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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

Page 20

by Joseph Arnold

  “Why is that?” asked Riley.

  “Because you will be faced with many choices and a choice stemming from fear no longer supports potential solutions. Choose not from a place of complaining about what another does or says, for that is from a place of judgment, which is the child of fear. Rather, choose from a deeper place of non-judgment, which is the child of love, which will give us what we so desire, but it requires us to believe.”

  “Believe in what?” asked Riley.

  “In the power that occupies the heart with love and is where truth resides. Only there will you make amazing discoveries that will unlock your capacity to remember what humans have forgotten through the ages, which is where the solutions to humanity’s current problems will be found.”

  “How will I know how to choose from a place of love as opposed to a place of fear?” asked Riley.

  “Simply by letting go of attempting to know. When the Mind Body makes a choice that aligns with the Emotion Body and Spirit Body, your entire being will want to go in that direction. Remember when you turned and ran to Sarina’s apartment?”

  “Yes, I do. How did you know that?”

  Dana smiled. “Please Detective, your entire being was aligned as you sprinted to her side. A slight “earthquake” happened and I noticed. This is why you engaged the being in the cloak as you ran.”

  Riley was becoming agitated. “Dana, I need to understand what that encounter was. I saw the being and chased it down the street!” Riley recounted the events of the chase up to the point when it exploded. “It ran away from me and then floated over an 8 foot fence! How was that possible!?”

  “The being you encountered was an agent of the dark lord and was sent to dispatch Sarina.”

  “You knew about this?!”


  “It was on a mission to murder her and you did nothing to stop it?!” Riley was becoming more agitated with Dana. “Who is this dark lord?!”

  “Detective, you must believe me when I tell you that I will do everything in my power to protect Sarina, but you are a much better being to do that than I. As for the dark lord, more about that another time. Please trust me and I will tell you about him.”

  Riley’s face was turning red with anger. “IF IT WASN’T FOR ME, SARINA COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!”

  “That seems like a logical conclusion, Detective.”

  Riley was on his feet, about to lunge at Dana. Dana raised his hand at Riley and he was unable to move. He looked down at his feet and then at Dana wreathing with anger. Sarina was staring at Riley, about to grab his shirt to hold him back.

  “Detective, please sit down and let me explain.”

  Riley composed himself and still filled with anger, sat down. “Okay, please enlighten me,” he said sarcastically.

  “Detective, what happened when you attempted to stop this being?”

  Riley’s anger was easing as he fought hard to regain control of his emotions. “When I lunged at it, hoping to take it to the ground, I just grabbed air and nothing solid. The putrid smell was so overwhelming that thought I was going to pass out. As I passed through it, an intense electrical shock coursed through my body and there was a bright flash of blue light!” Riley’s heart was racing as he recalled the instant of the impact. “The shock must have flipped me over and I slid on the concrete. Luckily I was wearing a leather jacket otherwise I would have scraped the skin off my back!”

  “Then what happened?” Dana was leaning forward as if hanging on Riley’s every word.

  Riley noticed this and said, “Don’t you know?”

  Dana sat back aware that Riley had noticed his posture. Sarina was still staring in amazement but this time at Dana. She too noticed something different about Dana. It was as if he didn’t know what happened next.

  After a moment, Dana spoke. “Detective ...” He turned to Sarina, “… Sarina … I have the ability to see and feel most things with utter clarity. That is my gift. I do not, however, have the ability to witness everything about an agent of the dark lord. Whereas I have the power to protect you from their attack, I do not have the ability to do battle with them. They are simply too powerful for me to defeat them. Detective, I knew you were in pursuit of that being and I was ready to protect Sarina with all my power but I would not have survived what you did last night if I had taken on the agent by myself. So please tell me what happened.”

  Riley nodded to Dana and calmly shared his experience. “After I was knocked to the ground, I looked up and the agent, as you call it, was floating above me as if frozen in place. It began to shudder, seemingly uncontrollably, and then exploded into a thousand points of light up into the sky. Just before that happened, I noticed that I could not see through the agent. The darkness was so complete as if it was sucking all the light around it into itself.”

  Dana paused and put his hand on his chin. “I admit that I have never heard of any human defeating an agent before, if that is indeed what happened. What were you feeling at that moment, Detective?”

  Riley stared at Dana. “I don’t know. It all happened so fast. Adrenaline must have been coursing through my veins. It was as if I was on auto pilot.”

  “That is the role of the amygdala. It is the ancient part of the human brain that responds to fear and either fights back at whatever danger is present or runs from it.”

  “Dana,” Sarina began, “I was looking out my window and saw Riley encounter the agent but I didn’t actually see it. I only saw him running and then lunge forward and skid to a stop on his back. Although I did get a waft of that putrid smell, there was no sound and no flash of light. Why was that?”

  Riley was looking at Sarina with deep concern on his face. Dana noticed this and smiled as if he had figured something out. Sarina returned Riley’s glance with soft composure as if to sooth his worries. Again, Dana noticed this and his grin got wider.


  “What do you mean, love?” asked Riley. Sarina’s eyes were growing wider.

  “Love,” Dana repeated. “Fundamental human existence comes down to these two primary emotions, love and fear. Detective, what seems clear to me that in your devotion to Sarina and your reaction to the nudge you received from your guides was to make sure that she was safe at any cost. This emerged from a deep and true love you have for her. ” Dana sat back and smiled.

  Sarina was blushing and looked down, away from Riley who was sitting with a blank look on his face.

  Riley felt an energy shift as Dana spoke and looked over at Sarina who was crying. She wiped her tears and asked, “Dana, why didn’t I see the agent?”

  “My dear, you were so filled with a great and deep love for the Detective that you could not possibly see a creature born solely from fear.”

  Tears were welling up in Sarina’s eyes again.

  Riley reached out to Sarina and put his hand on her shoulder. The electric pulse was stronger than ever. He turned to Dana. “So why was I so able to see the agent if I was acting out of love?”

  “Ah Detective. You were in perfect alignment with your fear and your love so you saw the creature for it truly was, an unbalanced being.”

  “So why was I able to defeat the agent when you’re not able to?”

  “Love is a powerful force and it is a human emotion and one hundred times more powerful than fear. Sarina was experiencing her own human emotion of pure love so I suspect that with that much power, the agent was not able to overcome your efforts to stop it. And, you were aided by your guides so the chances of success were stacked in your favor. Their nudge was a direct response to the love you were feeling. As for the putrid smell, it is the calling card of an agent of the dark lord and indicates its presence.”

  Riley softly gazed at Sarina and handed her a handkerchief who, with more tears in her eyes, nodded at Riley and managed a smile. Returning to his detective instincts, he said to Dana, “But I felt like I was pushed by someone or something. You called this a nudge from my guides but it felt more like a kick in the pants
if you ask me.”

  “Well, yes in a sense.” Dana winked at Sarina. “Guides are nothing more than a perfect alignment of all your bodies. In a way, Detective, you kicked yourself,” Dana laughed a deep and hearty laugh as he spoke. “How many times do you find you talking to yourself and asking what to do or what choice to make?”

  “Often,” he said.

  “Then there you have it, your guides are nothing more than your inner self guiding yourself.” Dana glanced at Sarina whose face was a bit flush. “I know, dear Sarina, you believe your guides are sentient beings from another plane and, in a way, you are right. They are simply other parts of you from other dimensions and other lifetimes where everyone lives from time to time. What they are not is separate from your own consciousness. You, in effect, own them because they are you. Is this clear?”

  “I’m not sure if I can believe this, Dana,” Sarina said.

  “It will be imperative that you learn to believe if you are to make quick, precise, and critical choices in short order! You must understand this before we re-enter the alley tomorrow morning as your guides will be working at light speed, and you will need all of your internal beliefs intact. Can you make the shift, Sarina?”

  “You are asking me to change a fundamental belief of mine.”

  “And where did you find this belief?”

  “From all I have been taught and all I have read about spirit guides.”

  “In order to embrace this mystery, you must now embrace a belief from a different place. Look deep in your heart and reveal your own personal power which is guided by no one but yourself. You will not let yourself down, trust me.”

  Sarina dropped deep in thought to center and realized this was the first time she heard Dana so insistent on anything. His assumptions that her understanding of her guides was wrong infuriated Sarina. How does he know what is right or wrong? she wondered. It was at that moment when Sarina got a shot from deep within. He was right; I am the one with the power and no one else. My guides serve only me and no one else. No one else can hear them but me. I have never heard anyone else’s guides. All the information in the universe spun like an intricate web inside Sarina and she realized that she was blessed with an ability to sense other people’s webs when she was near them. This did not mean she was their guide or that she held the answer for anyone else. It simply meant that she was connected to other human’s vibrations. Her eyes lit up and Dana smiled.

  “Okay my friends, it is late and the stomach needs something comforting. What’s for dinner?”

  Chapter - Eleven

  “Let’s eat here tonight so we can speak without the outside chatter …” Sarina let out a little sigh as she realized that Dana was smiling at her again. “Okay, I know. When we talk anywhere the background chatter fades away and we go unnoticed. But I really want to eat here.”

  “Fine my dear. We eat here.”

  Sarina got up a little embarrassed because she realized her cupboards were a bit sparse. “I want to apologize in advance, but my food supplies have been better …”

  Dana chuckled and said, “Your food needs have already taken care of my dear.”

  Sarina went into her kitchen and gasped upon finding the cupboards and refrigerator overflowing; she hadn’t been shopping in weeks. She turned and looked sharply at Dana. “How? When?” was all she could sputter in her astonishment and delight.

  Dana just smiled. “Everything is just different forms of energy” was the extent of his enigmatic reply.

  Riley and Dana got up and began walking towards the kitchen to help but Sarina waved them away. “Sit down and relax while I put something together. I usually ground myself through cooking, when I am not running frantically from here to there. And I do better alone with no input from anyone else.”

  The last time Sarina entertained men in her house was before Joe left for Peru. They had a going away party for him with their friends and the house was filled with such joy. It was a time when the world seemed sane and life was full of love.

  “What’s wrong Sarina?” Riley asked.

  “I was just reminiscing about Joe from long ago.”


  Sarina shared with Riley about her time with Joe, glancing over at Dana who likely knew the whole story and then she stopped. If Dana knew all these things, did he know if Joe was still alive?

  Dana shot her a concerned look almost scowling. He shook his head as if to say, “not now.” Dana was precise about sharing information and now was not the time to reveal what he knew.

  Dinner was ready and they enjoyed a meal of corn, rice, beans, and some local fish from the market. The food was perfect and just what they all needed after their day. When they finished, they cleared the table and moved back to their circle. Riley said, “What was in that dish? I feel different, as if everything I see has greater definition and contrast. More like everything is backlit with an enhanced variety of colors.”

  “Ah… Food is simply another vibration and when the ingredients are combined just so, the energy satisfies not only the material needs but the spiritual needs as well. Your senses are more keenly developed. Am I correct?”

  Sarina closed her eyes and said, “Yes. It seems I have a more developed sense of spatial awareness. Dana, you are to my right about five feet away standing next to the low table by the hallway door.” Sarina was pointing. “And Riley, you are directly behind me with one hand in the candy bowl, the right one,” pointing towards Riley.

  They all laughed but it was true. Something was different and Dana was standing with a smug look on his face and said, “Indeed.” He motioned them to sit.

  Both Sarina and Riley felt a euphoria they had never felt before in their lives. It was a sensation without words or at least words they didn’t know. Even their movement was enhanced and as they sat down it felt more like sitting in slow motion. They also felt younger, or something akin to that feeling. They were able to move with less effort than before. All these subtle and not-so-subtle changes in their awareness took place in a matter of moments as opposed to what in the course of normal spiritual evolution would have taken lifetimes to achieve.

  Sarina looked over at Riley who appeared to be deep in concentration. “Riley, is everything alright?"

  “I don’t know,” he said. “In one sense, I feel very alert and kinda high and yet on the other hand everything feels upside down and I can’t put my finger on what I’m experiencing. I feel ... uh ... off balance, I guess. I don’t really know how I feel. This all seems so wonderful and yet strange. It is hard for me to explain … it doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Oh my,” said Sarina sensing his retreat into his logical mind.

  ”I want to understand this and I can’t. I like the feeling, I just want to know what happened and why!”

  The room became intensely silent. Sarina noticed Riley clenching his fists. She said nothing even as she wanted so desperately to comfort him. He needed a moment to collect his thoughts and regain control. Sarina went against her emotional desire and let him alone, realizing that her first instinct wasn’t always right.

  “I’m sorry.” He said. “I don’t like feeling out of control, even in this somewhat euphoric state. I can still function the way I am used to functioning, but I feel like my edge has been compromised and I hate that feeling.”

  “I understand.” Sarina kept quiet after that.

  Dana re-centered the circle and invited them to sit in silence for a time. Finally Dana spoke. “I wanted to give you some time to adjust to the new sensations you have been experiencing. Are you settling in, getting used to these ‘enhanced’ abilities?”

  “What am I experiencing?” asked Riley.

  “Ah, Detective … you are graced with the ability to see everything with greater clarity, and yet you resist. If you are experiencing a feeling of being out of control, my advice is to let that feeling evaporate. If you can let go, you can use your new abilities more effectively. The goal is not to control the creation of your
environment to fit in with your abilities but to allow your environment to materialize organically and call in whatever abilities are right for the moment that arises.”

  “Feeling out of control is a huge issue for me, but I suppose you named and explained my gift so for that, thank you. Oh, uh, what caused this in me?”

  “There will be time later for an explanation, if need be. And you Sarina, how does it feel to have your gift of seeing when others cannot?”

  “Well said, Dana. I have always wondered what it might be like to see things from great distances away with my eyes closed. I can see the fly on the window across the street in total darkness. My analytical mind still resists but if I can let that go, I find myself being drawn to see more, see further.”

  “Good,” said Dana. “I shall continue with my story. We completed the portion of this story about choice. We all have free will to choose whichever path serves us and the higher good. Some call this higher good “Dharma,” which simply means behaviors considered necessary for the maintenance of the natural order of things. Our Dharma serves us whether we choose poorly or choose well.

  When we choose poorly, our Dharma slows or otherwise becomes foggy or uncertain, and our lives can become stagnant or stale seemingly without purpose and our energy slows to a crawl, like a clogged drain that needs to be cleared. We can find ourselves depressed, anxious, stressed, or angry, ending up in other situations associated with negative feelings that are, of course, brought on by fear.

  When we choose well, our vibration rises and our Dharma jumps into an accelerated forward momentum where everything in our life feels right. We see the world in a fantastic way and all facets of our life seem to be in perfect order. This is when we reap what we sow in a good way. We become better people with greater compassion for others and less critical of not only those around us but also of ourselves. This is when we can accomplish great deeds for society, community, family, and self. Our careers flourish and we feel alive.” Dana paused and then asked, “Does this make sense to you both?”


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