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Barbarian Legacy Complete Series: An Alien Romance Box Set

Page 50

by Abella Ward

  They left the conference room silently and made their way towards his chambers. Lord Aurzac’s bedroom was even larger than hers and more luxurious. Renaya went toward the large oval window and looked outside. The moons looked white. Things were getting back to normal, she guessed.

  “Aurzac? I don’t understand the prophecy,” she said. He saw fear and worry in her eyes.

  “Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t mean that what we saw will actually happen. Sometimes it’s just a warning.”

  Warning... Was there a threat to them? For some reason, Shanra came to her mind.

  “Are you immortal?” she asked him. She had read that vampires were immortal, but aliens? She doubted.

  He laughed. This was the first time he had laughed since she met him.

  “No, I am not. But even immortals can’t escape death. They may not die a natural death but they can be killed.”

  “How old are you?” she asked with wonder in her eyes.

  “We may not be immortal but we live a long life,” he replied. “Much longer than humans. We stop aging after thirty. At least, our aging is very slow.”

  She stared at him. He looked back at her with a penetrating stare till her blood heated.

  “I am a hundred and thirty years old, according to our solar cycle,” he said, amused by her curiosity. “A day in Terrgius lasts 36 hours and the year is 412 days. You do the math.”

  Wow, she thought, that made him old. Yet he looked as young and handsome as ever.

  “You are very precious Renaya,” he said with a strange look in his eyes.”Do you know why Terrgius chose you?”

  “No,” she said. “What you just said reminded me of my grandmother.”

  “That ring... it’s a Durlan heirloom,” he said, his eyes darkening.

  “What? But how’s that possible?” A confused look crossed her eyes.

  He handed her a glass of wine and took a sip of his own as he gazed at her for a long time, watching her drink.

  “Years ago, an emissary from Earth visited Terrgius. Her name was Lady Lilian.”

  “Grandma? She's been here? That is the craziest idea ever,” Renaya laughed but then stopped short. He was gazing at her hard. She blinked at the intensity of his gaze.

  “The ring that your grandmother gave you was a gift from the Elder, for helping us.”

  Renaya stood there silent, rooted on the spot.

  “Yes, Renaya. Humans have helped us before. The Elder told me all about it. They have been our strong alliance for centuries.”

  “Wow... I wonder why grandma never told me.” The wine was making her thinking fuzzy. Then she shivered, as the realization hit her. Her grandma had known all along.

  “Probably to keep you safe,” he said, as he came to stand behind her, wrapping his strong arms around her waist. She exhaled slowly. The warmth of his body had a soothing effect on her. She felt all her worries faded away.

  “You did a brave thing today,” he spoke softly in her ear.

  She laid her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes. She understood now what her grandma had meant all those years ago, as she fidgeted with the emerald ring on her finger. She was home now.

  He planted soft kisses on her neck, and she moaned. Desire rushed through her body, gathering deep inside her belly. His heady scent dazed her, as did his kisses on her neck, which sensitized her body all over. He turned her in his arms, as he cupped her chin and tilted his head to get a perfect lock on her lips. She moaned as he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth, tasting her for a moment until they pulled apart. She saw his darkening gray eyes burn with desire.

  “Will you ever be able to love me?” she asked, as Shanra’s harsh comments nagged at her.

  “Renaya, I am lucky to have you,” he said, searing her with his stormy gaze. “I couldn’t have found anyone better.”

  Slowly he unhooked the halter neck and let the dress slide down and pool at her feet, leaving her naked except for her panties.

  “You are a beautiful woman, more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.” His voice was deep and his gaze piercing. He admired her and bent down to kiss her lips, as one hand deftly savored the feel of her breasts. She could feel the bulge in his groin as it pressed against her, making her moan again. He peeled off her panties and his fingers explored her, making her cry with pleasure.

  With a swift move, he picked her up and took her to bed, gently laying her down. He took off his suit and pants. Her breath caught as she saw him standing there, naked, his ice blonde hair flowing around his shoulders. She noticed a deep scar, a slash from a sword, on his hard stomach and another on his shoulder. He joined her under the covers and she relished the feel of his hard body on top of her. She looked deep into his eyes, and for the first time, she glimpsed his bare soul. His gaze was drowning her and as his mouth claimed hers, they were both lost to the rhythm of passion.


  The next morning, Renaya woke up refreshed and glowing. Her heart fluttered at the memories of the previous night. She had never been this happy, ever.

  Lord Aurzac was not in the room. He was an early riser, she observed. She got out of bed and went for a shower. When she was done, she called Ayana for her dress and breakfast.

  Dressed and ready, she went downstairs thinking of exploring the palace. She wondered where Aurzac had gone. She went towards the grand atrium and checked the banquet hall, which was now empty. Then she roamed about checking the other rooms. There was a huge library in the palace, but the books were all in an alien language. She would learn this language, she thought, making a mental note of it.

  The next room was across the hallway. It was dimly lit and she remembered that this was the conference room. It was empty except for voices she heard from a small room toward her right. The door was ajar and in the dim light, she could see the back of a woman and a man who stood next to her. As she moved in closer, she saw that the woman moved in to kiss him. Shock and anger registered on her face as she realized it was Aurzac and Shanra locking lips. She barged in, seething with rage. Tears started streaming down her face.

  “Aurzac... How could you?” she cried before she turned on her heel and ran.

  Aurzac pushed Shanra back and ran after Renaya. “Renaya!” he called. But she was already gone. He cursed through clenched teeth and proceeded to her chambers. She was sitting on her bed, sobbing with her face in her hands. It pained him to see her like this.

  “Hush now... It’s not what you think. There’s been a misunderstanding,” he said with genuine concern in his voice. But she heard nothing. Shanra’s words rang true, and she felt shattered.

  “You used me,” she sobbed. “And now that you are done, you will abandon me for another!”

  “Will you hear me out?” he said, clenching his fist.

  “No! There’s nothing to explain. You don’t love me. You abused me and I was stupid enough to believe you,” Renaya cried. “Just leave me alone!”

  Aurzac looked at her for a long moment and decided she was being hysterical and that any explanation would backfire. Women in such a state should be left alone and not be bothered, he thought. Better give her some time to cool down and talk sense into her later. He did not have time now anyway. He had pressing matters on his mind.

  “Okay. I’ll be leaving for Andromeda 13 in a little while. I’ll be gone a few days and we will talk when I get back,” Aurzac said.

  She had her back to him as she sat on the bed. He strode toward her. Gently, he turned her around, took her face in his hands and kissed her.

  Then he left.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lord Aurzac cursed as he made his way toward his chambers. He didn’t want to mess things up. How could Shanra be so stupid? Women are so complicated, he thought, shaking his head. He was beginning to get a headache.

  Shanra had come into the conference room's small chamber where he was checking his battle plans. She told him that the situation on the battlefront had changed and that
there was a cease-fire, at least for now.

  “The news of the healing planet has reached Trobbut,” Shanra announced. “He sends an invitation for negotiation on Andromeda 13. The Council will preside too.”

  “That’s great news!” he said and he looked up at her. His face was relaxed and calm. “When do we leave?”

  “We leave today,” Shanra said. She stepped closer to him. Her eyes were strangely dark. He stood up from his chair to pick up a few plans and was about to leave when she blocked his way. There was a seductive look in her amber eyes and suddenly she kissed him, taking him by surprise. He stopped her, but it was too late already. Renaya had already seen it. The pain on Renaya's face tore at his heart.


  Lady Shanra stood in her chambers, reveling in her triumph. She had seen Renaya enter the conference room without noticing Shanra. The opportunity was just too tempting. And it had worked out just the way she wanted. Lord Aurzac had given her temporary authority to take care of the matters at the palace until he returned. That is, if he returned at all, she thought as a wicked smile played on her lips.

  She had just finished discussing the plan with Trobbut through their secret communicator. The plan was going smoothly. Now it would just be a matter of time before she got rid of the little despicable human.


  Lord Aurzac prepared for his journey. He packed up and left for the Starship Sorion. The misunderstanding he had with Renaya tugged at his heart. Part of him wanted to clear things up right away, but he just didn’t have enough time and she was in no state to hear him out anyway. The journey to Andromeda 13 would take a week. Less than an hour later, he and his crew were on their way.

  As soon as Sorion was out of Terrgius’s atmosphere, Shanra took action. She called her servant girl Misa and told her to call the dungeon guard, who she had earlier tipped off, to set to work. Shanra wore a black suit and took a gun with her as she waited.


  Renaya was devastated. Sadness filled her heart as she thought about the betrayal. How could she be so naïve? So stupid, that she trusted an alien? Why would he love her when he could get much better options from his own race? She might be the chosen one to heal his planet, but that was it. He could never love a small, pathetic woman like her. He might be passionate in bed but it ended there. Shanra knew it and she was right about him.

  Fresh tears of bitterness spilled down her cheeks. She was numb and knew that she would never be able to trust anyone with her love again. Ever. She had just started to fall deeply in love with Aurzac. Exhausted from crying, she dozed off. She didn’t notice that someone entered her room.

  Two rough hands grabbed her and jolted her out of her sleep. Her scream was stifled by the hand that came over her mouth. The stranger dragged her out of bed, manhandling her as he slapped her hard in the face. She stopped struggling immediately and went numb.

  He took her underground to the dark atrium where the dungeons were located. The dungeons were small gray cells with no windows. He restrained her to one of the metal walls, putting leather binders on her wrists and ankles. He then suspended her hands above her head and restrained them. She cried out as the pain cut through her wrists. He locked the door and disappeared, leaving her in the dim light of the morbid lamp that hung from the ceiling. Renaya couldn’t understand why they had imprisoned her. The day had ended so badly and it was only this morning that she was so happy. It all seemed like a distant dream.


  “Lady Shanra? We have imprisoned her,” Misa said.

  “Excellent. Take me to her now,” Shanra ordered. The servant girl bowed and Shanra followed her to the dungeons.

  Renaya heard footsteps coming her way. She looked up to see green eyes filled with venom and a pale bluish face. Lady Shanra entered the cell and stood before her, a smug smile pasted on her lips.

  “Please, let me go,” Renaya pleaded, her eyes red-rimmed, cold tears glistening on her face. “Why have they brought me here?”

  A sharp slap hit her face and blood oozed from her nose, trickling over her lips.

  “Shut up! You have committed heinous crimes for which you will be punished,” Shanra laughed like a maniac.

  Misa blanched as she watched Shanra torture the leader’s mate.

  “P... please... stop...” Renaya sobbed. “Au...Aurzac...where is he?” Her breath came in gasps.

  “I told you to shut up, you red-blooded bitch,” Shanra said shrilly and again slapped her hard. Misa closed her eyes, muttering a prayer. “You really thought you would be queen? Ugh, look at you. Terrgius being ruled by an ugly queen! How pathetic is that? Isn’t it Misa?” she spat, addressing her maid.

  “Yes, My Lady,” Misa squeaked.

  “And let me tell you one thing. Aurzac is not coming back,” Shanra said, stressing each word. “He is probably dead by now.” Her voice was sinister and cold. Laughing again, she turned on her heel and strode out with Misa tailing behind.

  Renaya’s head pounded with a splitting headache. She wished the nightmare would end. Oh no, Aurzac... The torture she had just endured was nothing compared to the fact that her husband was dead.

  Suddenly she remembered the Oracle. The vision they had seen was this! He had chosen her as his bride. And she had been fighting with him before he left. The thought plunged her into guilt. It was all her fault. She deserved this punishment. Too numb to cry, she prayed she would wake up from this nightmare in her bed and see Aurzac alive and well.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lord Aurzac was in the cockpit of his ship when Aerav came to him. It had been four days since he had been aboard the Starship Sorion and there was no news from home. In a few days, they would dock at Andromeda 13. He had been trying to reach Shanra but due to some technical difficulties, the communication had been disrupted, he was told.

  Today he got the opportunity to talk to her over a video call.

  “How’s everything back home?” he inquired.

  “All good. Terrgius is healing. Communication has been bad. I will send you the detailed report,” she said.

  He noticed a strange look in her eyes. He wondered what it meant.

  “How is Renaya?” he asked.

  “She’s fine. Doesn’t talk much. Stays in her room,” Shanra said flatly.

  Aurzac had a feeling something wasn’t right. But he brushed it off thinking he was being paranoid. The holographic screen turned to noise and the call dropped.

  He sighed and took his seat as Aerav came to him.

  “I have bad news, My Lord,” he said hesitantly.

  “Go on, what is it?” Aurzac asked.

  “I have been intercepting a continuous inflow of locked messages. The communication is between Terrgius and Velarii. I have been trying to crack the code for weeks now and today I did it,” he paused. “The origin of our messages is the Durlan Palace conference room.”

  “What? How?” Aurzac asked surprised.

  “The last communication was dated four days back. The day we left,” he explained, looking pale.

  “What’s in the conversation?” Aurzac asked.

  “My Lord, it’s disturbing.”

  “What is it? Tell me now!” Aurzac ordered.

  “We have a mole. The messages were being exchanged between Lady Shanra and Trobbut,” Aerav explained. Sweat broke out on his forehead.

  “It looks as if they’re planning an assassination attack against you, My Lord. According to the messages, when you reach Andromeda 13, they plan to attack you. The peace meeting is a sham.”

  Lord Aurzac stared at him. Rage burned inside him. His jaw clenched and he looked murderous. “What else?” he asked in an ominous tone.

  “Shanra has imprisoned Lady Renaya in the dungeon.”

  “No. No!” Aurzac said, fear taking over his anger. His breathing became labored. “When was this?”

  “The day we left.”

  “No. No. No!” Aurzac banged his fist on the table. “Not Renaya. Not her.” His voice choked
and his chest constricted.

  His expression was unreadable, only his eyes betrayed the turmoil within his soul. He blinked back tears that threatened to spill, his gray eyes filling with agony. He had never reacted like this before. How strange it was that his eyes welled up like that at the mere thought of his mate being tortured. He turned his face away from Aerav. He took a deep breath, tried to compose himself and then resumed commanding his ship.

  Aerav had never seen his Commander like this. He saw how shattered he was. He wished he wasn’t the one bringing the news.

  “Set course for Terrgius. We go back now,” Lord Aurzac ordered in a cold commanding tone. He desperately wished he hadn’t given the authority to Shanra.


  Renaya clutched the Aramith in her hand. She sat in the corner of her cell and hugged her knees. They had taken off her restraints since she would be unconscious most of the time anyway. Despair gnawed at her soul. She had stopped eating. She just wished for death to come and end her misery. With Aurzac dead, she had no reason to live.

  She daydreamed, reliving those short precious memories she had with him, clinging to them as if they were her life force. It must have been more than a week since she was imprisoned. Nobody came to see her. The prison guard would give her bland food and water. That was all. Even Ayana wasn't allowed to see her. She simply waited for death to take her to her mate.


  She thought she was dreaming. Aurzac was there, standing in front of her. He looked so worried. She smiled and tears blurred her vision. She wanted to kiss him ... And he kissed her... Why was he crying? Lord Aurzac never cried. He took her in his arms and picked her up. Yes, she would go with him. Darkness engulfed her as he held her close.

  He couldn't bear to see her like this. She had become pale and thin. Her eyes were red-rimmed and gaunt, and there were dark circles underneath them. Her hair was pasted on her face and her wrists were blue-black from the restraints. He held her close as uncontrollable tears streamed down his face. He rushed upstairs and took her to her chamber where Dr. Aldon awaited them. He stood by the entire time the doctor treated her.


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