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There's More to Life Than This: Healing Messages, Remarkable Stories, and Insight About the Other Side from the Long Island Medium

Page 22

by Caputo, Theresa

  Once I felt comfortable with everything that was happening, my intuition shot through the roof. I occasionally had a “sense of knowing” that Theresa also has, and Scott began calling me “Ed Glosser: Trivial Psychic,” based on the old Saturday Night Live sketch about a man whose ridiculous readings aren’t very useful. I can’t blame him. I offhandedly mentioned that I was surprised that our neighbor’s chickens hadn’t found their way into our yard yet, and the next morning, our yard was full of chickens. I also knew my friend Jenny was pregnant before she told anyone outside her family. When the dog jumped off the sofa and began limping, I held her ankle, prayed for healing, and her limp was gone. And the minute I stepped into an antique store with my friend Beth, I wanted butter cookies nestled in white ruffled cups, stored in an old-fashioned tin. I’d never had such a specific craving, but whatever. I told the cashier I’d skipped lunch and asked if she had anything sweet for my blood sugar. “I don’t want you to faint! Here,” she said, and pulled out an antique tin of butter cookies, white paper cups and all.

  One of the cutest incidents for me, personally, was when the souls of my departed loved ones helped with the book. I didn’t experience them in any “psychic” way, but when Theresa did, I got the chills. My Nana and cousin Mimi regularly stepped forward in interviews to demonstrate points that were tricky for Theresa to explain. If she needed to, say, illustrate how Spirit looked or moved through space, Mimi or Nana acted it out, so Theresa could describe it as it happened. At one point, I didn’t get what Theresa meant about how souls look if they sit with a family member, so Nana did it for her in a way I could understand. I could easily imagine her saying, “For God’s sake, Kristina. It’s like this.”

  As the book came to a close, I could feel most of the energy leaving my house. It was subtle yet incredibly obvious at the same time. The best comparison I can make is when your home is really dusty, and you don’t even realize it until after you vacuum and the air feels so much clearer and lighter. There was an energy that noticeably remained, though—whatever was on my bench—because it still captivated Izzy for hours.

  When Theresa and I finished her book, she gave me a private reading. My Nana, Mimi, and Spirit guide—who appeared to her as a bright, angelic light—stepped forward. They confirmed what I’d suspected all along, and then some. “Your Nana wants you to know that what you were sensing was real,” she said. “They made you feel what you were writing, so that you understood it. Your guide says they worked hand in hand with you, so the book would be effortless.” She went on to clarify that when signs and symbols occurred, they were caused by Nana and Mimi but orchestrated by my awesome guide. She is the one who sat in my office every day, engaging my dog so intently.

  I didn’t share every spiritual moment I had with Theresa, so I think the extent of it caught her by surprise. “Wait, they’re saying they allowed you to be me for a moment? What the hell?” She laughed. “It’s funny, though, because I also feel there’s a sense of apology for making you feel what you did, but you have to understand, that is my life.”

  Yes, I get it, I know. What I never imagined was that “being Theresa” would be such an incredible experience. Not only because I truly respect what she does, but also because her access to God and Spirit leave absolutely no room for doubt in my life. I received so much validation about God and the afterlife during this project that my faith in Him has grown tremendously, as has that of many friends. The book has impacted my marriage too. Scott now believes that your soul lives on, and he has a more active interest in God. When I recently heard him start a sentence with the words “God willing . . .” I nearly choked on my burrito. It’s clear to us that positive and seemingly unbelievable things can happen to anyone, at any time, and they can change your life if you let them.

  On a Saturday-afternoon drive to see Pat for a hive-related healing, Scott summed it up pretty nicely. “Marriage and life in general come with a lot of surprises,” he said, “but I never thought you’d know a celebrity psychic, have a healer, and that I’d be the one shuttling you back and forth to see them.” Neither did I, baby. Neither did I.


  I couldn’t have written this book without the love, encouragement, and guidance I’ve received throughout this process and as a medium—from people in the physical world and Spirit on the Other Side. I’m so appreciative of everyone who’s helped me grow and learn, even if I’m also an airhead who might forget to mention you below.

  My warmest thanks to my coauthor, Kristina Grish, for your hard work and dedication to understanding me and Spirit. Who knew that being trapped in a hotel room for twelve hours a day would be that much fun and create such an amazing book? I think the sticky buns helped! And to my editor, Johanna Castillo, and the entire team at Atria Books, for believing in me and turning this project into a reality. Johanna, I know you worked really hard to make this happen, and I’m so grateful that you did!

  To my incredible manager, Courtney Mullin, who cemented this deal and has been with me from the start. I’m truly thankful for your direction, business savvy, good instincts, and long-term vision that always knows what’s right for me. You shelter me from stressful situations, make sure I’m taken care of, and remind me to enjoy the ride. Also, to your sister Victoria Woods, for telling you that I was “made for television.” I think she was onto something!

  To Magilla Entertainment’s Laura Palumbo Johnson, Brian Flanagan, and Matt Ostrom, who knew within five minutes that we had something special. To Jonathan Partridge, for putting your heart and soul into the show, and to our hardworking crew, for making it a blast to come to work every day in my own house. And to everyone at TLC, especially Joanna Brahim and Tara Patten, for supporting who I am and what I do.

  I also want to thank the people who help take the show on the road, including Rich Super from Super Artists and everyone at Mills Entertainment, for making my live experiences a success. I’m grateful to the talented and generous Michele Emanuele for always helping me look fabulous, and to my attorney, Jeff Cohen, for having my best interests in mind.

  To my sweet and calm assistant, Courtney White, for basically running my life. Thanks for being “Positive Polly” and always assuring me that everything will be okay.

  To Pat Longo, for helping me grow my gift, always reminding me to stay grounded, and never letting me forget where I came from. Thank you for being there when I need you—morning, noon, and in the middle of the night. I’m really appreciative of all you did to help with this book too. We couldn’t have done it without you.

  To Eileen Bacchi, for putting up with all my anxieties before we knew what the heck was going on. E, you are a special friend, and I will always value our relationship. Nobody “takes the kids to the store” like we do—back and forth, back and forth . . .

  To Desiree Simonelli, for renewing our friendship after so many years, with no questions asked. I miss our Friday-night pizza parties! I am so glad you’re in my life.

  To Bill and Regina Murphy, for allowing Brian to be the first child I ever channeled. It was such an honor then, and I feel blessed that his soul is still around me.

  To my big Italian family on both sides, including aunts, uncles, and cousins, particularly Aunt Debbie and Aunt Gina, for being such a big part of my world while I was growing up. And to my cousin Lisa Brigandi, whom I can talk to about anything and everything. You know, firsthand, what it is to walk in my shoes, and you do it gracefully.

  To my parents, Ronnie and Nick, for being the best neighbors a girl could ask for, and for supporting me as I found my way in life. It couldn’t have been easy to understand my abilities at first, but you had faith in me and I cherish that. And Dad, I know this freaks you out, but thank you for never questioning my intentions or sanity. I also want to thank my brother, Michael, and his family for accepting and supporting me. I’m always here for you and the kids, in case they take after Aunt Theresa (if you know what I mean)! To Gr
am and Nanny Brigandi, for guiding me when I started all of this and still visiting me when I need them the most. And to Connie, Jack, and the whole Caputo clan for loving me and giving me the best gift of all—your son.

  To my husband, Larry, and the kids, for knowing when to give me a hard time and when to make me feel like a million. Larry, you are the love of my life, and I thank God every day that you fell for the perky girl with big hair. Larry Jr. and Victoria, thanks for putting up with the house always smelling like sage, when I know you wish it smelled like my meatballs with vodka sauce.

  Last but never least, I’m eternally thankful to God and Spirit for all the blessings in my life—foremost among them, my amazing clients and fans. Because of you, I’ve learned more about forgiveness, growth, and unconditional love than I ever knew was possible. Thank you for trusting me with your hearts and your loved ones’ souls.



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  The author would like to thank the following people for permission to share their stories: Pat, beginning on p. 15; Regina, p. 44; Jacqueline, p. 71; Kristy, p. 102; Richard, p.103; Corrinda, p. 107; Mike, p. 107; Geeta Soogrim-Hirsch, pp. 111 and 209; Reese, p. 166; Shantelle, p. 166; William, p. 186; Meagan, p197; Crystal Singh, p. 209; Tyler Hirsch, p. 209; Melanie, p. 211.

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  Copyright © 2013 by Theresa Caputo

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Atria Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

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