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Outbreak: The Zombie Chronicles

Page 17

by Mark Clodi;Mike Keleman

  While the guys had been busy laughing Nancy used the distraction and limped her way to one of the gas pumps. The metal roof that had once protected customers from the weather while they pumped gas now hid her from the men above. She removed one of the nozzles and flipped the switch to "On". When Nancy pulled the handle gas began spilling onto the ground. Her plan was to smoke the guys out of their hiding place and now all she needed was a light. She had searched several of the bodies without any luck when she spotted the smoke still drifting from the cigarette George had tossed from the roof.

  "You guys smell that?" Jake asked.

  Nancy watched as the entire gas station parking lot burst into flames. Either the beers or the hand rolled cigarettes caused George to forget about using the ladder they had up on the roof because he chose to jump rather than lowering it in his haste to get away from the flames that were spreading into the gas station below the men. He crumpled to the ground in pain when he landed, holding his left ankle. Tony and Jake, on the other hand, lowered the ladder and began climbing down.

  Tony was still halfway down and Jake had only put one foot on the pavement when an explosion ripped through the gas station. The impact of the blast threw both men into the air and after a very short flight they landed hard and lay still, their bodies smoking from where their clothing had caught fire.

  The intense heat from the fire made Nancy nearly blind. She could barely make out a faint form of energy crawling away from the gas station. It was George and he was trying to escape. Nancy ran after him and when she got close enough she grabbed him by his broken ankle causing him to howl in pain.

  "Where the hell do you think you're going?" She tightened her grip on his leg and he screamed again.

  "Two for you and one for me. It's only fair sweet cheeks."

  Startled Nancy looked up to see a black figure on the other side of George. The same black figure that Veronica had pointed out to her across the parking lot. He was a large man well over six feet tall and probably pushing close to two hundred and fifty pounds. He wore black steel toe boots, dirt and oil stained jeans, and a gray mechanic style work shirt that had the name "Dave" sewn on the left breast pocket in red letters. Nancy wondered if it was the reflection from the flames or perhaps his last meal that gave the tips of his long blond hair a pinkish tint.

  "Fuck off, Dave." she snarled back, emphasizing his name. Nancy began pulling George by his broken ankle causing another scream to erupt from his lips. Her progress was cut short when Dave reached down and grabbed George by his wrist suspending him mid air between the two of them. George let out another yell of agony.

  "Come on pumpkin pie, I've had my eye on these guys for two days now, I deserve a little something for my efforts don't you think?"

  Irritated she turned back to face Dave. "I don't give a crap how long you watched them. The bottom line is this: I got them down and they are mine, all three of them. You had better let go unless you want that beautiful blond head of yours split in two by her." Nancy finished pointing to Veronica who had taken her standard place at her misstress's side.

  "Such violence. Don't you think we've all seen too much violence the last couple of days? Let's be civilized. We each get one and then maybe we all head off into the shadows and have some fun, just the three of us." he smiled.

  "Not a chance in hell. V" Nancy gave the nod for Veronica to put an end to the discussion. She raised her blade but stopped when Dave revealed a sawed off double barrel shot gun that he had been hiding behind his right leg. The gun was now pointed at her master's head.

  "I know what you are thinking pop tart, 'is it loaded?', 'can his dead fingers accurately pull the trigger while holding the meat with his right hand? Is he a lefty?' Lets not find out ok? It is a sawed off shot gun after all, I don't need to be too accurate at this range."

  Nancy continued their gruesome tug-o-war for a few more seconds staring into his eyes searching for some sign of a bluff before she released her grip dropping George to the ground.

  "See you soon Dave." Nancy warned before she turned and limped away.

  To Vernica Dave said, "I like her. But me and you could have so much more fun."

  "It doesn't work that way. If you don't know that by now you are as stupid as you look." replied Nancy.

  "How many chickas you got in your little gang? I saw what, three? Come to think about it, I might have to get me my own little harem. Sure you don't want do be my leading lady sugar plum?"

  The look on Veronica's face told him her answer. Dave shrugged and walked away pulling George behind him. The back of his shirt read "Big Dave's Custom Cycles".

  "So, he's a biker. I dated a biker once." she watched as he paused to blow her a kiss before he dragged George's screaming body into the night, "He was an asshole too."

  Nancy and the girls gathered up the unconscious Tony and Jake, they were half burned and more than half dead, but they made a satisfying meal for the girls as they retreated back into suburbia.

  Chapter 38

  Max was feeling better, he woke up in what looked like a doctor's examining room and not a very up to date or modern one at that, it had a, well, 'shabby' look about it. The magazines were months old, the walls were not really dirty so much as stained with dirt and the place had an underlying, unpleasant odor to it. The window, set high upon the wall was going gray, indicating the sun was probably going down, as the office was also hot. Max struggled to sit up and stopped immediately, his stomach hurt, he gingerly lifted the blanket covering him and saw his mid section had a bandage wrapped completely around it, white and pristine and it looked professional. Otherwise he was nude. 'Crap.' he thought, he did not see his clothing anywhere in the office. Twisting to the side to try and get himself up on one elbow was painful, but less so than attempting a sit up. An IV dangled from his left arm, he left it in. Funny in movies the first thing people do when they wake up in this situation is pull the IV out and go running around looking for trouble. Max did not feel so robust as to pull his own IV out, and running around butt naked in a world full of flesh eating zombies was about as stupid a thing that Max had ever thought of. He sat up, almost feeling like he was going to vomit, then just sat there. He was not sure how long he remained there sitting before there was a brief knock on the door and a nurse came into the room in a brusque manner.

  "Welcome back Max! You shouldn't have sat up, here get back down, no really you might tear the stitches by twisting around or being really active. My name is Beth and I understand, if I have the stories straight I have you to thank for our rescue from the hordes of zombies in the parking lot. So thanks!" With that, before Max could stop her she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. It could have been more than a modest kiss, but Max back away from it.

  "Wha-what? You got the wrong guy! I passed out in the car I had very little to do with your rescue! Do you kiss all your patients?"

  "Oh, no? First, no I don't 'kiss all my patients' only the cute ones who can't fight back and second if you had not been shot your friends would never have come here and never would have saved our lives, so yes you are the cause for my liberation. Let me check these stitches okay?" Beth slowly peeled up the side of the bandage and checked underneath it, removing some stained gauze checking the stitches in the remaining natural light. "Wanna guess how many the doctor put in? C'mon take a guess."

  "Ah, thirty?" ventured Max

  "Oh right on the nose! No, just kidding, he put in sixty five. You are very lucky the bullet was really more of a graze, it had to have hit you from the side and tore across the front of your abdomen. You have a hero scar there, one to tell your grandkids about. Still it was a mess and some of the muscles were bruised and torn, it is going to be weeks or months before you are fully healed. Nope you didn't tear any stitches out by sitting up, lucky you as I know the doctor would not want to waste any more anesthesia on you, we are just a clinic not a hospital so he had to kind of 'make due' anyway. Still you came out okay. Your friends are okay, too, Tom has a sprai
ned shoulder and Jane has a pretty badly bruised ankle. Steve came through everything without a scratch on him, the lucky bugger!"

  "Jane?" Max's mind was a little foggy still.

  "Yeah Jane! You call her Stewart for some damn reason."

  "Her badge, 'Officer Stewart', that's all." Max shrugged, then winced in pain.

  "Ooh you poor boy let me give you something for the pain real quick." Beth administered a drug into Max's IV line and within seconds was feeling no pain. Beth continued, "Well the doctor is going to want to see you, he is trying to save that kid Jacob's life and not having much luck at it, but he will be along shortly. Why not sit there and rest for awhile longer?"

  Max drifted in and out of sleep and woke with a doctor standing over him, the window was dark and the room was lit only from the hallway. The man was older, probably near retirement and his coat was just as shabby as the office they were in.

  "Max are you awake? Okay? C'mon lets sit you up here." and he assisted Max into a sitting position, "I don't recommend you do that on your own for a few days yet okay? Get help to lay down and stand up otherwise you might pull the stitches out. Here", he came up with several small boxes of what looked like medicine, "are a bunch of anti-biotics, you have to take them four times a day, every six hours one tablet if you can, as close to six hours apart as you can get, okay? I know it may be a pain in the ass, but better that than an infection, I have the feeling hospitals and medical treatment have just taken a major kick to the ball sack. You feeling okay?"

  Max nodded and said, "Yeah considering, I am still a little groggy though. Beth gave me pain medicine."

  The doctor nodded, "Yeah, probably too much too, but you needed a nap more than you needed to be up and about. Your friends want to come in and talk to you too, they went out to the Men's store and picked you up some new clothing. I will send them in."

  Steve came in first holding a bag and smiling, but looking a bit worried in Max's eyes, "You alright Max?" Max nodded yes and Steve went on, "Look I brought you some new duds!" with that he pulled out some size forty six boxers and modeled them in front of his crotch, they were about twelve sizes, well okay at least ten sizes too big for Max but Steve went on, "See I figure they won't rub up against your wound this way, if they are extra large like, plus you have been packing on a few pounds since the spring, so I wanted to make sure I got something that fit you okay."

  "Asshole." Max said with a grin on his face. Steve went on to describe what had happened in the rest of the melee and how they met their new friends in the parking lot. Max had only hazy memories of what had happened and appreciated being filled in on everything. Soon enough Nurse Beth was at the door to usher Steve out, Stewart limped in next and she handed Max his cell phone, no messages and it still appeared to be working.

  "Your lucky day sport we found a men's store and a phone charger for your phone." She dangled a cord in her other hand in front of him, then put the phone down beside him and the cord down on the bag of clothing Steve had left. Gingerly she took him in a quick embrace.

  "I am glad you made it okay Max, I was so fucking scared man. I couldn't tell if the bullet had entered or just skimmed off. It looked like a graze to me, but I am not a doctor, in fact he was not even sure until he looked at the x-rays, no abdominal puncture you lucky son of a bitch. Plus you will have a great scar to show your grandkids."

  "So I've been told. I think I would rather just show my grandkids a nice scar less belly and tell them about how I was smart enough not to get shot." replied Max.

  Stewart chuckled and said, "Yeah, I hear you Max, I am glad you are going to be okay."

  Nurse Beth again made an appearance the door and cleared her throat. Stewart said, "Well visiting hours are pretty short here, you need to rest until morning and Tom still wants to talk to you."

  Tom came in next his arm in a sling, the first thing he said was, "Max I am so sorry! We should not have gone to my place."

  "Tom, it doesn't matter. Just stop, I don't want you to feel sorry, I mean it could have been my place or Steve's or somewhere on the street, it had nothing to do with you. You didn't shoot me, it was those skinhead assholes, okay?"

  "You serious Max? You forgive me? That means a lot, a lot to me man. If you ever need anything I will be there for you okay?"

  "Tom, we are all going to be there for each other, which is what this trip is about, which is what everything is about now. We go get what we need and get the hell out of Denver, maybe hole up somewhere until someone comes along and sets things straight. We are like the four musketeers, all for one and one for all!"

  Tom spotted the nurse out of the corner of his eye and said, "Well the nurse is pretty insistent that we don't spend too much time in here bugging you right now, so I gotta go. Thanks Max for not holding it against me!"

  Max snorted, "Like I would! It was just bad luck Tom, that is all. Good night."

  The nurse shooed Tom off and leaving the door open, she came in and said, "Sorry Max, about earlier, I didn't mean to freak you out, you know, with the kiss. I was just so glad we had been rescued. It was very unprofessional."

  Max blushed and looked away, "Ah, well that does not happen every day to me, you know? It kinda shook my image of what a nurse was supposed to be."

  "Well I am a nurse and should have known better. Anyway can you make it to the john or do you want me get you a bed pan? We do have them. Plus the doctor said you can get some underwear on and maybe a loose shirt, though he would rather you just slept the way you are for the night."

  Max looked at Beth and said, "The john, definitely." Not elaborating on the number two that was starting to give him urgent pangs. It didn't matter as he was too weak to sit down on the toilet himself anyway and when it came to clean up, well, he got to experience Beth's expertise there too. 'How fucking humiliating is this?' he thought to himself as she cleaned him up and helped him step into a pair of normal size thirty six boxers Steve had put in the bag under the larger size he had displayed to Max earlier. He opted out of the shirt and fell into a deep sleep soon after his head hit the pillow in the examination room. While he slept his phone had small, spasmodic fits of vibrating, once at midnight, then again at one thirty in the morning and finally at four sixteen in the morning, all made from his home phone number.

  is your plan then?"

  Chapter 39

  "Stop here Amelia, the lights are attracting too much attention." said Diane.

  "We are so close though, the Arvada exits start at Ward Road, just another few miles!"

  "Deary, another few miles with every zombie in the world coming down towards us on the highway could mean we don't make it at all, pull up here. The Solar Research Lab? Hm, a Marriott though, try that, I mean what can it hurt?"

  Pulling into the exit, navigating around three wrecks that looked like they happened when the drivers were going the wrong way on the off ramp, Amelia turned left, drove across the overpass and pulled her car into the parking lot of the Marriott hotel. Huge, the hotel was huge. Amelia drove up to the valet service area and kept on moving slightly past it, then put the car in reverse and backed it right up to the front door, stopping about five feet shy of them. She killed the engine and they looked around for any movement. Nothing. Nothing inside, nothing outside, nothing anywhere. The lights for the parking lot came on abruptly, creating not only pools of light across an acre of concrete, but also pools of darkness on the outer fringes. There were some lights on in the hotel too, various rooms at different levels were lit. Amelia caught a face looking out of one of the windows, a movement by a curtain and the face and light were gone.

  "Did you see that?" she asked Diane, who shook her head no. "It was up there on the, one, two, third, fourth floor there, maybe, what eight rooms from the end? It looked like a person there, a living guy, not a zombie."

  Diane gave her a skeptical look, but nodded, "It could still be a zombie you know."

  "No, no it looked like a little kid, not a zombie, we should go up there an
d see."

  Diane thought about it for a few seconds and said, "Yeah, yeah we should, heck we need a room anyway and I doubt there will be anyone here that can give us a key now. Are you ready to go in?"

  Amelia scanned their surroundings again and then slipped out of the car, making sure to take the keys with her. Diane followed suit and when the doors were shut Amelia used the remote to lock them. Together they moved to the main doors, pressing on them they found them locked. There were two side doors as well, one for both Amelia and Diane to try. Amelia's would not budge, but Diane pressed the handicap button and her door swung open with an automated noise. Both women went in and emerged in the lobby of the hotel. The place was dark, apparently no one had turned on the lights and they were not automated. Using the light cast off by the parking area Amelia could see the front desk, and signs indicating the way to the restaurants, pool, hair salon, massage therapist and gift shop. She grabbed Diane's arm and pointed to the sign, indicating they should follow the sign to the gift shop.

  Puzzled Diane nodded and both women set off down a dark corridor and arrived in front of the closed down gift shop. The doors were locked. Amelia looked around and spotted a bench, she said, "I am going to break the lower door window so we can get in there."

  She took the bench and, trying not to flinch, shoved it hard into the lower section of glass on the door. It made a loud thumping sound, but did not break. Amelia was amazed, she had not gone all out with her push, but had expected the glass to give away easier than that. She pulled the bench back and lifted it up off the ground for a stronger push, more like a battering ram this time. The bench struck the glass with another thumping sound the glass starred, but did not give in.

  "Jesus wept." She said, "How hard do I have to hit it? Diane I don't think I would make a good burglar. You better help me this time."

  Diane replied, "Amelia, why are we breaking into the gift shop?" as she picked up the end of the bench.

  "Flashlights, I bet they have flashlights and batteries in here, it looks like we will need them."


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