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The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3

Page 30

by Valerie Roeseler

  When the sun begins to set, I feel a gravitational pull to return to the manor. “I’ve got to go, girl,” I say as I rise from the cold ground. I fly back to the manor, following the strain drawing me in. As I enter the back door of the kitchen, everyone's milling about, gathering food on their plates, and setting the table.

  I look to Solas, I felt a pull. Is that because we…

  “Yes,” he smiles at my red cheeks.

  “Are you hungry?” Evelyn offers while handing me a plate.

  “Starving,” I reply with a gentle smile, and she kisses me on top of my head before she releases the dish to me. After loading my plate with lemon chicken, carrots, and green beans, I sit between Solas on my left and Evelyn at the head of the table to my right. Cass and Beck grab a chair on the other side of Solas, respectively. Their plates overflow with food in a hoarding manner, and I chuckle at their absurd heights. Alice perches across from me on the other side of Evelyn, and Eric takes the seat next to her. “Thank you,” I voice to Evelyn.

  “You’re welcome, dear. Thank you for helping reign in the horses. I’m glad to see you’re feeling better since last night,” she notes and pats my hand on the table.

  “I am.”

  And I’m glad to see the brothers found some clothes.

  “So, what did you see?” Beck contributes, leaning forward to view me better.

  I know everyone's been waiting patiently to hear about it. I chew my food and swallow before I answer, “Well, I think I’m in a warehouse. It’s empty and dark, but I can see a tin roof supported by thick concrete pillars. The ground's solid concrete as well. I don’t know where the warehouse is, though.”

  “Did you smell anything that could distinguish it?” Eric adds from across the table.

  I wrinkle my nose and try to remember. “I don’t remember. I can try again and see if I smell anything.”

  “Do you think that’s such a good idea? You know, considering what happened last time,” Cass debates between bites as he scarfs his food.

  His diction's changed, I note.

  "Don't make fun of him," Solas chuckles. "He's been working with Beck to fit in better."

  I hide my amusement as I reply to Cass' question, “I think it only happened because of the way we went about it. I need to find another way to induce the visions.”

  “What if you use water as a medium?” Evelyn suggests.

  “What do you mean?”

  She explains, “When Trey brought you back from the mountains, we had to get your fever down because it was too high. You submerged yourself under the water for a few moments. We thought we would have to pull you out. When you surfaced, you said that you had another vision. What if we try to replicate the event?”

  “I thought I blacked out then, but I guess it’s worth a shot. I don’t have any other ideas.” I search everyone’s faces for their input.

  Alice takes a drink of her water before she points out, “Do you remember what you’re wearing? Or what he’s wearing?”

  “I don’t remember what he’s wearing. He’s in my face the entire time. His eyes are like Beleth's.” I note.

  Solas clears his throat beside me before he wipes his mouth with his napkin. He places it back on the table, “Yes. Lucian's a Seraph."

  "What's a Seraph?"

  "Seraphim are the highest ranking angelic beings. Their wings are a vibrant orange at the bases and fade to a fiery red at the tips. Their eyes contain the same luminescence, giving an illusion of fire. Those that haven't Fallen remain Guardians of the Throne of Light. Fallen Seraphim now guard the Throne of Sheol, Lucifer's throne. Only, Lucian wasn't created until after his father's fall from grace. Even so, he was born damned and embraced it eagerly."

  I let the information sink in, and Alice breaks my reverie, “So, do you remember what you're wearing?”

  I snap my head to her, “Um… Yeah. I know this is going to sound completely crazy, but I’m wearing black armor.”

  “Armor?” Evelyn repeats in disbelief.

  Cassius points out, “If you’re wearing armor, how did you get the wound on your chest?”

  “Yeah. I’ve never seen anything like it. It looks like it’s covered in black scales lined in silver. His blade slides between its plates without much effort.” I hurry on to keep the image from my mind and theirs, “But it must have a way for my wings to be released because they're out and restrained to my back. Have any of you ever seen anything like that?”

  They all shake their heads as they finish chewing their food. I’m no longer hungry and get up to take my plate to the sink. When I turn back around to face them, I ask Alice, “Alice, do you have any more clothes I can borrow? I really need to go shopping soon.”

  “Yeah, sure,” she replies before she leaves the table to clean off her plate at the sink next to me.

  “We can go back to The Keep after classes tomorrow and retrieve your belongings,” Cass offers.

  “Really? That would be awesome.” I smile before I add a playful pout, “I really miss my Chucks.”

  “You have Nun Chucks at The Keep?” Beck asks in puzzlement. Alice and Eric snicker with me at his confusion. “What?”

  “Not Nun Chucks, Beck. Chuck Taylors. They’re my trusty black, high top sneakers.”

  “Oh,” he frowns, and Solas pats him on the shoulder as he joins Alice and me at the sink.

  “May I accompany you back to your room?” Solas whispers in my ear so low I think only Alice is close enough to hear him with her angelic hearing. It sends shivers of pleasure down my spine. I can’t speak and nod my head, biting my bottom lip.

  “Ivy?” Evelyn calls out as I turn to leave. I spin around and fake a calm exterior as I face her. “Will you be attempting to see your visions again tonight?”

  “Um… Yeah. Solas is going to try to help me again.”

  “Do you want us to assist you?”

  “Actually, I think everyone being there will put too much pressure on me, and I need to relax and concentrate. I think it would be too much of a distraction,” I admit in all honesty.

  “Ok, dear. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “I will.”

  Solas starts a fire in the hearth of my room as I go out to the balcony to smoke a cigarette. I lean back against the terrace wall with my elbows propped on either side of me as I watch him ignite the logs and the flames dancing wildly across his face. His stunning physique rises and turns my direction. His gaze is warm as we study each other from a distance. Raw need for him engulfs me like a tempest. I drop my cigarette in the ashtray as I run past, jumping into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist, and crush his mouth with mine. He carries me across the room and pushes me against the door of the bathroom.

  “Ivy,” he breathes against my lips.

  “Hmm?” I hum in question between my assault of kisses. My mouth moves over his strong jaw to the sensitive skin just beneath his earlobe.

  “Ivy, I need to tell you something,” he utters, breathless.

  I pull back from him to see his face. I note the worry in his eyes, as well as feel it, and I know he wants to tell me whatever secret he's been keeping from me. “Whatever it is Solas, it doesn’t matter. I know deep down my feelings for you are inexorable. They're like an electric current moving inside of me and ignite every time you touch me.” Solas’ mouth encompasses mine, and we become a force of nature caught in the undertow of our desire.

  In the comfort of Solas’ arms beneath the sheets, he pulls me closer to him and kisses my temple with a grumble. “I’m distracting you.”

  I snuggle into him and sigh, “You are.” I look up to meet his eyes with a smile.

  “Are you ready to do this?” he asks, and I take his question as a double entendre.

  Is he asking me if I’m ready to really be with him? Maybe he’s only asking if I’m ready to seek out my vision again. “Yes.” I don’t know which question I’m truly answering. I want to be with Solas. Could I give myself over to him completely? My
heart misses Jack. I kiss his bare shoulder before rolling out of bed. I pull a robe on and walk to my closet to borrow Alice's bathing suit.

  “Are you sure you don’t want Evelyn or Alice to be here?” he implies from the bed as he props himself on an elbow.

  “Why? Do you think they should be there?” I remark from the closet as I tie the back string of my bikini top.

  “Well, I’m thinking that if you can tether to me before you begin and we both go under, I may be able to see what you’re not able to. But if we both go under, we'll need someone there to make sure we don’t drown in the tub.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that,” I admit, reentering the bedroom as I tie a sheer red wrap on my hip.

  Solas gets out of bed and pulls his jeans back on, “You're more capable than you believe.” He approaches me and places his hands on the tops of my arms. “I have no doubt you can do this.” I nod, and he kisses my forehead. “I’ll go change quick and be right back.”

  I stop him before he exits the room, “Not the bathtub.” He glances back at me with a raised brow. “When I had the vision under water before, my body temperature was extremely high. I think we’ll need the water to be a lot colder than my current body temperature to shock me into the vision. If we try to use ice to cool the tub, it may melt too fast. Plus, I really don’t think we'll both fit in the tub.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “The pool. It’s been cold enough during the day that the water's freezing.”

  “Ok. You can gather everyone, and I’ll meet you out there.”

  After Solas leaves, I swipe my cell phone from the table in front of the fireplace. I send out a group text message to everyone.

  Me: Change n plans. Meet @ pool.

  My phone starts to beep sporadically with their replies. I take a deep breath and make my way outside. Everyone's already standing around the swimming pool. Their faces illuminate from the lights under the water's surface, and white streaks dance and glimmer over them from its reflection. Beckett whistles at me as I approach in Alice's red string bikini. Cass elbows him hard in the chest, and a low growl stirs from Solas standing next to Eric with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “So what’s the plan?” Alice hints, taking everyone's attention from the fight brewing between Solas and Beck.

  “Just like I shared my memory with you, I’m going to try to connect with Solas before I go under so he can see what I’m seeing. He may be able to sense things I can’t, but he needs to go under with me.” Alice and Evelyn appear nervous with the idea as the guys pay close attention. They're unmoving as if I'm giving them orders for a battle plan. I address each of them, “Cass and Beck, I need you to keep Solas under with me. You'll have to hold him under so he doesn’t surface. If he does, we may lose the connection. Eric, I need you to hold me under as well. You’ll know when I’m ready to come back up, but don’t let me drown,” I tease to lighten the mood. He nods his head mirroring my visage. I turn to Alice and Evelyn, “I need you two to monitor the time and make sure nothing goes wrong. If either of us starts to bleed, pull us out. Also, make sure we're not under for longer than four minutes.” I'd found that with my new angelic capabilities I'm able to hold my breath a lot longer, and I'm certain it'll help in this situation.

  Evelyn voices her concern, “This water is freezing, Ivy. Are you sure?”

  Untying my wrap and handing it to Alice, I make my way towards the steps leading into the frigid water, “Yeah. I think one of the common factors in my vision is the shock of the temperature difference between my body and the element I’m using as a medium. Yesterday, I used fire to help me meditate. The heat took over my body and induced the vision more intensely. I think that’s why I was able to be harmed. The cold water should keep that from happening.”

  I hope.

  “Ok,” Evelyn sighs.

  Solas joins me on the edge of the pool before we step into the water. Eric comes to my other side, and the Griffins stand behind us. “You’ve got this, princess. Just relax and open up,” Solas instructs me as he takes my hand.

  I take a deep breath and gradually release it before we take our first steps into the frigid glowing water. Sucking in air through my teeth, I wince at the sting of its glacial temperature. “Shit, that’s cold,” I growl. Solas shows no sign of discomfort as he urges me further into the water. Beck grumbles as he, Cass, and Eric enter the pool behind us fully clothed. When the water reaches just below my breasts, Solas and I face each other. His brilliant blue eyes sparkle with the glow of water around us. “Ready?” I mumble through my chattering teeth.

  “I won’t let you go,” he utters smoothly as if the freezing water doesn't faze him. Ignoring the cold seeping into my bones, I release the tension in my body as Eric steps behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. Beck and Cass take their positions behind Solas and place a hand on each of his bare shoulders.

  I squeeze his hands tight in mine. Are you here? I probe to test our mental connection.

  “I’m here,” he answers.

  Don’t let go.


  My skin becomes numb, and I look up to Alice and Evelyn—my two momma birds. “Four minutes,” I remind them. They each give me a single nod. Focusing back on Solas, I lose myself in his gaze and let its warmth consume me, chasing the chill away. A final shiver trails down my spine. “Here we go,” I breathe before we take a deep breath and sink under the water’s surface. Eric’s hands keep me from floating as Cass and Beck hold Solas firm underwater.

  I continue to stare into Solas’ eyes and hear him speak to me in my mind, “Close your eyes and let the water guide you there.” I close my eyes and imagine myself as liquid. My lungs begin to burn, but I let the icy water extinguish the fire before it escalates. I tremble as the cold spreads through my body, and Solas guides me closer, wrapping his arms around me. I squeeze him tight, and my mind fades. “Let go, I’ve got you,” he coaxes, his voice becoming distant. And I do. The darkness smothers me with a tightness in my chest, and I surrender myself over to it.

  My insides are boiling, not with heat, but anger. I'm pissed off. I’m wearing the forged midnight armor with large scales, and my gloved hands are bound to my ankles, restraining my wings tight against my back as the cold concrete digs into my knees through my leather pants. Lucian stalks forward in slow controlled anger from the shadows. He wears a fitted black suit with a black shirt and a skinny black tie. I imagine seeing him in an Armani advertisement. The spotlight above shines on a red jewel pinned just below the tie's Half Windsor as he approaches.

  “I have to admit, Lilim, I thought you'd be much harder to capture. I’m a little disappointed,” he sighs, and his wolfish smile falls. “But you destroyed my uncle, and for that… I'll make you suffer.” He growls low and menacing as he begins to circle me. I smell the slightest tinge of sulfur in his wake. “Would you like to hear my plans for you, Lilim?” I refuse to answer him, and he gloats, “First, I'll hunt down everyone you care about. I'll torture them while you watch, for as long as it entertains me. When I’m finished with them, I'll hand them over to Sasha—she’s my hellhound—and she loves Divine blood.” He stops before me and crouches with a nefarious smirk. “Then, I'll make you my slave. I'll own you. You'll do exactly what I tell you to. You’ll kill my father, and I'll rise in his place.” He stands and looks down at me like I’m the most disgusting thing he’s ever laid eyes on. Rage ignites through my veins. I growl up at him in defiance.

  Lucian’s hand grips a fistful of my hair and wrenches my head back to look him in the face. He bares his teeth, growling in my face with flames in his eyes. “You will suffer,” he snarls with a vibration in his chest, reminding me of a rattlesnake. Raising his free hand, he backhands me across the face, and my head snaps to the side as the taste of salted copper fills my mouth. The rustling of feathers echoes off of the aluminum roof above us. I glance around. “No one's coming to save you,” his voice rumbles and hums in my ears as his raging
eyes scowl at my weakness. A raven flies into an open window at the end of the warehouse and lands on its sill. An echo of rustling feathers tremor in the air around me. I begin to notice silhouettes of Fallen surrounding us. Lucian scowls at me, and I smile at him. He produces a blade from behind him and depresses its sharp point into my chest between my armor’s plates. The tip never penetrates my skin as he slowly tries to twist it deeper. He jerks my head back and releases my hair to grip my chin. “Relinquish your essence to me,” he demands.

  I chuckle under my breath at his annoyance. “Never,” I smirk with unwavering audacity.

  “Then I'll watch you die.” He arcs the blade in the air, intent on plunging it into my chest, but a large hand seizes his wrist from behind. I can’t detect who it is, and my vision fades out.

  Solas and I are launched above the surface as the water shoots towards the sky around me. I gasp for air wrapped in his embrace. As we come back down, blood rushes to my head, and I squeeze my eyes shut to stabilize my equilibrium. Eric, Beck, and Cass separate and haul us to the steps of the pool. I climb on my weak hands and knees out of the water before collapsing on my back, breathing hard with uncontrollable shivering. Evelyn and Alice throw towels over my body and wrap one around Solas’ shoulders.

  Solas hovers over me, his skin containing a blue tinge and wipes my wet hair from my face. “You ok?” he huffs, out of breath. I briskly nod because I can’t speak. My entire body stings with numbness, and my teeth clack with convulsions. Solas demands over his shoulder, “Everyone, get cleaned up and meet us in the entertainment room. Evelyn, will you start a fire for us, please?” Evelyn agrees, and Solas lifts me into his arms. I rest my head against his chest as he flees to my room with angelic speed.


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