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Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5

Page 8

by Dana Marie Bell

  “Are you worried Magnus will be the same way?” Slade watched her, his expression without judgment. He seemed to understand at least some of her reservations.

  “That’s part of it. The other part is that he’s my stepson.”

  Slade shook his head. “I could see why that would be an issue, but you didn’t raise him. You weren’t a mother to him in any sense. It’s not as if you were cruel to him, just the opposite. You treated him like the other children of the gods, as if he were just another child of the Aesir. You granted him more courtesy than several of the others did.”

  It never ceased to amaze her how her fellow Aesir reacted to innocent children. Not all were touted the way Vali had been, but to her the child was innocent of the father’s misdeeds. “How could I do otherwise?”

  “Exactly. Magni and Modi were raised by their jotun mother, not you, but you still treated them the way I would have wanted to be treated.” Slade wrapped one of her curls around his finger. “I think no one could fault you for the attraction as they might if you had raised him.”

  There was something about Slade that allowed her to speak her deepest fear. The fact that he spoke as if her worries were valid helped a great deal in making her trust him. “I don’t know if I fear the judgment of others or myself.”

  “That’s something you’ll have to figure out on your own. I can say that your own judgment is far more important, but unless you believe it I could say it until the moon turns purple and it won’t have any real effect.” The whole time they spoke he continued to play with her hair. “If it helps, Magnus and I have both longed for you for centuries. We’ve both watched while you broke your heart over Thor, and when he left you I’m certain Magnus cheered just as loudly as I did. And while I never thought I’d get the chance to touch you like this, Magnus always dreamed, always hoped, so I hoped it for him too.”

  He was going to break her heart. “Because you never thought you’d get away from Odin.”

  “I thought he’d finally kill me before he let me go free, yes.” Slade smiled softly. “But Magnus saved me. He’ll save you too if you let him.”

  “Can we be saved?” Sylvia bit her lip, still uncertain that everything was going to wind up the way Slade obviously hoped they would.

  “I think so.” He lifted a strand of her hair to his lips. “We’re willing to wait a bit longer while you decide if this—” he let go of her hair long enough to gesture between the three of them, “—is something you can live with. And if you’re truly worried about the others, all you have to do is ask them. Not one of them seemed upset by the fact that Magnus and I claimed you as ours.”

  “You did?” She blinked, uncertain if she’d been there or not. She hadn’t had her coffee yet, so her brain wasn’t completely awake. Yet another thing that seemed to make confiding in Slade so easy. “And no one thought anything of it?”

  “Nope.” He chuckled softly. “And I’ve learned with this bunch that they aren’t afraid to make their opinions known.” He widened his eyes comically.

  She laughed. “Good point.”

  “So.” He cupped her chin. “Can I kiss you good morning now?”

  Her breath caught at the sweet desire in his gaze. “Yes. Please.”

  His smile was sheer beauty, but she didn’t get to see it for long. Slade swept his lips over hers, gently at first, but growing increasingly more demanding. She parted her lips, eager to get her first taste of him, to see if he was just as delicious as Magnus.

  He was, in his own unique way. Where Magnus had been as fiery as his hair, Slade was all about slowly building on what had started as a simple sweetness. He took his time, forcing her to acknowledge that the growing heat between them wasn’t all on his side. The slow burn that began to build had her curling closer to him, eager for his touch, for the feel of sleek, masculine skin. She wanted more, deeper, sweeter, hotter, but Slade insisted on keeping it—

  They broke apart as Magnus snored so loudly he startled himself awake. “Huh? Wha?” Sylvia rolled onto her back to see Magnus staring at them blearily. “Oh. Hi.”

  Slade started to laugh, leaning his head against her shoulder.

  “What’s so funny?” Magnus looked adorably confused, an expression she’d never once seen on his father’s face. Then again, Magnus was turning out to be nothing like Fred Grimm, and for that she was beginning to be grateful rather than afraid.

  “You are.” She reached out and stroked the stubble on his cheek. “But that’s okay. We like you that way.”

  Slade laughed harder.

  “If you say so.” Magnus shook his head at them, but he was watching them with such joy it was obvious he was just happy they were there.

  She patted his chest. “We do, Buzz.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Buzz?”

  Sylvia smiled and wiggled out of bed, crawling from in between them by sliding over Slade. “I’ve got dibs on the bathroom!”

  Both men were staring at her as she ran for it, Magnus still looking adorably confused and Slade with a return of the sweet heat that had been building between them. She was slamming the door shut when she finally heard them jump from the bed.

  “So not fair,” she heard Magnus complain. “How come she climbs on you and not me?”

  Sylvia stifled her giggles as she went about her business. It looked like living with the two men would never be boring.

  Chapter Seven

  “Calm down, Slade. Deep breaths.”

  Slade did as told, Magnus’s arm around him, supporting him. He leaned into Sylvia’s touch as she caressed his forehead.

  “What’s wrong? Why are you so pale?” Her concern touched him. When he’d woken that morning she’d been sleeping peacefully, one hand on his chest, her face serene. Her backside had been pressed up against Magnus, the big man curled around her protectively.

  Slade had almost cried, he’d been so happy. When they’d spoken, and she’d opened up to him, he’d been ecstatic. The kiss they’d shared had been amazing, all golden light and sweet, sweet heat. He’d thought he was dreaming until Magnus snored so loudly he woke himself up, causing Slade to break into laughter. Magnus had been confused, Sylvia amused, and Slade had completely forgotten about seeing Fenris this morning.

  Fenris, who would be at Logan’s along with the rest of the family, waiting for them.

  Waiting for him.

  Slade didn’t know if Jeff had warned his mate that Slade was coming, let alone that he wanted to speak to him. Fenris’s cool attitude wasn’t inspiring any confidence in Slade, despite Jeff’s words of support. “Family.”

  “Oh.” Sylvia hugged him, startling him. “It’ll be all right, Slade.”

  “She’s right.” Magnus pressed a kiss to his forehead as Slade hugged Sylvia back, enjoying her softness as much as he’d loved Magnus’s hard body snuggled against his. “And if it’s not we’ll take you home, I swear.”

  Home. His knees went weak just thinking of it. He had a home. Everything else was just icing on the cake. “All right. I can do this.” He squared his shoulders and took hold of their hands, one on either side of him. “Besides, if worse comes to worst I already know I’m faster than Fen.”

  Sylvia laughed, the joyful sound making him smile back.

  Magnus, on the other hand, just rolled his eyes. “C’mon, ya big chicken. Let’s go eat pancakes.”

  “Bwok.” Slade clucked, making Sylvia laugh harder.

  Magnus just shook his head and dragged them through Logan’s front door. “Hey, we’re here.”

  Slade stared around the room and smiled. Everyone was there. Logan, Kir and Jordan were laying out the food. Jamie sat next to Travis, her hand on his shoulder as she leaned in close. Val was trying to get Sydney’s attention, but she was hiding behind Toni, who kept trying to dodge out of the way so Val could get to her. It looked like a weird dance they were performi

  Jeff and Fenris were cuddled together on the couch, staring at Slade, Magnus and Sylvia.

  Slade nodded toward them, wondering if this was where things went to hell or not. “Brother.”

  Fenris closed his eyes and shuddered. “Brother.” He stood, holding Jeff’s hand so tightly his knuckles were white. “How are you?”

  “I’m good.” Slade glanced at Jeff, who was nodding encouragingly. “And you?”

  “I’m—” Fenris gulped. He let go of Jeff’s hand and held out his arms. “Please?”

  Magnus gently pushed Slade forward. “Go on.”

  Like Slade wasn’t going to embrace his brother. The pain in Fenris’s gaze was killing him. Slade ran toward Fenris, catapulting into his arms.

  Fenris caught him easily, the deep, shuddering sigh that rocked him exposing his true feelings. Jeff had been right. Fenris truly had wanted to accept him, but Slade’s injuries had kept him back.

  “It’s okay.” He found himself in the odd position of soothing the beast. Fenris was shaking, his embrace becoming so tight it was almost painful.

  “No, it’s not, but it will be.” Fenris finally shook himself and let Slade go. “Welcome home, little brother.”

  Slade grinned. “Thanks.”

  Fenris nodded once, then stepped back. He took hold of Slade’s arm and guided him away from the others. Once far enough apart, he pushed back the sleeve of Slade’s long-sleeved T-shirt, growling at the marks on his skin. “Tell me who is to kill Odin.” His voice was low, barely audible. “You said in one of your phone calls that he was closer to us than we thought.”

  “I think the one who will do it is our brother.” Slade glanced around, keeping his voice as soft as Fenris’s.

  Fenris gaped at him before quickly glancing around and leaning in close. “Jörmungandr?”

  “No, Nari.”

  “What? But…he’s dead.”

  “No, he’s not. He’s been in hiding all these years.” Slade stepped closer and lowered his voice even more, praying no one but Fenris heard him. “Think about it. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

  O’er the sea from the north there sails a ship

  With the people of Hel, at the helm stands Loki;

  After the wolf do wild men follow,

  And with them the brother of Byleist goes.

  “You tried to kill Odin and failed. What other wolves of Loki’s line are there?”

  Fenris’s eyes went wide. “By the gods, I think you’re right. That’s the other werewolf.” Fenris was staring at Logan, who was smiling at them both, obviously pleased the brothers were chatting. He smiled, but Slade could see the effort it took to do so. “This will kill Pappa.”

  Slade agreed. Vali was supposed to kill the wolf that killed Odin in retaliation, but Slade was certain it wasn’t going to go down quite the way they all thought it would. “I’m almost positive I am. All the clues, once you dismiss you as the wolf, point toward Nari. The good news is I don’t think Odin has figured it out yet.” And Slade hadn’t dared say it with Hugin and Munin, Odin’s little spy ravens, watching his every move. He’d hoped his father would have figured it out from the clues he had given them, but it seemed none of them had.

  “But you did.” Fenris slapped him on the back, staggering him. “Now all we need to do is find him and bring him home.”

  “It won’t be that easy. Nari was driven mad by the transformation and it’s only gotten worse over the centuries. He’s not human any longer, not in any sense of the word.” In fact, Slade was almost positive that Nari had been Jack the Ripper, tearing into his victims with a cold viciousness that fascinated the world to this day. “He’s become the monster everyone believed you were.”

  Fenris swore softly in multiple languages. Slade was impressed. He only understood half of what his brother said, but it was inventive. “Have you seen him?”

  Slade nodded. “From afar, yes. I didn’t dare get closer.” And what he’d seen had sent cold chills down his spine. When Loki had been bound to the mountain, his sons Nari and Narfi had been taken there as well. To punish Loki, he’d transformed Nari into a wolf. Maddened by it, Nari had shredded Narfi and disappeared. Narfi’s entrails had been turned into Loki’s bindings. “I wish I could tell you he’ll be able to join us when this is all over, but he’s a psycho. I wouldn’t want him anywhere near Magnus and Sylvia.”

  “I can understand that.” Fenris glanced at Jeff before turning his attention once more to Slade. “Did Skye do this?”

  Slade tilted his head, confused. “By changing the prophecy?” When Fenris nodded glumly, Slade smiled. “No. That happened after Nari was changed. I think she just saw a way to save you and took it.”

  “Are you sure?” Fen glanced at Morgan. “It will hurt him a great deal, and her as well, if they discover Skuld drove Logan’s son insane.”

  “I’m positive.” The prophecy of Ragnarrok had already been written, but the meaning of it had not been fully revealed. It would not be until things came to pass. Only the Norns of Fate knew the how, the why and the where.

  “The thing is I don’t know where he is right now. Odin seems to have forgotten about him completely because he’s convinced you’re the one who will kill him. The others barely remember him.” Except for Sydney, who watched the very pregnant Jordan with a wistful, pained expression she was quick to hide whenever anyone glanced her way. She, like Logan, knew the pain of losing her children.

  “Except you.” Slade leaned into Fenris’s embrace. “My smart brother.”

  Slade chuckled. “Yeah. So smart I stayed under the thumb of a madman for centuries.”

  “You avoided my fate.”

  “He tortured us both, Fen.”

  “And he’ll pay for that, I swear it.” Logan’s voice interrupted their bonding time, but Slade didn’t mind. His father’s arms came around them both. “I heard what you said,” he whispered. “So did Kir. We’ll look into it.”

  Slade looked into his father’s eyes and saw the grief that never quite went away. “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.” Logan ruffled his hair. “You have no idea how proud I am of you, but you’ll learn.” He winked. “In the meantime, there’s someone else who’d like to see you.”

  Slade tilted his head. Everyone was already here. “Who?”

  Logan waved his hand and, to Slade’s surprise, a portal opened. “How?”

  “Death can go wherever she chooses, through any barrier.” Logan’s pride shown through as Hel and Hodr stepped through.

  “Holy shit.” Hel. Hel was here. Slade hadn’t hoped to meet his sister for quite some time, not until closer to Odin’s demise. “Hel.”

  The beautiful woman with the black hair and ice-blue eyes smiled. “Sleipnir, Fenris. You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to see you two. Hodr told me I should just make the time, so when Pappa called and invited us to breakfast we jumped at the chance.” She glided forward, leaving Hodr at the closing portal. “Give your big sister a kiss!”

  While Fenris, Logan and Slade greeted Hel, Kir and Jordan were busy hugging Hodr. “That condo I saved for you is still available, sweetheart,” Kir called over to Hel. “Any time you want it, you and Hodr can stay. It’s under the name Holden and Helen Tate.”

  Hodr smiled and tilted his head. “That’s very nice of you, Kir, but Hel has been pretty busy down below.” The blind god tilted his head toward Hel, his expression loving. “I’m going to try and get her to visit more often, though.”

  “Now that my brothers are coming home I think we’ll see if we can make the time, dear.” Hel put one arm around Slade and the other around Fenris. “So. Introduce me to your mates.”

  Hel had inherited their father’s evil, mischievous grin. The goddess of Death, ruler of Helheim and daughter of the Trickster, seemed right at home in Logan, Jordan and Kir’s condo.
/>   Sylvia stepped forward, holding her hand out to Hel. “It’s good to see you again, Hel.”

  Hel’s eyes gleamed with amusement. “And you, Sylvia.”

  Magnus and Jeff stepped forward, and before Slade knew it he was surrounded by family.

  With just a few more touches his dream would finally be realized. Nothing would take what he’d gained today away from him.

  “Hide me.”

  Magnus held still while Sydney ducked behind him. She was quivering with fear, her eyes huge as she peeked out from behind his back. Sylvia and Syd had been with them for a week, and Syd was turning out to be a lot more squirrely than he remembered. Every single time they came to Logan, Kir and Jordan’s for breakfast Syd hid behind someone as soon as she saw Val. Today it seemed to be his turn. “Um. Syd? What’s going on?”

  “He’s here.” She pointed with a shaking finger toward Val.

  “And?” He turned to face her, surprised to see her cheeks were flushed. “You know he won’t hurt you, right?”

  “But he’s just so…” Her hands fluttered wide. “And he’s so…” They fluttered again, this time way over her head. “Plus he’s kind of…” She fanned her red face. “So I’m hiding.”

  Magnus stared at her, wondering what the fuck was going on. He was pretty sure she was having some sort of seizure. “Maybe we should get Kir to take a look at you.”

  Syd huffed in frustration before resting her head against his chest. “I don’t want to get blown up, or chopped up, or skewered.” She tilted her head with an adorable frown. “Maybe skewered. Depending.”

  She was totally confusing the fuck out of him. He needed backup, and he needed it now. “Sylvia!”

  “You bellowed?” Sylvia was suddenly there, staring at Sydney with the same confused expression he was pretty sure was on his own face. “What’s Syd doing?”


  Syd’s hands flew all over the place before settling on his chest. She never once lifted her head from him. “Val,” she whispered in the most embarrassed tone he’d ever heard.


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