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Page 25

by Mary Smith

  I regret we didn’t have a real wedding. Maybe once everything calms down, I’ll sit down and plan something spectacular for us both. I gaze at my left hand, which still is being held by pins. I miss my ring. No one had found it, and I wish they had. It was the first thing Gable gave me and he’d made a promise on it. I’m sure it’s childish to others in light of everything else, but it had been mine and…well…I wish I still had it.

  “Dream.” I look up to see my husband’s eyes. “Will you come with me?”

  “Sure.” I stand and follow him too the second floor. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.” He takes my right hand and leads me to the very end of the hall. I know the gym is there, but I don’t know why I need to see it again.

  When we walk in, Leo and Bruce are there in black sweatpants and black shirts standing on the large white mat that’s in the middle of the vast room. I give them both a polite smile and nod.

  “You need to learn some self-defense,” Gable announces.

  I snort. “Really?” I hold up my left hand. “Exactly how am I going to do that?”

  “Having a crutch is a good way to start.” He pulls me further into the room.

  “You’re kidding right? Look how I’m dressed.” I’m in my heels and black dress pantsuit. “I can’t fight in this.”

  “Sure you can.” He releases my arm and I’m standing in front of them. “Leo is going to show you some basics and then, once your hand is healed more, you will learn with weapons."

  “Weapons?” I squeak. “I can’t do that.”

  “Yes you can. Leo.” He nods to him as Leo steps forward.

  “Stop.” I yell at him and he halts. I glare at Gable. “I understand your fascination to protect me, but I’m not going to right now. I’m not leaving the house and no one is getting in here. I will learn whatever you want me to, after my hand is healed. I refuse to injure it any further. Are we clear?”

  Gable rolls his eyes at me and gives me an exasperated sigh. “The moment those pins are out, you will learn from the three of us.”

  “Perfect.” I spin on my heels and leave the gym.

  Chapter 25

  “I’m about to lose my mind.” I rest my head in my hands. “If Gable doesn’t let me out of this house, I will burn it down.”

  Mrs. Stones gently laughs. “He’s being protective of you.”

  I roll my eyes. Leo has been training me the last couple weeks and it’s mainly showing me how to throw punches. He showed me a gun one time, but I’ve never fired it or anything. Bruce is currently showing me how to get out of holds. It’s tougher than it looks, because I’m small and Bruce doesn’t give me any leeway.

  I drop my hands and narrow my eyes. “It’s been a month and the only time I’ve left was for the doctor’s office to get my pins out. I’m over it now. These white walls are closing in on me.” Maybe I should find Leo and beat the shit out of something.


  “No, now I’m not over exaggerating or being dramatic. I’m serious.” I stand up and pace the dining room.

  This is becoming too much now. I knew he would be overzealous the first couple of weeks, but it’s been a month. The day I left for the doctor office there were ten other guards with me. Ten. I tried to reason with Gable, but he wouldn’t listen to a thing I said. I don’t even think the President has that many guards with him.

  I have talked to him several times about this, but he still insists Gideon and Aven are up to something. He finally found out Gideon is at one of Jacob’s old penthouses downtown, but no one has seen him leave the building. Mama has tried to call a few times, but Gideon never answers.

  “He’s been relaxed the past couple days.”

  I sigh, throwing my head back, and closing my eyes. “I have to get out soon or I’m going to start coloring on the walls that way he has to kick me out.”

  “Dream.” She shakes her head and I’m about to tell her that I’m not joking.

  “I’m going to the media room.” I walk away before I do or say something I end up regretting.

  When I reach the room, I don’t bother turning on the lights, I just flop into the chair and growl in frustration. There’s a thin line between protective-husband and full-blown lost-his-mind-husband. I’m seriously questioning Gable’s level right now.

  I see the light of the elevator opening and Gable’s shadow casts against the wall. “Dream.”

  I don’t answer and hope he doesn’t come in any farther. That doesn’t happen.

  “Dream.” Gable looks down at me.

  “I’m not in a talkative mood.”

  “You haven’t been for the last couple of days.”

  “Maybe because I’m afraid to use up all the oxygen since we can’t open the doors and get any fresh air.”


  “No.” I jump to my feet and stomp my foot like a small child throwing a tantrum. At this point, I don’t care what he thinks of me, I want out of this house. “Gable, I’m questioning the level of your sanity at this moment. I know you want to keep us safe, and I love you for that, but come on. This is getting ridiculous. It’s been a month, and you have Aven and Gideon under watch. No one is going to bother us.”

  “I know you’re right.”

  “Wha…what?” I shook my head unsure if I heard him correctly.

  “You’re right. I was coming to ask you out for dinner. I just told Mom, Mrs. Stones, and Joy that they could go home if they felt safe or they stay here if they wanted. I promised each of them a guard or two if they left.”

  “What?” I repeat with my mouth agape.

  “You’re right. Gideon and Aven are both under surveillance and I know every move that they make. So, would you like to go out on a date with me?”

  “Um…” I can’t believe my ears. Am I dreaming? “Sure. I’ll go change.”

  “No need to. You look stunning.” He takes my hand and leads me to the elevator.

  Leo is waiting at the front door with my purse and jacket in hand. Bruce is next to him. Gable helps me into my jacket and then the four of us head out to the waiting white Mercedes. The drive is pleasant and refreshing. Even though everything inside the vehicle is white, the change of scenery makes it better.

  “I need to make a quick stop before dinner. Is that all right?” Gable whispers in my ear.

  “Sure.” I answer confusingly. “Why do I care if you have to make a stop?”

  “Just wondering.” He smirks and there’s a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

  “What are you up to?”

  He shrugs and looks away from me. Before I can push for more details, his phone rings. I listen to his one sided conversation as we are driven farther into the city. I’m taken aback when Bruce pulls into an alley. Gable jumps out and reaches for my hand. Without hesitation, I take his hand and he leads me to a large black door.

  We almost run down a narrow dark green hallway, and Gable is gripping my hand tighter than normal. I know it’s because of the color. His shoulders sag in relief when we are away from the color and in a large showroom.

  “Gable.” I look around and see it’s a jewelry store. There are three salesmen behind the glass cases, smiling at us.

  “Come.” He takes me to where the three salesmen are standing.

  “Mr. Butler.” The older one of the three nods to him.

  Gable nods back, but turns to me. “Pick one.”


  “Pick one. Whichever one you want.” He points to the cases in front of us and I look down. There are rings—wedding and engagement rings—in all of the cases. “You lost yours and I want to replace it.”

  I have missed my ring. I mindlessly rub my ring finger. “You picked the last one.”

  Gable nods. “Yes, I did, but now I want you to pick it.”

  My heart breaks a bit. “I liked the one you picked.” In my head, it meant more to me because he took the time to get it himself.

  “Well,” Gable shifts on his f
eet. “I did call ahead and have one waiting for you. However, if you don’t like it, you can pick something else.”

  “May I see it?”

  The older salesman pulls it from behind his back. On a cushion of white velvet, sits the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. Even more than the first ring Gable gave me. A round, crystal clear diamond sits high in the setting. Surrounding it are somewhat smaller diamonds and it’s a rose gold. It’s as big as my other and I love it.

  “It’s perfect.” I hold back the tears. It’s not a traditional ring and it might be a bit gaudy if I saw it on anyone else, but to me it’s perfect. Gable and I aren’t traditional and I don’t mind having a unique ring like this. It would be one of a kind, just like Gable and me.

  “Good. We’ll take it.” Gable says and the salesman hands me the box. I’m about to take it out, when Gable swiftly takes it from me. “You’re not getting it now.”

  “What?” I scoff at him and he winks at me as he hands his credit card to the man. “Why can’t I have it?”

  “Because you can’t.” Gable counters.

  “That’s not a valid reason.”

  He smirks. “Right now it is.”

  I open my mouth to argue, but I stop when the man comes back and hands the paperwork to Gable. He quickly signs his name and we head back out the way we came.

  Once Bruce drives away from the building and back onto the main road, I cross my arms and stare down Gable.

  “You can stare at me all you want, Dream, but you’re not getting this ring right now.”

  “Fine.” I huff facing forward in my seat again. I can see Gable’s smirk out of the corner of my eye.

  Bruce drives out of town and I’m unsure of where we are heading. I watch out the window as the tall buildings and chaos of the city fade away and the country side of autumn leaves and trees began to take my focus. It’s relaxing looking at all the colors of the scenery. Sometimes, in the city, you forget what nature looks like. Most of the day, it’s concrete and steel around me. The only colors are varied of gray and grayer. Outside the SUV window, I see bright green like a painting on a wall.

  Bruce turns off the paved road and we begin to drive up a steep, rough hill. He drops the Mercedes into four-wheel drive and I grab the handle as I’m being thrown around from the uneven terrain.

  “Where are we going, Gable?” I grip the handle tighter.

  “To my other house.”

  “Ugh, you know, I think you can afford to have this road paved.” I grumble.

  “It’s the driveway, Dream, and it loses character if that happens.”

  “Well, I’m getting whiplash right now because of it.”

  “I’ll give you a massage when we get home.” He chuckles.

  Thankfully, the road levels out and the last bit is smooth. The house comes into view and I’m shocked. It’s not a log cabin, like you would think would be in this area, but a simple white house. I think it could fit in Butler Mansion. Hell, I know it could.

  “Welcome home.” Gable kisses my cheek as the vehicle stops.

  “Why haven’t you brought me here before?”

  “We’ve been a little busy.” Everyone opens their doors and step out.

  I follow them to the back of the vehicle. “How long are we staying?”

  “For a little while.” Gable answers as the hatch opens.

  “I don’t have anything here.” All three of them look at me and then Leo points to the back of the car. “I don’t like when you do that.” I hiss at Leo. In the back are several of my bags, to include my makeup and shoe bags. I knew Leo had done it. He’s been helping me pack for years.

  Leo gives me a small, uncharacteristic smile and begins to gather up the luggage.

  “Let me show you the house, Dream.” Gable takes my hand and we walk into the home.

  Just as I expected, it’s all white, even the hardwood floors. Although, I know I’ve grown used to the white, sometimes I wish for a little color. Gable shows me the living room, dining room, and kitchen that are on the first floor. On the second floor, there are four bedrooms, each with its own ensuite. At the end of the hall is the master bedroom, with a large walk in closet and bathroom. The backyard is massive, complete with a pond.

  “What’s in there?” I point from the white back porch, over to a garage-like building.

  “That has our four-wheelers in it and some tools.” He wraps his arms around me. “I’m glad we’re here. I’ve wanted to bring you up here before, but with everything…”

  “I know,” I cut him off.

  “I’m sure this isn’t the most ideal place to be since you’re a city-girl, but I needed to get away, and I think you did, too.” He holds me tighter.

  “I did.” I mumble into his chest.

  “Dream.” He sighs my name deeply and I hear his heart thumping faster. “I’m overprotective because I love you and I don’t think I would survive if anything else happens to you.”

  I rub my hand up and down his back. “I love that you want to keep me safe, but you can’t keep in a cage forever. I have a company to run and a life to live.”

  “I know, Dream.” He kisses the top of my head. “Will you give me these next few days? Just the two of us.”

  I look up to my husband and his blue eyes are begging for this time and me too. “You, me, and our bodyguards.” I wink.

  Gable laughs. “Just the four us then.”

  “All right.” I rise up on my tiptoes and kiss his lips. “I do need to call Mrs. Stones, though.”

  “I already took care of it.” He brushes his lips against my cheek.

  “Of course you have.” I roll my eyes and Gable chuckles.

  “I love you, Dream.”

  “I love you, Gable.”

  Chapter 26

  I dab a little bit of perfume behind each ear. I adjust my breast in my white lace bra and make sure my white thong sits low on my hips.

  Our evening has been perfect. I cooked for Gable, Leo, and Bruce. I haven’t fixed a meal since Dad passed away, and it was great to do it for Gable.

  Now, I’m going to have a nice, long night with him, and I hope we don’t sleep at all.

  “Now, that is a beautiful ass.”

  I laugh, turning around to see Gable leaning against the doorframe.

  “When did you become so crass, Mr. Butler?”

  “Oh, about two minutes ago when I saw my beautiful wife standing there practically naked.”

  “This was supposed to be a surprise.” I put my hands on my hips.

  “It was when I saw you.” He comes closer to me. His belt is already undone and his pants are hanging low. His black shirt is unbuttoned to the point where I can see his chest hair.

  “You look very hot, Gable.” I run my hands up his chest touching the soft silk.

  “I’m thinking the same thing about you.” He slowly traces my hips until he cups my ass. “I can’t believe how you become more and more beautiful every day.”

  “Wow, laying it on thick.” I wink and giggle.

  “I mean it.” His tone is serious. “You’re more stunning than the first time I saw you on the college campus.”

  I caress his beard on his jaw line. “Thank you, Gable, for everything.” I lift up on my toes and kiss his lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you. Now, I have a question for you.”

  “You do? What is it?” I playfully smile at him.

  He spins me around and pulls my back to his chest, wrapping his left arm around my waist. I’m facing the full-length mirror.

  “Are you wet?” His husky voice tickles my ear.

  My heart begins to race and my legs quiver knowing that Gable is as horny as I am.


  “Are you?” He takes his right arm and skims my thigh and over the top of the white lace.

  “Yes.” I sigh, relaxing against him.

  “Let me ask you Dream, have you masturbated?” He bites my earlobe and I hiss from the ting of pain and pleasure. />

  “Did you push your fingers deep into you?”

  He lightly grazes my clit and my knees almost give way.


  “Did you rub yourself hard? As hard as I’ve pounded into you.” He nibbles on my collarbone.


  “Do it now.”

  I tense up and open my eyes meeting his lust filled eyes in the mirror. “What?”

  “Show me.” He takes hold of my hand and, together with his, slides in under the lace. “Show me, Dream.”

  Gable guides my first two fingers with his and begins to rub me. I can feel his hard on pressing against the small of my back.

  “Have you ever had a wet dream, Dream?”

  I moan and nod.

  “About me?”

  I nod.

  “as I on top?” Gable’s blue eyes are still locked on mine.

  “No.” I gasp as he rubs our fingers harder against me.

  “I wasn’t? Ah, Dream, were you on top?” He licks up my neck, circling our fingers faster.


  “Where were we?” He pulls our fingers down and pushes all four fingers into me. “Spread your legs.” He orders and I comply. Gable drives our fingers in and out and I close my eyes. I’m trying to catch my breath when he asks again, “Where were we?”

  “Your office,” I say.

  “On the desk?”

  I shake my head. I can’t speak because he moves our hands and rubs my clit.

  “On the couch?”

  “No.” I answer.


  “Your chair.”

  “Oh.” He hums against my skin. “You were straddling me in my office chair.” He kisses down my neck.

  “No.” I moan again and I rub my clit faster and Gable follows my lead.

  “No?” His tone causes my eyes to open my eyes.

  “No.” I say again. I can’t slow my fingers and continue to stroke myself looking at him. Damn, this is hot.


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