Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2)

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Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2) Page 16

by Amber Flora

  “Shadow realm was once called realm of consciousness. It was controlled by Skyler and his wife Anastasia. Skyler could hypnotize others and possessed incredible speed. His wife Anastasia was unique; she possessed all the abilities. She could dreamwalk, control the elements, hypnotize, as well as read emotions. Others with similar abilities as Skyler’s resided in the realm of consciousness with the two lovers. Over time Skyler became obsessed with his newfound power. He was ruthless over his subjects; the more powerful he became the more he withdrew from his wife. Anastasia grew bitter at the separation from her husband and eventually lashed out. She cursed Skyler to live in darkness and vowed he would only be capable of maintaining his immortality by feeding from the blood of his people. She fled to the human realm, consumed by her grief she put a curse or herself and all vibrants. They would never again endure the pain that came with feeling. She would absolve them of all emotion and make them hunters. They would seek out the wicked and exact revenge upon them.”

  Herrick stood and began to pace. I knew he what he was thinking. She was the reason his kind couldn’t feel, she cursed his entire race to be nothing more than living, breathing, killing machines. His circumstances were a direct result of Anastasia's agony.

  “She did all of this because of a broken heart?” he asked, turning back to me.

  “I’m afraid so.”

  I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to hear such news. To learn you and your entire race are paying for someone’s decision made centuries ago. It all seemed so cruel.

  “I don’t understand, why would your mother give you that memory? What does it have to do with you?”

  I lowered my head, afraid to say the words out loud.

  “Anastasia was pregnant when she fled. I am the descendant of Skyler and Anastasia. My blood contains all of the unique abilities.”

  Herrick froze at my last statement. I knew his wheels were turning, just like mine.

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  I looked up at his mesmerizing eyes. Wondering if we really were drawing the same conclusion.

  “I don’t think my mother meant that mixing my bloodline with another impure would yield the savior. I think she was talking about my own unique bloodline. My child will be like Anastasia, it will be the ultimate Zeotec.”

  Herrick’s face reflected the expression of hope.

  “So Damon has it all wrong. His bloodline holds no value.”

  I cringed at the thought of Damon.

  “It really doesn’t matter. If we had a child it would still be more powerful than him. In the end the results would be same.”

  He didn’t reply. He knew I was right. If Damon found out the truth it would only make him want me more. No other impure could provide him with what I could.

  “You can tell no one of this. I’m not even sure you should have told me.”

  I raised a brow in his direction.

  “Are you saying I can’t trust you?”

  He shook his head and continued.

  “I think I have proved otherwise, but it doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to get it out of me.”

  He bent down and grabbed my shoulders.

  “Do you understand what this means? Imagine a person with all of those abilities. Damon's power wouldn’t even scratch the surface. I know now why your mother was so intent on performing the ritual. Not only is this information life altering, but she figured since you and she had the blood of a vibrant that you would eventually receive the memories. It must have been her hail mary.”

  I understood the importance of my newfound knowledge. Someone who had those kind of abilities would be unstoppable. They could restore Avonya and maybe even reunite the races. Although I was starting to think the Zeotecs had it right. Maybe it was best if the realms remained separated. My mother and father both fought to unite the realms. I myself had always thought it unfair that we couldn’t be seen as equals in each other's eyes, but the Zeotecs had tried to be one in the beginning and it hadn’t worked. Their differences had caused them to rebel against each other. How could anyone get the realms to live in peace with one another? As strange as it was I feared for the child I might never have. I thought my life was complicated, but if I had a child it would literally have the weight of the world on its shoulders. I don’t think I could knowingly put that on anyone, let alone my own flesh and blood.

  “Do you think my father knows?”

  I thought about Algon, I didn’t know much about the man. I did believe that he cared for me. He had protected me on more than a few occasions, which seemed to be a theme of the men in my life. I was getting fed up with the whole damsel-in-distress vibe I gave out. I had to start fighting my own battles before I got everyone I cared about killed.

  “You know him better than I do. What do you think?”

  “Not by much, but given what I do know about Deandra I don’t think she revealed this to anyone. I’m pretty sure she had major trust issues.”

  I heard him snort and raised a brow.

  “What?” I scolded.

  “Oh, I was just thinking that you obviously did not inherent that attribute from her.”

  “It figures that you would consider paranoia an attribute.”

  Why was I not surprised? He probably had that listed as a skill on his assassin resume.

  “Your mother was the high priestess, which means she was inherently good, but having a kind heart doesn’t mean you have to trust everyone.”

  “I don’t trust every person I meet.”

  I didn’t trust Grison and I sure as hell never trusted Damon.

  “You are alone with a vibrant who worked for the man you are running from and openly sharing all your secrets.”

  Damn him, why did he make me sound like one of those bimbos on the horror flicks Mac liked?

  “You’re right, I’m a moron. I should go ahead and take you out now and save myself the trouble.”

  I eyed him, running my finger across my throat indicating his demise. He chuckled and attempted a scared expression, but I knew better. Nothing frightened this man.

  “I just wonder what went through her mind. If she loved my father as much as he claims why then did she keep everything from him?”

  I thought about how Deandra never revealed Ser’ie’s whereabouts and now this whopper of a secret. If she loved him wouldn’t she want to tell him everything? Especially about her ancestry? Not to mention it wasn’t just her ancestry, it was everyone’s. We were all descendants of Zeotecs. I couldn’t comprehend why she would risk that knowledge going untold.

  “Perhaps she withheld it all to protect him. Love is a powerful weapon. She may have made a tough decision that protecting him was more important than him learning the truth.”

  His words took a moment to register, but I realized he sounded like someone who had seen love’s power firsthand.

  “Have you ever used someone’s love for another to accomplish a mission?”

  I thought he wouldn’t answer me. I doubted he wanted me to know the truth, especially since he inadvertently told me not to trust him.

  “I’m no saint, love. I have done unspeakable things in my lifetime, things that if I told you about you would run screaming from the room or, worse, follow through with your death threat, but to answer your question: No, I have never used someone’s love for another against them.”

  That made me relax a little. I still didn’t like his ominous statement. I knew Herrick was nowhere near sainthood, but I had never really thought about how many had suffered at his hands. How far would he go to get what he wants?

  “How many people have you …” I stopped. I didn’t want to ask. I wasn’t sure I could handle his answer. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss.

  “More than five, less than fifty.”

  When he spoke I could have sworn I heard a hint of sadness in his voice, maybe even regret. I didn’t respond to his admission. I wasn’t sure what to say. I knew what he was when I decided to run with
him and while I was taken back by his somewhat attempt of an answer I had already accepted that Herrick had a shady past, one that would forever haunt him, emotions or not. Then I came to a startling conclusion. I owed him a thanks. He had spared me from another mark on my record. I had killed Grison’s brother by accident while trying to save Cody from Damon’s minions and I had planned on killing Grison. If I had gone through with it I would forever have to live with the knowledge that I had killed two men and one in cold blood. I already lived daily with the guilt of the first death, I didn’t want another.

  “Thank you,” I said, finally looking at him.

  My words must have caught him by surprise because he was actually speechless.

  “For Grison, you have another number added to your list because of me. You were right, I don’t think I could have handled knowing I killed someone out of revenge.”

  He nodded but remained quiet. I rose to head off to bed when he finally spoke.

  “I have never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. There is a great deal of evil in this world, but you love, could never be anything but good.”

  Chapter 18

  I loved to fish but I had never in my life been ice fishing. It was considerably different than fishing in the pond on my uncle's farm. Sitting for hours in frigid temperatures attempting to pull a fish out of a small hole in the ice was not my idea of fun. I decided to put it on the list of things I would never do again. It was right up there with cleaning Mac’s apartment, because in his eyes I would never get it right, and going to Vegas with Lori. When they say “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” they are absolutely correct. My lips will never reveal the events that took place over those three days. I was getting close to telling Herrick I would rather starve to death then spend one more minute trying to accomplish the impossible, when my pole began to shake. I quickly scrambled to reel it in as I called out to Herrick.

  “I got one!” I was giddy with excitement as I pulled the fish onto the ice watching it flop around.

  “Great job, love, we will be eating well tonight.”

  He pulled the hook from the fish's mouth and held it up to examine.

  “She’s a beauty. Let’s head back and cook this thing before it starts getting dark.”

  I followed Herrick on our way back to the cabin, keeping my head low in a feeble attempt to block the wind. I couldn’t believe I had just accomplished pulling a fish out of a hole in the ice. That thought was strangely more exciting than my newfound skill of setting things on fire with my mind. Maybe I could cook the fish with my fingertips. A loud grunting sound turned my attention to the left. I stood in shock as I watched a massive Kodiak bear raise on its hind legs, letting out an ear piercing growl before charging toward me. I scrambled backward before falling on my ass. Now was the worst time to let my clumsiness out. I threw my arm in front of me in an attempt to shield my face; losing an arm seemed a better choice than my head. I peeked at the beast as he raised his mammoth paw ready to strike a deadly blow with his substantial claws. Herrick charged the fierce beast with only his hunting knife for a weapon a second before the creature made contact. He slashed at the bear’s side, which in turn made it angrier as it turned its attention to him. It grunted and roared as it stalked back and forth, assaulting him with its sizable paws. The Kodiak got in an extensive swipe to Herrick’s shoulder, but the man didn’t even slow. If anything it caused him to be more alert of the animal's capabilities. Herrick continued to dance around the bear, jabbing and stabbing it with complete precision. I finally saw a glimpse of the fierce assassin that lurked within the seemingly gentle man. It was terrifying and beautiful at the same time. If he could be so calm and collected battling a bear the size of a Volkswagen, I could only imagine how venomous he was during an actual mission. I pulled myself up and allowed some of my emotions to flow through me. My palms radiated as fire brewed to the surface. I thrust my hands outward toward the bear, trying to keep my aim far enough away from Herrick as not to injure him. The beast grunted with anger and looked toward me before retreating in the opposite direction. I sighed with relief as I glanced over at a reasonably unharmed Herrick. He turned, picking up the fish he threw down during the attack, and continued the walk back to the cabin. I shook my head in disbelief at this strange turn of events. He didn’t even take a moment to assess his injuries or look at me. What had happened and how did I manage to piss him off?

  We sat at the dinner table, both just staring at our plates. Herrick hadn’t said one word to me since the attack. He dressed his wound without once asking for help, cleaned and cooked the fish, all the while avoiding me as if I were the plague. I couldn’t take it anymore, it’s not like I expected him to be Mr. Compassionate, but he could at least acknowledge my existence.

  “What the hell is your problem?”

  I wasn’t about to spend another minute pretending I was OK with the uncomfortable silence.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he shrugged.

  “Be serious! What could I have possibly done to piss you off?”

  He pushed his chair back with force and stalked off to the living room. I gave chase. He wasn’t getting off that easy.

  “Answer me!” I shouted, coming up behind him.

  “You could have been killed!” he yelled, turning to face me.

  That was the cause of his silence? He obviously hadn’t spent enough time around me. I dangled on the edge of death more times than I could count.

  “So could you. You were injured for Christ’s sake.”

  “I lured it away from you so you could escape and what do you do? You stay and use magic that you haven’t even learned how to control.”

  Did he honestly expect me to leave him alone to fend off a bear? Vibrant or not, I wasn’t about to run away and make him fight it off himself.

  “Maybe if you had thrown him the damn fish he would have left us alone.”

  He glared at me like he wanted to strangle me, and for a second I thought he might.

  “I’m sorry, that thought didn’t occur to me while I watched you fall on your ass while a bear charged you.”

  “I tripped!” I retorted, louder than I meant to.

  “On what air?”

  Why does he always have to be so high and mighty? I’m clumsy and foolish, I get it. I didn’t need him to constantly point out all of my flaws. I was well aware of my shortcomings.

  “Whatever, be a chauvinistic ass. I wasn’t about to risk you being bear food.”

  I threw my hands in the air and stormed out of the room. I made it to the bedroom door when his hand seized mine from behind and spun me around. Placing his arms under my ass he lifted me off the ground, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist for support. He entrapped my lips with his, kissing me with languishing need. I tilted my head back as his lips trailed down my neck. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest as desire engulfed me. I knew my emotions were on overdrive, but I didn’t care. Let him feel the yearning coursing through me. Not allowing his mouth to end its assault, he continued exploring my body as he carried me to the bed. When he slowly pulled his shirt over his head I let out a whimper of desire. His skin glistened from his recent attack on the firewood before dinner. It made his taut muscles seem even more dominant. I licked my lips as he crawled across the bed, spreading my legs as he came to rest on top of me. An adorning smile displayed on his face as his gray eyes roamed my body. His strong hand gently caressed my face as he brought his lips to my neck softly kissing down to my collar bone. A moan escaped me as he licked and sucked his way across my trembling body. I lifted my back, allowing him to remove my shirt. He ran his index finger along my neck, slowly making his way toward the center of breasts.

  “I must warn you, I’m not the love-making type. If you want to stop just say the word.”

  I knew I couldn’t turn back now even if I wanted to, and I sure as hell didn’t want to. I needed release. I wanted to be touched in ways I had never imagined, and Herrick was just the
man to do that. I grabbed the back of his head and drew his mouth to mine, giving him my answer.

  Herrick hovered over me as he watched me unbutton my bra and toss it to the side. Cupping my breast in his hand he lowered his mouth, running his tongue along my nipple. I bucked at the rousing feeling he ignited through my body.

  “You are the most glorious sight I have ever beheld, love. Tonight you are mine and mine alone. I want to hear my name on your lips. I want to feel your arousal in my veins, taste your desire on my tongue. Let go of all your fears for this one night. Clear your mind of any doubt and let me show you heaven.”

  He spoke as if he was short of breath, his words barely a whisper as they poured out of him. I wanted exactly what he was offering. I needed to feel him, to touch him. Tonight, I would be his and he would be mine.

  Herrick spun me around to face the headboard. I lay there as he stripped me of my pants and then his own. His hands came around and cupped my breasts, massaging them with his fingers. His face rested in my hair as he let out a throaty growl. He gripped my waist pulling me back onto my knees, I waited with anticipation as I felt his hard erection rub against my bare body. When his shaft slowly pushed inside of me I clasped the sheets with voracity.

  “That’s right, love, let the passion flow through you. I want to taste your ecstasy.”

  I cried out in bliss as he thrust inside of me. Harder and faster each time. I feared for a brief moment that my emotions were so powerful I might catch the bed on fire, but not wanting the feeling to end I pushed those thoughts aside. When he grabbed my hair, pulling me back so he could bite my ear and lick my neck, I screamed out his name as euphoria rushed over me. My body shook and my muscles trembled. Herrick roared my name as he flipped me onto my back and penetrated me once more. He looked down into my eyes and he claimed my lips again, kissing me as if it were the last kiss he would ever have. I felt a need burning inside of him. Like he longed for intimacy, as if he wanted more than a naughty romp between the sheets. He needed to be loved, not just desired. He was aching inside, I could feel it. I reached up and brushed my palm across his face, never removing my eyes from his.


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