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Waiting For It

Page 10

by Rhyannon Byrd

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m still hungry,” he groaned the instant before his tongue licked slowly across her bottom lip, collecting her taste. He growled with satisfaction, doing it again, then allowed his tongue to slip into her mouth, sharing her sweet, erotic taste with her.

  Taylor’s choked whimper of surprise sent lust pounding through him. The low moan that followed nearly made him come. With infinite time and care, he worked his way down her body, lingering on her damp raspberry nipples, the shallow indentation of her navel, until at last he settled himself back between her wide spread thighs and feasted on her sex-ravaged cunt. It was such a pretty shade of pink, scented like sin, and tasted too damn good to be true. He could spend the rest of his life with his face shoved right in it, feeling it come all over him.

  He smiled against her warm, wet skin—then bit down softly on her clit, giving it a gentle tug. Her hips lifted, shoving her pussy in his face, and he laughed a rich sound of boyish delight. “And I might as well torture the answers out of you while I’m busy filling up.”

  On you.

  “Won’t work,” she quipped, loving this roguish, mischievous side of him that she’d never known was there. She knew he’d always had a good sense of humor with his friends, all his football buddies and the never-ending chain of girls he’d dated, but she’d never been the recipient of one of those teasing smiles herself. He looked up at her, and it was so warm and playful it just made her go all gooey inside, like the dripping decadence of a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie melting between her fingers. “I’m afraid my lips are sealed.”

  He held her sassy, daring stare while his fingers pushed the wet, swollen lips of her cunt apart, spreading her as wide as she’d go. “They don’t feel so sealed to me,” he laughed, the masculine chuckle a low rumble of sound, his breath teasing the soft, sensitive flesh. “I’d say you have a real sweet smile going on down here between your silky little thighs.”

  A girlish burst of laughter escaped her, and she blushed brighter, almost as embarrassed by the giggle as she was by the wicked torment of his fingers playing over her, keeping her held open. It was a decadent feeling to know he could feel her cream against his fingers. To know that any second now he would look back down at her pussy to see how wickedly he’d displayed it for his hot, hungry gaze. And bubbling beneath the dark heat of his sexuality was the joy of laughing and smiling with him, being playful in the bedroom when she’d never thought of sex as something even remotely fun before.

  Fun, she mused, rolling the word around in her mind while trying to decide if it was the right one. Kind of strange, but yeah, it fit. Sex with Jake was raw and hungry and powerfully extreme, a complete devastation of sense and self—but it was a hell of a lot of fun too.

  There were no two ways about it—this was the best damn time she’d ever had.

  And then suddenly his fingers were slipping back inside, stretching her to that point beyond pleasure, and her snug, straining muscles clamped down hard enough to make his breath hiss between his teeth. He knelt between her thighs and used his free hand to grab his cock. Then he gripped himself in his big fist and stroked from the massively thick root, up his long length, to the impressively large, glistening head.

  Taylor watched with wide, fascinated eyes as he milked one pearly drop of moisture from the slit. He loved the way she watched his cock, her shy eyes too curious not to look, her expression telling him everything he needed to know. “And it’s all yours, honey. All of it.”

  Just like I’m all yours. All of me.

  “Yeah, mine,” she whispered, licking her lips in an unconscious gesture of want.

  He swiped the warm, salty bead from the head of his cock with his finger and lifted it to her mouth, offering it to her as she levered herself up with her arms. She opened her mouth and her small pink tongue flicked out to lick it off.

  His growl was long and low. She answered with her own soft sound of want and arousal, and then opened up and drew his finger completely into her mouth. Her moist heat closed around him. Then she sucked on him. Hard. What little sanity he had left fractured in that instant.

  “Take a deep breath and hold on,” he ordered roughly, pushing her legs up, folding them over until she was spread out and open in front of him, grasping for whatever part of him he wanted to give her. He felt savagely primitive, on the verge of violence in his need to stake his claim again and again.

  With his heart lodged in his throat, he whispered, “You want it?”

  “Please, Jake,” she moaned. Her hips lifted, offering, begging, and he bent his head to give her beautiful, open pussy one more long, hungry lick.

  He pulled back just far enough to give him a nice, up-close shot of the hottest little cunt he’d ever had. He loved its smell, its taste. Loved the way her clit throbbed and her little hole spilled with more of that sweet fucking cream. “This is mine, Taylor. All of it. All mine.”

  His tongue flicked out to catch the stream of juices slipping from her pink slit, and he smiled at the bite of her nails in the tops of his shoulders. “You know, honey, I just can’t decide which I love more—fucking it, or eating it.”

  “Oh, God.” Her voice cracked, and she yelled, “Now, Jake! Just do it! Put it in!”

  He’d have laughed at the way she commanded him, shouting like an outraged general, but he didn’t have the strength. There was nothing but blinding need as he pressed the deeply flushed tip of his cock against her drenched cunt, nudging the pulsing head between her swollen lips until it penetrated the tiny, quivering mouth hidden within. Bracing himself on his knees, he grasped her hips and lifted her, holding her firmly in his grip.

  His voice trembled, shakily with need. “I’ve never been so hard in my entire life. You drive me outta my mind, woman, right over the fuckin’ edge.”

  “Jake.” His name emerged as a moan…a plea…a demand.

  He battled against the raging need of his body to take, to plunge his aching cock as far into her as he could go, and took one charged moment to appreciate the beauty of her spread out and open. Vulnerable. Wanting him.

  He leaned over her, pressing down on her, and his warm breath found her ear. “I love you, Taylor.”

  Chapter 10

  She went so still beneath him—he couldn’t even feel her breathe.

  He nuzzled the side of her neck, pressed a tender kiss to her shoulder, feeling the words rush up through him, true and unstoppable. “I’m in love with you.” His deep voice emerged gruff with emotion, reverberating through their joined bodies, touching her deep inside. “I’ve never loved another woman, Taylor. It’s always been you. Always. It always will be.”

  “No!” she cried out, suddenly twisting beneath him, shaking with rage. It was too cruel to hear this now—now, when it was too late for it. Now, when their chance at a happily ever after had so long ago been destroyed by Mitch’s malicious lies.

  Jake slowly pulled back, an uneasy shock and painful ache burning through his body as he watched her scramble away from him, practically stumbling to the other side of the room.

  “Don’t…don’t ever say that.” Her voice was a whisper of sound, hollow and shaky.

  Wondering what in the hell was happening, he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. There was a dull thudding in his heart, like something hard and heavy that he couldn’t keep from sinking. “I’m trying to be understanding, but I just don’t get it, Taylor.” His voice was rough, sounding little more than a snarl, and he pushed both hands through his hair, shaking his disheveled head in disbelief as her reaction really began to sink in. “You’ll let me fuck you, but I’m not allowed to love you?”

  It wasn’t possible for her to get any redder, her thin frame quivering; a frail silhouette on the other side of the room. He was suddenly so angry, more furious than he’d ever been before, hating the way she was looking at him, like she was actually horrified by his admission. Appalled by the fact that what he’d said just might be true.

�d opened up his heart and told her how he felt, and she was throwing it back in his face without even giving him a chance to explain.

  Fuck this, he thought, standing beside the bed, all six-foot-three inches of him shaking with rage. “I can fuck you, but I can’t love you? Is that it, Taylor? You’ll take my cock, but nothing more, honey? You’ll let me screw you through the mattress and then send me on my fucking way?”

  “Jesus, Jake. What do you want from me?”

  “I want this,” he shouted, swiping his arm in the air to encompass the wrecked bedding behind him, his mind churning in panic for a way to keep her from bolting on him. “I want this weekend. Anything I say. Anything I want. I want complete access to that beautiful little body of yours from head to toe, and if I can’t convince you in that time that I’m serious about wanting you in my life forever, then I’ll leave without you even having to tell me to go.”

  Her arms trembled, so she held them tighter, putting everything she had into this fragile show of strength. Or was it just stupidity? All her options seemed destined for failure here. If she followed her heart, what would happen when he came to his senses or some gorgeous blonde caught his eye and he bailed? But if she followed the dictates of her still pulsing flesh, satiating herself on the decadent pleasure he lavished upon her, would she be any better off when the weekend was over and he drove back out of her life?

  Hell no.

  Basically, she was screwed no matter what she did. The only difference was that option one left her in a constant state of heartbreaking anticipation, awaiting the god-awful moment of truth—while his outrageous proposal for a weekend full of mind shattering fucking gave her a nice, tidy deadline for the gut wrenching heartache to begin.

  “All right. Okay. You can have your weekend, but when it’s over you leave, Jake. No arguments. You walk back out of my life as easily as you did the first time. Do we have a deal?”

  He moved across the room with the predatory ease of a dangerous jungle cat. She watched him with wide, avid eyes, feeling drunk on his beauty; the long, lean muscles moving beneath his golden skin as lethal to her senses as the blisteringly hot look in his green eyes.

  Most women would’ve probably tried not to be quite so obvious in their fascination, but she couldn’t help it. She felt flushed with heat, dizzy with desire, just from watching the gorgeous man walk across a blasted room. Of course, the fact he was still bare-assed naked with his brutally beautiful cock rising high and hard and hungry in front of him—the huge shaft gleaming with her juices—might’ve had something to do with it. Then again, she was just as crazy for him with clothes as without.

  That was the thing with love. It made you silly-sick for a person, even when you knew it was going to end up killing you in the end. Kingdoms had been built and destroyed on it since time began—and Taylor knew she was going to be no different. The least she could do was to wring it of as much ecstasy as she could while she still had the chance, and then treasure the memories, holding them to her heart for as long as she could.

  It was pathetic, and in that moment, she hated Mitch with such wounded malice that it twisted through her veins, poisoning her blood. She could taste it on her tongue, feel it in the heavy pumping of her heart. Because of his lies, these were her useless choices. The only miserable choices her stubborn heart and pride would allow her to make.

  Because of Mitch’s selfishness and her own stupidity, she and Jake had been separated for so long—when they should have been together.

  When they should have been in love.

  Should have had the chance to share their lives with one another.

  Jake stared down at her, the heat pouring off his golden skin beating against her in waves, penetrating her dented armor, digging beneath the surface. “And if I change your mind? If I get it through that thick little head of yours that I want more from you than forty-eight hours worth of fucking? That I want an entire lifetime of it? If I can do it, then I stay, don’t I, Taylor?”

  Her stubborn chin lifted, her eyes drilling into his, almost hating him too, for being so cruel as to tempt her with the one thing she wanted above all others. Only he didn’t look cruel. He looked like a man hurting for the woman he loved, but she couldn’t believe it. A woman who hadn’t told him she loved him back. No…she wouldn’t believe it! No matter how friggin’ convincing he looked. “Yes, but I have a condition.”

  The corner of his mouth kicked up and he lifted his hand to twist one puffy nipple between two work-roughened knuckles, pulling a sharp gasp from between her lips. His other hand thrust between her legs, thumb and forefinger pinching her clit, holding it with just the right amount of pressure till he could feel her heartbeat pumping against his fingers. They were deliberate actions, meant to show her that no matter how hard she might think of fighting him, her body already knew exactly who it belonged to. He owned it, and he was going to fuck it and tongue it and love it however and whenever he damn well pleased, no matter how many stipulations she tried to put on him.

  His fingers moved the barest bit, pulling nipple and clit until she had to bite down on her lip to keep from moaning. He smiled, looking cocky and arrogant, and whispered, “What’s your condition, sweetheart?”


  Think…think! Oh yeah. “You can’t—I mean, I don’t want you telling me that…that you love me. You’re not allowed to say anything like that again because we both know how ridiculous it is.”

  And if I have to listen to it I’m going to start believing it and I can’t take that kind of chance.

  “Fine.” He didn’t like it, but he’d live with it, because he had every intention of showing her how he felt every minute they spent together. He’d show her with his body and his mouth and his cock how much he loved her till he’d convinced every precious little cell from her head down to her toes.

  Of course, he couldn’t help but appreciate the irony of it all. For years he’d been fucking women who wanted more from him than the physical pleasure he was willing to share with them. And now that he had the one woman, the only woman, he’d ever wanted to give more to—the one he could give everything to, who already owned his heart—she didn’t want it.

  If God was a woman, she was up in heaven right now laughing her sweet little ass off at him.

  He grabbed Taylor, tossing her back up on the bed so quickly she actually bounced. “If sex is all I can have from you, all that you want from me,” he gritted through his teeth, following her down, moving over her, “then I’ll take as much as I can get.”

  She lay beneath him, a look of wary caution falling over her fey features, but she wasn’t telling him no. Jake nudged her knees apart, shoving her legs wide, knees bent, and looked down at her glistening pussy. His fingers moved through the pearly juice-soaked curls, over the naked, gleaming lips, playing with them. Her slit was quivering, gasping, leaking more of her sweet tasting cream, and he shook his head in awe, his mouth twisting in an odd expression that made her want to cringe and cover herself.

  “What’s wrong with me?”

  Dark green, heavy-lidded eyes snapped to hers. “There’s not a damn thing wrong with you. It’s just that every time I look at you, the shock of it hits me again. I’ve never seen anything like you, Taylor. You’re just so incredibly beautiful, it knocks the wind right outta me.”

  An embarrassed, sort of scoffing sound broke from her throat.

  “I’m not bullshitting you, sweetheart. It’s the truth, whether you choose to believe it or not. You’re just so delicate and pretty and pink.”

  And it was true. He’d thought he’d seen it all, every kind of woman there was, every possible body type, from the overtly sexy to the shyly pretty, but he’d never seen anything like Taylor. She always looked so sweet, so virginal, it was nearly impossible to pull his eyes away. He laid his head on her thigh, ignoring her tense groan, and continued stroking her, petting her, for the moment just happy to be touching something so precious. And letting her know exactly who owned it.
The anger was still burning in his blood, waiting to be set free, but for now it was enough just to have her like this, completely open and at his mercy, waiting for whatever it was he wanted to do to her.

  One blunt, work-roughened finger stroked down the center of the tender flesh, circling the tiny slit of her vulva, and he nearly died when more pearly drops of cream spilled from the swollen mouth. He watched as he worked his big finger up into the constricting tightness, shuddering at the exquisite feel of her squeezing around him, slick muscles clenching him in hot wetness, and as he pulled it back out, his finger glistened with juice.

  It was too much to resist. He leaned those few inches forward to lap her lightly with his tongue, teasing her with the tip. She felt him, he tasted her, and her hips rocked forward as he shoved his face into her again, his tongue penetrating that tiny opening, driving inside, and she came right into his mouth, pouring down his throat.

  Jake growled into her, his throat working as he ate at her, trying to get deeper, and she clutched at his hair, pressing up against him, shameless with need as she pumped her pussy against his wet face.

  And then suddenly he was rising over her again, his tongue, wet with her cream, plunging into her mouth as he grasped her hips, lifted her, and slammed his cock into her with a brutal, angry force. She cried out, but he was already pulling back, then ramming deeper. “Hell,” he grunted, “I just want to stay inside of you forever, filling you full of me over and over and over again. You make me crazy with it, Taylor. Make me feel like a fucking animal!”

  “Good!” she shouted, feeling the wild woman inside clawing to be set free. “Great. Be an animal, Jake. You aren’t scaring me. I like you like this!”

  One big hand twisted into the long mass of her hair, holding her still as he loomed over her, dark green eyes searching brown, seeking the truth. When he saw what he wanted, the same need staring straight back at him, dark and hungry, anger-tinged like a red glowing beast, he took her at her word and gave her exactly what she wanted.


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