshasana and the other mighty archers followed the immensely strong son of Dhirtarashtra. O king! Having seen them depart, Bhishma, the grandfather of the Kurus, lowered his head in shame and left for his own house. O great king! When Bhishma had gone, Dhritarashtra’s son, the lord of men, returned to that spot again and consulted with his advisers. “What is the best course of action for us? What is left to be done? How should we act now?”95 O descendant of the Bharata lineage! He sought advice thus. Karna replied, “O Duryodhana! O Kourava! Listen to what I have to say. O destroyer of enemies! Having listened to it, act accordingly. O brave one! O supreme among kings! The earth is yours now, without any rivals. O great-minded one! With your enemies killed, protect it like Shakra.” Having been thus addressed by Karna, the king again spoke to Karna. “O bull among men! Nothing can be unattained by one who has someone like you. You are my aide and you are always ready to serve me. I will now tell you about my intention. Listen to it attentively. O son of a suta! On witnessing the great and supreme rajasuya sacrifice of the Pandavas, I am filled with the desire of undertaking it and satisfy my wishes.” Having been thus addressed, Karna spoke to the king. “O supreme among kings! All the lords of the earth have now been brought under your subjugation. Summon the foremost among brahmanas and collect offerings, in accordance with the prescribed rites. O best of the Kuru lineage! Let all the ingredients and requirements for the sacrifice be collected. O king! O destroyer of enemies! Let the summoned officiating priests, learned in the Vedas, perform the rites in accordance with the sacred texts. O bull among the Bharata lineage! Let your great sacrifice have plenty to eat and drink and let it also be extremely prosperous, with all the qualities.” O lord of the earth! Having been thus addressed by Karna, Dhritarashtra’s son summoned the priest and spoke these words to him. “Arrange for rajasuya, the best of sacrifices, with the best of dakshina, and according to all the rites in the proper order.” Having been thus addressed by the king, the bull among brahmanas replied. “O best of Kouravas! O supreme among kings! That best of sacrifices cannot be performed in your lineage as long as Yudhishthira is alive. O king! Your father Dhritarashtra, with a long life, is also alive. O supreme among kings! Because of these reasons, you cannot perform this sacrifice. O lord! However, there is another great sacrifice that is equal to the rajasuya. O Indra among kings! Listen to my words and perform that sacrifice. O king! All the lords of the earth who pay you tribute, will bring tributes of gold, worked and unworked. O supreme among kings! With this, you must have a plough constructed. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! Plough the sacrificial ground with this. O foremost among kings! Let a sacrifice be organized there, well arranged and with plenty of food. Without obstructions in any direction, let it be held there, in accordance with the rites. This sacrifice has the name of Vaishnava and is familiar to all righteous ones. No one except the ancient Vishnu has ever performed it. This great sacrifice is the equal of rajasuya, supreme among sacrifices. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! This is attractive to us and will ensure your welfare. Let it be performed without obstructions and your desires will be fruitful.” Having been thus addressed by the brahmanas, Dhritarashtra’s son, the lord of the earth, spoke to Karna, Soubala and his brothers. “There is no doubt that the words of the brahmanas are attractive to me. If they are attractive to you, let me know that, without any delay.” Having been thus addressed, all of them agreed to what the king had said. Then, in due order, the king gave instructions to the appointed people. He instructed all the artisans to construct the plough. O best of kings! Everything that he had instructed was carried out in the due order.’


  Vaishampayana said, ‘Then the artisans, all the chief advisers and the immensely wise Vidura spoke to Dhritarashtra’s son. “O king! O descendant of the Bharata lineage! The time for the supreme sacrifice has arrived. The extremely expensive plough, made out of gold, has been constructed.” O lord of the earth! On hearing this, Dhritarashtra’s son, foremost among kings, instructed the kings that the king of sacrifices should be initiated. Then the sacrifice, well designed and with many ingredients, was started. Gandhari’s son was consecrated, in due order, in accordance with the sacred texts. Dhritarashtra, the immensely famous Vidura, Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, Karna and Gandhari’s famous son were delighted. O Indra among kings! Swift messengers were dispatched to invite the kings and the brahmanas. As instructed, the messengers ascended on swift mounts.

  ‘Duhshasana spoke to a messenger who was about to start. “Go swiftly to Dvaitavana and invite the Pandavas, evil men, in accordance with what is prescribed, and also the brahmanas who are in that great forest.” He went to where the Pandavas resided. Bowing down to them, he said, “O great king!96 Duryodhana, supreme among kings, is observing a sacrifice. He is supreme among the Kurus and has acquired a lot of riches through his own valour. The kings and brahmanas are going there from all directions. O king! I have been sent here by the great-souled Kourava, with an invitation from the king who is Dhritarashtra’s son and is the lord of men. O king! He loves that sacrifice and you should come and witness it.” On hearing the messenger’s message, King Yudhishthira, tiger among kings, replied. “It is fortunate that King Suyodhana is performing the foremost of sacrifices. He will extend the deeds of his ancestors. We will go there, but we cannot do that now. We will have to abide by our oath until thirteen years have passed.” Hearing Dharmaraja’s words, Bhima said, “Dharmaraja Yudhishthira will go when that king has been hurled into a flaming fire lit with weapons and missiles.97 When thirteen years have passed, the king who is Dhritarashtra’s son will be offered as oblation into the fire of war by the angry Pandavas. We will then come. Say this to Suyodhana.” O king! The other Pandavas did not speak any unpleasant words. The messenger reported everything to Dhritarashtra’s son.

  ‘Many foremost among men, many kings of countries and many immensely fortunate brahmanas went to the city of Dhritarashtra’s son. They were honoured, in accordance with the sacred texts, in accordance with their varnas and in due order. O lord of men! They were supremely delighted. O Indra among kings! Surrounded by all the Kouravas, Dhritarashtra’s son was extremely happy and spoke to Vidura. “O Kshatta!98 Act so that everyone is happy and has plenty of food. You should swiftly act so that everyone at the site of the sacrifice is satisfied.” O destroyer of enemies! The learned Vidura, devoted to dharma, entertained all the varnas, as he had been instructed. He happily honoured them and gave them food, drinks, garlands, fragrances and many garments. When the brave one had observed the sacrifice in accordance with the sacred texts and in the proper order, he comforted kings and brahmanas in thousands. The Indra among kings gave away a large quantity of riches. Then, having given all the kings permission to leave, surrounded by his brothers, he entered Hastinapura, together wi
th Karna and Soubala.’


  Vaishampayana said, ‘O great king! When he entered, bards sang praises of the unblemished one. Others eulogized the great archer, supreme among kings. Sprinkling fried grain and sandalwood powder over him, the people said, “O king! It is through good fortune that your sacrifice has been completed without any impediments.” There were others present, who were not careful in speech. They told the king, “Your sacrifice has not been equal to Yudhishthira’s sacrifice. It does not equal a sixteenth part of that sacrifice.” Thus some, who were voluble, spoke to that lord of men. However, his well-wishers said, “Your sacrifice has surpassed all the others. Purified by performing such a sacrifice, Yayati, Nahusha, Mandhata and Bharata have all gone to heaven.” O bull among the Bharata lineage! On hearing such pleasant words from his well-wishers, that lord of men was extremely pleased and entered his city and his own house. O lord of the earth! He bowed in obeisance at the feet of his father and mother, Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and the wise Vidura. He was himself honoured by his younger brothers, brothers whom he loved.


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