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Checkmate: A Bishop's Pawn Novella

Page 8

by Suzanne Halliday

  “Look,” he told Liam in a matter-of-fact tone, “some of the team have pregnant wives. You think they’re gung ho to jump into the middle of a shit show?”

  The colored pencil Liam held snapped in two. He dropped it onto his desk with a pained grunt. Spread on the desk around his starchy, semi-uptight friend were a series of coloring pages—mostly knights and dragons. Matty’s influence it would seem stretched far—possibly right into BPG’s boardroom.

  They sat in silence. Roman didn’t move a muscle and barely blinked. He knew that Liam needed space if he was going to come to terms with the unfolding Team Justice situation and not try to throw his considerable weight around and make things worse.

  Plus… he hadn’t dropped the big bomb yet.

  Pushing back from the desk, Liam stood and went to the window. Spring was coming, not that you could tell from the upper floors of a city skyscraper. Roman pondered the bigger picture and drew in a deep breath. Spring also meant the wedding was right around the corner. He hated upsetting Liam and Rhiann before their big day, but it wasn’t like he had any goddamn choice.

  “Does she know?” Liam rolled a shoulder and stood straighter. The interrogator inside Roman noted the movements.

  “I’m telling you first.”

  He tensed slightly and turned to pin Roman in place with a dark look. Liam Ashforth was a lot of things. Being a fool wasn’t on the list.

  “Don’t fucking play me, Bishop. What aren’t you saying?”

  A small smile played around the edges of Roman’s mouth. He snickered and shook his head. “Now come on, man. You know how we do. First I pander to your oversized ego. Then you pretend how big and bad you think you are. We get there in the end.”

  He tried not to, but eventually, Liam laughed. “I hate it when you manage me.”

  He chuckled. “At least it’s first-person this time. My usual go-to is to recruit Rhi. She manages your ass better than a professional fluffer.”

  “A professional fluffer,” Liam muttered. The disbelief on his face was fucking hilarious.

  “She’d take the remark as a compliment and probably get a t-shirt made so don’t give me stink eye and act all insulted and shit.”

  It was a test of his composure that he remained seated when prowling the big office seemed like such a better idea. He didn’t want Liam to see how concerned he really was.

  The rude finger gesture from his friend was expected. So was the angry growl. “Bottom line or you’re fired.”

  “I’m taking Kelly and Matty to Arizona.”

  Liam exploded. “Fuck no you’re not.”

  For a second he thought maybe the guy was gonna try and throttle him. Liam’s brotherly instincts were dialed to high these days.

  “Liam,” Roman said with blunt precision. “It’s for their own good. Think of it like protective custody. Or witness protection. Justice takes care of their own. They’ll be safe and surrounded by top-notch security.”

  “No,” the other man grunted.

  “Sorry man. It’s non-negotiable.”

  “Are they in danger?” Liam’s expression dared him to blow sunshine up the guy’s boxers.

  Roman sighed. He had to concentrate for his hands to relax their fearsome grip on the arms of his chair. The question Liam asked was at the heart of everything. The answer was that he didn’t know, which accounted for a good portion of the urgency.

  With heartfelt intent, he answered Liam’s baleful glare and said, “I won’t lie. It’s serious—but we aren’t at DefCon status yet. You and Rhiann still hold that distinction.”

  He reminded him of the life and death scenario they’d survived last year deliberately. Yeah, it was all kinds of fucked up that Roman’s previous life had baggage, but so the fuck did Liam’s.

  His in-your-face comment hit the mark. He saw Liam’s expression falter at the reminder. Neither one of them was a walk in the goddamn park—something their women had no choice but to deal with.

  Without further pause, Liam switched gears and became all business. “What do you need from me? How are we playing this?”

  Relief and pleasure raced through him. The first because tangling with his friend was the last thing he wanted and the second because of the implied accomplice nature of their relationship.

  Roman trusted Liam. They were brothers in spirit and would soon be legally as well. He was relieved to have him on board. Knowing he needed something specific to channel his worried energy, he gave the guy a task.

  “You’re in charge of the boy. I suggest taking a sudden and enthusiastic interest in cowboys, horses and cacti. I’m for presenting the trip as a vacation. Experience the American West first hand. Kelly will be on board—she won’t have any choice.”

  “And Rhiann? What do you suggest I tell her?”

  He had an answer to this question—and a good one. “Tell her everything. And just as a reminder, Charlize is something of a Justice groupie. It seems a safe bet that her opinion might be a calming influence.”

  Liam nodded and arched a brow. “I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re right. Charlie rattles on and on about the place. It won’t hurt that her sister will be full of comments.”

  “Everything will be fine,” he assured him. “And it will be good for Kelly. She hates the city. A couple of weeks in the desert playing Annie Oakley and being able to burn off some trapped energy is a win-win.”

  “And then there’s that,” Liam muttered. “Speaking of winning, Sam and I are checking out a new development. In the school district Kelly’s looking at. I want to move on this as soon as possible. Right after the wedding, the new division goes into full operation. I won’t have time for anything but that.”

  Shit was spiraling dangerously close to crisis and yet life as he knew it went on. While he was in some shithole on the other side of the world trying to shut down a super secret black ops screw-up, back here decisions about houses and schools and who the fuck knows what else would get top billing.

  “I want a garage. A big one. You hear me, right?”

  Liam snickered. “Your garage has been moved down the list—behind a garden for Kiki, a swing set, and a place for the dog to run. Oh, and some bullshit chick reasoning from Kelly and Rhiann about hot tubs. I didn’t argue,” he told Roman. “It was two against one.”

  He liked it. Liked it very much. The whole thing. Every cock-eyed visual and amusing concession. It’s what he’d take with him when he suited up and faced whatever waited for him out there. Knowing a future was being planned would help him focus. Focus on finishing this shit once and for all so the future he wanted could be a reality.

  Brynn used to tease Rhiann about her penchant for watching. It was true. She was highly observant. Was it her writer’s mind that noticed the little things? Perhaps.

  Roman and Liam appeared at the appointed time and immediately got sucked into Matty’s Lego build. Kelly encouraged the male bonding with snarky delight.

  But Rhi suspected something was up the minute both men stepped off the elevator. Liam had to be off his rocker to imagine she wouldn’t notice his overly enthusiastic act, and the same for Roman. Since when did he take up being so loosey-goosey? If she didn’t know better, she’d think they were high.

  If Kelly noticed, she kept it to herself. With her usual aplomb, she barked orders at the boys—demanded hand-washing—and then set about putting dinner on the table. With Matty’s construction project hogging half the long table, she grouped them together in a cozy cluster at the other end.

  “Lemme see,” she challenged when Matty marched into the kitchen. It was his job to do the silverware, but before Kelly would let him in the drawer, she demanded assurance that he’d washed off the boy cooties.

  Giggling, Matty held up both hands for inspection. After a thorough once over, Kelly ruffled the boy’s hair and kissed his nose. Rhiann’s heart melted a little at the display of heartwarming affection.

  Roman burst in next and grabbed a handful of Kelly’s ass. “Do I pass

  She squeaked from surprise and batted his hands away. Liam laughed like their display was the funniest damn thing he’d ever seen. Rhiann’s brows shot up.

  Playing along with this odd charade, they had dinner, told stories, and got silly. Their typical shtick. During all of this Kelly never gave the impression she thought anything was wrong, but when Roman and Liam jumped up and cleared the table without being told to, she shot Rhi a look.

  When they were out of earshot and Matty away from the table, she asked, “Alright. What the hell is going on?”

  “Oh my god,” Rhi groaned. “Thank heavens you see it too.”

  She held up her hands. “Uh, hello? Liam acting like he’s auditioning for game show host? Roman and the, ‘Here, let me help you with that’?”

  “What do you think? Hmmm? Should we say something or wait them out?”

  Kelly leaned back slightly to peer around Rhi. She groaned. “Aw, shit. They’re putting stuff in the dishwasher.”

  She dropped her head into a hand. Loading the dishwasher was at the top of the No-No List. Men might be able to stack boxes and load a moving truck, but they were baffled by the simple mechanics of a dishwasher.

  Matty came bounding into the room and ran to Kelly. He balanced on her thigh like a monkey. An impish grin lit up his adorable face.

  In a theatrical whisper that wasn’t all that quiet, he said, “They’re messing with the dishes.”

  Even the four-year-old knew where the line was. What the hell was going on?

  “Yeah,” she muttered on an aside to Kelly. “I can’t sit here. Let me do a little walk-by and see what happens. You need anything? Water? A bazooka?”

  Matty snicker-laughed. “That’s funny.”

  She stood up, smoothed her hands down her sides and looked at Kelly for reassurance. “If yelling breaks out… run.”

  In the kitchen, she playfully shoved Roman out of the way so she could scoot behind him and get at the refrigerator. He didn’t smile or react in any way. After grabbing a bottle of water, she turned around in the long rectangular kitchen to face them and found both men watching her with unreadable expressions. The tension became so thick she struggled to breathe normally.

  She recognized the vibe. The three of them had done this dance before. The realization that something wasn’t just up but terribly wrong scared her to death.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  Roman and Liam turned at the same time and looked toward Kelly and Matty.

  “Liam,” she snapped.

  His head swiveled her way, but Roman spoke first.

  “Something’s come up that I need to take care of.”

  His voice sounded somber and slightly scary. Rhi murmured an uncertain, “Okay.”

  Clapping Liam on the shoulder, Roman fixed her with an ominous look. “My man here has all the details. I’m asking you to trust me, Rhi. Can you do that?”

  No hesitation whatsoever, “Absolutely.”

  He nodded. “Good. Thanks. Liam will fill you in later. For now, there’s nothing to discuss. I have to speak with Kelly. Alone. We’ll go from there.”

  She folded her arms and frowned. “You do realize I was sent to discover what you two not very subtle gentlemen are up to? Am I supposed to go back in there and act like nothing’s weird? Guys,” she chortled. “Even Matty knows you’re acting strangely.”

  Liam’s dour expression concerned her. He sounded truly pained when he spoke up. “I don’t want anyone to be upset.”

  They exchanged a long look. She knew him so well and hated seeing him conflicted. Stepping up to him, she caressed his face and gave his mouth a sweet kiss. “Okay. Leave it to me.”

  To Roman, she asked one simple question and hoped that everything they’d been through together would mean he’d answer honestly. “Are you in any danger?”

  The flash of regret on his face and his murmured, “I’m sorry,” was all the answer she needed. He tried to assure her with some hasty words. “I promise, Rhi. Once this is taken care of, no more Rambo shit.” He made a motion on his chest and added, “Cross my heart.”

  She rushed into his arms and gave the muscular man a fierce hug. “I will kill you if you die, Roman Bishop,” she grated into his ear. He returned the hug but didn’t say anything.

  Wiping away a tear, she straightened and graced both men with a dazzling smile. “Please tell my grandmother how well I played this scene,” she teased and then went into the dining room where Kelly and Matty were finishing straightening up.

  “And then Liam said I should ask you. So is it okay?”

  “Well, I don’t know,” Kelly answered the boy. “Isn’t this Roman’s decision?”

  Whatever clever dodge Rhiann was ready to drop evaporated when Kelly sort of blanched and looked straight at her. Oh boy—now what?

  “Um, Matty wants to…” Kelly said in a strange voice. She stopped and cleared her throat, but it didn’t help. “He wants to know if he can call Roman ‘Dad’.”

  Rhiann mouthed the word ‘Oh’ and stared into Kelly’s shocked face.

  Matty took the reins and excitedly explained. “Liam says as long as he’s my brother he doesn’t give a good,” he paused. “Well, you know.”

  “Did he say a bunch of bad words?” she asked.

  “We need a new penny jar,” the kid jeered.

  Rhiann needed clarification before offering an opinion, so she asked Matty to continue with Liam’s reaction.

  “He doesn’t care who I call Dad as long as Liam’s my brother.”

  Alrighty then. Looks like the men folk already pinned this one down. Best to just let it happen organically.

  “Well, you know what little bro? If you’re asking me, I think you totally lucked out. Kiki is the best mom around, and Roman will be an awesome dad.”

  She offered a high five to her almost-brother-in-law that he eagerly met. Kelly looked shell-shocked. Rhi was more than happy to help the quirky trio out. Only a dick wouldn’t see that Kelly was the kid’s mom in every way that mattered. Roman coming along and taking them on as a package deal just revealed the type of man he was. He was going to be a wonderful father.

  “Hey,” Kelly said with a thick voice. “Why don’t you go do jammies and then we’ll read. Okay?”

  “Sure,” Matty exclaimed with a hopping jump. He started to race away but turned around and pointed to her. “Don’t leave, okay?”

  She laughed. “Not going anywhere, buddy. You know how much I like it when Liam reads Sammy and the Dinosaurs.”

  “Yippee,” he hollered and then dashed away.

  Kelly came at her and surprised Rhi with a hug. “Thanks.”

  “My pleasure,” she assured her. “I meant what I said, Kelly. Nobody will question that you’re his mom. It’s only right that Roman have the same chance. He loves you both.”

  “What did you find out?” Kelly asked with a wry, amused smile.

  “Oh, what? Them?” She scoffed and made a face. “They’re idiots.” She mentally crossed her fingers and hoped the teasing deflection worked.

  “Oh, so nothing new then?”

  They laughed. She liked Kelly. She and Roman were good together. “Hey,” Rhi said. “You promised to show me the new designs. We’ve got a couple of minutes before story time. How about a reveal, girl!”

  “I discovered a rock shop in the Village with all sorts of cool stuff. Crystals, stones, some beautiful beads.” Kelly smiled. “Bet your sister Charlie would love it.”

  “Well, show me what ya’ got,” she said rather briskly. “I’ve got an idea for the stained glass design we talked about.”

  Kelly’s face brightened. Rhiann understood that feeling. It was how she felt when a really good line or some clever dialogue moved from her brain to her fingers on a keyboard to a manuscript. KA James was a true artist.

  She caught Liam’s eyes as they headed for the tiny spare room that Roman turned into a workspace. He looked so worried and unhappy that she had a hard time
walking past. The second they left she intended to demand full disclosure. Roman said Liam knew the details and she wanted every last one of them.

  Roman peeked into Matty’s room when he heard faint whispering and experienced a flash meltdown. Kelly was in the boy’s bed, on top of the covers, cradling Matty close. Profound feelings of love melding with protectiveness anchored his heart in his chest. These two people were everything.

  Kelly’s head lifted, and her gaze fell on him when he moved in the doorway. Her soft smile was enough to make everything that was fucked up right again.

  “Look who’s sneaking a peek,” she teased to Matty. The boy’s head turned, and he caught Roman in a look that was hard to pin down. “Why don’t you ask Roman this question?”

  Uh oh. Was he in trouble?

  The thought was so goddamn funny, and the fact that it was his knee-jerk reaction was all the proof he needed that they were a real family. But that didn’t stop Roman from quaking in his boots at the prospect of having done a stupid where his fiancée and a four-year-old kid were concerned.

  Chuckling softly, he walked into the room and gave them his cheekiest grin. “Whatever it is, can I blame it on Liam?”

  Matty giggled. Kelly shook her head and rolled her eyes in that comically long-suffering way she’d gotten really good at. Rhi did the same thing to Liam. Was this a chick thing perfected by women dealing with clueless men? He hoped so!

  “Matthew has a question,” she told him as he approached. He detected the slightest tinge of apprehension in her tone and her use of the boy’s formal name meant whatever this was, they weren’t fucking around.

  Grabbing a chair from the desk, he dragged it to the side of the bed and sat. Small, wholly unfamiliar earthquakes of apprehension were bouncing around his nerves. He’d walked into the middle of blazing firefights with less concern. It was fascinating on so many levels how one petite girl and a small boy had infiltrated his thoughts and emotions so completely.

  “I’m all ears,” he mumbled. “Well, maybe not all ears but you know what I mean.”


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