The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3

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The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3 Page 60

by Valerie Roeseler

  “Do you believe she is worthy?” he scrutinizes.

  I shift uncomfortably, grasping my left arm from across my chest. “I haven’t searched her soul yet, but her actions so far seem worthy.”

  “You must be careful, daughter. Illusions can be deceiving. Be careful of the company you keep.”

  I snort. “You said the same thing about Solas.”

  Azrael’s lips quirk to the side in amusement. “I did not wish for you to be hurt by discovering your past together.”

  Shaking my head, I reiterate, “I’m a big girl.”

  He straightens his spine further, “Yes. Speaking of… I have heard Dominion chatter of your forthcoming training.”

  “What did they say?”

  “There may be more than one Son of Light sent to train you, myself being one of them. If this happens, I request that you mind your manners and bite your tongue. You cannot speak to us the way you have spoken to Michael and myself.”

  I roll my eyes, “I hate this hierarchy bullshit.”

  “You may not appreciate it now, but you must respect it.”

  I nod in agreement. “Who are the other Sons of Light?”

  He reveals, “They are the contributors of your abilities.”


  “When Michael agreed to let you live, he provided you with abilities to help you prosper in your destiny. You were given the gift of healing from Raphael, the gift of empathy from Gabriel, and your innate ability of combat from Camael. Your visions, of course, come from your mother, and the conjunction of your gifts as a Reaper and Michael’s abilities to gift life, your Immortal Pestilence manifested.”

  I’m bewildered. All my abilities came from other angels?

  I ask, “Camael is Jack’s father, right? Isn’t he one of the Original Archangels, like you?”

  His smile is soft and warm as he replies, “Yes, he is. As are the others.”


  “Why would they gift me with all of these abilities? Does it have to do with the prophecy?”

  “Yes. It was Gabriel who told Michael of your destiny. They decided to give you the best chance.”

  “Chance at what?”

  The gradual intake of his breath releases slowly. “We must wait for Michael to discuss this any further. I may have told you too much.” I nod, and he changes the subject. “Will you be returning to the Roe Estate when you resurface?”

  I shake my head, “No. We’re going to The Keep.”

  “Why would you go all that way?” he asks with the tilt of his head.

  “Lilith branded me with some kind of marking that allows her to track me. They will follow me wherever I go. The Keep has wards that will block her from finding me until we’re ready to face her. I need to recuperate.”

  My father hisses as he hears this. I want to ask him why he would ever be with such a horrid being as Lilith, but he throws me off guard. “I will inform Jack and the others of your plans.”

  I gasp. “Are they ok? Are they angry with me? Is Jack back?”

  His form dissipates with his words as he leaves me in the Veil, “Jack was willing to re-enter Sheol to find you.”

  I mumble as I swipe my fingers down my marking to return to my body, “You’ve really got to work on your exits too.” I scoff, “Rude.”


  Ivy’s body goes limp ahead of me as we’re flying through the corridor, and I catch her in my arms before she can fall to the ground. What the fuck?

  I turn her in my arms and shake her, “Ivy!” Her glowing red mark fades to black, an indication of her essence crossing into the Veil.


  “What’s wrong?” Tallulah demands over her shoulder.

  I don’t trust her. I can’t get a read on her thoughts, and it makes me uneasy. “She was called into the Veil. I imagine her father’s been looking for her.”

  “Can you get her through the portal without drowning her?” she challenges, her words clipped and arrogant.

  My eyes narrow, “Yes.”

  “Good. We’re here.”

  The gilded liquid of the portal softly irradiates the cavern. I land beside her with Ivy held tight to my chest. Her wings droop from her unconscious state, and I fold them against her sides. Tallulah regards me with expectation. I gesture to the portal with my head, “After you.”

  She rolls her eyes, then swan-dives into the water like an Olympic swimmer. I kiss Ivy’s forehead against my shoulder. “Almost home, princess.”

  Jumping in feet first, I use my wings to propel me through the scalding pool. With each thrust, the temperature cools marginally. My equilibrium spins with the changing of directions as down becomes up and up becomes down. When we finally break through to the surface, I blow the dripping water from my face, kicking my feet to move us to the side. I set Ivy on the edge of the portal and roll her to her side before pushing myself out of the water.

  Sitting next to her still form, I think of the inevitable consequences of not only my own actions but hers as well. I catch my breath and stand to face Tallulah wringing out her long, blonde hair. I can’t help but grill her. “Why are you helping us? You’re a Reaper. This has nothing to do with you.”

  She reaches down, retrieving a black backpack hidden behind a stalagmite near the cave wall. Holding the bag out for me to take, she explains, “I’m a rogue. I was part of Roman’s legion. But after Trey died… I saw what Ivy could do.”

  I take the bag, which I realize belongs to Ivy by the random patches of rock bands sewn all over the canvas. “How did you see what she could do?”

  Tallulah shrugs. “I was in the Veil when Michael let her see Trey. They didn’t see me.”

  You’re full of shit. What are the chances of you being in the Veil at just the right time to see her?

  I follow through with more questions as I sling the backpack over my shoulder. “Then, how did you get involved with her?”

  She gives me a shy smile. “I left a note for her to meet me in the Veil. When she came, I guess she thought I was Trey. She didn’t trust me at first either. I told her I knew what she did for Trey and confessed I wanted a chance at a mortal life as well.”

  “Why should she give you a mortal life?”

  “Because I helped her save you.”

  I stand there, dumbfounded with the extent Ivy has gone through to find me and talk me into coming back to the surface with her. She had a fight with Jack, and he left. Does this mean she’s done with him? Who am I kidding? I can’t worry about this right now. I need to get her to The Keep where she’ll be safe.

  I tell Tallulah, “I have to get her to The Keep before they can track her down.”

  As I turn to the portal and glide my hovering hand over the water to close it, Tallulah concludes, “So, it was you who left this portal open?”

  Once the pool of green water dulls to a murky brown, I admit, “No. That would be Roman’s doing. I’m sure he’s noticed it closing on him over the past several months, but it won’t keep him from opening it again.” I kneel down beside Ivy, readying her wings for me to lift her up again. “If only there were a way to keep it permanently closed. It could buy us more time.” I lift Ivy into my arms and face a smirking Tallulah.

  “Maybe there is.” She holds a gloved fist out, releasing a pendant to dangle from its chain in her grip.

  I quirk a brow, stepping closer, “Is that what I think it is?” She nods. “Where did it come from?”

  “It’s Ivy’s. She had me hold onto it while she was in Sheol. She said it was a gift.”

  As much as we need to close the portal, I could never destroy something belonging to Ivy. “No. I can’t let you do that.”

  Tallulah tucks the pendant away for safe keeping. “Your call, but I’ll keep it safe until I see her again.”

  “You’re not coming to The Keep?”

  She turns away, leaving the cave, and I follow. “Not yet. Sounds like you could use some backup. I’m going to see if I can gather some friends to he

  We reach the mouth of the cave. I mumble, “The more, the merrier.”

  Her dark purple wings spread wide, protruding from two vertical slits in the back of her shirt. She takes off towards downtown Red Meadow. I push into the sky with Ivy held tight against my chest, the Roe Estate my first destination.

  We’ll need all the help we can get. I don’t know how long she’ll be in the Veil, but I bet Jack won’t be happy if I take her straight to The Keep.

  With not much time to lose, as I approach the manor, I open my mind to search for Jack’s thoughts. I discover him mentally pacing, “Come on, come on, come on. Where are you?”

  I push my thoughts through his mind, Jack, I’ve got Ivy. Can you gather the others and follow us to The Keep?

  He replies, “Why should we go there? Where is she? I can’t feel our bond.”

  My chest constricts with the thought of my bond with Ivy being lost. Jack and I catch sight of each other as I fly over the estate with Ivy in my arms. She’s in the Veil. Hurry. We have to get her to The Keep before Lilith and Lucian come for her with their legions.

  The others flank his sides, plus Evelyn and one I don’t recognize. They launch into the night sky as a unit, joining me. Jack veers next to me, “Azrael said you were coming. We were ready.” He eyes Ivy’s body against me. “Here. Let me take her.”

  As she slips from my arms and into Jacks, I feel even more distanced from her since our bond was destroyed. I command the Griffins to fly ahead and alert The Keep of our arrival since they are faster.

  They comply without complaint. Even Beck gives me a playful shove as he passes me, “Good to have you back, Chief.”

  Chapter 21


  Returning to my body, I leave my eyes closed a moment to regain the balance of my mind’s vertigo. The bond between Jack and I flutters my core with a massive gravity. I open my eyes. He’s slumped in a tall-backed chair, his head rested on a fist. His blonde hair is longer, disheveled, and a strand falls over a brow of his quiescent eyes. I trace his features, imagining my fingers gliding over his cheekbones to his strong jawline. His soft mouth begs for me to kiss the corner of his lips. An ache in my heart warns me of how we left things, and I fear speaking to wake him. I’m thankful our bond wasn’t broken when Holdan ripped away the bond between Solas and me. I lay quietly in my old chambers of The Keep, watching Jack’s chest rise and fall with each breath as I think about what to say to him.

  I’m so sorry, Jack. You wouldn’t understand. I had to find him and bring him back. You never would’ve let me go into Sheol, and it had to be me. I couldn’t let him suffer anymore. I thought he was in trouble. And as much as his wings tell a different story, I know in his heart that he’s good. He didn’t belong there. It was my fault he was there in the first place. It had to be me to bring him back. I need him by my side as much as I need you.

  Jack’s eyes ease open. His vibrant green irises are more dull than usual. He remains still, his face impassive. Without words, we gaze into each other’s eyes. I’m afraid to speak. A lump forms in my throat. The silence between us grows thick, and my brittle voice trembles, “Hi.” He doesn’t respond, doesn’t move, staying as motionless as his expression. As I speak, I watch Jack’s eyes darken. “I don’t know what to say, Jack.” There’s still no reply, not even a sigh. “I knew if I told you what I was doing, you wouldn’t have let me go. I had visions of him being tortured. I thought he was in trouble. It was my fault he was there, and it had to be me to get him out. He never belonged there.” I wait for him to address me. Time seems to prolong the weight of his stare, and I fear I’ve lost him with my actions. “Jack, please say something.”

  His fist slides from his cheek as he leans forward with his elbows on his knees. “I wish you would’ve come to me. I would’ve helped you figure out a way to get him out. Do you realize how much you’ve hurt everyone…including me?” I can’t answer him. A tear rolls down my cheek. He continues, “Now you’ve antagonized the Darkness, and it’s coming for you again. Was it worth it? To put yourself and everyone around you back into a position where you’re running for your life and we have to figure out how to keep you protected?” I close my eyes against the guilt in my heart. “You’ve done a hell of a job breaking everyone’s trust. It’s going to take a lot to get it back again.” With that, Jack pushes himself up from the chair and moves to the door. My unblinking gaze lingers on the empty chair. The door creaks open, and he voices, “I love you, Ivy. I hope I still have a place in your heart.”

  As the door shuts softly behind him, the fortified walls around my emotions, keeping me strong, crumble into dust. What’ve I done? I’m not sorry for going after Solas. I couldn’t leave him there to suffer. But Jack… I’m so sorry. I’ve ruined all of my relationships. How do I fix this? How do I regain their trust? They’re my family. I need them, and I have to keep them safe.

  Solas uses his telepathy to inquire, “Do you want to talk?”

  No. I need to be by myself for now. I rebuild my emotional wall, blocking him out before he can persist.

  Hours of crying puts me back to sleep. When I wake again, I feel more determined to right the wrongs I’ve created. I push the plush, red covers from my body as I sit up. The room looks the same as I left it. The gothic fireplace across from the bed is decorated with soft candlelight on the mantle, illuminating the room. The dark and elegant tapestries cover the wall to my right, above a large writing desk. My eyes rove over the room, stopping at the wooden door, carved with graceful Celtic knots. Lingering thoughts of Beleth rush to my mind, and I shake them from reemerging.

  I continue to take in the room, finding my backpack against the dresser near the bathroom. I had left it outside of the portal to Sheol and wonder if Solas grabbed it for me when we returned to the surface. I retrieve my bag to find the clean change of clothes I packed and fish out my cell phone from the bottom. It’s dead, so I plug it in to charge as I get cleaned up.

  Towel drying my hair with one hand as I emerge from the bathroom, I power on my phone with hopes of a message from Telly, because I don’t know where she is. I set the phone down as it power cycles on and plait my damp hair over my shoulder. The phone pings in continuous succession as if it’s going crazy for my attention. I scroll through many missed calls and texts from each of my friends, wondering where I am. As I clear the notifications, I see the icon for voicemail. Dreading Alice’s choice words left for me after I attacked Eric, I take a deep breath before listening to my voicemail.

  Jack’s troubled voice flows through my ears, and I have to sit on the bed behind me. “Ivy, I’m sorry for the way I left. I’m a bastard. Please, forgive me, Sunshine. I love you and never should’ve pushed you for answers. I was too late coming home, but it’ll never be too late for you. I wish you would’ve come to me. I would’ve helped you find Solas if he’s what you truly want. Now, you’re out of my reach, and I can’t save you. You know that I love you, Ivy. I don’t know how much that’s worth to you anymore. I used to be the one you believed in… That you loved. If you come back… When you come back, know that I’ll do everything I can to rebuild what we’ve lost.” There’s a pause as hot tears flow down my face. “I love you more than anything you could ever do wrong. Safe travels, Sunshine.”

  Ending the call, my hand covers my mouth to stifle my sobbing as the other squeezes the pain in my stomach. He thinks I don’t love him.

  My father materializes beside me, startling me to swipe the wetness from my face. “Excuse me for the intrusion,” he greets with urgency.

  I rush for answers with his hasty entrance as my voice cracks, “What is it?”

  He warns, “I have new information from the Dominions. Your mentors will arrive within the week.”

  My brows raise as my eyes widen, “Wait… Here?”

  Azrael’s arms sweep open before falling back down to his sides, “The Keep may be the best place for what is to come.”

  “What about the Griffins? They’re gu
ardians of The Keep and will remain so. I won’t allow them to be driven from the safety of their home here. Each of them are rogues now and don’t have anywhere else to go,” I demand.

  My father reassures me, “I will speak with them. I am sure we can come to an understanding.”

  “Thank you. We may have another problem.” He waits for me to explain. “I had a vision of a war coming. There were beings of all kinds present. Some I didn’t recognize. It wasn’t as clear as it should’ve been. I’m positive it’s Lucian and Lilith. I don’t know how they’re able to find me here or how long it will take, but they’re coming. We need to be ready.”

  There’s a knock on my door. “Yeah?”

  Theodora calls from the other side of the door, “Will you be joining us for dinner in the Dining Hall?”

  I open the door for her. “You can come in. I need to ask you something.”

  She sees my father and steps just inside the door, “What is it?”

  Closing the door behind her, I ask, “I had a vision of Lucian and Lilith coming to The Keep with their legions. Can we send Griffins to scout the area?”

  She assures me, “We can send them within a five-thousand-mile radius, but we can only spare thirty. After the last battle in Red Meadow, we are down to a hundred and seventy-two. If they’re coming, we need the rest to remain at The Keep to make preparations.”

  “Thank you.” I strengthen my spine, evermore certain to fix the relationships I’ve destroyed. “Please, send them as soon as possible. I’ll be right down.”

  As Thea leaves, my father praises me with a smile, “That was very authoritative for you to take command. They will need your governance for what they must face. Well done. I must leave you for now. There are things needing my attention before I can commit to staying here.”

  I don’t know how to respond to his compliment and reflect on his future commitment, “How long will you be staying?”


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