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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

Page 28

by Joseph Arnold

  “Dana has been giving us information and guiding us through this … this connecting or re-balancing light and dark, not really knowing who Cum-Hau is or any of the other Mayan characters …” Riley paused, “… although my Mind Body is not rebelling as much as I thought it might. I don’t know Dana and yet I trust him with my life. I ought to be questioning everything, checking facts, researching his story, looking for clues, and all of that. I don’t need to do any of that, which goes against my better judgment. This is a new feeling, letting go of the intellectual part of myself.”

  “Riley, Dana never said to dismiss rational thought; he only said to focus more on the Emotional Body, which is much more powerful than the Mind Body. I think you’re going to need your Mind Body intact as we move forward as this is your greatest gift. Your best human gift is your ability to observe, categorize, analyze, and make deductions. I hope that you still have that capacity within you. Do you?”

  “Of course I do, and will utilize my gift to observe, categorize, analyze, and deduce. I just realize how much more acute I am with my other gifts. Even so, I feel slightly nervous about tomorrow. Do you?”

  “Well certainly, but after what we just experienced, I seem to be more confident. Dana has explained a great deal and still there is more mystery in all of this than I know. I feel like a detective …”

  Just then the phone rang. It was Dana. “Look out the window,” he urged.

  Riley and Sarina peeked through the blinds just in time to see five hooded strangers walking away from her apartment complex. “Who are they?” Sarina whispered.

  “More beings from the collectives of the other worlds. Activity has increased in the last 24 hours. I suspect something may be happening in the spirit world as these beings generally do not show up in groups and I wanted to know if you were safe. I don’t think they mean you harm but I was just checking.”

  “We’re safe. Dana, what is happening in the spirit world?”

  “I am not sure but I think you must be closing in on something powerful. I will see if I can find out what it is.”

  “Can you tell me about what happened in our dreams together, Riley and me?”

  “You dreamed together?” Dana was intrigued.

  “Yes, didn’t you know?”

  “No, I did not. Sarina, I see many things but as I lead you through this journey, more things will happen that I will know nothing about. I am amazed it has happened so soon. Given the circumstances at the moment, and your dreaming together, I’d better come over and double check to make sure you will be safe for the night. Conscious dreaming agitates the other world collectives. This is fairly exciting, don’t you think?”

  “Okay, Dana. Whatever you say.” She hung up and told Riley what Dana said and that he was coming over now.

  “Great, we have disturbed the other world collectives?” He threw up his hands. “Maybe he can fill us in on the details of our shared dream and how they attracted the putrid smelling agents,” he added sarcastically.

  “Riley, Dana said he knew nothing about our shared dream and that he was surprised this happened to us a soon as it did.”

  There was a loud knock at the door. “Who’s there?” asked Sarina.

  “It is me, DANA! Let me in!”

  Sarina looked at Riley who had a concerned look on his face. The voice on the other side of the door was so excited that it did not sound like Dana’s. Only a few moments had passed and this knock seemed too soon for Riley’s comfort. “Wait a minute,” he whispered. He realized at that moment that Dana had a propensity to simply materialize from nowhere.

  “PLEASE LET ME IN!” The voice was heightened, almost excited!

  “JUST A MOMENT!” Sarina exclaimed. Riley and Sarina walked to the door and noticed the piece Dana left on the door. It was glowing red and very warm to their touch and that putrid smell was wafting through the door. They stepped back in a slight panic and waited.

  They both stared at the piece on the door for a few moments. It slowly stopped glowing and the red color faded. It was cool to the touch as they both stood by the door focused on it. They both heard the sound of wind from outside the door and then another knock. They both jumped back startled.

  “It is me, Dana. Please open the door”

  This time it indeed sounded like Dana’s voice and very clear to them both. Sarina opened the door, confident that it was indeed Dana’s voice she heard.

  He hurried in and closed the door, turned and muttered some foreign words that sounded to Riley like Latin. Dana turned and asked, “Are you two all right?!”

  “Yes,” said Sarina.

  “Who was that?” asked Riley.

  “I am not completely sure. What did the voice sound like?” he asked.

  “Very deep and raspy,” she said.

  “Did the piece on the door change color?”

  “Yes. It turned red and it was warm to the touch.”

  “Right, the piece hanging on the door is a protection device that absorbs energy and allowed the voice on the other side to be heard as the voice it actually is and is designed to keep another from mimicking my voice if it was indeed not me. I suspect it was another agent.”

  That’s when Dana noticed their eyes. He stared at Riley and Sarina with a look of disbelief. Dana had knowledge of the eye color shift that Sarina and Riley were now experiencing and what that color shift meant.

  “We dreamt together as we slept earlier and when we woke our eyes were as you now see them.” Sarina and Riley both knew that Dana was trying to comprehend the change in their eyes.

  Dana stepped back when he realized this. “You knew what I was about to ask?”

  Riley looked at Sarina in disbelief and said, “Yes, we did. How did we know that?”

  “You are closer to being in unison than I might have hoped. This is a good thing. The spirit world is agitated so we must act quickly. Now, tell me of your dream.”

  They sat in their usual spots on the floor in the sacred circle. Riley spoke of his experience of being an eagle and what he saw as he soared above the land. Sarina shared her version of the dream and how she used the eagle whistle Joe had given her to call back to Riley and how they embraced.

  “You have been joined,” said Dana. “The whistle was the spirit of Joe helping the two of you to connect. He must be very powerful to have offered that gift. Remember the note I gave you about Joe? I said that you might see him in a way you may not recognize. It has happened and this is a very good sign. Your path is now open to Source, but we must journey one last time to join your gifts completely. I was hoping to take you in tomorrow, but your dream has accelerated the necessity to make this last journey before we enter the heart of Source.”

  Riley’s phone lit up with a call from Jennifer Banderas ….

  Chapter - Eighteen

  “Hello Jennifer. How are you?”

  “Riley, I need your help!” She sounded excited but very police-like and professional.

  “What is it, Jennifer?”

  “I found some information and … I’m not sure, but it must be important to your case.”

  “What? How do you know? Are you alright?”

  “For now, but I think someone has been following me. I followed a lead but can’t talk about it right now.”

  “What about getting help from your precinct?”

  “No good. I’m not wanting to call any attention to myself.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m safe at a place. A location where you and I used to go. Do you remember?”

  “Is it near Hay…”

  “Don’t say it. Yes. Do you remember how to get here?”

  “I do.”

  “Please get here as soon as you can! And bring her!”

  “Right. What about your fam…”

  “They’re fine … just get here as soon as you can!” She hung up.

  Riley hung up and told Sarina and Dana what was happening.

  “We are pressed for time!” Dana said.<
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  “I know, but she may be in danger! And she says she has information for us.”

  “Why didn’t she say it over the phone?” Sarina asked.

  Riley looked at Sarina. “She is a very good detective and did not want to say anything over the phone to give anything away.”

  “Should we go?”

  Dana spoke. “I sense that this might be helpful, to what extent I do not know. You two should book a flight and I will meet you there. Where are we going?” he asked.

  “Hayden Lake, Idaho. Specifically, Windy Bay on Windy Point Loop.” While Riley and Dana conferred about what Jennifer may have found, Sarina the researcher sprang into action and was whipping through travel Web sites in a matter of seconds.

  “I found a flight but it will take 4 hours with one stop!” said Sarina.

  “Book two tickets, here is my credit card.” Riley handed Sarina his card and she finalized the reservations.

  “It leaves SFO in 2 hours.”

  “No need to get packed! Dana, how will you get there?”

  He just smiled and said, “I will find my own way.”

  “Done. Let’s go,” said Sarina.

  Going to Jennifer’s rescue all happened so fast but Dana trusted Riley and Sarina’s intuition. Sarina knew Jennifer from her phone conversation and her numerology exploration confirmed that this was going to be a tumultuous time for Jennifer Banderas. She had also grown to trust Riley but to leave right now, in the middle of all this? Rather than get caught up in a muddle of “what ifs,” Sarina stepped back, centered herself with some breathing exercises, and, using her new gifts, quickly confirmed that this was extremely important. She was ready to go now.

  They rushed to the airport with plenty of time to spare and were able to relax in a bar on their concourse and collect thoughts.

  “So,” Riley said, “what do you know about this situation with Jennifer?”

  “Well, we talked about my mother’s disappearance and the Mayan calendar as it related to my father and our family … oh and she remembered being at my house with you on that night when my father left.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Hmmm. I found it interesting that she was born on the same day that President Kennedy was shot. I’m not sure if that is important but it does seem to stand out in my mind.”

  “I did know that.”

  “Riley, did she say anything about the Mayan calendar?”

  “Not directly but she did say she had important information about our case, I assume about your sister. She was very careful not to say too much.”

  “Do you believe she is safe?”

  “Yeah, the house she mentioned belonged to her Great Aunt and not even her husband knows about it. She is very careful about guarding that secret. She uses that house when she needs a refuge from her daily stresses of life.

  “ATTENTION PASSENGERS. American Airlines flight 6942 departing at gate 57 ready for boarding. Passengers, please have your boarding passes ready.”

  “We’re up,” said Sarina.

  The flight was less than the 4 hours even with a 48-minute layover in Seattle. They rented a car at the Spokane terminal. It had been snowing on this late December night just before Christmas so they opted for a car that could manage any foul weather situation.

  “Shit,” said Sarina. “It’s Christmas eve. I guess we were lucky to get a flight and a car on such short notice. I think I will call my children and tell them where I am while you drive.”

  Riley knew the way by heart, even after all the years, which surprised him. He realized that with their attuned gifts his memory was sharp. The drive to Jennifer’s getaway was only 45 minutes and he realized how desperate her situation must be for Jennifer to be away from her family on the most important holiday of the year.

  The weather was rough as they drove onto East Windy Point Loop. When they arrived at the lakefront house, Dana was standing in the driveway. Sarina and Riley got out of the SUV and Dana walked up to them. By this time, Sarina and Riley were not surprised that he was there. They had come to know that he was capable of this sort of materializing.

  “I don’t see any signs of anyone in the house. Are you sure this is the right one,” Dana asked?

  “I am certain,” said Riley.

  Riley knocked on the door but there was no answer. They looked around the house and noticed two sets of footprints in the snow. One set was petite and the other quite large. They led away from the back door, which had been forced open out toward the lake.

  “What do you make of this,” asked Sarina?

  Riley did a quick assessment of the situation and said, “It looks like there was a forced entry here.” He pointed out the back door lock and there was a mark on the door indicating a potential forced entry. Riley paused as if receiving some additional information. They opened the now jimmied deadbolt and handset lock an entered the house. The snow prints of the larger shoe entering the house indicated that the intruder had been there just a few moment before they arrived. The house was warm and surely the prints would have melted if they had been there more than a few moments ago.

  “It looks like the intruder entered here.” Riley pointed down to the prints indicating a forward movement into the house. “The intruder moved to the left.” He pointed down again. “He or she stopped here.” Again he pointed. “Then he or she turned around and ran out of the house. Can you see how much farther apart the snow prints are here?” Again he pointed. “It looks like he started to chase someone, likely Jennifer, I imagine. If you look at the prints closely, you will notice how deep and large they are. To me, that indicates the perp was a man and a heavy one at that.” He stopped and closed his eyes. “She saw him and ran!”

  The three bolted out of the back door and Sarina noticed two sets of boot prints in the snow.

  “She must has sensed something otherwise she would not have had time to put her boots on! Let’s go!” he shouted.

  The wind was howling and it was hard to hear anything. Fortunately the boot prints were deep in the snow, but they were starting to be covered by the blowing snow. The prints headed into a wooded area where the tree covering was a blessing by preventing the snow from reaching the ground quickly and the prints remained visible. The three ran in the same direction using a flashlight to keep track of the prints in the snow.

  Dana signaled for them to stop. The wind had subsided and they heard a distant scream. Riley motioned Dana to go in a flanking direction to the left and he and Sarina sprinted forward but Dana was already in motion. There was a distant bang and Riley and Sarina surged forward in a full run. They came to a clearing and saw three figures standing close to one another. Two of the figures were together and one was opposite the other two.

  Bolts of lightning appeared to be coming from two of the opposing figures. They darted back and forth, seemingly avoiding the bolts of lightning emanating from each of the figure’s hands. He knew that the two larger figures were likely the assailant and Dana so Riley sprang forward towards the smallest of the three figures, figuring it was Jennifer and tackled her. They tumbled into the snow while the other two figures continued to battle one another. Sarina stood motionless and watched the engagement.

  Riley jumped to his feet with Jennifer wrapped in his arms. She was motionless as Riley shook her hoping to revive her. Somewhere from within herself, Sarina lunged at the large figure and slammed into his side, knocking him to the ground. The putrid smell was everywhere. He was dazed for a moment but then regained his composure and blurted out “SHE’S MINE!”

  Sarina was aghast. It was Minister Buchanan, whom she had interviewed over the phone. She recognized his voice. He reached out to grab her, but she jumped back just in time.

  Jennifer regained consciousness and was saying something to Riley when the minister turned to face the two in the snow. He raised his hand and released a bright blue flash of light in Jennifer’s direction, and with a thunderous sound she was hit hard in the chest and collapsed in Riley’
s arms. He drew her close and let out a loud cry of grief.

  Riley looked over at the deranged clergyman who was laughing and just as he raised his hand again, Dana shot out his own blue flash and with another thunderous crash, Minister Buchanan fell motionless in the snow and it seemed to be over.

  But in the next instant, a hooded figure emerged from Buchanan’s body. It rose slowly and all Dana could do was stare in horror.

  Riley looked up from where he held Jennifer’s body. He saw the figure rising, stood up, and, with a fury growing out of the murder of his beloved partner, threw himself into it. An electrical shock and a flash of blue light erupted with a deafening boom. As had happened on the street across from Sarina’s apartment, the agent was paralyzed, hovering above Riley. The agent shuddered uncontrollably, let out the piercing screech, and then burst into a thousand points of light. The electrical energy was so strong that the snow was melted in a 15-foot circle around Riley and the brush and scrub burned away.

  Shaken, Riley staggered to his feet his clothes still smoking and stumbled back to Jennifer and pulled her body close. The silence in this wintry scene was deafening as Riley rocked Jennifer in his arms. Sarina was about to go to his side just when Dana grabbed her arm and shook his head. Sarina realized that Riley needed to be left alone for a while.

  “What just happened?” Sarina asked Dana.

  Dana, with a pale look on his face, put his finger to his lips and they stood watching and waiting for time to pass.

  Riley finally rose with Jennifer in his arms and carried her to the two comrades. Minister Buchanan’s body lay motionless in the snow. Dana raised his hand in the direction of the now dead preacher and mumbled some unknown words and his body melted into the snow. The three walked back to the house as the wind and snow erased any trace of the past events.

  Riley understood that no one knew Jennifer’s whereabouts and there was no time to do a formal investigation. Jennifer had told Riley that she had uncovered information about Cum-Hau and his plans after digging into the Mayan calendar and picking up the trail of Jack and Mona.


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