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The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3

Page 63

by Valerie Roeseler

  The legion rises deliberately, nothing but strength in their demeanor. Feet stomp the ground, slowly at first, then gaining more rigor and resonance. Right fists begin to pound against chests, and they chant in unison, “Teloch! Teloch! Teloch! Teloch! Teloch!”

  The long torch in my hand turns upside down. I snuff its flame as an indication of sealing my vow to them. My family smiles up at me, satisfaction rolling off of them. Jack gives Solas a sidelong glance, then returns his gaze to me.

  Solas joins me on the dais of the throne, facing my legion. “Today we rest, feast, and enjoy our freedom. Tomorrow, we prepare to fight for that freedom. You’re dismissed.”

  The legion files out, joyous conversation following their wake. Those closest to me remain, as well as Jack’s friend, Ezra. Jack cautions, “You sure you know what you’re doing? I don’t think you know what you’re up for.”

  Cassius advises, “That’s what we are here for.”

  I stand from the throne, “I know what I’m doing. If this weren't meant to be, my visions wouldn’t have pointed me in this direction. I know I can’t win this fight alone. I need the legion. I need all of you. And I need you to put all of your petty differences aside.”

  Azrael appears at the open doors of the Throne Room with a rather tall and well-built Archangel. His blonde hair is short, his green eyes piercing, and his white wings brilliant. While I imagined an Original Archangel to appear wearing armor, he’s dressed modestly in dark jeans and a bright red button-down with the sleeves rolled a quarter of the way up his arms. It’s the eyes that give him away.

  I gesture with my head to our guests, “Jack, I think someone would like to say hello.”

  Jack’s brows furrow in confusion before turning around, as do the others. Evelyn is the first to react with a gasp. She whispers, “Cam?”

  Camael gives her a soft, loving smile, “Hello, Evie.”

  Evelyn runs into Cam’s open arms. Alice takes Eric’s hand and leans on his shoulder with a sigh. Ezra slaps Jack on the back, then Jack takes his time greeting his father.

  Cam releases Evelyn. Her tears run down each side of her broad smile. When Jack reaches them, Cam prompts, “How have you been, son?”

  They embrace in a firm, manly hug, clapping each other on the back before they step back. I make my way to join them. Jack remarks, “What are you doing here? Are you back?”

  Azrael fields the question, “Cam was sent as one of Ivy’s mentors. He will be training her until she’s ready.”

  The Angel of War adds, “I could be here for a while.”

  Evelyn wraps her arms around her husband, “We’ve missed you so much.”

  Jack looks to me, “Did you know?”

  I grin, “I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  He shakes his head in disbelief, gripping the back of his neck. When he releases his reverie, his cheeks dimple with his million dollar smile, “Thanks, Sunshine.”

  I nod, “We’ll give you some time to catch up.”

  Jack kisses me on the top of my head as he clutches me to him. “Thank you.”

  My father holds out his arm for me to take. The others go their separate ways, and he walks me back to my room. He admires, “You look lovely.”

  “Thank you, but I really want to change. Can I come find you later? I wanted to talk to you.”

  “I will be around until the others call on me to escort them here.”

  “Will you let me know before you have to go?”


  He bids me goodbye, and I get a moment to myself. All I want is to clear my head. There’s so much I have to worry about, and I need some peace to think. I change into some running clothes and go to The Common for a reprieve.

  Coming to the topmost corridor from my room, I find the massive vaulted door to The Common sealed shut. I groan internally, then ask Solas, How do I get the door to The Common open?

  Solas responds, “Going for a run?”

  Yeah. I need some air.

  “Would you like some company? I could come open the vault for you.”

  No. I can do it.

  I hear him laugh in my head, and turn the helm as he instructs, “Left two, right one, left four, then right one.”

  The vault hisses open with a click. Leaving it open as I make it through, the cold wind bites my exposed skin. The difference between my heightened body temperature and the cold front blowing in is a welcome sting, bringing me back to reality. It’s quiet on The Common with soothing waves crashing against the cliff. After taking a moment to breathe in the crisp air, I pace a run to my left, along the face of the mountain. I ignore the few gazes I feel from the Griffin sentries keeping watch over the mountain.

  I wonder what it’ll be like to train with Jack’s father? What are they going to train me on? Does Evelyn see the change in Jack lately? Will his father? I bet my father would be able to tell. I still want to talk to Eric about it, though.

  I round The Common, following its edge along the cliff. I think of when I rolled over its precipice before, and Solas caught me.

  Solas probably hates me for putting him in this position. I know Jack’s not happy either. But I need to focus on taking Lucian and Lilith down.

  My thoughts evoke fear of what they put us through in Sheol. Having the bond to Solas ripped from me was more agonizing than anything they put us through—even the demons of Kiaofi eating our flesh. I run faster. Tears streak my face. My lungs expand with sharp pain. I keep going. I push harder. I run.

  I run for a few hours, letting out all the anger, fear, heartache, and doubt. I finally collapse along the right cliff. My tired legs dangle over the rocks below as I lean back on my hands. My breathing regulates, and the water glistens like a million diamonds. The sun begins to set, washing the sky in deep pinks, purples, and blues.

  The ground crunches near the mountainside, but I don’t acknowledge whoever it is. I know it’s not Jack because our bond is softened with our distance. The steps grow closer, but they’re soft and light. I worry it’s Alice, I’m so not ready for this conversation.

  Though I’m wrong, I don’t turn when Ezra comes to stand beside me, watching the sunset in the distance. “That’s a view to remember,” he remarks.

  I hesitate, but agree, “It is.”

  I sense his eyes on me, then he adds, “I don’t mean the sunset.” I look up to him in question, ready to roll my eyes for him hitting on me. He specifies, “I’ve never known a creature like you, but the strength and admiration you showed earlier will go down in Enochian history. Never has there been an angel willing to look past the color of one’s wings. You’ve united a legion of Light and Darkness.”

  “Never?” I ask, doubtfully. He shakes his head. I regard the sun closing in on the horizon. I mumble, “Gray.”

  He replies, “The Gray Legion.”

  I let the revelation sink in. I once chose to believe things were only black and white, when in reality, as I looked closer, everything was in indistinguishable shades of gray. Now, I’ve embedded that belief in the beings surrounding me. The Gray Legion.

  I muse, “Why would you want to throw yourself into this mess? Aren’t you an assassin? What brings you here?”

  Ezra sighs heavily as he sits next to me. “Ah. That’s a good question. What am I doing here?” My face scrunches together in question. He continues, “Jack told me all about you, you know?”

  “Oh, yeah?” I deadpan.

  “He told me how you met, that you were hard to crack.” Ezra chuckles. “Then he amazed me with stories of your incredible strength.”

  It’s my turn to laugh. “You would be surprised.”

  “Yes. I am. I didn’t believe him, but I’ve seen you in the short time I’ve been here. Your strength is not something only seen… It’s felt.”

  I evade his praise, “This doesn’t explain why you’re here.”

  “When Jack came to me, I’d never seen him in such a state. After hearing his story and yours. I knew I had to meet the lovely w
oman who finally captured my mate's heart. But then, he found out you were missing. I thought he’d kill every being in the club.”


  So, Jack storms off and goes clubbing in Australia? What the hell?

  Ezra waves a hand, “I told him to meet me there. I was watching the place closely the past few months.”

  “Uh-huh,” I say with disbelief.

  “I gave him time to come find you, but I had a feeling he would need help. I showed up at the Roe’s estate, and that’s when Azrael told us you were coming. I don’t think I could explain it right, but it’s just a gut feeling that I’m meant to be here. Does that make sense?”

  I nod, “It does. Watch out, though. Sometimes those gut feelings can get you into a bind.”

  “That’s the truth,” he laughs. After a moment of silence, he discloses, “Jack’s never been in love with someone as much as he is you.” I clear my throat, feeling uncomfortable having this conversation with him. “He deserves a chance to make things right with you.”

  I rise from the cliff leisurely and dust my palms free of grass. “It was nice talking to you, Ezra.” He takes the hint, bidding me a good evening.

  Chapter 24

  I take a nice, hot bath to soothe my muscles after my run, then get dressed in some snug fitting jeans, a blue racer back tank, and my trusty Chuck Taylors. Plaiting my hair back over my shoulder, there’s a knock on the door. I tie my hair off and rush to answer.

  Alice greets meekly, “Hey.”

  I tense up, “Hey.”

  She hints, “Do you want to join us for dinner?”

  I nod, sliding through the doorway, “Sure.”

  Our steps echo through the stone corridor, and I can’t take the uneasiness between us. Alice must feel the same way because we both start to speak at the same time. We giggle, and I wait for her to continue, but she insists, “I’m sorry. Go ahead.”

  Coming to a stop, I cross my arms over my chest as I face her. “I’m sorry for lying to you. I’m sorry for going behind your back. And I’m sorry I never told you what was really going on with me.”

  Alice nods with pursed lips as she contemplates what she wants to say. “What you did was really shitty. Eric and I have been there for you since you moved to Red Meadow. I didn’t want to believe it when Eric told me what happened… That you attacked him.”

  I hang my head, close my eyes, and muster up the courage to admit what I was denying even to myself. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me… Well, that’s not true. I knew Solas was in danger. I knew none of you would let me go to Sheol to save him. When Eric tried to stop me from leaving… You remember when we were training before the Masquerade Ball?”

  “And you attacked me when I pinned Solas to the ground?”

  I sigh, “Yeah. It was kind of like that. He was in danger, and I was going to do anything I could to save him.”

  Alice throws me off guard, “Do you still love him?”

  I swallow hard and feign naivety, “Who?”

  She rolls her eyes, continuing down the hall, “You know who. Don’t evade the question… Jack.”

  I think carefully how to answer her, but nothing seems to be the right thing to say. “I love them both… I just can’t worry about that right now. All I’m considering is how to get rid of Lucian and Lilith, how my training with the Originals is going to go, and where I’m supposed to go from there. I really don’t have time to watch those two battle it out. They better get their shit together.” I mumble the last of my words as we approach the Dining Hall.

  Alice lays a hand on my arm, “Hey. We’re still here for you. I’m very proud of you for taking a stand earlier. You’ve got a lot ahead for you. You’re going to need this legion.”

  “Thank you.”

  We hug each other a moment and join the others for the feast. The room is bustling with my family. Ezra and Camael are beaming with excitement as well. The Griffin triplets laugh at a story Solas is telling them. His laugh warms my heart, and we share a smile.

  Evelyn stands to call me over, “Ivy, please, come sit with us. I’d like you to meet my husband, Camael.”

  Jack beams at me as I approach. Camael rises, offering his hand, and I see where Jack gets his million dollar smile from. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ivy.” His voice is deep and stern.

  I take his hand, “It’s nice to finally meet you as well.”

  He releases his grasp, presenting a seat between him and his son, “Please, join us.”

  My last argument with Jack leaves me nervous as I take the seat offered. A calming sense melts over my body, and I become more relaxed. Jack reaches beneath the oak table, entwining his fingers through mine. My anger with him softens. I lean into his ear, whispering, “Thank you.” Jack turns his face and kisses my temple.

  My father joins us, and dinner conversation is light and friendly. We talk about how Jack and I met, my various unconventional hobbies, and my experiences training with Jack. Cam turns to Jack, “I can’t believe you let her get the best of you, son.”

  Jack chuckles, “You have no idea.”

  I understand the double entendre, even though his father doesn’t, and my cheeks begin to burn. Cam guarantees, “She will have plenty of time to prove me wrong.”

  Solas interrupts, “He will be pleasantly surprised, princess.” My eyes flash to him quickly, and he winks at me with a crooked grin, making me blush more. Throughout the rest of dinner, I can’t help but steal glances at my friends down the length of the table.

  My father excuses himself, and Alice and Eric call it an early night. Thea and Solas follow not long after. As dinner ends, Evelyn begins to clear the table, and Jack offers to help. Beck pulls the pile of plates from Evelyn’s arms, whispers in her ear, and she smiles at him, allowing him to relieve her of the load. Beck finishes clearing the table with Jack, and Evelyn takes Cam by the hand before bidding us goodnight.

  Once Beck and Jack leave the room, Cassius moves next to me, setting down a bottle of Jägermeister. I give him a mischievous grin. “Where’d you find that? I thought all the liquor was destroyed in the fight,” I gesture to the dilapidated bar behind us with the nudge of my head.

  “This was locked away in a safe place… Beck’s chambers,” he admits.

  I slide two glasses between us, “Well, I don’t think he’ll mind.”

  We joke and laugh about his past adventures with Beck through half the bottle. I had been laughing so hard, I gave myself hiccups. I try to wipe the redness in my face as I calm down, holding my breath. Cass settles down as well, his deep, rolling laughter dying off to a silent chuckle in his quaking shoulders.

  He grows serious, “I wanted to thank you.”

  “For—” I hiccup one last time. “What?”

  “For taking an oath for us,” he acknowledges.

  I swallow hard, avoiding a hiccup in my speech. “It was meant to be.”

  “This is a big step for the Griffins. After our fall, we never imagined we would be able to redeem ourselves.”

  I nod my head drunkenly and become exhausted, my eyes drooping involuntarily. “It wasn’t fair for any of you. If I could, I would take away the Darkness and give you all the Light you deserve.” Cass falls quiet. I amend, “I don’t mean taking your essence and giving you a soul. I’m sure you all like being Griffins. I couldn’t imagine what Beck would be like without his ability to shift.”

  Cass stutters, “I… I never thought about it.”

  In my drunken state, I become a Californian Valley Girl, “Like… Never, never?”

  “It’s never been possible until you came into our lives. Even so, we are many, and we are loyal to one another. One would not take the chance if the others could not. Who’s to say each of us is worthy of such a gift?”

  My stupid metabolism starts sobering me up. Would it be possible? I would have to search each and every essence. What if not all are worthy? What if they are? I wouldn’t have a legion anymore. I’m being selfish.r />
  Cass reads the worry in my countenance, “Don’t worry, Princess. I won’t mention it. Besides, it is not possible at the moment.”

  “Why not?”

  “We have a war coming. We vowed to protect you. We don’t break our vows.”

  He gives me a sideways grin, and I smile back. I bump my shoulder into his massive frame, “Thanks, Cassie.”

  He blusters, “I didn’t—”

  “Yes, you did!” I laugh. “You called me ‘Princess!’”

  Our laughter fills the room, his baritone mixing with my amusement. Cass pours a double shot into our glasses, then holds his up for a toast. I raise my glass. He says with a chuckle, “To you, Princess.”

  We clink our glasses together. I add, “And to you, Cassie.”

  As we down our glasses in one take, Camael bursts into the room with Jack on his heels, his gaze severe and displeased with the sight before him. My laughter dies down, but my smile doesn’t falter. Cass clears his throat. “Excuse me,” he mumbles before scooting his chair back and leaving through the back of the Dining Hall.

  I drop my Chucks from the top of the table and right my chair with a thump. My mirth perishes with Cam’s approach. He stops across the table from me. My rage goes from zero to sixty in two seconds flat as he declares, “You can’t lead a legion of Fallen.”

  For once in my life, I’m able to hold my anger at bay, yet my cocky attitude is ever present as my head tilts with a challenge at his attempt, “Why?”

  His deep voice demands my intimidation, “You have no formal military training. Playing with swords in a basement like children counts for nothing. Despite what my wife may believe, you’re not ready for such a responsibility.”

  My chair slides back, grating the stone floor as I deliberately stand in defiance. I keep my voice calm. “Says who?” I glance between him and Jack. Jack’s expression pleads with me to give in.


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