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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

Page 24

by Joseph Arnold

  “Oh Riley, that makes perfect sense to me. My children played a lot of video games, and I believed the games take from them a sense of purpose and put them on that same treadmill. They passed it off as entertainment, but when they played games or watched movies for four, five, six, or ten hours per day, I questioned what was actually happening. I asked my second oldest son, who was still trying to get into the gaming industry after two years out of college, if he felt anything when he played games where he killed other beings and walked over dead bodies. He said no, that’s just an aspect of the game. Somewhere in their sub-consciousness lays a desire to find something more, but they are children of the era. Technology inadvertently disconnects people from their spiritual essence and confines them to their logical mind of diversion. Do you know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, I see that with the younger cops who rely more on technology and less on …”


  “I was going to say gut feeling, but I suppose they are the same.”

  “Yes they are … but I cut you off.”

  Riley yawned and said, “You’re pretty good at finishing my sentences and I like that about you. It’s as if you hear what or how I'm thinking. Not many women in my life have listened to me so well and I’m glad that you can do that.”

  Sarina smiled at Riley. “It’s my gift.” She really wanted to say that Riley was an easy read, but she also knew that this little secret of hers might actually make a potential relationship with him a bit easier and that this gift might make this odd Jedi-type relationship more workable. “It’s late and I’m also tired. Maybe it’s time to end this conversation and pick it up tomorrow morning with Dana. How does that sound to you?”

  Another yawn, “That sounds great! May I please use your shower, Sarina?”

  “Certainly and please make yourself at home here. I’m grateful that you’re here. You’ll find an extra towel hanging by the shower.”

  “Great. I’ll say good night in a few minutes.” With that, Riley disappeared down the hall and into the bathroom.

  This all felt right and Sarina sunk back into her sofa and drifted into a peaceful place. A few minutes later Riley walked in and touched Sarina’s arm. The electrical pulse was more intense than ever. He pulled her from the sofa and gave her a gentle hug and a kiss on her cheek goodnight and nudged her towards her bedroom.

  Sarina was impressed by his integrity and simultaneously felt a slight pang of disappointment but simply said, “Good night.”

  Chapter - Fourteen

  Riley set the alarm on his phone and placed it beside the sofa on an end table. Sarina set her bedside alarm for 6:30. But they needn’t have bothered because they were both awake at 6:15. Riley got up and went to the kitchen to make some coffee and tea. He was amazed that he seemed to know or remember that Sarina loved her chai with a bit of milk and agave sweetener. He hesitated and wondered how he was able to remember or know this. He paused and suddenly began to know things about Sarina that she hadn’t told him. What her favorite color was, where she liked to sit and watch nature unfold, what her favorite books were to read, how she played her computer mind game before she fell asleep, and many more details he just knew about her.

  Sarina walked into the room and said, “Good morning Riley, how did you sleep?” When he did not answer she asked, “Anything wrong?”

  “Huh, oh nothing it’s just that …”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Well … it’s just that …”

  “What?” she asked again.

  “Well, I seem to know things about you …”

  “Like what?!” Sarina was starting to get anxious.

  “I seem to know a lot about you. Things you have never told me. How is that possible?”

  This exchange was halted by a knock at the door. They both said “Dana.” Sarina shot Riley a concerned glance and moved to let Dana in.

  Dana bowed to Sarina and said, “Hello, my dear.” He handed Sarina a bag that smelled heavenly.

  “Ummm, my favorite Danish,” she said, “And from my favorite bakery!”

  Dana looked over to Riley and winked. “Good morning detective, did you sleep well? Was the sofa comfortable enough?”

  Riley said nothing and went back to making his coffee. The water for Sarina’s tea boiled and Riley put out three cups. “Two spoons of sugar and one spoon of cream, Dana?” he said aloud.

  Dana responded, “Naturally.”

  Riley grunted.

  “See how easy it is,” Dana stated.

  Riley spun around and asked, “Dana, what’s happening to me?”

  “You have found the gift of knowing,” said Dana. “Your dream about the eagle, was it real or just a dream?”

  Riley stepped back and grabbed the counter. “How did you know about my dream?”

  “You told me.”


  “Does it matter; is it not enough that I know, just as you know what Sarina and I take in our coffee and tea?”

  “Well …” Riley’s mind was spinning and he felt as if he was about to fall over. His logical Mind Body was fighting to regain control, but his Spirit Body was taking the lead.

  “Sit down, detective, and you as well, my dear.”

  Sarina was still standing with her eyes rolled back in their sockets as she inhaled the sweet aroma of the bakery she so loved.

  The three sat down and sipped from their cups.

  Dana spoke first. “Detective, remember what I told you about the meal we ate last night? You received from that meal a gift. That gift heightened your senses, the sense of knowing things about others. This newly heightened sense will be very helpful on your journey. And you, Sarina, anything different today?”

  “Well, now that you mention it. I feel at ease, as though time is standing still and my mind is at rest. I usually fret and worry about most everything but right now I’m focused only on this bag you brought and it does smell yummy!”

  “You are experiencing a sense of being at peace with your surroundings, yes?”

  “That’s exactly the sensation I feel.”

  “This gift of the sensation of being at peace with your surroundings will help you when you need to make quick decisions. Clarity and focus are the result of this gift and can be welcomed provided you don’t hesitate too long. Remember that.”

  “How did we get these gifts?” Riley asked, still a little shaken from his experience.

  “The herbs in last night’s dinner were ancient blends to help enhance certain gifts in each person. You possessed the gifts already, but you are now more aware of them because they occupy a more readily accessible part of your consciousness. Last night your guides took you to a special dream space where you were allowed to process your upgrades in more conscious ways. You were able to navigate within your dreams, which is to say you made choices. Do you recall this?”

  “I do recall being in a space that felt like a dream but not a dream at the same time. I was able to choose directions of travel and the eagle seemed to be present for all my choices, just out of reach but soaring around in circles until I woke up. I remember stopping from time to time and just sitting down and feeling very alive. I got up and moved to a different place and sat down again with the same feeling returning. I looked up at the eagle and just knew which direction he was going to turn.”

  “Detective, please be aware that this new gift you now possess is not the ability to read minds but the ability to know something about another and requires intense focus on that being and its movements. If you allow yourself to doubt or allow your Mind Body to regain control, this gift will be of no service to you. Do you understand?”

  “I’m not sure; this gift intrigues me. I don’t know what to make of it, but I am willing to see it through. ”

  “I suspect you will come to embrace this gift and use it when necessary so it is wise to simply allow what you feel to be and not become something to control or fear.”

  “I will,” said Riley. />
  “And you, Sarina, how have you received your gift?” asked Dana.

  “I love it! I can’t say when the last time I felt this open and aware. I dreamt I was on a beach and the warm sand wrapped around my toes. I just lay there for what seemed like an eternity”

  Dana smiled his knowing smile. “Good. Now, we have much to cover before we return to the alley for the next leg of your journey. Shall we enjoy the Danish and drink?”

  The three sat and ate. The moment was precious and calm. After they ate, Dana shared the events that were to unfold throughout the day. “We are about to journey into a realm that is unknown. Sarina has some ideas about where we will go, but the experience will be unlike anything in the human world, Detective, so be open to anything. It will be imperative that you use your gifts and remember the song you received the other day. Also you must bring your talisman items with you and keep them in your possession at all times. Do not exchange them with one another and do not relinquish them to any other being, not even me. Is that understood?”

  Sarina and Riley nodded in agreement.

  “I will lay out the fundamental building blocks of this journey but the details will unfold as they will. I cannot share what those details will be as I do not know them myself.” Dana continued. “We will enter the realm as we did before and approach the portal. At that time, we will move through a veil. You will sense a great void and must trust your gifts as they will be tested. We will cross the void and emerge into the unknown. You may feel weightlessness and see a great many unusual things. You must free your mind from the attempt to understand what you see. Remember, your gifts will help you make choices that your mind cannot comprehend. Sarina, remember that you can see beyond what your eyes see. Detective, remember that you will see the energy images and you must trust this. Do not navigate with your logical mind; it will not serve you in that realm. Use your gift of knowing about others and it will always reveal a truth for you. Sarina, when the time comes, you must remain centered and balanced. Use your gift of serenity or peacefulness as this gift will allow you to make your choices with grace and authenticity. Do you have any questions about what I just shared?”

  Riley asked, “Can you speak more about the Sumerian beings?”

  “Detective, I sense your urgency to know as much as possible about these beings. However, the more you experience this journey into the unknown without complete knowledge about them, the more you will come to understand how they operate, especially with your new gifts. I believe that if I share more with you now, your fear might get in the way of the subtle nuances that the Sumerians project. Small details of how they navigate in their environment might be missed that will put you in greater danger. Suffice it to say, you two have been chosen for this specific purpose. The very survival of your species depends on how you approach these beings and how you handle yourselves in the face of what is about to unfold.”

  “And what is that,” Riley asked?

  “What I will say is that your journey into the spirit world will be intense. You have already experienced a bit of what I am telling you and there is indeed more to come. Unlike the material world you know, the spirit world has a great many and varied situations or, how do you say, rules that will require your focused attention. The spirit world is unlike anything you might have ever imagined. The sharing of what I call material knowledge of this place and its inhabitants will only distract you from your course of action.”

  “But what are we supposed to do,” asked Riley. He was becoming somewhat agitated not knowing what to expect.

  “Detective, even with my powers to see and guide you, I am not able to see what specific steps you should take. A great variety of steps are possible. What I do know is that you will find your own way when the moments appear. My role is to prepare you as best I can and help create as clear a path as possible for you and Sarina to follow.”

  Sarina thought about what Dana had been saying. “Dana, all of a sudden I’m feeling very scared about all this. I know we have these gifts and you seem to have a great deal of confidence in us but I’m trembling inside. I’m really scared.” Sarina was almost in tears.

  Dana turned and said, “My dear Sarina, I know this is difficult, but please know you are being held and cared for by a force very powerful where I exist.” Dana put his hand on her shoulder. “I cannot guarantee your complete safety through this, but your allies are many and present everywhere and …” he glanced over to Riley, “… you have the detective by your side and I have a feeling he will do his best to keep you out of harm’s way.”

  Riley glanced back toward Dana with a bit of a worried look and then swung around and looked deep into Sarina’s eyes. “He’s right, Sarina, I won’t let any harm come to you.”

  Sarina seemed to relax a bit after being reassured to some degree. The three rose in silence and walked out into the crisp morning air of San Francisco. They walked around the corner, onto the street adjacent to Sarina’s apartment towards the alley. This time they were cautious and were not followed.

  It was late morning when they arrived and turned down the alley. Their reality immediately seemed to alter and the noise of the street behind them faded into silence and a distant drumming began. Dana opened the door as before, touching the small symbol. They entered the large room shrouded in a green light with a mist rising from the floor. The chanting began and Dana went through the same ritual as before, chanting the seven names, Ixchel, Akna, Chac, Camazotz, Xbalanque, Hunahpu, and Cum-Hau as they approached the portal.

  Sarina was able to see more than before. Shapes resembling human form passed around her, but she was not able to make out any faces. She began to tremble and felt a distant fear entering her consciousness. Riley touched her shoulder and she felt her gift of serenity filling her entire being. The figures began to shift in shape and faces emerged and yet, they all appeared the same to her. Riley saw energy fields of these beings, unseen to him, more as auras and less as figures. He looked around at the different energy fields and noticed that all were beginning to surround them. He saw Dana’s and Sarina’s distinct auras and kept track of them with this knowing. He sensed Sarina’s familiarity of this experience, which also helped him keep track of her. It was as if her whole being developed a pattern that he saw and felt. Dana also projected this from his being so that Riley found it easier and easier to sort out his two companions’ energies from all the other energies he sensed.

  They navigated this space with the amorphous forms with surprising ease, not so much by walking but more like drifting from one space to another. Each time they drifted in a different direction, Sarina saw that they approached a new junction or portal and Riley felt the beings’ energies shift. Between the two of them, they were able to silently make appropriate choices and shift directions forward through the portals from their present spot to a different space, or what felt like a room. Riley and Sarina remembered Dana’s words, “The spirit world is unlike anything you might have ever imagined.” These rooms were sometimes completely devoid of light while others were so bright, they were almost blinding. All the while, Dana was almost out of sight. When Sarina and Riley shifted their direction through another portal toward a different room, the connection with Dana faded, but after they moved into that new room, he reappeared again but just out of reach. Dana’s white aura stood out among all other auras they saw.

  Riley and Sarina made another shift into a new room and it was Sarina who first saw a different form. She recognized this form not so much by sight, but by feel. This figure emanated a great calmness, which drew Sarina closer. Riley noticed the figure as well and saw a great rainbow aura radiating from the form. The form seemed to be more feminine than masculine and its pattern was similar to Sarina’s own.

  “Riley, do you see that?” Sarina thought.

  “Yes,” responded Riley also as thought. “Also, Dana has stopped moving and his energy seems to be undulating, brighter – darker – brighter – darker. He seems to be pausing or waiting
for something.”

  “Look, that figure is moving towards us. Her form is becoming very clear. She looks like my mother. Mom,” Sarina thought, “is that you?”

  Dana appeared to move closer to Sarina and Riley. “Use your gifts.”

  Sarina turned to Riley and back to the figure. With perfect clarity, Sarina reached out with her thoughts and the two figures locked together for an instant. Riley instinctively took hold of Sarina’s body around her waist and held on.

  The energetic pulse was so great that Riley felt he might explode at any moment. A wave of energy was passing through him and he imagined the same was happening for Sarina. The energy began to take form as if a story was being shared. The images were fast and blurred together. After a moment, the images became clear to Riley and Sarina and the images were pulsating in a distinct rhythm that Riley was able to see and feel and understand.

  Sarina was sharing energetic information with this being. Riley saw the auras of Sarina and this being merging to become one enormous field. The energy was at an extremely high vibration and yet the images flowed well, from one to the next. Sarina was clearly being fed information from this being. He wondered if Sarina was sharing images of her own back to this being.

  Dana was at their sides now and seemed to be merging with their auras. The entire mass of energy—Sarina, the form, Riley, and Dana—seemed to begin a spiral movement around and around upward into nothing. The four had become one energy propelling upward at what seemed to be light speed or faster.

  This energy field passed through a key hole of sorts and slowed in another place. As the energy mass slowed its dance, the room began to resemble an island surrounded by turquoise water. The four seemed to float down onto a white sandy beach. Riley and Sarina felt the warmth of the sand, sensed the coolness of the water, heard the gentle breeze blowing through the trees, smelled the clean air, and tasted the salty moisture in the air.


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