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Waiting For It

Page 13

by Rhyannon Byrd

  He hadn’t wanted her, but for some unfathomable reason, he hadn’t wanted Jake to have her either. And now it was too late for any of them because she no longer trusted herself. All the years of pain and humiliation pressed down on her and it was almost like suffocating, feeling her throat close up, choking on regret.

  She closed her eyes, feeling caught between her past and her future. On one side of the street was Mitch, who’d systematically tried to dismantle her feelings of confidence and self-worth, while on the other side, buying God only knew what in the little upscale sex shop, was the only man who’d ever made her feel like a beautiful, desirable woman. The only man she’d ever loved. And because of the one, she was too afraid to take a chance on the other. Her heart clenched, already feeling the pain of when Jake would be gone. An empty ache that would grow over the years, worse now that she knew how incredible it felt to have him buried deep inside of her, a part of her, held against her heart.

  This was so fucking unfair, and her hands shook in her lap as the rage poured up from inside of her. Rage at Mitch for marrying her when he didn’t want her. Rage at herself for believing his lies. For marrying him when she didn’t love him. For never going after Jake when they were young and she still believed in happily ever afters and they might have had a chance.

  The sound of the driver’s side door unlocking jolted her eyes open, and Mitch was gone. The sidewalk was empty. Her hands unclenched, smoothing over her thighs, and she forced a smile as she turned back to Jake. He climbed into the big truck, her breath catching like it always did with her first look at him, and hot tears were suddenly burning behind her eyes, threatening to spill over.

  She held them back with the full force of her will, afraid that once they slipped free, she’d never be able to stop them. Jake twisted to place a blue paper bag on the backseat and then turned back to her, his eyes seeing past her false smile, straight into her soul.

  He reached out, smoothing a strand of hair from her temple and tucking it behind her ear. “What happened, honey? You okay?”

  She nodded her head, praying her voice wouldn’t tremble. “I’m fine, but do—do you think we could just grab some food and eat back at the hotel? I don’t really feel much like going out anymore.”

  His green eyes showed his concern, and her heart twisted harder. Oh yeah, she definitely hated herself for not trusting this man with her heart. He’d offered her love and she’d rejected it. But no matter what was in that mysterious blue bag, she was going to trust him with her body. She owed him that much, after everything he’d admitted to her, even if she couldn’t really believe all of it. Hell, she owed him everything.

  “Whatever you want, Taylor. You name it, honey, and it’s yours.” He stroked the outline of her lips with one blunt fingertip, his eyes going dark and hungry with more than just sexual need. “Haven’t you figured that out by now?”

  She took a slow, deep breath, unwilling to admit anything of the sort. Instead, she whispered, “Thanks, Jake,” and leaned over to give him a quick, chaste kiss on his cheek.

  For a split second his mouth twisted with regret, as if he knew what was going through her head, and then he started the engine, pulling into the gentle flow of early evening traffic. Taylor laid her head back against the headrest, trying to ignore the truth she’d heard in his words and the way they knifed into her heart, determined to ignore the little voice inside her head telling her she was a fool and an idiot. Then Jake’s big hand reached into her lap, grabbing hold of her own, engulfing her with his size, yet holding her hand so gently, and she turned to look out her window into the safety of the night as those stupid tears began to fall.

  Chapter 14

  Something had happened, ruining the easy mood of the afternoon, and Jake was damned if he knew what it was. Taylor had cried all the way to the fast food joint, but by the time he’d asked what she wanted to eat, she’d gotten herself back under control and he pretended he hadn’t noticed she’d had hot tears spilling over her cheeks.

  But their time was running out and he was done pretending. “Taylor, we need to talk.”


  He hated the cold, distant look falling over her face, like she was closing up on him, and a fresh surge of anger burned through him, powered by frustration and fear. She was shutting him out, not even giving him a chance, and he felt as if he were already losing her. His time was nearly gone, and the anger in his blood only made him that much more determined to break through to her in the only way she seemed to understand. If she wouldn’t listen to his heart, then she was sure as hell going to get the message from his body.

  “You don’t want to talk? Fine,” he muttered, propping himself up on the bed pillows, watching her rummage nervously through her suitcase, searching for God only knew what. “Take off the dress.”

  She snorted, almost making him smile, but it was strained because he was nearing his limit. “Come on, Taylor. You agreed to fuck me for forty-eight hours and we’re only halfway down. And I’ve been thinking about your sexy little body underneath all that soft cotton all damn day. Now drop the dress like I told you to do and let me see it.”

  Her head shook in disbelief. “You like scrawny girls suddenly, Jake? Somehow I don’t think so. And we’ve already had sex today, twice this morning and then in your truck. There’s nothing under here you haven’t already seen.”

  “This morning doesn’t count because we hadn’t even gotten dressed yet, and you weren’t naked in the truck. I got to feel it, but I didn’t get to see it. And for your information,” he rumbled, “I like you!”

  He was careful not to use the wrong “L” word and send her running. “I like your soft tits, and that heart shaped ass, and everything else from the top of your pretty little head down to those sexy little toes. And I especially like that sweet, fist-tight little cunt between your legs. I like the way it looks, the way it smells, the way it tastes and the way it feels wrapped around my cock. Now take off the dress, Taylor, so I can see you before I come over there and rip the thing to shreds!”

  “I never knew you could be such a bully,” she muttered, but he could see the need burning in those sable-colored eyes, slowly overtaking the uncertainty. By the time he’d reacquainted himself with every delicious inch of her, she’d never have any doubt how she affected him. And he’d happily fuck her into conviction every single day and night for the rest of his life, if she’d only give him the chance to prove himself.

  She turned around, giving him her back, making him smile at her shyness. Making him look forward to ridding her of her stupid hang-ups. Who in the hell would want to grind against another woman when they could have Taylor, with her sexy as hell looks and soft, womanly body? She may not be stacked or built like a swimsuit model, but she was just what he wanted. He didn’t know why she was so insecure about her perfect little curves, but he was looking forward to showing her in dirty, explicit detail just how much he loved them.

  The dress fell to the floor in a soundless heap, and he had to swallow over the lump of lust in his throat to see the naked line of her spine and that rosy ass barely covered in the sheer pair of nude panties she’d put on the minute they made it back to the room.

  “Turn around,” he growled, sounding like a fucking animal. Any second now and he was gonna be all over her.

  She turned slowly, her arms crossed over her breasts, the soft, satiny mounds pressed up tight against her chest, and he nearly swallowed his tongue. Her belly was smooth perfection, her slim hips just right for a man to sink his fingers into and fuck his way to heaven. His eyes went lower, and there it was, the prettiest little cunt he’d ever seen, the demure lips just visible through the sheer panties that let him see it all. He couldn’t wait to spread her open again and look his fill. He wanted to take a fucking magnifying glass to her and study every delicious, precious inch of her pussy—to know it better than the only other man who’d ever been lucky enough to get anywhere near it.

  He wanted—no, needed—had to
claim it for his own. Shit, it was only fair, considering his cock had belonged to her for years now. A lifetime, if he was completely honest. “Move your arms.”

  She lowered them slowly, clasping them around her waist, which only pushed the sweet swell of her breasts higher. She had tiny, puffy pink nipples the same color as her lips and he loved them. Loved their texture and taste and the way they fit so delicately inside his mouth. “Now the panties. Walk to the end of the bed, take them off and hand them to me.”

  She shook her head.

  “You made a deal to do everything I said, Taylor. You backing out already?”

  She moved forward, her breasts gently swaying, and his cock nearly broke through his fly then and there. Then she bent over, pulled down the insubstantial panties and tossed them onto his outstretched hand. His fingers closed around the damp fabric, making a fist. “You’re wet, Taylor, and I haven’t even touched you yet. Climb up here. Right on the end of the bed there.”

  She started to sit down, and he growled, “No. I want you on your knees. Then spread your legs as wide as you can.”

  “Why?” she asked uneasily, eyeing the blue bag on the nightstand out of the corner of her eye.

  He didn’t even look her in the face, his eyes glued to her glistening pink folds. “‘Cause I wanna see your cunt again and you’re gonna show it to me. Right now.”

  She laughed softly, thinking they both must be crazy. “Yeah? And what are you going to show me?”

  Jake rose to his knees on the mattress in front of her in one fluid movement, somehow oddly graceful for a man of his size. His smile taunted her as his fingers began ripping at the buttons of his fly. “If you wanna see my cock, sweetheart, all you have to do is ask. Anytime. Anywhere.”

  She stared in rampant need and excitement. “Yes, please,” she whispered, making him groan and laugh and shudder with lust all at once. Then it was springing into the air between them, a good nine inches or more of thick, rock hard, throbbing empurpled flesh. God, she wanted to cry at the beauty of it. His balls were dark, heavy sacs beneath, the shaft thicker than her own wrist, and the head was like something from a…a…she didn’t know what. It was broad and round, kind of heart-shaped, and there were already trickles of pre-cum streaming from the slit in its tip.

  Without thinking, she reached out to touch it, but he grabbed her wrist, shaking his head, his eyes burning like two otherworldly fires of sex and pain and flesh. They were promising her things she’d never even imagined. “Don’t touch me,” he snarled. “Not yet, or I’ll be buried deep before you know what hit you. And I wanna see it first. I wanna see that juicy little thing that belongs to no one but me now.”

  She started to move toward him, but he shook his head. “Lie down on your back with your head over the edge so you can watch me in the mirror. Then open your legs for me and put them out on either side of my body.”

  With her limbs shivering, shuddering, her breath coming in rapid pants of air, Taylor lay down just as he said. When she could see him in the mirror, his eyes caught hers and she began opening her thighs, praying she could see this little scenario through without giving him everything.

  He watched as she forced them wider, moving slowly toward her down the bed, and she forced them wider still, till she was spread eagle and he was on all fours, his face no more than a foot away from the sweet juncture of her thighs.

  He looked up at the mirror, his face a taut expression of the kind of hunger she thought could exist only in a woman’s mind. She’d never thought she’d have a man look at her that way, and her pussy flooded even more, becoming embarrassingly wet, unbearably empty.

  Jake looked down at the sight before him, stroking his tongue against the roof of his mouth in a restless gesture of hunger. It was even better than he’d imagined—better than he’d remembered—so rosy and small, just waiting for him to fuck her long and hard and deep. Her clit was already throbbing, her lips swollen and soft, completely bare, and her vulva was gasping for air like a little mouth, streaming juices, wet and pink like the inside of a flower.

  Her sweet scent hit him hard, and a noise like none other he’d ever made climbed up the back of his throat. He hoped it didn’t scare the hell out of her. But she only moaned in response, her hips lifting the barest fraction, offering that juice soaked little pussy up to his mouth.

  “Tell me, Taylor. Did you enjoy being eaten out last night?”

  Her breath stuttered and her voice trembled. “Um—”

  “If you don’t give me an answer, I’m gonna have to take it for a no.”

  “No,” she moaned, trying to get the right words out. “I mean yes—yes, I loved it. You know I did.”

  He looked up at her from beneath his brows again. “What’s it feel like when I put my tongue in you? When it pushes into that tiny opening and I eat you into my mouth?”

  She shuddered beneath him, a fine sheen of sweat glistening over her pale skin. “Um—that’s kind of a personal question, Jake.”

  He laughed a dark, dangerous sound. “And the fact I’m about to have my tongue shoved up your cunt isn’t personal, honey? It doesn’t get much more personal than that, so answer the damn question.”

  “Fine!” she gritted through her teeth, wondering where he was trying to push her with this. “It feels incredible, okay? Warm and wet and beautiful, but raunchy and rough too. There! Are you happy now?”

  He looked back down at her. “Not yet, but I’m about to be.”

  She started to bring her legs together in a fit of temper, not really sure what she was mad about, but his big hands caught the inside surfaces of her thighs, pinning them down hard. “Don’t even think about it.”

  “What about you, Jake? How many women have you gone down on? Hah, like this is something new for you. It’s probably been hundreds, thousands! You’ve probably slept with every woman you’ve ever known! Probably shoved your tongue inside of more than you can even remember!”

  “Yeah,” he muttered, stroking a finger down the moist slit from her clit to her ass, “there’s been more than a few.” He spread her lips wide so he could see everything. “But I’ve never wanted anyone like this. I wish I could tell you there’d never been anyone else, almost as much as I wish you could tell me Mitch never saw you like this. Never fucked you. Never came screaming your name. But they didn’t mean anything to me, Taylor. And if you think I’d ever want another woman now that I’ve had you, then you’re outta your fucking mind!”

  Before she could make a sharp comeback, he circled her vulva with that one rough fingertip and then shoved the whole thick digit up into her. Taylor saw stars swim before her eyes, her back arching off the bed as he drew the long finger out and then shoved in two, twisting them up into her, bringing a raw cry from her throat. “Oh—oh shit!”

  “You like that?” he demanded roughly. “Yeah, me too. You’re so tight, whenever I get inside of you, you just squeeze the cum right outta me.”

  She writhed beneath him, working herself on his fingers, and he loved it. Loved everything about her. “I need your taste again,” he growled down at her, staring at his fingers penetrating the tiny little opening, watching with hungry desperation the way she creamed around the thick intrusion of his fingers, pearly and sweet. “Put your fingers down here and get them wet.”

  She moaned, but did as she was told, rubbing her fingers against the base of his own, coating them until they were slick and wet.

  “Now put them in my mouth and let me taste you, sweetheart. It’s been hours since I had your cream in my mouth, felt you coming down my throat.”

  She quivered in response, but followed his command. Jake sucked the clean juices from her small fingers with greedy satisfaction as they pressed past his lips, loving her flavor. She was hot and sweet and sexy as hell. “Fuck, you’re so good,” he grunted. “That’s the sweetest little cunt I’ve ever tasted, Taylor. The only one I’ll ever want—ever!”

  Pushing her hips up against him, she rode his fingers as hard
as she could, and then he was working a third up into her, shoving it in, and Taylor started screaming somewhere between the burning sting and blinding rush of pleasure from being so filled, so exposed.

  She sounded in pain, but Jake knew enough about women to know it was a good kind. Still, she was so narrow and small, and he couldn’t help but worry about all the fucking they’d been doing. “We need to get you stretched some more, okay, baby?” He moved over her, putting his mouth just over her left nipple, pleased to see it’d already hardened into a tight little bud. “I’m just gonna finger fuck you for awhile until you get ready for me again because once I get my cock in here, I’m gonna hammer the hell out of you with it.”

  “I am ready,” she wailed, crying, on the verge of begging. “Oh God, now, Jake! Please! Anything, just—I need you.”

  He laughed, but it was a rough, ragged sound that had everything to do with pleasure and nothing to do with humor. “You’re gonna do everything I tell you to, aren’t you, sweetheart? Outside of the bedroom, we’ll be perfect partners, equals, but in bed, you’re gonna let me fuck you whenever and however I want. Aren’t you, Taylor?”

  “Yes,” she cried, holding his eyes in the mirror, trying to convey with a look everything she was feeling. Then his head lowered and she felt the rough scrape of his tongue right across her nipple, watching it, holding his eyes, and she couldn’t even breathe anymore. Sharp pleasure flooded through her, drenching his fingers and her thighs, and he really began working her with them, cramming his fingers out and back in, closing his mouth over the pretty mound of her breast and sucking hard enough to make her shout.

  She was bucking beneath him, riding his hand, and he moved to the other breast, drawing it in, working his throat to take in as much as could, biting and licking and sucking until he heard her muttering, “Oh shit…oh shit…oh shit.”

  “You want more?” he asked around her nipple, digging his thumb into her clit, burying his fingers deep.


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