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My Fake Valentine

Page 11

by Kellie McAllen

  “But I want to!” She pouts and crosses her arms across her chest.

  “Hey Mia, getting in?” Austin saunters up to me, and all of a sudden I go catatonic at the sight of him in nothing but swim trunks. His bare, muscled chest is dripping, his wet shorts cling to him, and I can’t help but imagine unwrapping his package. Happy birthday to me.

  Eyes up top, Mia! I shake my head, dislodging the fantasy. “I think Kerri had a little more punch than she needed. I’m trying to keep her from drowning.”

  “You should get in with her.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not? The water’s perfect; it’s like a giant bathtub. Come on, Mia, it’ll be fun.” He grabs my hand, and for once I yank it away from him. Doesn’t he know anything about girls? I seriously doubt Chloe is going to mess up her party look by jumping in the pool.

  In fact, I see her stretched out in a lounge chair at the other end, looking like a queen with her entourage hovering around her. When she catches me looking at her, she narrows her eyes like she’s shooting laser beam death rays at me.

  One of the guys on the basketball team, Jake I think, is standing nearby, and she waves him over and grabs his hand, pulling him down onto the lounge chair with her. She holds her hand up to his ear and whispers something — probably her evil plan for world domination. Or maybe she’s just trying to make Austin jealous. I decide to ignore her. Austin is, thankfully, and I’m not going to let her ruin my night. At least she’s staying away from me.

  Suddenly, I see the guy Chloe was talking to running around the pool, heading towards me and Austin, waving his long arms and hollering. At first I think — slow down, you’re gonna slip and crack your head open! And then he does slow down, but not really, it just seems like he’s moving in slow motion as I realize he’s heading straight for me, but I can’t move fast enough to get out of the way cuz my limbs are jello and the air around me is cement.

  The next thing I know he’s barreling into me, wrapping his arms around me and screaming, “Time for your party plunge!” We’re airborne for just a moment before we crash into the water, him on top of me, keeping me down. I’m kicking and thrashing, trying to get loose, and we’re rolling around together under the water. Finally, his hands release me, and I swim for the surface, gasping and coughing as my head breaks through the water.

  “Mia!” Austin yells and jumps in, grabbing me and keeping me from going under again. His arms are around my waist, but one hand grabs at the fabric there, yanking it up, because the material has slid down, and my boobs are hanging out.

  That’s about the time that my senses return and I realize that everyone is pointing and laughing, their taunts echoing off the glass walls. I see one of my hair extensions floating away, and I slap my hands over my face, humiliated.

  Austin guides me over to the side of the pool and boosts me up. I flop over the edge on my belly and climb out clumsily. Austin climbs out beside me and pulls me to my feet then grabs a towel and wraps it around me. I’m breathing hard, my chest heaving, and I can’t do anything but suck in air. I wipe the water from my face with the towel, and when I pull it away it’s covered in makeup. Oh my God, my birthmark! Is it showing?

  I take off running, out of the natatorium and down the hall, my ankles twisting in my high heels and my shoes sliding on the tile as the water squishes out of them. I run to the stairs and climb them as fast as I can, heading for my bedroom.

  As soon as I’m inside, I throw myself on my bed and curl up, sobbing. A few moments later, Kerri comes in and plops down behind me, wrapping her body around mine, holding me. We lay like that for a while, my breath hitching and hot tears pouring from my eyes.

  I jolt at the sound of Austin’s voice, and my eyes fly open as he sits down beside me on the bed. “You have to go back down, Mia. You have to suck it up and pretend you’re okay. It’ll be worse if you stay up here and hide.”

  “What are you doing in here? Get out!” My comforter is soaking wet and smeared with makeup, and I cover my face with my hands, mortified.

  “I think he’s right, Mia. You don’t want them to win,” Kerri says.

  Austin slides a hand under my shoulder and lifts me up. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”

  He pulls me to my feet and drags me over to my vanity, and I’m too drained to put up a fight. I plop down and stare in the mirror at the horror that is my face. Most of my foundation is wiped off, revealing my wine-stained cheek, and my mascara and eyeshadow are smudged all over my face. Austin grabs a makeup wipe and starts gently stroking it against my face, wiping away my ruined mask, and I tremble under his fingers. I can’t believe how sweet he’s being. Kerri stands behind me and carefully untangles my hair with a brush.

  “Is this a birthmark? I never knew. You do a great job covering it.” Austin traces the outline of my birthmark with his fingertip, and I flinch. But he doesn’t look repulsed, just curious.

  I drop my eyes and nod my head. “Theatre makeup.”

  “I’m so sorry, Mia.” His face rumples with sympathy.

  When my face is clean, Austin goes to my closet and grabs my robe off the hook. He holds it out to me. “Here, take your wet clothes off and put this on while I find something else for you to wear.”

  When he goes back into the closet, I push my sopping wet dress down my body and let it plop on the floor then wrap myself up in the warm, fuzzy robe. I just want to curl back up on the bed and go to sleep. Kerri guides me back to my vanity and sits me down, handing me my concealer.

  “Here, Mia. Put this on.”

  I take the tube and a beauty blender and start dabbing it over my birthmark. When it’s gone, I do the same to the red, puffy skin around my eyes.

  A knock sounds at my door, and I tense up till I hear Bianca’s voice on the other side of it. “Mia, can I come in?”

  She doesn’t wait for my answer, just cracks the door open and peeks inside. When she sees I’m doing my makeup, she drops to her knees in front of me.

  “I heard about what happened. I’m so sorry, sissy. Do you want me to do your makeup again?”

  “She doesn’t need all that.” Austin comes out of the closet and glances at Bianca then looks at me. He runs a hand gently down the side of my face. “Cover the birthmark if you want — I don’t think that many people saw it, but you don’t need all that other stuff. You look beautiful just like this.”

  I know he’s probably just saying that to be nice, especially with Bianca standing there looking beautiful for real, but still, I didn’t expect him to act like he cares so much. I drop my head, but a corner of my mouth lifts in a half-hearted smile.

  Austin glances back and forth between Kerri and Bianca. “Hey, can I have a minute alone with Mia, please?”

  Kerri raises her eyebrows and glances at me then back at him. She grins, nodding. “Sure! Take all the time you need. We’ll be downstairs, making sure they don’t destroy the house or anything.” She grabs Bianca’s arm and pulls her out of the room.

  Austin drops to his knees in front of me and takes my face in his hands. “I mean it, Mia. I think you’re beautiful just the way you are. And I know this is supposed to be just pretend, but… I think I’m falling for you.”

  He sounds so sincere, and my heart leaps at his words, but it just doesn’t make any sense. I shake my head. “But what about Bianca?”

  He cocks his head, and he looks totally confused. “What about Bianca?”

  I roll my eyes. Does he really think I didn’t notice? “I know you like her.”

  “Mia, I don’t like Bianca. Why do you think that?”

  I throw my hands up in the air. “Because she’s a freakin’ model! Who wouldn’t like her? Besides, I’ve seen you two giggling and whispering to each other.”

  Austin shakes his head and smiles. “Mia, I was asking her what I should get you for your birthday, and then I was asking her to help you find a nice outfit to wear tonight since I know you aren’t really into fashion.”

  My mouth falls open. So that’s why she volunteered to take me shopping.

  “Bianca is way too much like Chloe for my tastes. I’m tired of that. I want somebody real.”

  He pulls me towards him then, and his warm lips meet mine. He cradles my head in his hands and strokes the side of my face, and his mouth takes over. My heart starts pounding in my chest, and my cheeks get warm. In fact, my whole body is heating up, and I’m tempted to let the robe fall to the ground when Austin’s hands slide down my neck and his fingers slip under the collar, but he pulls away then, and we’re both panting.

  “Mia, will you be my girlfriend? For real?”

  I nod and lay my forehead against his, wrapping my hand around the back of his neck. “I think I’m falling for you, too.”

  We kiss again, and this time I let my hands explore his body like I always wanted to. He’s still shirtless, wearing just his swim trunks, and my fingers tremble as I run them down his shoulders and over his chest then around his waist. I pull away before I’m tempted to slide them any lower.

  “As much as I’d like to stay here all night, kissing you, I think you need to get back to your party.” His voice is husky.

  I stand up and take the clothes he holds out to me — the skinny jeans and silky blouse I was going to wear before he talked Bianca into taking me shopping. “Be yourself, Mia. You’re perfect just the way you are. I’m sorry if I made you think you weren’t.”

  He leaves the room so I can get dressed, and I stand there stunned for a moment. Did that really just happen? Did Austin really ask me to be his girlfriend? I shake my head and grin, suddenly feeling like I’m inside a dream.

  “Mia, are you coming?” Austin raps on the door and I snap back to reality.

  I quickly slip the clothes on then pull my wet hair back in a ponytail. I brush on a little blush and mascara and swipe some tinted lip balm onto my lips then head out into the hallway. Austin is waiting for me, and he smiles and takes my hand, and I feel my heartbeat pulsing all the way down to my fingertips.

  When we get near the bottom of the stairs, I tense up as I hear the voices, and suddenly my new-found self confidence plummets back down to zero. Maybe even lower than that. Are they talking about me? What are they saying? People start giggling and whispering to each other as we come down the stairs.

  “Just ignore them, act normal, pretend you’re not upset,” Austin whispers in my ear.

  I suck in a deep breath, hold my head up, and plaster on a smile.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The entire school buzzes with gossip about the party on Monday, and most of it is good. It was definitely the most awesome party of the year. Sure, a few jerks are talking about Mia flashing her rack, but they shut up when I threaten to pound their faces in.

  There’s a crowd around Mia’s locker, and although they seem friendly, I shove my way through to make sure she’s okay. She looks a little nervous, but she’s not freaking out. I slip my arm around her anyway and give her a peck on the cheek. She turns to me with a big smile, and I can’t resist kissing her properly.

  I slide my hands around her waist, and she drops her arms over my shoulders as I pull her in and suck her lips between mine. My tongue dips inside, and I taste the chocolate muffin she had for breakfast. I nibble on her lips and grin as she moans a little. When I slide my hands around to her back and pull her closer her breasts press against me. Now I’m the one groaning. Can I help it if the image of her naked chest is seared into my memory?

  Behind Mia, Kerri is fanning herself. “It’s getting kind of hot in here, dontcha think?”

  I pull my lips away, smiling, but keep my hands on Mia’s hips. “Sorry, she’s just irresistible. I can’t control myself.”

  Mia blushes, and Kerri rolls her eyes. “I think I’ll leave before my stomach gets upset.”

  Mia and I chuckle as she walks away but don’t take our eyes off each other. The others take the hint and wander off, too.

  We’re only alone for a second, though, before Jake comes up to us with his face all wrinkled up like his balls are in a vise. “Hey Mia, I just wanted to apologize for throwing you in the pool. I’m an idiot. Chloe suggested it, and I thought it sounded funny, but I should’ve realized that was a rotten thing to do to you on your birthday. I’m sorry I messed up your outfit and stuff. You looked really pretty.”

  My eyes narrow, and I’m pretty sure steam is coming out my ears. I should’ve known Chloe was behind that.

  Mia twists her lips and nods but then smiles at Jake. “It’s okay, Jake. I forgive you.”

  Wow, that was really big of her. She handled that a lot better than I did.

  Jake sighs, and reaches for her, wrapping his Stretch Armstrong arms around her. “Thanks, Mia. You’re the bomb. And happy birthday.”

  As soon as Jake walks away, Mia turns back to me. “Austin, why is Jake’s eye black and blue?”

  I duck my head to hide my grin. “Uh, cuz I punched him after he threw you in the pool on Saturday.”

  She smirks and gives me a peck on the lips. “Thanks for sticking up for me.”

  I shake my head. “Jake’s a prankster, and an idiot, but he’s not normally mean. It doesn’t surprise me that it was Chloe’s idea. Do you want me to punch her, too?”

  Mia giggles and takes my hands. “No, she was just jealous because my party was so awesome. Her plan backfired, anyway. All it did was put even more attention on me.”

  God, I love this girl. She’s not even spiteful about it.

  “Hey, I never gave you your present on Saturday. I didn’t want you to open it in front of everybody, so I didn’t put it with the other gifts.” I hold out the small box, and Mia reluctantly pulls her hands away from me and takes it.

  When she lifts the lid, she gasps, and her eyes get enormous. “Comic Con tickets? You’re taking me to Comic Con?”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, unless you want to take Kerri, instead.”

  She shakes her head. “I want to go with you. Wait, are you even into this kind of thing?”

  “Sure, it’ll be fun. I’ll be Skywalker and you can be Princess Leia.”

  She rolls her eyes and smirks at me. “How about if I be Catwoman and you be Batman.”

  I’m pretty sure my eyeballs ignite as I imagine her in a tight, leather bodysuit.

  “It’s not till the summer, though, so there’s something else I’d like to do with you before that.” I grin, and my hands find their way back to her waist. I can’t resist touching her. She puts her hands on my chest. Maybe she feels the same way.

  “Okay, like what?”

  “I’ll tell you at lunch. Meet me here, and don’t be late,” I say, all intense and mysterious like James Bond or something. I yank her in for one last kiss then walk away.

  At noon, Mia is waiting for me at her locker just like I told her to. “Are you ready to go?”

  She chuckles. “I guess. Go where?”

  I purse my lips and shake my head. “You’ll just have to wait and see. You trust me, don’t you?”

  Her face goes blank for a second before she slowly nods. “Uh, yeah, I guess. But can I at least get a hint?”

  “Nope, no hints, but how ‘bout this — I promise it’ll be good.” I grin and grab her hand, pulling her towards the parking lot.

  We hop in my Jeep and I drive to a nondescript, gray building with a parking lot full of cars.

  Mia does a double take when she sees the sign. “The license branch?”

  I give her a sneaky smile. “Your birthday was on Sunday. I know you haven’t had a chance to get your license yet. I thought you might be kind of anxious. Whaddaya say? Think you can handle a motor vehicle?”

  Her eyes get kind of misty, and she sniffs as her face wrinkles up. “Austin! This is, like, the sweetest thing ever.” She lunges for me, wrapping me up in her arms and hugging tight. Her fingers thread through the hair at the back of my head, and she nuzzles her face in the crook of my neck.

sp; When she pulls away, she lets out a shaky laugh. “Let’s do this.”

  An hour later, Mia walks back into the waiting area with a piece of paper in her hand and a big smile. She’s back in her comfy jeans, wearing a tee shirt and tennies, but she’s never looked so beautiful. I decide it’s the smile on her face that does it to me. I love it when she’s happy, and even more so if I had something to do with it.

  “You gonna let me drive your Jeep now, since I’m a licensed driver?” She holds out her hand for the keys, and I’m helpless to say no to her.

  When we get back out to the car, she makes a big production out of adjusting the seat and mirrors and finding the perfect radio station.

  I slap a hand over hers when she reaches for the volume knob. “All right already! Just drive, Mia!”

  She harrumphs and backs out of the parking spot as slow and cautious as a ninety-year-old woman then creeps up to the exit. I roll my eyes. “Mia, there are laws about how slow you can go, too, you know.”

  Mia slowly turns her head towards me and blinks a few times, then slams her foot on the accelerator and flies out of the parking lot and onto the road, merging seamlessly with the traffic.

  “Holy crap!” I grab onto the oh-shit handle and laugh as I’m thrown back against the seat, my pine tree air freshener swinging wildly from the rearview mirror.

  “Do you have a problem with my driving, Austin? Because the state of California thinks I’m perfectly capable of maneuvering this vehicle. I have a…” she holds up the temporary, paper license, “legal document here that says so.” She looks at me and smirks, glancing back at the road just often enough to keep from crashing into anything.

  I shake my head and chuckle at her. This girl is one of a kind. “As long as we make it back in one piece.”

  She pulls into a Burger King a few minutes later and just barely manages to avoid hitting the bright yellow cement pole next to the drive-thru window.

  “I’m buying us lunch to celebrate. What’ll ya have?”

  We order Whoppers and fries, and I ask her if she wants a milkshake, and she says no, but I know she’ll end up drinking half of mine. Sure enough, as soon as she sees it, she asks for a sip. I don’t mind; I like sharing with her, I like being with her, and I realize it’s because she’s just… Mia. She’s not like Chloe or any of the other snobby girls who try so hard to be this ideal girl and end up being annoying and fake instead.


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