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MASTER AND BABY : A Tale of Erotic Submission

Page 3

by J. J. MacGuire

  Pressure was being applied to my clit and a cold rivulet of water made its way over my lips and vagina to puddle at the rim of my ass. My leg muscles tightened and I rose to try to meet the ice cube that had been taken away. I felt my labium start to swell and a soft moan escaped.

  Heat enveloped the tip of one nipple then the other, causing them to harden more then they were already, pulling the areola taunt. My body twitched of its own accord as the warm nearly hot wax covered my breast. I felt the wax harden almost instantly drawing the skin tight beneath it.

  My breasts were coated in a shell of cooling wax that absorbed all the heat. My heart beat in the tips. The thin sheen of sweat covering my body turned cold as Master placed a cube on my belly button. The only sound in the room was my intermittent gasps and moans as my body shook and shivered. My lips convulsed begging to be touched when I heard the door open.

  "Perfect timing, Kitten. Come over here," Master said as she entered the room. "Stan not with you?"

  "No, Master. I left him in the kitchen to finish his food. He sent me to find out if you were ready for us to return."

  I wanted to see them but the blindfold was tight and even shifting my head allowed no light to filter through. I know Kitten had that smirk, the one she got when Master wanted her to do something for him. Sort of like a Cheshire cat going for a bowl of cream.

  "I'll call him in a few minutes. First I need you to prepare Baby for her punishment."

  "Punishment," screamed through my brain, not discipline but punishment, meaning Master was not going to enjoy this and neither was I. "Kitten, attach the chain of the nipple clips to the one hanging down from above, while I get the chain on her lips."

  Kitten jerked the chain and pulled hard. I was prepared for her to do that so I had arched, but not enough. The hard wax over the clips didn't give and my entire breast was pulled upward, ripping a cry of pain from me.

  Almost simultaneously, Master tugged on the clips attached to my throbbing lips, drawing them apart and up. My clit was jumping as his thumb rubbed back and forth over the now completely exposed area.

  Smack, as Master's hand hit my upper thigh just above my ass and my body moved on the impact pulling my nipples and lips, tearing another scream from me, louder then the pain justified.

  "Baby, really, this is about control. If I hear another peep out of you I will gag you. Do you understand me, Baby?" Biting down on my bottom lip I whisper that I did. "Good. Kitten, let's go see if Stan is finished. But before we do, get the medium butt plug, the one with the remote and bring it here."

  I heard Kitten skip across the stone floor to the toy chest, and the drawer sliding open. She giggled, as the drawer slammed shut.

  Master's hand was on my stomach, his finger tapping gently in the puddle of water from the now completely melted ice cube. Kitten was back at his side in a flash. He rolled the plug in the water and trailed it down my stomach over my heat and shoved it into my anus. I bucked with the force but I knew it would be fast and hard. I anticipated the stretching searing pain and didn't scream out. My head rocked back and forth, I didn't want the gag.

  Master patted each of my butt cheeks and said, "Kitten, kiss Baby goodbye for now." Her soft lips met mine. I felt her smile turn into a heated demanding kiss to be released all to soon. "Baby, I want you to think about control. You are completely in mine, everything you do I allow. I do not allow you to touch yourself without permission." With the last word said, Master hit the remotes on button and the plug vibrated on high. I wasn't prepared for him to do that just yet. I thought he'd leave me before doing so, and I moaned. The vibrating stopped instantly.

  "Get the "O" ring gag, Kitten," Master barked out, "put it on her and come to the kitchen when you're done." Disgust rolled off Master's tongue.

  The lock on the door clicked and Kitten slipped the gag into my mouth and fastened it on the side. "I've never seen Master so upset, Baby," she whispered and left as well.

  Total quiet enveloped me; tears were rolling from under the blindfold over my cheeks. I was here through no one's fault but my own. I had deeply hurt my Master, my love, by my behavior. Cold dread radiated through me as the plug kicked on again and off almost as fast. Master once said that in punishment each action reflected a pain in his heart, inaction sorrow. All was still but my involuntary muscle contractions.


  As I lay in the dark of the blindfold with no sounds, my body trembling from the chill in the room and penned up desires. I began to see Master in the kitchen. I could picture the scene as if I was there. Kitten, with that little gold chastity belt, fluttering around Master, begging him to touch her, not in words but with her eyes and body movements, craving his hands on her.

  I imagined Master caressing her butt cheeks as she stood next to him, running his hands up her back, while she turned toward him offering her lily-white breasts with their hard mauve nipples, him taking one in hand rubbing his thumb over the bud.

  With that thought my body went hot from head to toe and I shifted in my confines, the clips on my own nipples and pussy pulled hard and I cried out through the "O" as the pain coursed through them. The gentle throbbing had turned to a pounding, and my heat was dripping with need. "Master," I tried to moan.

  As if my plea had been heard the plug began to vibrate, shaking me to my very soul. Flashes of Master sucking on Kitten’s nipple raced through my mind, as sensation from the vibrator brought me closer to the peak of pleasure. "Aghh," it stopped, and I spiraled back; every nerve in my body cried for satisfaction. I pulled on my bonds to no avail. How I needed!

  Fingers clenching, itching to rub my heat to bring myself an end to what had been started. I was restrained totally. Master knew I'd reach this point, I knew I would, but not this early in my punishment. He wanted to me to know what true need was, that my playing with myself at the slightest provocation was not allowed and was nothing compared to the need I could feel. I burned with desire.

  Think of something else my mind screamed, anything, think of … Master, Kitten … Stan. Kitten between them, their mouths sucking on her, laying her face down over the edge of the counter in the kitchen. No, something else ... Master's hands splayed over Kitten’s ass, rubbing and caressing it, Kitten moaning, purring at the touch. Stan holding Kitten's hands as Master applied the paddle to Kitten's cheeks turning them from alabaster white to cherry red.

  Kitten crying out in pleasure and pain as Master applied the paddle to her bottom, over and, the chastity belt pressing into her heat.

  Master's face aglow with delight, enjoying the fact that one was doing as she was instructed. Kitten basking in Master's attention. Faster and faster his strokes went, in time with the beat of my heart.

  "Oh…" The vibrator was going again and I was aflame with desire. Lightening hot flashes charged through my veins, only to be cut short of their final goal as the plug shut off again, dropping me to the pit of molten despair. I cried out in my need, tears flooding my eyes. How could Master do this to me? Why was he torturing me?

  I heard an inner voice over my screams saying, "it isn't Master who's doing this to you, you did this to yourself. If you had listened you would be where Kitten is, you would be satisfied, pampered, loved."

  " No, Master loves me, I know he does. He won't leave me like this for long," I cried.

  "Not until you learn, Baby. Will you learn? Will you learn?" echoed my subconscious.

  I was floating again, over the kitchen, looking down at Kitten as Master cradled her in his arms, kissing away her tears. The gentle smile of satisfaction on her pretty face as she cuddled close to him. The look of pleasure on Master and Stan’s faces because Kitten had performed well.

  The vibrator was on again, pulsating on and off, with only enough time in between for me to gasp a breath. My body was shaking and twitching so hard the small breaths of air I could get weren't enough to steady me. I was tossed me to the edge only to drag me back before I could cum.

  Swish, crack, came to my ea
rs before the pain radiated from my thighs. Swish, crack, again and again as the flogger bit into my thighs. The plug was turned off as the whip hit then turned on again as the last piece of leather moved away – over and over again. Every nerve in my body begged for release. I heard myself moaning through the "O" ring, begging and pleading for it. Then all went still.

  My heart pounded in every inch of my body. My moans, now whimpers, were the only sound in the room. I strained to hear someone moving. I lay there trying to anticipate what would come next. Still nothing happened. My body shakes had slowed, and goose bumps started to rise on my body. The endorphin high was ebbing.

  The door opened and closed once again to complete silence.


  "Baby," Kitten's voice came through a fog, "Baby, Master sent me to release you." Kitten peeled back the wax and released my breasts from the clamps. They were so sensitive to the cool air in the dungeon. I was pulling on the cuffs – my fingers wanted to rub my breasts.

  She move to my wildly throbbing heat and undid the clips, patting them twice, I bucked with the sudden impact as the blood came crashing back into my lips. Trailing her hand up my legs she undid one and then the other laying them gently on the table. I tried to close them but she pushed them apart with a slap to my thigh. "No, Baby." My hands where clenching with the need to touch myself.

  The blindfold and gag were still in place and my hands were still attached to the table. I heard her move to the toy chest and thought she was replacing the clips until she returned and slipped a three-inch thick leather collar around my neck. She then attached the cuffs binding my wrist to the six-inch chains that were attached to the collar at the back.

  Helping me to a sitting position, she moved my legs to hang over the table, and stood between my spread thighs. I could rest my hands on my shoulders but I couldn't reach any lower – I tried.

  Laughing at my feeble attempt, Kitten peeled the rest of the wax from my breast, scraping her fingers over my tender flesh. She finished removing the wax completely off the right one, when she pulled the nipple into her mouth and started to suck hard. My body was hot lava, flowing to her mouth.

  Just as quickly as she started she stopped. I folded like a paper doll. She moved to the left one and pulled off all its wax and I arched toward her, waiting for her to take that one into her mouth, as well.

  She anticipated me and pinched and twisted the nipple. "Baby, when will you learn? You are one greedy little subbie. Continue to sit like this. Do not move a muscle or I will follow Master's instructions and put you back for the night. You understand, not a muscle.

  I froze; I didn't even nod to let her know I understood. The drumming in my heat slowed to a dull throbbing, but every so often it twitched. I had to concentrate not to whip my thighs together.

  Luckily, or maybe not so luckily, she was back in a flash, attaching something around my thighs just above my knees. She helped me down from the table. I tried to shift my legs closer together to balance myself, but she had attached a bar to my legs and it was holding them apart.

  Snickering, Kitten said, "Master sure knows you well, Baby. He said the first thing you would do when your arms were free of the table would be to try to rub your breast, and when your legs were free you'd try to squeeze them together."

  She ran her hand over my mound and stuck her finger inside me. My vagina squeezed hard around her finger. Kitten pulled it out laughing, "Yes, you are a greedy one." She tweaked both my nipples before moving away from me.

  I had to stand with my knees bent because of the bar between them. I felt her tug on the collar, to pull me to start walking.

  "I'm on leash," I cried to myself. Master had not had me on leash in over a year. He'd said leashes were for newbies, trainees, and since I was trained to obey I would no longer be on a leash. My heart cried out at the humiliation of it all. He was showing me just how displeased he was with my actions.

  I did my best to keep up with her as she moved out of the dungeon. It took several steps before I got the swing of my legs right to maneuver up them. We reached the top and headed down the hall. She moved along rather quickly and I hoped she wasn't going to lead me into a wall. The floor turned from soft carpet to the hard tile in the kitchen when she stopped short and I bumped into the back of her.

  "Well, hello you two. I see you followed my instructions, Kitten," Master said as the plug vibrated on. My legs gave out and I went to my knees. "Unlike some." The vibrator continued. I was totally disoriented and shaking all over. The only thing keeping me from toppling on my face was Kitten holding the leash.

  I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me and I teetered on the edge of coming when the vibrator shut off. A deep primal moan ripped from me.

  "Kitten, did baby behave?" Master asked grabbing my hair at the back of my head and tilting it back. "No, Master," Kitten said as I gasped, "she did just as you said she would – pulled on the chains trying to touch herself and tried to put her legs together too, but the bar stopped her."

  "Kitten, go take Stan a beer. He's out by the pool. Baby and I need a few minutes together. Tell Stan I'll call you both in a few minutes."

  I hated not being able to see Master's face. I wanted to be able to apologize, plead, beg him to release me. If this blindfold wasn't on, I could have done so with my eyes. Master could always read what I was thinking just by looking at my eyes, but Master wasn't in a forgiving mood.

  I heard the sliding glass door click shut, as something soft brushed my lips. I flicked my tongue through the "O" ring to moisten my lips. The next moment Master was inside my mouth all the way to the back of my throat. I started to gag but he didn't pull out. I stopped gagging and Master started to pump in and out of my mouth. I tried to suck on him, to enjoy the wonderful texture of his hard shaft that I loved so much, but the ring wouldn't let me.

  Faster and faster Master pumped, gripping my head with both hands. Tears were leaking out from under the blindfold and streaming down my cheeks. Master rammed in hard and stilled. His hot juices coated my throat. I choked once and started to swallow as the tears came harder. Master pulled out and stepped back from me. I sagged towards the floor but he was holding the leash tight.

  "No, Baby, you are to remain just as you are – on your knees." With that, he dropped the leash and moved away.

  Even though I did the best I could to swallow all, some leaked out of my mouth and oozed down my chin. I whimper. I hurt to my very soul. Never had Master treated me so coldly.

  My whimpers became sobs when Master said, "Baby, you will remain blindfolded and gagged until I determine you have learned. I will have Kitten take you to get cleaned up, but you will resume this position when she is done."

  The sliding glass door slid open and over my sobs I heard Master telling Kitten the same thing he had just told me."


  Kitten helped me to my feet, wrapping her arms around me to quiet my sobs. "Baby, I have never seen Master look as angry as he did when he came back out to the pool. What did you do to him?" I sobbed louder. I knew what I had done; I had forced Master into punishing me. He was a loving, caring Dom. By my actions he had gone against his nature. Never had he taken without giving some form of pleasure. I was crying uncontrollably, not knowing or caring where Kitten was taking me.

  She placed me on the side of the tub and started to run the water in the sink. I was still crying but the tears had slowed a little when she ran the warm washcloth over my tear stained cheeks.

  "Baby, calm yourself. Crying will only make Master angrier with you." She was right of course. Bemoaning my fate would only add to the humiliation I was feeling, and add insult to injury where Master was concerned.

  I had to pull myself together, to prove to Master I was a sub worthy of him. The washcloth was moving down my collarbone. I inhaled wanting to grind my teeth so I wouldn't lean into it. I knew what Kitten was trying to do. She wanted me to show my weakness, but at that moment I vowed I would not. I would be good. I would s
it here come what may and not give into my wants. I needed Master; I wanted to cum. Master was the most important thing in my life. I needed Him. I needed his approval and love. I needed to be all he wanted me to be. I could do it. My love for him would help me do it.

  Kitten finished cleaning me up and even had me rinse out my mouth. She brushed my hair and re-braided it. "Come, Baby," she said as she tugged on the leash. "Master will start wondering if we're behaving ourselves if we're in here much longer."

  I hurried to follow her. Instead of the kitchen she took me into Masters formal living room, to my pillow in the corner and had me kneel there. At least if I had to remain on my knees it wouldn't be as bad as on the hard stone kitchen tiles.

  Kitten dropped the leash and patted me on the head, whispering, "Good, Baby, you're learning. Master and Stan will be in, in just a little while. Remember you are to remain kneeling. Don’t let Master catch you leaning back on your heels."

  The room was quiet except for the hum of the stereo. Master must have been listening to music and having his nightcap when Stan showed up. Master came in here to contemplate a problem. What music he listened to depended on the problem. I wished I could peek at the CD so I'd know how upset he was with me. Hanging my head, I really didn't need to look. I knew from the kitchen.

  Time passed and no one came in. I wondered what time it was; really what day it was. The dinner party was Friday night; people had left well after 2 P.M. I had showered, petted and played with myself, upsetting Master, again; been sent to the dungeon, my breasts were starting to itch. Wax dried the skin and they needed to be creamed.

  Sounds from the kitchen, ah, yes morning. Kitten must be making Master some breakfast or brunch. My stomach growled, the least of my worries.


  Master come in and removed the gag. I was working my jaw when he picked up my leash and guided me by the living room, through the kitchen and out the sliding doors to the patio by the pool. He brought me to a pillow next to the table.


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