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Cancer: Book 5 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series)

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by Rachel Medhurst

  He nodded. His gelled brown hair stayed exactly where it was styled. Unfolding his lean form, he stood to put a hand on Aries’ shoulder. The taller man stopped, his eyes narrowing on the smaller one.

  ‘It’s Cancer that’s going to need strength here, not you.’

  Aries’ eyes widened before he nodded and sat on the surface of the wooden coffee table. Gemini went back to his spot on the arm of the sofa.

  ‘Cancer,’ he started, ‘Liam gave us…well, you…an ultimatum. Nick wants you in exchange for Matt. If you don’t go…he’ll kill him.’

  My chest squeezed. Air was impossible to get into my lungs. Clasping my hands to my heart, I leant forward.

  Aries was on his feet again. He came to me, resting his hand on my back. ‘Just breathe,’ he said.

  Staring at the brown rug on the stone floor, I choked back the sobs. There was no use crying, something had to be done.

  ‘What else did he say?’ Aries prompted Gemini.

  I sat back, allowing myself to sink into the softness of the sofa. Blinking, I tried to get rid of the tears that lined my eyes.

  ‘Nothing. Only that Nick was getting annoyed at losing.’

  ‘Why didn’t you say something earlier?’ My voice was barely above a whisper.

  Gemini’s forehead creased. He undid the buttons on the cuffs of his sleeve. And then promptly did them back up.

  ‘Because he was trying to protect you,’ Aries said, ‘I would’ve done the same.’

  Standing suddenly, I put my hands on my hips and regarded my brothers. ‘And how would you feel if I did that? If Athena and Natalie were with Nick?’

  Gemini coughed. Aries glowered. Yes, they were kind for wanting to protect me but the mission was more important. Matt was more important.

  ‘Pisces said she’s not sure that Matt-’

  ‘And where is Pisces? She seems to be quite involved considering I’ve not even spoken to her about it,’ I snapped. I couldn’t help it. My brothers and sisters had ganged up on me since the moment I had met Matt.

  ‘She’s at work. Look, we’re trying to…’ Gemini’s sentence trailed off when I shook my head.

  Aries absently rubbed the metal of his leg. He stared at my wrist. I looked down to see why.


  Holding up my arm, I studied the pale blue cord that held the charm. The stamp on the charm was the traditional astrological sign of Cancer. My namesake.


  I couldn’t describe it. The colour of the leather was fading. My symbol wasn’t as strong as it used to be. As if the bracelet was hundreds of years old. Rusty and worn down.

  ‘I don’t get it,’ I whimpered.

  Gemini got up from his seat and took hold of my arm. Inspecting the bracelet, he frowned. ‘You need to speak to Mum and Dad.’

  My eyebrows rose. ‘Mum and Dad? That’s what you’re calling them now?’

  He tutted as he released me and strode over to the kitchenette, grabbing his phone out of his pocket at the same time.

  ‘Am I failing?’ I whispered to Aries.

  Gemini started talking into the phone. Hopefully to our parents. Who weren’t actually our real parents but our guardians.

  ‘You can’t be.’ Aries scratched his jaw, his gaze still on my bracelet.

  ‘Father is on his way over,’ Gemini announced, coming back from the kitchen area.

  My knees gave out as I thought about Matt. My butt hit the surface of the table but I ignored the impact. My head fell into my hands as I closed my eyes.

  ‘Cancer, are you one hundred percent sure that he’s your twin flame?’ Aries asked.

  He kept asking me the same question. Almost every day. Why did he have to question me? I never questioned him.

  Maybe he was right. If Matt wasn’t my twin flame, Nick would leave him alone. The pounding of my heart didn’t tell me anything. When we had started to speak in the beginning, I hadn’t been attracted to him. It wasn’t until he had flirted with me that I saw how handsome he was.

  ‘Yes,’ I murmured, remembering the intense feelings when Matt first smiled at me.

  I opened my eyes for a second, staring up at my brother through my hair. It was over my shoulders now. The longest it had ever been.

  Aries covered his mouth with his hand before nodding. ‘Okay, we’ll find a way around this.’

  Blinking, I cleared my throat. Gemini stood behind the sofa, fiddling with his jacket. It wouldn’t take long for Father to get to our home. He only worked a few minutes away.

  ‘What would you have said if I didn’t believe he was my soulmate?’ The question was out of my mouth before I even thought about it.

  The others seemed to know who their twin flame was. They were brought together by the universe. That’s how I knew that Matt was mine. When the boys had initially told me to take care of Matt when they had captured him, I had agreed. Not because I wanted to but because something had made me. A feeling.

  It had been a few years since we had kept Matt as a prisoner in the attic of our old home. Ever since I had met him, all I could do was dream about being with him.

  ‘Nothing.’ Aries got up from his seat.

  I grabbed hold of his wrist before he could walk away. Squeezing his bracelet into his skin, I made him look down at me. ‘I want to know.’

  His jaw clenched but he didn’t pull away. ‘I would’ve told Nick where to shove it. And left Matt to his fate.’

  The gasp that left my mouth echoed around the room. Aries could deliver tough love sometimes but…

  ‘He’s right, Cancer. Nick isn’t stupid. If you left Matt to his fate, he would know that you’re not his twin flame soulmate. In fact-’

  ‘That’s the answer!’ Aries interrupted.

  Gemini scowled. The lift started to creak as it retreated back to the ground floor. Someone was coming. Father must have arrived.

  ‘You’re both mad!’ I cried.

  They looked at me, frowning when I stood up. They had a habit of taking over. Forgetting that I had a say in how I would deal with Nick. This was my problem, not theirs. I had chosen to fall in love with a married man. A man who had worked for our enemy. A man that I should never have wanted to be with, ever.

  ‘Don’t get worked up,’ Gemini said, settling back on the sofa.

  The lift cranked to a stop and the gate rattled open. There was another door next to the lift that led to the stairs. The building was creepy. There were codes on all entrances but the stairs were spooky. I always tried to take the lift because it was the less scary option.

  ‘Hello, kids,’ Father greeted.

  It hadn’t taken us long to move into the building. Once the boys had decided that we needed to hide again, we were dragged along. I didn’t mind as long as I was with my siblings. I shared a room with Virgo. It had taken some time to get used to each other but as long as I kept my space tidy, she left me alone. I missed Pisces, though.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Father demanded.

  He strode over to us and perched on the edge of the sofa. His suit was immaculate. In fact, he looked even more dressed up than normal.

  ‘We interrupted something, didn’t we?’ Gemini said.

  Shaking his head, Father waved his hand. ‘Don’t worry about it. Now, tell me what’s up.’

  Digging my fingernails into the palm of my hand, I stayed where I was. Both Gemini and Aries watched me. Waiting to see if I would explain.

  ‘I have to give myself over to Nick.’

  Aries shook his head. Gemini cringed, sinking further into his seat. Father kept his face blank.

  I didn’t care that they disapproved. There was no way I was going to let Nick kill Matt. Even if there was a chance that he wasn’t my twin flame soulmate. I wouldn’t risk his life.

  ‘I can’t let you do that.’ Father spoke slowly.

  The others nodded their agreement.

  ‘It’s not your choice. I’m a grown woman. I choose to save Matt by giving myself up. And
there’s nothing you can do about it.’

  Chapter Three

  ‘How do you expect to get hold of Nick?’

  Mother crossed her arms over her chest. The whole congregation had bombarded me as soon as I walked into our home. It looked as if a homecoming party of at least eighteen people had gathered. I knew better.

  ‘You,’ I replied, dumping my bag on the floor by the stairs.

  They wouldn’t allow me to go up to my room any time soon. The intervention was well underway.

  Mother snorted, turning to my father. He stood next to his wife, Bev. The others either hovered or sat on any available space. The atmosphere was oppressive. And it was all aimed at me. Why couldn’t they accept the fact that I was going to save Matt?

  ‘You want your mother to speak to the man that terrorised her?’

  Bev smiled gently before stepping away from our father and going over to the kitchen area. Probably to make tea. She often made tea.

  ‘I want my mother to help me, yes.’

  I ignored my brothers and sisters. Each one of them had expressed their displeasure at my plan. Pisces in particular. Just because she had been kidnapped by Nick, didn’t mean that she knew what he would do to me. He couldn’t kill me so what would be as bad?

  ‘So, you’ve thought this through? You’re not even willing to call Nick’s bluff?’ Mother moved over to me, her steps slow so I didn’t retreat.

  ‘Would you risk it if it was Father?’ I looked her in the eye.

  She sighed as she put a hand on my shoulder. Her head shook back and forth. ‘No,’ she whispered.

  I swallowed as she pulled me to her. The arms that wrapped around me were unfamiliar. It had been a long time since Mother had allowed herself to get close to her wards. Ever since she had freed herself from Nick, she had started to soften; to remember why she was on Earth in the first place.

  ‘I’m worried for you. We all are,’ she said, pulling away from me. ‘You are my child, Cancer. I know I’m not your real mother…but I still love you as if I were. We’ve been here many times. I wish you could remember.’

  Father laid his hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. ‘They’re not supposed to remember.’

  Was he worried that Mother would tell us everything? If she tried to explain our mission in more detail or told us about our past lives, would it jeopardise this lifetime?

  ‘I know, I know, I’ve got to let them figure it out themselves,’ she said, dramatically turning away from us and facing the others.

  My siblings regarded us in silence. It made a change. Even their soulmates watched us closely.

  ‘It’s settled then,’ Father announced to the room. ‘Cancer is going to give herself up in exchange for Matt’s freedom. Your mother will help us to communicate with Nick.’

  Aries growled as he glared at me. ‘You know we can’t come and rescue you, don’t you?’

  The others hummed their agreement. If I wanted to make a bargain with Nick, it was my choice alone. There would be no attempt to rescue me. A bargain was a bargain.

  My heartbeat tripled at the thought of never seeing my family again. Tears came to my eyes. What would happen to me? How would I live?

  ‘Please don’t do this.’ Pisces came forward, Antony in tow.

  Their easy companionship made me swallow harder. If I was with Nick, I would never share that with my twin flame. With Matt.

  Blinking, I quickly wiped away the teardrop that ran down my cheek. How would I live the rest of my life? I would be trapped, never in love. Never free to live a normal life.

  ‘I don’t know what else I can do,’ I whined, falling into Pisces’ arms as they came around me.

  The others chatted amongst themselves as I sobbed into my sister’s shoulder. She was taller than me, which made me feel safe.

  ‘He was married. Surely he’s not her twin flame?’ Taurus said to someone.

  ‘Twin flames come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. He’s divorced now, I think,’ Virgo replied. ‘Anyway, it doesn’t matter now, does it? If she goes to Nick, he may as well get back with his wife.’

  Pisces held me tighter against her as my heart cracked. Virgo was right. She wasn’t being malicious. She was telling it how it was.

  ‘You can do this,’ Pisces whispered as I tuned the others out.

  I lifted my head to look at her. The kindness in her eyes almost broke me. Antony watched us over her shoulder. His face an expression of concern. Not just for me but for his beloved. Whenever she was upset, he felt it too.

  Wiping my face on the sleeve of my pink jumper, I cleared my throat. ‘I need someone to let work and college know that I’m not going back.’

  My whole life. I was giving up my whole life for a man.

  ‘I’ll do it,’ Pisces said.

  I frowned when the noise quietened down. My phone was ringing. Going to my bag, I dug it out.

  ‘Hello,’ I said cautiously. The number was private. I didn’t usually answer unknown calls but something made me pick up the phone.

  ‘Cancer. It’s Nick. Matt kindly gave me your phone number.’

  My intake of breath made everyone freeze. Putting a hand to my stomach, I tried to calm the butterflies.

  ‘Nick. I was about to contact you,’ I replied.

  Father came to me, shaking his head quickly. He held out his hand but I looked down at the stone floor, shutting him out.

  ‘Now that’s a sentence I’m happy to hear. I had almost given up on you.’

  The eyes of many people burned into my skin as they all watched me. They wouldn’t try to stop me. They loved me and would support me. Even if they didn’t agree. Aries stomped out of the room suddenly, slamming his bedroom door shut behind him.

  ‘Let’s meet and talk about this civilly,’ I suggested.

  Glancing up, I almost grinned when Father’s greying eyebrows rose towards his hairline.

  The pause on the line made my palms sweat. I wiped my free hand on my jeans and swapped the phone to my left ear so I could do the same with the other.

  ‘I’m not sure I trust your lot,’ Nick said.

  He spoke quickly, almost rushed. He sounded agitated. Was he starting to lose his cool? Glancing at Mother, I decided to ask her a question after the phone call. Had four of us ever united in quick succession in any lifetime before? Because Nick was threatened. And that was a good sign.

  ‘It will only be me and…’ I looked around but couldn’t come up with someone that wasn’t a threat to Nick.

  Antony suddenly answered his phone as it started to ring. ‘Derek, I can’t talk now,’ he said quickly before hanging up.

  ‘Derek. My bodyguard.’

  Antony shrugged when I made eye contact with him. Father clenched his jaw. He wasn’t a happy man.

  ‘Okay,’ Nick said. ‘I hold the cards. If you try and trick me, I’ll have Matt killed. Would you like to talk to him?’

  The air left my lungs. I took my hand away from my stomach and clenched Pisces’ arm as she stood beside me.

  ‘Cancer. Don’t do this. Please don’t give yourself up for me.’ Matt’s voice cracked me.

  I fell to my knees, dragging Pisces with me. ‘Matt. I can’t lose you.’

  My eyes welled again. When would I stop crying?

  ‘You can’t do this. You’ll lose me either way. Please stay safe. Cancer…I…’

  His voice was shaky. I pressed the phone to my ear as tightly as possible. I couldn’t miss out on anything he said. We hadn’t spent much time together since he’d come back into my life. His marriage had been on my mind. How I wished I had thrown caution to the wind.

  ‘I love you, Cancer. Please, stay away.’

  I ignored the tears that streamed down my face. I tuned out from the people that talked around me. Pisces stroked my back but I wasn’t paying attention.

  ‘Matt, I-’

  ‘Times up. Meet me in the pub near your old home. I fancy a pint. You have an hour to get there.’

  The phone b
eeped in my ear. I let it drop to the floor.

  ‘What’s happening?’ Father asked, bending down to my level.

  ‘Derek, we need you here. Now,’ Antony said in the background.

  Taking a deep breath, I got to my feet with Pisces’ help. Her hair was damp where I had cried all over it. Facing my siblings, I rubbed my face with the bottom of my jumper. They watched me. Each one in a state of shock. Leo’s usually jovial face was bleak. Scorpio’s face was even more thunderous than normal.

  ‘I’m going to meet him right now.’

  The others groaned. Mother put her hands on her hips, ready to do battle. I hadn’t seen her act so determined in a long time.

  ‘No, you’re not.’

  Her hair was back to her natural red. I much preferred it that way. It suited her colouring. She wore a plain pair of black jeans and a cream roll neck jumper.

  ‘Mother. You may be our guardians but you’re not allowed to stop us from living our lives. This is my choice,’ I said, pointing at my chest. ‘I don’t want to go.’ I glanced around the room at the people staring at me. ‘I hate Nick. However, I choose to give myself up for…’

  My eyes glazed over as I thought about Matt. The memories of talking to him for hours at a time when he was locked in the attic came to me. He spoke to me of faraway places. Of countries he wished he’d travelled to.

  ‘Matt?’ Leo finished.

  Nodding, I picked up my bag. Father pulled me to him for a quick hug. Mother stepped forward but paused when I glared at her. I wasn’t being mean. The frown that crossed her face made my heart break a little more.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ I whispered to the room before moving into the lift.

  When I turned to face them, Antony stepped in beside me. ‘Derek’s on his way. I’ll stay with you until he’s here.’

  Smiling gently, I glanced at Pisces. A tear dribbled down her cheek, falling off her chin.

  ‘Cancer, he isn’t-’

  My hand shot out, smacking the down button on the lift. She stopped talking as the noise rang out in the silence of the room. I didn’t want to hear her point of view. Even if I had given her my opinion when Antony ran from her. Matt was worth it. He was worth my sacrifice.


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