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Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5

Page 4

by Dana Marie Bell

  When Syd was finally happy with her purchases she led the way back out of the shop and climbed into the passenger seat. “Now all I have to do is install a little gift in Frederica’s root directory and set up the nanny-cam in her bedroom and we’re golden.”

  Sylvia blinked. “Do I want to know how you’re going to do all of that?”


  “Will it get us what we want?”

  “It will give us direct access to her ingoing and outgoing traffic, so…” Syd shrugged.

  “That would be a yup.” Sylvia made the turn into Frederica’s driveway. “Is it illegal?”


  “All righty then.” She pulled up in front of the double doors of the Grimm mansion, aware Frederica was already watching them. Now that her brain was no longer fried by apple juice cocktails, Frederica was back to being the evil bitch they’d all known and hated so long ago. “How do we do it?”

  “I’ll take care of that, you just figure out what the hell she wants and how we’re going to survive this.”

  Sylvia could do that. She was the warrior of the pair. Now that she had a chance to get out from under Frederica and the Old Man she was more than willing to fight for it.

  The front door opened as they got out of the car. Frederica stood on the top step, no longer the granny they’d become accustomed to. Instead, her shoes were four-inch red stilettos and her white suit was Versace, with a red silky top beneath it. Her blonde hair had been trimmed into a long, sleek bob with nary a strand out of place. Her makeup was flawlessly professional, just the right amount of color and shine for a woman who ran a multi-million dollar corporation.

  If she’d been a different sort of person Sylvia might have admired her. But Frederica’s single-minded determination to destroy Logan and Jordan Tate-Saeter and restore Kiran Tait to her side had driven a wedge between them that nothing but Frederica’s surrender could remove.

  That would happen when Frederica’s flying monkeys learned the fox trot.

  Syd flinched at the hint of a scowl on Frederica’s face, and Sylvia straightened her spine. Better Frederica’s ire be directed at her. Syd couldn’t handle that kind of heat. “Frederica.”

  Frederica, once Frigg and queen of the Aesir and Vanir, sniffed. “You’re late.”

  “Traffic.” Syd spoke quietly, a pale mouse in front of a lion.

  Frederica’s brows rose, but she didn’t question them further. “Follow me.”

  She turned on one delicate heel and marched back into her mausoleum of a home.

  Syd shot Sylvia a worried glance before following Frederica. “Um, Frederica?”

  Frederica sighed. “What is it?”


  Frederica waved, but continued to head toward the sitting room. “You know where it is.”

  “Thanks.” Syd nodded to Sylvia and took off toward where one of the downstairs bathrooms was. Once Sylvia had Frederica distracted, Syd would do whatever it was Syd had in mind.

  It was Sylvia’s job to make sure she got to do it.

  She followed Frederica into the sitting room, settling into a chair at Frederica’s wave. “What did you want, Frederica?”

  The woman smiled grimly. “I want you to spy on my son.”

  Oh, fuck. She’d guessed right for once.

  “Or, more specifically, I want Syd to.” Frederica sat gingerly on her elaborate Victorian chaise and held up a tea pot. “Earl Grey?”

  “Please.” She waited patiently while Frederica poured the tea, adding cream the way Sylvia preferred. She picked up the cup and sipped, nodding her appreciation at the warm, creamy flavor. As Frederica poured her own cup, Sylvia set hers down. “So. What exactly did you need Syd to do?”

  “I want her to hack into Logan Saeter’s computer files and find something that will make my son want to leave him once and for all.”

  Sylvia’s brows rose. From what she could tell Logan could set the house on fire and Kir would merely yawn and put it out.

  “Where is Sydney?” Frederica frowned at the doorway.

  “Ah.” Sylvia had to think fast. “We had cheese omelets for breakfast, and—”

  Frederica held up her hand and shuddered delicately. “No need to say any more.” She huffed impatiently. “The girl knows she’s lactose intolerant.”

  Sylvia ignored Frederica’s grimace. “What makes you think there’s anything on Logan’s computer that will piss off Kir?”

  She didn’t like the way Frederica eyed her. Cold, calculating, and with a hint of disdain, the woman’s look sent a chill down Sylvia’s spine. “She’ll find something.” Frederica sat back, a smile on her face that reminded Sylvia of a cat. “Trust me.”

  Sylvia nodded. “All right. I’ll speak to Syd, find out—”

  “Find out what?” Syd entered the room timidly, her gaze grazing Frederica before landing firmly on Sylvia.

  “If you can hack Logan’s computer.” No sense in hiding what Frederica wanted. That might make Frederica suspicious, and they didn’t need that right now.

  “Oh.” Syd seemed to shrink in on herself. “I think I can.”

  “Good. I’ll email you the details of what I want, and when I want it by.”

  Frederica didn’t stand, but Sylvia knew a dismissal when she heard one.

  She stood and took hold of Syd’s shaking hand. “We’ll wait for your instructions.”

  Before Frederica could respond Sylvia and Syd were out the front door. “Shit shit double shit.” Sylvia slid behind the wheel and slammed the car door shut.

  Syd slid into the passenger seat, making sure she closed the door before turning to Sylvia. “We have to tell them.”

  “You think?” Sylvia started the car and drove carefully down the long driveway. She didn’t want Frederica to catch on to how nervous she was.

  “In other news, I got what we needed taken care of.”

  That was a relief. “No one saw you?”

  “Do they ever?” Syd shrugged. “Not that I’m aware of.”

  “Good. Then let’s get out of here.”

  Frederica watched out the window as the two women drove away. Something had been off about them. Sydney had always been shy and retiring, but today she’d been almost nonexistent. And Sylvia had been far too accommodating and eager to please.

  No. They were up to something, but for the life of her Frederica couldn’t figure out what.

  “Love?” Henry sidled up behind her and put his arm around her waist. “Did you speak to them?”

  “Did they agree?” Luther’s deeper tones surrounded her, made her shiver.

  Henry and Luther. The brothers of Odin—Vili, now known as Henry Grimm, and Ve, aka Luther Grimm—were the only reason she hadn’t completely lost herself to the rage that had built in her as her traitorous husband’s apple toddies wore off. “They did, but…”

  Luther took hold of her hand as Henry’s arms tightened around her. “But?”

  “There was something wrong with the way they reacted. I expected an argument, or at least questions, but they couldn’t leave here fast enough.”

  “It’s a shame Sydney is the best at computer hacking. She still has feelings for Logan.” Luther squeezed her hand. “Can you think of anyone who would do the work instead?”

  Henry kissed the side of her neck, and Frederica tilted her head so he’d have better access. “Even if they aren’t as good, at least they might be loyal.”

  “You think they’ll betray me?” Frederica thought her lovers might be on to something.

  “It’s a possibility you need to consider, yes.” Luther turned her to face him, cupping her cheeks between his palms. His strength, his warmth held her steady in an increasingly rocky world. “The only other option is to accept—”

  “No.” Frederica wouldn’t even think about it.
“Baldur needs to return home.”

  “Shh.” Henry moved to stand next to his brother. “You know Luther only has your best interests at heart.”

  “I hate seeing you so unhappy.” Luther stroked her hair back, his expression filled with his love.

  How had she ever looked at Odin and thought he cared? Luther and Henry had proven over and over what she was to them. She would forever be grateful to that cheating, lying whoreson for leaving her with them. “I know, love.” She returned his caress, smiling up at her lovers equally. “No. We’ll find another way. I will have everything I want.”

  The brothers exchanged a glance, and she knew. She knew they didn’t quite believe, but she did. None of them were listed in the Edda as dying.

  They would live. And she would have Kir and Holden back again.

  “So, what do you think?” Magnus watched Val and Travis, hoping the two men would agree. It was a little much to ask, but he had the feeling Travis, at least, would be sympathetic. He’d called them to Morgan’s apartment, unwilling to bring Logan and Kir into this. He wanted to give Sylvia the benefit of the doubt and prove to them that what she’d asked for was actually what she wanted.

  The two men glanced at one another. Travis was the first to speak. “I think we can do it, but it will take a little time to set up.”

  Val nodded. “Unfortunately, I’ll have to do my part from a distance.” He grimaced. “Sydney is terrified of me for some reason.”

  Travis’s brows rose. “Maybe because you tried to kill Logan multiple times.”

  “I didn’t mean it.” Val rolled his eyes. “Some people really need to get over that.”

  “Tell that to Sydney.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Val grunted in disgust. “Geez. Blow someone up a couple of times and suddenly you’re a bad guy.” He glanced over at Travis. “How will we do it without alerting them that we’re watching? Syd is really good with computers. She’ll detect it if we try to hack into her system.”

  “Long distance surveillance. Break out the van, watch their condo. Move them in immediately if it looks like Frederica or Grimm are on to them.” Travis picked up his phone. “I’ll call in the cavalry and get Jeff to help.”

  “If you’ve got Jeff you’ve also got Fenris.” Magnus knew he wouldn’t let his mate out on a job without protection, namely himself. Fenris was twice as overprotective as Magnus, especially since the Old Man had tried to skin Jeff. If Jeff so much as set a toe outside his condo the wolf knew it.

  Val scowled. “We haven’t heard anything from dear old Daddy since he got the snot beat out of him. Any idea what he’s up to? I’d hate to forget about him while focusing on Freddie.”

  Freddie? Magnus snorted. “If she heard you call her that she’d rip your spleen out through your asshole.”

  Val grinned viciously. “She could try.”

  “You don’t need to concern yourself with Grimm.”

  Magnus jumped. That voice came from everywhere and nowhere and was as familiar as his own. “Heimdall?”

  A pair of icy, glowing eyes appeared, followed by the man himself. “Magni. I hear you’re looking for Grimm.”

  “Among other things.” He shouldn’t be surprised that Heimdall had heard them. The Guardian of the Bifrost Bridge, Nik DeWitt, aka Heimdall, could see and hear anything he wished to simply by focusing on it. What did surprise him was the fact that Nik was here. “How did you get through Logan’s wards?”

  Nik merely smiled. He should have known Nik wouldn’t answer. “I’m willing to help you, but I want something in return.”

  Magnus and Morgan shared a look. Nik’s help could be invaluable in getting Sylvia and Sydney moved in, but the cost might be something they weren’t willing to pay. “What do you want?”

  Nik’s smile sent shivers down his spine. “I want Toni moved in tomorrow.”

  Magnus blinked. “That…might be harder than you think.” The cop had refused every offer to move in, even after Fenris had declared her family. She’d saved Jeff’s life, healing him when nothing else had worked. They’d been surprised to find she had Valkyrie blood in her, but Nik had probably known all along. Hell, he probably knew what color underwear Magnus was wearing.

  Nik was one of the few gods, Aesir or Vanir, who scared the fuck out of Magnus.

  “She’s in danger. Move her in, and I’ll help you. Refuse, and I won’t.” Nik leaned forward, and for a moment Magnus saw the dark-haired, crystal-eyed god rather than the suave lawyer Nik pretended to be. “Trust me. You want my help, Magni, son of Thor.”

  Magnus gritted his teeth. By calling him that, Nik had made the request a formal one from one god to another. “I’ll do my best.”

  His best might involve a felony, but he’d get Toni here before the end of the day.

  Nik nodded and disappeared.

  There was silence in Morgan’s condo as the Guardian’s disappearing act left Magnus reeling. “How did he do that?”

  “I don’t know.” Travis frowned thoughtfully at the spot where Nik had been standing. “He’s always been a mystery, even to me.”

  Since Travis, also known as the god Tyr, had once been the Lord of the Vanir, that was saying something. Tyr had lost the war Odin had started, handing over the Godspear as a war prize. Under the influence of Idunn’s apples and Grimm’s influence, he’d quietly become one of Grimm’s staunchest supporters, even sacrificing his own hand to imprison his foster son, Fenrisùlfr, son of Loki. Once out from under that influence, he’d married Jamie Grimm and become one of Kir’s fiercest protectors. He’d been the one to free Fenris and bring Jeff and Fenris together.

  Fenris was finally forgiving him, and there was little Travis wouldn’t do for the werewolf.

  “How do we get Toni here?” Morgan ran his hands through his bright red hair, so similar to his own that Magnus almost felt it. His twin looked exactly like him except for the easier smile around his eyes and a slightly clearer sapphire blue in his gaze. Magnus’s eyes had a slight hint of green in them that edged him toward turquoise.

  “You two deal with that.” Val pointed toward Travis. “We’ll set up surveillance on Syd and Sylvia.”

  “Thanks.” Magnus had the feeling they had the easier job. Getting the cop moved in was going to be a pain in the ass.

  “I say we drug her.”

  Magnus stared at his brother. He could not have heard that correctly.

  “What? Can you think of a way to get her here without hurting her? Because I can’t.”

  “Are you serious?” Magnus was going to smack his twin. “She’ll feed us our balls.”

  Morgan looked smug. “Not if we lock her in her condo before she wakes up.”

  Magnus tried to find the flaw in his twin’s plan. “That could work.”

  Travis sighed. “I have a better idea than felony kidnapping. Why don’t you call her and ask her to come here to talk? Tell her about Slade, ask her to look at him and hear his story. Then tell her about Nik. Maybe if we tell her that her life might be in danger she’ll listen.”

  Magnus wasn’t so sure. “Toni is pretty stubborn.”

  Val piped up. “She’s a cop. If we tell her she’s there to protect Slade, she might do it.”

  “She’ll lose her job. She’s a homicide detective, remember?” Travis rubbed his chin. “Let me pull some strings, see if I can get her here without having to fight her.” He grimaced. “All right, Plan B. You two take Fen, Jeff and the van and set up the surveillance. Val will get Logan to set up Toni’s condo while I work on getting Toni here.”

  Val nodded and left, waving good-bye to Magnus and Morgan on his way out.

  “Let’s go tell Slade and Skye we’re heading out.” Morgan clapped his hand on Magnus’s shoulder. “Your mate should be thrilled.”

  Hell, Magnus was too. Watching Sylvia beat the hell out of trying to get a reluctant ho
micide cop to move in. “We’ll get Jeff to show Fenris how to set up the equipment.”

  “Good idea.” Travis pulled out his cell phone, heading out of the condo with them. “It’s about time I put the furball on the payroll.”

  “Logan might have something to say about that.” Magnus wasn’t certain Logan wouldn’t pitch a fit of epic proportions. When it came to his kids, the man was a lunatic.

  Then again, Grimm had tortured them all and murdered one of them, so he had a reason to be.

  Travis shrugged. “If we tell him it’s for Slade, he’ll be all right with it.”

  Magnus doubted it, but Fenris was a grown man. If he accepted Travis’s offer, he could deal with Logan. There wasn’t much Logan wouldn’t do to make his children happy.

  Magnus never thought he’d say this, but he was glad his half-sister, Jordan, had married the jotun. Logan and Kir were going to be stellar fathers to her twins.

  Magnus waved good-bye to Travis as he opened the door to his condo. His eyes went wide as the familiar, gut-clenching sounds filled the air. Three heads, two blond and one curly red, were huddled together over a laptop, the intent expressions on their faces causing Magnus to groan.

  “Oh, hell.” Morgan groaned. “Jeff’s introducing them to Vincente.”

  “Mm, Vincente,” Jeff moaned.

  Slade whimpered, his gaze glued to the screen. “Why did I not know of this man?”

  Magnus scowled. Slade shouldn’t make those kinds of sounds over anyone but him and Sylvia.

  Jeff turned and stared at Slade. “Living in a barn for centuries? Lousy cable service in Asgard? Or how about having a skeezeweasel for a master?”

  Slade didn’t even turn as he shot Jeff the finger. Slade licked his lips, and Magnus was ready to send Jeff’s laptop out the window.

  Skye looked over both their heads and mouthed at Morgan “help me”.

  Magnus walked over and plucked Slade off the sofa. “I think it’s time someone took a nap.”

  Slade sighed dramatically as he cuddled into Magnus. “Damn. And Vincente was just about to take off his pants.”


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