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Rendan (Scifi Alien Dragon Romance) (Dragons of Preor Book 4)

Page 7

by Celia Kyle

  Carla continued to flit around, towel whipping over the dishes she held before she replaced them in the appropriate cabinet. She’d shyly brought him an early meal but had scampered away before he could invite her to dine with him. That would not happen again. They would spend time together. He would batter down her walls using every tactic he’d learned as an offense master.

  She would not be able to resist him.

  The song gradually grew softer, a signal the music was coming to an end, and Rendan stepped into her space. Her scent wrapped around him like a seductive blanket and he fought to suppress his surging desire. His cock thickened and hardened, demanding to be released so he could fill his mate.

  Not yet. He did as he’d seen other human males and thumped the bulge of his length.

  He nearly crumpled with the pain that followed and decided human males were idiots. He wheezed with the agony, carefully straightening when his mate spun to face him. He pushed away the lingering pain—it hurt more than when he’d nearly had his wing ripped off—and forced a smile to his mouth.

  “Shaa—“ he silenced that endearment before it could form, though the urge to call her his beloved grew with every breath. “Carla,” he murmured. “Do you have plans this morning?”

  First, he would inquire. Act like an attentive male and then bend her to his desires. Carefully. Patiently. Secretively.

  “Um…” she pressed her lips together and wrinkled her nose. Her face was so expressive he could almost read her mind. “I was going to clean?”

  At least she did not give the “hair washing” excuse. Though her desire to clean was just as preposterous. Her hair—and the apartment—were both spotless.

  “Would you like to join me for a time?” He gestured toward the windows, sunlight streaming through the glass. “The sun is bright. The skies are clear. I would like to feel the wind on my wings. It would be good to ‘get out of the house’ and learn of one another. We are mates, Carla, but we are still individual beings. The Knowing ties our bodies, but we must explore our hearts.”

  And I want your legs straddling my neck.

  But he did not say that aloud.

  Carla nibbled her lower lip and he wished to tug it from her mouth and soothe the redness she caused. “Chashan said…”

  “That I should take a day for recovery.” He nodded slowly and then grinned. “Chashan is also what humans call a row-man-tick at heart. He wished us to spend time together.”

  Which was only a half-lie. The healing master did want them to spend time together, but Rendan’s primary responsibility was to heal.

  So he could participate in even more trials.

  An impending task he would not discuss with her. Not while Carla looked as if she’d say yes at any moment.

  Rendan padded forward, slowly closing in on his delectable mate. Her blue-eyed gaze scanned his body, her eyes stroking him with invisible hands. Her attention focused on his broad chest, his flat stomach, and the fullness of his katoth pants. Her pupils dilated, a sign of her arousal and desire for him. That knowledge nearly had him tossing his plan to the skies and laying her on the kitchen counter, but he restrained himself. Barely.

  He had a plan.

  He did not stop until mere inches separated them, and then he reached for her, his fingers curled to protect her from his nails. They’d sharpened when he allowed the dragon to push forward and would not be suppressed. He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand, stroking her hair and then tucking it behind her ear.

  “Do you not wish to feel the wind in your hair, little soma.”

  Carla’s breath caught when the endearment rolled off his tongue and he wondered if she’d object to the love name. “What…”

  He cupped her face, thumb sliding over her cheekbone. “I cannot call you what I wish, not while so much is unsettled.” He let his gaze weigh heavily on hers, hoping she saw his desire, could read his mind and know that kouva lingered on the tip of his tongue. “But you are so like a small soma.” He sought a description, recalling the Preor animal’s image. He was sure the Knowing would give Carla the information had she thought to search for it, but he wanted to provide it himself.

  “A soma is a small animal on Preor with golden fur. Almost like a smaller version of Earth’s pan-dah bear.” He stroked her hair, the strands falling through his fingers. “It appears sweet and petite—vulnerable. A Preor would see the furry animal lazing in a tree and would smile. They are gentle creatures, beautiful and majestic, and just one glance makes you wish you could hold it in your arms for eternity.”

  Just as he wished to hold Carla.

  “But?” she whispered, her warm breath fanning over his bare chest.

  “But they are fiercely territorial and protective—females more so than males. Many who wished to touch and hold a soma have lost limbs. When she has found someone she cares for deeply, she will do all she can to protect them.” He kept his gaze trained on her, watching each emotion and thought skirt across her face. “You are my own personal soma. The way you reacted to Ballakin…”

  Ballakin, the male who’d disobeyed orders and violated the Trial of Syh. It was a violation he’d have to address. Later.

  In medical he’d only been half-conscious, but he’d sensed both her fear and determination when speaking with Ballakin. His mate had at once withered and then strengthened during the confrontation.

  “Yes, you are my soma.” Rendan ached to brush his lips across hers, take a taste of her moist mouth and savor her natural flavors.

  But he could not. He must lay his plans and put them into motion first.

  “So, soma do you wish to feel the wind against your skin?” When she opened her mouth as if to deny him, he pressed a finger to her lips. He did not wish to hear her refuse. “A quick rush of fresh air.” As I fly us through the skies. He traced her lower lip with his finger, massaging the plump bit of flesh. “Say yes, shaa soma. Say yes.”

  Carla’s breath caught, eyes widening, and he waited for her answer.


  Carla’s “yes” quickly turned to “no.” Not just no, but hell no. No to the katrillionth degree. She should have realized something was up the very moment he took her hand and led her to the balcony. Because, okay, she sorta thought wind in her hair would have included a walk on the beach, but…

  She was still onboard with his plans at that point. Maybe sitting on the balcony was a good thing.

  Then he removed the railing.

  Then he removed his pants.

  “What are you doing?” she screeched the words and was surprised the windows hadn’t broken. He just smiled and she spun away to face the sliding glass doors, the ocean at her back.

  “Shaa soma,” he murmured low, and she sensed his presence at her back. His heat crept over her skin, his overwhelming scent filling her lungs. “The best way to feel the winds on your skin is on the back of a Preor.”

  The way he said those words, the smooth cadence and gentle roll, nearly had her melting into the floor. She closed her eyes, fighting back the urge to lean back against him, and stiffened her spine.

  “You’re supposed to be resting.” She licked her lips, imagining his taste. “Chashan—“

  “Wanted us to spend time together. My wings are well. It would take more than the trials to keep me from experiencing my mate’s legs astride my back.” The deep huskiness had her opening her eyes and she met his gaze in the window’s reflection.

  And she saw… her own feelings reflected from his eyes. Desire. Need. Desperation.

  She imagined straddling him, his massive form undulating beneath her, the deadly dragon who’d be gentle with her. And she was sure of that—Rendan would be gentle.

  “You were unconscious because…”

  His large hands came up and cupped her shoulders. “I did not say the trials were painless. Merely that they would not stop me.” Gaze still centered on her, he slowly lowered his head. His stare was unwavering as he opened his mouth and laid a soft, sensuo
us kiss on the curve of her neck. “Say yes, shaa soma.”

  The way he said those words, the tone of his voice and craving in his gaze, had her giving him the same answer once again. “Yes.”

  Even if it was the dumbest thing she’d ever done.

  Rendan’s lips split into a wide smile, and the tension he’d carried since they’d met vanished with that single expression. He kept his head lowered and nipped her neck, sharp teeth pinching the skin. “You will not regret it, shaa soma.”

  She was sure she would, but she didn’t have a chance to say that. Mainly because Rendan released her and just…

  The scene unfolded, reflected in the glass door, and she watched her mate spin and just leap off the balcony. Carla followed, rushing to the edge and staring down. Her mate headed for the ground like a bullet. His wings were wrapped around him, body forming a slim shape that easily cut through the air.

  And he wasn’t doing anything to slow his descent. “Ren—“

  Sand exploded near the ground, as if a bomb was detonated where her mate would have met the Earth. Was that him hitting the patio?

  No. No, because the sand was pink, a ghosting of a swirling cloud that spun around a decidedly solid object. An object that grew and stretched, reshaping between one breath and the next until her falling mate was replaced with a massive, two-hundred-ton dragon.

  Carla had heard about the beauty of a Preor’s shift, but she’d never witnessed the event. Now, it seemed, she had.

  One beat of his massive wings and then two, and then Rendan was truly airborne. He glided over the sandy beach, rising high before banking left and making his way around the building. He circled the high rise, each turn bringing him higher and closer to her. Each flap of wings sent a rush of salty air buffeting her, surrounding her with a combination of the sea and her mate.

  Rendan’s pink scales glittered in the sun’s bright rays, shades of pink ranging from the palest hue—almost white—to a deep maroon and every tint in between. A gust of fire preceded his next pass, the orange and red flames sizzling in the air while he twirled.

  Show off.

  What happened next nearly sent her falling over the edge of the balcony.

  I merely wish my mate to see the power of her male.

  That wasn’t… He hadn’t… In her head? No.

  She could still hear the batting of his wings, the sound coming in a regular rhythm, but he was out of sight. She was just being silly. There was no way someone could—

  Not someone, shaa soma. Your Preor mate.

  He whipped past again, one of his large, dragon eyes focusing on her for a brief moment before he disappeared around the corner, his tail flicking as if waving good-bye. He’d… Her Preor…

  She really was gonna finish a thought at some point. A full one and everything.

  I am coming around to land. Move away from the edge. The rumbling voice in her head was so like her Rendan, yet different. Still, it stroked her in places that had her trembling and shivering with need.

  Carla backed away, shuffling until she reached the glass, and then used the doors to keep her upright. Conceptually, she recognized her mate was a Preor dragon. In reality… well, reality was very different.

  Just as he’d reached out and spoken to her, she did the same to him. I… I moved away.

  She waited for a response, wondering if she’d been able to reach him. The Knowing had jumped into the confusing fray at some point, explaining that Preor mates typically had a mental connection of some sort, but it was particularly strong when the male was shifted. It allowed mates to speak.

  Excellent, shaa soma. The words were innocuous, just a few quick syllables of nothing, but there was something in the way he said them. There was a hint of praise, but also longing and overwhelming joy. Joy that nearly sent her to her knees because it was so strong.

  Because she’d intentionally spoken to him—mind to mind. The first true connection between mates. Her throat tightened as the gravity of the event sank into her, but she swallowed and pushed it down.

  The sound of his approach grew and she knew he’d be swinging past at any moment, but she wasn’t sure where the hell he planned on lan—

  The whole building shook, her world reduced to a wall of pale pink, and the scrape of talons on stone and metal filled the air. The tower wavered, swinging left and right for a while before the trembles slowly eased. And through it all, the balcony was shielded by a thin layer of pink—Rendan’s wing.

  When the waving came to an end, her mate went into motion, his claws carefully digging into the building’s supports as he repositioned himself. That was when his eyes—okay, eye—came into view. He met her gaze, the reptilian pupil focused on her with wariness in that giant orb.

  He was worried his landing had frightened her too much to go flying. In truth, it had. But standing there, staring into his eye, knowing his first thought was for her safety before all else. That fear was fleeting. It’d be gone as quickly as it arrived. Or at least, almost as quickly. Her heart still raced, pounding at a rapid pace, and she fought to calm her breathing.

  That was… interesting. She knew there was no way to suppress her trepidation so she didn’t even try.

  And if dragons could smile, she was sure Rendan was at that moment. The best is yet to come, shaa soma. Do I have your trust?

  Did he? Everything she knew about Preors, everything she knew about him, rushed forward and a sense of calm settled over her. They had problems, but Rendan would die before hurting her.

  Yes. She nodded, still unfamiliar with this whole head-talking thing.

  Rendan eased away from the balcony, moving to the side so she could see the ocean once more. Then jump.

  Okay, she “heard” the words, but he couldn’t mean…

  Jump, shaa soma, and I shall catch you.

  She eyed him, this massive dragon who could eat her with a single bite.

  I could love you just as easily.

  Something she wasn’t ready to address yet. Just… jump?

  A floating tendril of smoke puffed from his nose as if he laughed at her. Jump.

  Jump. Of course. So easy. It wasn’t like she didn’t have wings or anything. Nooo… jumping off buildings was something humans did all the damn time.

  To kill themselves.

  On my honor as a warrior and your mate, I shall catch you and we shall fly off into the sunset.

  She didn’t want to know where he got that saying from.

  She would do this. Soon even. In…

  Three… two… she rocked back on her heels and then just went balls to the wall toward the edge. She shouted with that final leap, arms and legs spread. “One!”

  Her yell filled the air and she also projected it at Rendan’s mind, making sure his ass was going to catch her.

  She fell, careening through the air and toward the hard ground beneath. Her speed picked up, going faster and faster, the wind whipping through her hair and yanking on her clothes.

  Then she waited, ground closing in on her, death looming below. One second turned into two and then three and she realized she was a fucking moron for putting her trust in a man after—

  A blur of pink sped past her. Preors prefer male.


  As promised, shaa soma. He quickly slipped his massive body beneath her and manipulated his wings until they fell at the same pace. He did exactly as he’d said, sliding beneath her, and catching her on his back with ease. She straddled his shoulders, legs hooked over his wings where they connected to his body.

  Rendan glided over the crowds below, their passage ruffling trees and sending beach sand flying into the air. He beat his wings once, twice, and then they were rising high, soaring through Tampa’s blue skies.

  All right, maybe she was glad she said “yes.”


  Rendan was aware of human rules regarding medical pro-fess-on-alls and patients. He was not to listen in during her appointments with others. Yes, Preors had superior hearing, but h
is mate forbade him from using his abilities. He was also not to inquire about the topics discussed once she returned “home” for the evening.

  That did not mean he did not wish to know. Especially when War Mistress Lana disappeared into one of the newly erected ecks-am rooms within medical. He did not like having Carla out of his sight. Not after the time they’d spent together and the closeness they’d shared in the skies.

  His mate had straddled him, his scales caressing her bare skin. He was unable to feel the softness of her flesh against his dragon’s protection, but his imagination had soared with them through the clouds. She’d been afraid but showed true courage when she’d leapt off of the balcony of Preor Tower.

  His fierce, fearless female. One he could not wait to claim fully.

  There was one small break in his scales that now surrounded him—Taulan and the damage Rendan caused to the tower.

  Even now, a full rising later, War Master Taulan still glared at him. The massive male crossed his arms over his chest, purple wings slightly spread to make him appear larger in size. The male did not have to resort to posturing to intimidate Rendan. His position and natural strength was enough.

  Yet he would not apologize for his actions. Not when the result was the newfound closeness between him and Carla.

  “You nearly destroyed an entire floor,” Taulan rumbled.

  Nearly was not completely, though he could not deny the accusation. He shrugged instead. It was a human movement he’d learned from Kozav recently, and he found it appealed to him.

  “Your mate’s actions frightened the humans.”

  Rendan shrugged again though added a few words. “It was an expression of trust.”

  That Carla would leap from so high—knowing he would catch her—was a true testament of their connection. It was not so strong as to overcome any challenge, but there was a hidden layer of human steel in her backbone.

  As War Mistress Lana said, Carla had a set of brass ovaries. Rendan did not understand the reference, but there was a measure of awe in the female’s tone and the expression made Carla laugh. So he did not object to the description.


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