Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2)

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Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2) Page 17

by Amber Flora

  “I’m here with you, Herrick, you are mine.”

  Every piece of me was saying to give him this moment, to embrace the man and all that he was. He kissed my hand as his control unraveled and we both were consumed by the night. He rolled on his side gazing at me as we caught our breaths. He gave me exactly what he said he would, for those intoxicating minutes I thought of nothing except the feel of his skin against mine and the pure ecstasy of his touch. I looked over at him and smiled, I couldn’t contain the bliss I felt.

  “Forgive me?” I asked, remembering what started all of this.

  “Hmm, it may take some more convincing,” he smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear.

  “Ashtyn, there really is something I think you should know.”

  I got up, searching for my clothes.

  “You don’t have to say it, I know what this was. I’m not expecting anything from you, Herrick. We’re adults with needs, it was just sex.”

  Herrick shot out bed and tossed on his jeans.

  “Right, just sex,” he said, sounding agitated and disappearing out of the room.

  I sighed, flopping back on the bed. What did I do this time?

  Herrick stood outside in the frigid air, but it did nothing to relinquish the heat inside of him. If he ever thought for one moment that sex could be so incredible when he had his own emotions, he would have found a way to obtain them years ago. Feeling Ashtyn’s desire mixing with his own was the singular most sensational moment of his life. He could have explored her all through the night and still not been satisfied. Twice now he tried to tell her that he was starting to feel, but both times she wrote him off. He wanted her to know that she was more to him than an attraction, that he truly wanted her — all of her, not just the physical aspect. She obviously didn’t care for him; she made that clear by letting him know their experience was nothing more than filling a need. He couldn’t let go of the strong urge he felt to claim her. He knew nothing of commitment or relationships — hell, he had never even been on a date — but something inside was telling him to make her his, even if it destroyed all he had worked to build. She was the light in his dark world, to be near her was to stand in the sun. She warmed him in ways he never knew existed and he couldn’t imagine letting her go and returning to his bland existence.

  Chapter 19

  “How are you holding up?” Cody asked, taking a seat on the couch next to Mac.

  “I just don’t understand it. What would be so important for Ashtyn to go with that Herrick arse? I keep trying to figure out the lass’ motives, but I’m coming up with nothing.”

  Mac knew Ashtyn would have never gone with the bloke if she didn’t have a good reason. He saw how upset she was right before the feck had injected him with something and knocked him out cold. He just prayed she wasn’t being fooled. He knew nothing of the vibrant other than he had Ashtyn and somehow managed to persuade her to abandon her friends and run off with him. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Cody had told him that Ashtyn revealed Damon’s intentions. Mac knew the man was off his rocker, but he would have never guessed that Damon planned on using Ashtyn as an incubator for his unborn child. The entire thing had him scratching his head and wishing he could talk to the one person he needed the most. One thing he knew for certain: Damon should have killed him when he had the chance.

  “I’m not so sure we can trust what the vibrant said. Obviously he is holding something over her, I just don’t know what it could be, but knowing Ashtyn it has something to do with protecting one or all of us.”

  Mac shook his head in agitation at Ashtyn’s strong need to protect people.

  “When is the lass going to learn that we can take care of ourselves? Not to mention she is the one who always needs rescuing. Just once I’d like her to do what she’s told. She’s the most stubborn woman in all the realms.”

  Cody laughed, eyeing his friend.

  “Sounds like someone else I know. One of these days I’m going to have a friend who isn’t so hardheaded.”

  Mac slapped his friend on the shoulder.

  “Oh and you're an easy one to get along with? Who ya foolin, lad?”

  A knocking sound turned their attention to the door. They looked at each other inquisitively before Cody cautiously turned the knob.

  “Seriously? You guys are way too paranoid. Do you honestly think an intruder would knock?”

  Cody sighed with relief as he moved aside to let Lori in.

  “Ah freckles, come for another Spanish Inquisition?”

  Cody held his hands up in defense. He wasn’t about to go down for Mac’s brash tongue.

  “If you would answer your phone once in a while I wouldn’t have to stalk you,” she scolded, placing her hands on her hips.

  “Am I going to have to get a restraining order, lass? Are all humans this persistent?”

  Lori ignored Mac, turning to Cody. She didn’t have time for Mac’s childish banter.

  “Where is my friend? Last I heard you were setting off to rescue her. I see you managed to bring back the buffoon in one piece. Where is Ashtyn?”

  “Who is she calling a buffoon? I’ll have you know I was top of my class.” Mac wagged his finger in a defensive manner.

  “Yes, we're all very proud of you for graduating from the special class. Now, someone better start talking.”

  Mac opened his mouth with another retort when Cody eyed him to be quiet.

  “Lori, I am sorry. We should have called you, it’s just been a rough few days.”

  Her hand started to shake as tears formed in her eyes.

  “Is she …?” She couldn’t ask the word, she was too afraid to hear the answer. If anything happened to Ashtyn she didn’t know if she could go on. Ashtyn had been by her side longer than Lori could remember. Their bond was stronger than what she had with anyone else, including her parents.

  “She is alive, but we are not sure where. She ran off with that Herrick guy. She said there was something she had to do and we couldn’t be involved. As far as we know she is safe, although Algon gave her a spell to prevent her from dreaming. It was the only way to hide her from Damon.”

  Cody felt horrible for not contacting Lori the minute they returned. He knew she had been worried sick. He thought Mac might have called her since they seemed to be pretty close, but knowing Mac he didn’t want to deal with confrontation. He probably thought if he ignored her long enough she would just let it go. For the man to have a reputation with women, he didn’t seem to understand them at all.

  Lori sat on the edge of the couch trying to comprehend what Cody had told her.

  “You mean you found her and she wouldn’t leave with you? I don’t understand. Why would she do that? Why wouldn’t she want to come home?”

  Cody had been asking himself that same question a dozen times over. What had happened while she away? He knew he was missing something, but he just couldn’t figure it out.

  “We don’t know. Do you have any insight as to what would make her do such a thing? You know her better than anyone.”

  Lori pondered for a moment, thinking about everything she knew about her dear friend.

  “Ashtyn would never betray someone she cares about and I know how much she loves the farm. If she thought for one moment she would have a chance to come home I know she would take it. The only thing that would prevent that would be her heart. Something had to have happened that made her follow her heart. Maybe it was to save us or maybe she was chasing something or someone, either way whatever it was I know it wasn’t an easy choice for her to make. We have to find her and show her that whatever it is we can conquer it together.”

  Mac let go of his stubbornness and placed his arm around Lori. He couldn’t stand to see a woman upset, especially not one as loyal as Lori. He knew that girl would walk through fire to save her friend.

  “We will, lass. I promise ya we will find her and bring her home. You have a good heart. I know Ashtyn misses you just as much as you do her.”

  Lori sniff
led and nodded her head.

  “Thank you, Mac, I’m glad she met you guys. I couldn’t imagine two hotter or braver men to protect my bestie.”

  Mac smiled, looking at Cody.

  “Did ya hear that, lad? We’re hotties. Lori Cobb has a crush on us.”

  Lori shook her head in an attempt to get the dirty images out of her mind.

  “Just because I think you're attractive doesn’t mean I like you. In fact every time you open your mouth you drop a notch on my hot meter.”

  Cody laughed, looking at Mac.

  “Lori would you like to stay for dinner? Perhaps a movie? I can assure you by the end of the night you will find Mac to be the most repulsive creature you ever laid eyes on.”

  Lori giggled, checking her phone.

  “As appealing as that sounds, I have a date with some cast mates at a club. I just dropped by to get the latest news on my way.”

  “Lass, do you ya really think it’s a good idea to be going out in public right now?”

  “Mac’s right, it might be best to change up your habits for a while, at least until we find Ashtyn.”

  Lori smiled and kissed Cody’s cheek before grabbing her purse.

  “You guys worry too much. I doubt Damon even knows about me. Even if he did what use would I be? I’m a human.”

  Mac rubbed the top of his head. He didn’t know why but something in his gut was telling him not to let her go.

  “Please, lass. Damon doesn’t care who or what you are, he will do anything to get back at Ashtyn.”

  “I’ll be surrounded by tons of people, I’m not going to be alone all night. I’ll even share a cab with a couple people just to be safe. It’s OK, guys. Just focus on finding Ashtyn, I should be the least of your worries.”

  “Just watch yourself, if you need anything you have our numbers. Call us at the first sight of trouble.”

  Lori gave Cody a hug before turning to Mac.

  “I promise, just make sure someone keeps his phone on.”

  Mac shrugged as if he had no idea what she was referring to.

  Cody walked Lori to a cab downstairs. He debated if he or Mac should go with her. They shouldn’t leave her alone, she was too vulnerable and she had no way of protecting herself. He just hoped she was right. Perhaps Damon had no clue of her existence. There were bigger targets than a mere human, but if Damon knew anything about Ashtyn then he would know that girl was the easiest way to get Ashtyn back. Ashtyn would do anything for Lori and that made her vulnerable.

  Chapter 20

  I realized I was dreaming the moment I saw the shadow of my cottage in the moonlight off in the distance. My instinct should have been fear, but seeing the farm warmed my soul. I sprinted down the gravel road. I just wanted to see my home even if it wasn’t real. When I made it to the front door I slowed my pace, noticing it was ajar. I barely hesitated before opening it the rest of the way and stepping inside. I smiled when I saw the picture of me and Uncle Ken on my graduation day. I missed that man so much. I wondered what words of wisdom he would offer given my current situation. He seemed to always know just what to say to provide me the strength I needed to continue on. As I neared my recliner I froze and came to the realization that this was no dream; it was a full-blown nightmare.

  “I was wondering when your little spell was going to wear off. Your father is more powerful than I anticipated. A mistake I will not make twice.”

  I was prepared to launch another fireball at his ass until he spoke his next words.

  “Unless you want to attend sweet Lori’s funeral service I wouldn’t follow through with your thought.”

  His sinister voice rumbled in the darkness and my knees began to shake. He had Lori? He couldn’t. Surely Mac and Cody weren’t stupid enough to leave her without protection.

  “You’re lying!” I spat at him.

  “If I am by all means set me ablaze. I urge you not to miss, I’m afraid if you do I will have to take my anger out on the blonde beauty. I have to say it was far too easy to obtain her, she’s quite the little flirt.”

  My rage burned and I tried to control the flames that crackled through my palms begging to be released.

  “Where is she?” I fought the images in my mind of a scared and hurt Lori. Damon had gotten to the one person I loved most. He found my Achilles’ heel.

  “I would think the answer is fairly obvious.”

  My eyes widened as recognition hit me. The sick bastard really was in my house. As if this intrusion wasn’t enough he was holding my friend hostage in my own damn home.

  “I’ll give you whatever you want, just let her go.”

  He stood and slowly started in my direction. I forced myself not to back away. I wouldn’t cower to him or anyone ever again.

  “Time for negotiations are over, my dear. I warned you what would happen if you betrayed me.”

  “Damon, she’s just an innocent human. She doesn’t deserve to pay for my deception. Let her go and I’m all yours.”

  I kept my hands closed in tight fists as he reached up to brush a strand of my hair away from my face.

  “I will take everything you hold dear away from you until all you are left with is your pain.”

  “You are the vilest creature ever created. I know now why your parents turned their backs on you, they were ashamed of what they conceived.”

  I had never met Ser’ie but I doubted he could hold a candle to his sadistic nephew.

  “Then you can see the humor in the fact that your own child will embody all of the traits you despise.”

  “You're the one who must be dreaming. Even if I was forced to have a child with you, nothing could compare to your nefarious spirit.”

  Damon smirked like I had just given him a compliment.

  “This is how it’s going to go. You will come to me immediately after waking and you will come alone. If I suspect you have told anyone about our little meeting I will slit her throat and make you watch as she takes her last breath.”

  “Will you let her go once I turn myself over to you?”

  I tried to read him, but he gave nothing away. He was all business.

  “Do I look that stupid? This isn’t a rerun of our first meeting. Fool me once.”

  He didn’t continue, he didn’t need to. I got the hint loud and clear. I wasn’t talking my way out of it this time.

  “If you aren’t going to free her what's the point?”

  He raised a brow like he was surprised by my defiance.

  “A captured friend is better than a dead friend. Think of it this way, you will have your best friend back. Granted, she will be locked away in dark cell somewhere, but maybe after you learn your place I’ll allow a visit from time to time.”

  My stomach turned. I could not allow Lori’s life to end like this. She had such a bright future. If anyone deserved to have a happy ending it was her. I would not allow Damon or anyone to take that from her.

  “Death is better than an eternity with you. How about we fight for her?”

  I piqued his interest. I could see the look of amusement on his face.

  “You want to fight me? Honestly, darling, what foolishness has Herrick filled your head with? You wouldn’t stand a chance and you are no use to me dead.”

  “Sounds to me like you are afraid. If you win, you can decide whether to kill me, but if I win you let her go.”

  I honestly didn’t know if I could beat him or not. Damon’s power was well beyond anything I have seen or tried for that matter, but what choice did I have? I couldn’t let him keep her as a pet all because I broke our deal.

  “If you win, you will kill me.”

  He was right, if I could I would. At this point the only way to be free of Damon and keep my friends safe was to kill him. I would worry about the guilt later, right now I was in survival mode.

  “If you are so certain I can’t win then you have nothing to fear. I am not letting her remain your prisoner. She is better off dead than rotting away in dark cell.”
/>   I was bluffing of course. There was not a chance in hell I would let him kill her, but he didn’t need to know that just yet.

  “Fine, I’ll play your silly little game, but when I win — and I will win — that will end any future negotiations, you both will belong to me until I no longer have use for you.”

  I nodded my head in agreement.

  “I’ll meet you by the pond, bring Lori.” I thought about my words for a moment. “Unharmed.”

  “About that, she may have gotten a few bruises during her abduction. I have to say, she is stronger than she looks.”

  My blood boiled and I could feel the heat rising from my hands. He had hurt her? I wondered if he knew his words were only making my powers stronger. The more he talked the more I began to think I could actually win this fight.

  “Your funeral,” I growled, right before I forced myself awake.

  When I awoke, I noticed I was lying on my side, which wasn’t strange, but realizing I was being spooned by no other than Herrick definitely caught me off-guard. Had he known he was doing it? I highly doubted that man had ever cuddled with a woman. He didn’t strike me as a spend-the-night kind of guy. It brought a smile to my face to think I may be the first woman he had ever had sex with and stuck around to see in her pajamas. I was half-tempted to find a camera and document this bizarre phenomenon, but I had more pressing concerns. I attempted to wiggle free from his hold without waking him, but the guy was like a leech. I saw his gray eyes blink open as he squinted to see me.

  “What are you doing?” he asked groggily.

  “I’m thirsty, I’m going to get a glass of water. Would you like to see my permission slip?”

  He closed his eyes and rolled over, facing away from me.

  “Just when I start to think you’re beginning to mature, you remind me of how young you really are.”

  I was about to make yet another smart-ass comment but remembered I didn’t have time for pointless banter. I shuffled out of the bed and made my way to the kitchen. I found a memo pad and pen and began writing out a goodbye letter. I wasn’t sure if I would ever see him or my friends again and I couldn’t just leave without another word being spoken.


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