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The Billionaire's Affair: Billionaire Brothers (Tycoon Billionaires Book 2)

Page 10

by Farrell, Julie

  Sarah leaned her elbow on the inner-door armrest. “Dylan, why don’t we just tell the police all this information?”

  “You think they don’t know already, Sarah? You think that detective doesn’t know about the organisation Natalia was working for? Sure she does. She knows just as we do that Orlov killed her. But she needs to follow the law and find evidence. We need to make sure we stay alive and keep our loved ones safe until she can get him behind bars. I don’t wanna end up like Ivan.”

  Sarah reached out and squeezed his arm. “Okay, I trust you. It was just a suggestion.”

  He smiled kindly. “I know.”

  Sarah allowed herself to relax as Dylan pulled off the freeway and into Essex. The divided highway gave way to the local roads, which soon became a country lane. Sarah had grown up in a little village like this – a suburb on the other side of London – but she hadn’t been back since she’d sold the family guesthouse. It was like stepping back in time – in her own life and in reality. The summer was in full bloom, and a mellow feeling slunk through her like honey. This road was dotted with ancient trees, which had probably been here even longer than this old village. Sarah wound down the window and her nostrils caught the aroma of the seaside – the salty air, the fish and chips… the warmth.

  Dylan drove slowly over the bumps and potholes, just managing to squeeze this huge car along the narrowing lane. He drove up a sharply inclined hill, then parked at the end of a track, which overlooked the beach from on high. The sea was calm and inviting, but Sarah knew it would be freezing, even on this scorching July day.

  Childlike excitement whirled through her and her worries unwound. She noticed an old cottage up here on its own, secluded from the rest of the village. This resident clearly wanted to keep the world at a distance.

  They all clambered out of the car and stretched after their journey. The sweet sound of birdsong filled Sarah’s ears and she realised with joy that she couldn’t hear any traffic. It was such a contrast to grimy London. It was more like being on vacation than on the run.

  “Who lives here?” Joseph asked.

  Dylan gazed at him pensively for a moment, deciding whether or not to warn him of who he was about to be reunited with. But it would take a lengthy explanation, and he needed get them out of sight as quickly as possible. So instead he gestured for Joseph and Sarah to go to the front door. He lifted the old brass knocker and rapped sharply on the sturdy oak.

  Sarah realised – as it stopped – that there’d been music playing softly from within. A masculine voice from inside sounded suspicious. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Dylan.”

  The door was unbolted and unlocked, then it opened a slither. The man inside stayed in the shadows. With Dylan leading, they all stepped in.

  It was dimly-lit, but cozy – smelling of freshly laundered linen and cinnamon. The low wooden beams, the vintage furnishings, and the brick fireplace all made it seem nostalgic. Sarah’s eyes adjusted to the light and took in the six-foot form of Ivan Quinlan. She hadn’t seen him for years, but he looked older than she was expecting. He had a shaggy brown beard, thick-rimmed glasses, and longer hair than the other brothers. This wasn’t just a man in hiding; it was a man who’d given up on life. He’d been shattered from the inside out.

  Joseph and Ivan were staring at each other; eyes locked, bodies frozen. Joseph looked confused, but he was holding it in, as if he wanted to be sure that this was actually his dead brother before he made any false moves. Ivan – on the other hand – looked irritated. Sarah guessed Dylan wasn’t supposed to bring people here, particularly not family members who could be at risk.

  Joseph didn’t take his eyes off Ivan. “Can someone please tell me what’s going on?”

  “Ivan faked his own death,” Dylan explained. “Because of an invention he and Tariq made. A perpetual motion device that would’ve meant no more oil. Obviously certain people weren’t happy with that – like the oil barons, for example – so we destroyed everything. And now he’s living here…” He turned his attention to Ivan. “I’m sorry I brought him here, Ivan, but I couldn’t bear to see him in pain anymore.”

  Ivan unfroze. “Dylan, you’re a fucking idiot.” His irritated expression morphed into an affectionate grin, then he pulled Joseph’s tense body into his arms. “Jesus, Joseph, I’ve missed you so much.” He slapped him on the back. “You’re much more sensible than your older brothers, huh. You do as you’re told for starters.”

  Joseph pulled away and touched Ivan’s face. “Is it really you?”

  “It is. I’m sorry I’ve put you through all this shit. But it was for your own safety. Still is. You shouldn’t be here. Dylan, what the fuck are you playing at?”

  “Let’s sit down and I’ll explain. Hey, you remember Sarah?”

  Ivan inspected her. Then he grinned. “Hell, yeah, Sarah, sure I do!” He thrust out a strong hand and they shook firmly. “You haven’t changed in all these years. You still look twenty-one.”

  Sarah smiled shyly. “Thank you. That Quinlan charm runs deep in your veins, I see.”

  He laughed tenderly. “Come and sit down. Dylan, you’ve got some explaining to do.”

  They all went through to the cramped living room and sat. The downstairs of Ivan’s cottage was snug. The kitchen and living room were essentially the same room, just separated by a half-wall and a step. Sarah sank into the velvet couch and Dylan held her hand. Ivan and Joseph sat on the couch opposite. It smelled musty in here – like a tomb – and Sarah wished someone would open a window.

  “So what’s this all about?” Ivan asked.

  “Did you see the news?” Dylan asked. “On the TV?”

  Ivan shot him a blank look. “Do you see a TV in here?”

  Dylan’s expression remained deadpan. “You do have the internet, though, right?”

  “Alright, yeah. But no I didn’t see it.”

  “Look, Ivan, there’s no easy way to say this… The Russians have got their hands on a piece of the blueprint for your device, and –”

  “But we destroyed it! You were there for that. What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I know. Look, the guy who told me about it… he said you’d been expecting some visitors in California, but they never showed up. He says they had some of the blueprint in their possession, but it was intercepted. He seems to think the Russians could use what they’ve got to start a war.”

  Ivan stared into space. His voice came out a whisper. “Shit, he’s right. I can’t believe I forgot about that piece of blueprint.” His head whipped up. “You told the police?”

  “No. I’ve got this detective on my back. You heard of Vladimir Orlov?”

  “Sure…. Oh, Dylan, you’re not doing business with him, are you?”

  “He approached me about a sponsorship deal between his soccer club and Grafton Techs. But unfortunately I screwed his wife, who turned out to be a double-agent and now she’s dead.”

  Ivan shook his head in disbelief. “You’ve always gotta have more fun than me, don’tcha?”

  “Ivan, this is serious…”

  Joseph intercepted. “Do mom and dad know you’re alive?”

  Ivan scratched his chin, making his beard rustle on his fingernails. “No. And neither does our sister. You can’t tell anyone.”

  Joseph swallowed. “I think they’d like to know.”

  “The more people we tell the more danger there is for everyone. I need to lie low, just for a while. Okay.”

  Joseph nodded. “Right.”

  “So what are we gonna do?” Dylan asked.

  Ivan removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “About what?”

  “About what? Ivan, I’ve got the goddamn KGB after me.”

  Ivan raised an eyebrow. “Well, what do you think you should do? Did you come here expecting me to give you a fully-formed plan? I hardly speak to a soul these days. All I care about is Samira, but I’m stuck here, going slowly nuts.”

  “Okay. Well, tell me what this pi
ece of blueprint looks like. I’ve got information that suggests it’s at Orlov’s house. Maybe I can get it back, but I’ll need to know what I’m looking for.”

  “Yeah, and make sure you destroy it when you find it,” Ivan said. “You need to get this thing off the face of the planet and out of my hair.”

  “Alright, so what does it look like?”

  “It’s just a little square of flimsy plastic. Like an old floppy disk. But your friend’s right – a coding company could probably crack it if the Russians got it into the hands of an expert.”

  “Like Grafton Techs? Their best engineer?”

  “Yeah, they probably could.”

  “Motherfucker. I bet he’s planning to buy my goddamn company from under my nose then use it to crack open that blueprint.”

  “So what are you gonna do?” Ivan said sarcastically. “Stroll over to Orlov’s place and ask if you can take a look around?”

  Dylan opened his mouth to retort, but Sarah interjected. “Hey, Dylan, you said you were planning to call off the deal with Orlov today. Did you do that?”

  He threw an affectionate grin. “No, sweetheart, I was slightly tied-up this morning, as you might’ve noticed.”

  Sarah blushed, then quickly composed herself. “Well, I was just thinking – much as you’re loath to – would it be a good idea to continue with the deal? Or at least pretend to? Keep your enemies close – that sort of thing?”

  Dylan nodded pensively. “Funny, Orlov said something similar to me last time I saw him. You’re right, babe – I’ll string him along, and try to ingratiate myself with him.”

  “Just make sure you find and destroy the remaining bit of blueprint before he wants to sign any contracts,” Ivan said. “You really don’t want him in your life, Dylan.”

  Dylan rubbed his eyes wearily. “Yeah, thanks for the advice – I could’ve done with that a month ago.”

  Ivan leaned forward. “You can do this, Dylan. You’re the eldest now. I’m dead, remember?”

  “Not really.”

  “I feel it some days.”

  “You’re missing Samira, huh?”

  “Understatement of the century. It’s like one of my limbs has been severed. And the worst thing is knowing she thinks I’m dead. And I can’t just show up and go ‘Hey, Samira, I’m alive after all’ – I’d hate anything to happen to her, especially now this is all kicking off again. You need to sort this all out, Dylan – it’s your time to shine. You’ve gotta do this. For me. And for the world.”

  “Right,” Dylan said. “No pressure, then.”

  Sarah held his hand tenderly, hoping to send loving vibes from her fingers to his. “The Russian rebels obviously think you’re capable of this, Dylan. And I’m here to help in any way I can.”

  “I’ll help, too,” Joseph said.

  Dylan nodded. “Thanks guys. I guess being second-in-line to such a great brother’s put me in Ivan’s shadow my whole life.”

  Ivan stood up. “Then it’s time to get out of it. Now who wants coffee?”

  Sarah smiled. “Actually, I’d like to go for a walk on the beach. Can we?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sarah removed her shoes and relished the tingly feel of the soft sand on her bare feet. She rarely walked around sockless, and it felt as if she was receiving a foot rub from the beach, making made her body fizz all over.

  Lightness drifted through her like the gathering white clouds up ahead. Dylan linked his fingers through hers, and they shared a smile. But she could see that he was taking the weight of the world on his shoulders, and she wanted to help him feel lighter. As Winston Churchill said, ‘if you’re going through hell, keep going’. Hopefully this stroll by the sea should cheer him up; it always helped to set her mind free, and this beach was lovely – it was long and sweeping, secluded and vibrant.

  She held his hand and enjoyed a sensation of vastness within, caused by the open blue sky and an ocean that seemed to stretch out for miles and miles. The gulls were squawking above, and the sound of the crashing waves soothed Sarah’s soul. Ivan and Joseph were strolling behind, catching up on what they’d missed over these last few months. Despite Ivan’s reluctance to be discovered, he was clearly delighted to be reunited with his baby brother.

  Sarah shot Dylan a tender smile, so he put his arm around her and pulled her close. They were walking quite close to the shoreline now, so Sarah was keeping an eye on the spume fingers that were stretching their way towards her feet. Luckily, the frothy water wasn’t quite able to reach them yet, so it gave up and slunk back to the sea, biding its time, gathering its strength.

  Dylan kissed her on the forehead. “Ever had sex on a beach?”

  Sarah laughed. “No. And I’m not going to with your brothers right behind us!”

  “Oh… sounds like you might be tempted if they weren’t there. I’d love to fuck you out here; show the world that you’re still mine.”

  “Don’t you ever stop thinking about sex?”

  He grinned. “Not when I’m around you, sweetheart.”

  “Well, you’ll just have to wait until we get back, won’t you?”

  “I’ll hold you to that offer.”

  They walked along in silence for a moment. Then Sarah said, “I’ve been thinking about your offer.”

  He tensed. “Oh yeah?”

  “I don’t like you treating me as if I’m just other another business deal.”

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  “Well, that’s how it felt.”

  “Aw, come on, I’ve never been good at expressing my feelings. You know that.”

  “But I want you to tell me how you feel. I need to hear you say it.”

  “You don’t need me to spell it out for you, sweetheart. You know how I feel.”

  “But I don’t. How could I unless you tell me? I mean, you wouldn’t do a business deal without spelling it out, would you? Look, I’m not saying that I want you gushing sweet-nothings every five minutes, but if you could just tell me how you feel. Not what you want. How you feel. That’s all I need, Dylan. Just to know.”

  “I find it hard to do that.”


  The breeze tousled his curls. “I don’t know. We just don’t really do that in my family.”

  “That’s not true. I’ve heard Adam telling Amy he loves her. And Ivan told Joseph. You’re just uptight.”

  He halted and gasped. “Uptight!”

  She chuckled. “Yeah, you are. Why can’t you just do something for the sake of it? Be in this moment. Find some joy for joy’s sake.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “How can I put it any clearer, Dylan? Just tell me how you feel about me. Why can’t you?”

  Dylan set his face to determined and he suddenly grabbed her by the upper-arms. “Right, if you really need to know – I love you, okay? I never got over you. I regret encouraging you to leave every single day. You left a hole in my heart, and you’re the only one who can fill it. I’m miserable without you, Sarah – you’re like the other half of my soul. I need you back in my life. I want you back in my life, because when you’re around, my life is fucking complete. Now that I’ve found you again, there’s no way I’m ever letting you go. Not ever. Okay? Does that spell it out for you? You’re like the sunshine in my life. I love you, I love you, I fucking love you!”

  Sarah stared at him in shock. Dylan had never said anything like that before. She opened her mouth to splutter out a reply, but he suddenly pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately like a 1950s Hollywood hero.

  With clashing tongues and desperate lips, the kiss encompassed all the feelings that had been repressed over the years since they’d parted at the airport. But now Dylan had the force of adulthood behind him, making this kiss the most tremendous thing Sarah had ever encountered. It was angry, loving, and passionate all in one. The world spun drunkenly as she sank into the strong arms supporting her trembling body. He continued to kiss her hard and possessively – showing h
er how much he cared, now that he’d told her so openly.

  Eventually, he eased away and gazed into her eyes. There was a sparkle in them that she’d never seen before. A sparkle of love, and maybe… liberation.

  Dylan’s serious face cracked into a smirk, and he laughed. Sarah laughed, too. Then she was suddenly aware of their audience – Ivan and Joseph. The two started to whoop and applaud. Sarah shyly crumpled into Dylan’s arms and he held her close.

  “I love you, okay?” he said into her ear.

  “Me too, Dylan,” she said, now terrified to admit it herself.

  Ivan smirked. “Adam’ll be pleased to hear he’s won your ten-grand bet, Dylan!”

  Dylan laughed freely, like a child. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll call him later and tell him to spend it on something sensible.”

  Joseph grinned. “He’s already decided to give it to a charity of Amy’s choice. Adam knew – we all knew – he would win!”

  Dylan pulled Sarah close and kissed her on the side of the head. “Yeah, truthfully – as soon as I saw her – I knew too.”

  They were still standing very close to the water’s edge, and it was possible that at any moment an extra big wave would drench their feet. But suddenly Sarah didn’t care. The sky was alive with the threat of a storm. They were about to get soaked either by the ocean or by the weather. Ivan and Joseph stood beside them and Sarah realised that they looked peaceful too. She guessed they’d just been having an open conversation about how much they’d missed each other – just as she and Dylan had. There was an unspoken bond between them all now. Lost loves reunited. They smiled silently as a joyful feeling of affection bubbled around them. Something was different now – better somehow.

  Sarah felt a drop of rain on her arm, and she realised that the sky had turned thick with black storm-clouds. The weather broke and the sea swept in, breaking the spell. They all burst into laughter and darted away from the waves, but it was too late. Sarah’s naked shins shivered as the freezing water gripped them tight – sploshing up into her dress and soaking it through; the men got drenched too; shoes, jeans, socks, feet, and all.


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