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Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5

Page 13

by Dana Marie Bell

  “I’ve never had anything,” Slade whispered, laying his head on Magnus’s chest.

  “We’re hoping to make this a regular thing, for all of us.” Magnus took hold of Sylvia’s hand, making sure he had contact with both of them.

  “Promise me something.” Slade didn’t look at either of them. “Promise me we’ll keep laughing together.”

  “We can’t, but I can promise that we’ll do our best.” Sylvia gave Slade a soft kiss.

  “Ditto.” Magnus also kissed Slade, his mate’s taste filling his senses.

  Slade nodded and sat up, once again straddling Magnus’s hips. He picked up the knife and slashed Magnus’s palm. “Then don’t make me wait any longer. Claim each other. Please.”

  Sylvia didn’t bat an eyelash. She took hold of the knife and did the same thing to her own palm, the shallow cuts causing her to wince. “Ditto.”

  “Let’s rock on with our socks on.”

  “I don’t think that’s how that quote goes.” But Sylvia placed her hand in his, allowing him to hold her steady.

  “Does it matter?” Slade looked like a kid at Christmas as he took hold of both Sylvia and Magnus’s hands. “You’re both mine.”

  “Blood to blood, we are one.” Sylvia’s eyes glowed with satisfaction as her blood mingled with Magnus’s.

  “Love you both, so much.” Magnus wasn’t certain if they heard him or not, but it didn’t matter. He’d said it, and there was no going back.

  They’d just have to friggin’ deal with it.

  Before he could do much more, Sylvia’s magic swept over him. It was like being bathed in golden sunshine on a perfect spring afternoon. It was gentle, sweet and strong, like the best wine.

  “Oh.” Sylvia shuddered, his magic racing through her as their blood joined. Lightning flashed in her eyes, lifted her hair up in a brilliant display of power.

  Slade kissed her shoulder, apparently not afraid of the tiny sparks dancing along her skin. He lifted her tank top off, revealing her breasts to Magnus’s dazzled eyes. “I wonder which of your powers she got?”

  Magnus laughed. “Gee, I wonder.”

  She laughed. “It tickles.”

  “Tickles?” A little spark ran up her neck, and she laughed harder, squirming a bit.

  He liked it when she squirmed. Parts of her anatomy, two of his favorites if he was being totally honest, bounced when she wiggled around.

  He shared a glance with Slade, who seemed to be on the same page, because the two of them reached for her sleep shorts at the same time. “I think we should have some fun.”

  Slade nodded. “See if we can find all of the sparks.”

  Magnus kissed her belly button. “Found one.”

  Slade, laughing wickedly, licked her right nipple. “So did I.”

  Sylvia lay down on her back, her hair finally coming down from its lightning high. She lifted her butt in the air just far enough that they could get her shorts off the rest of the way. “Betcha can’t find them all.”

  “I love a challenge,” Magnus sighed.

  “And it’s my favorite kind. Hide-and-go-seek.” Slade kissed Sylvia’s hip. “Three.”

  “Four.” Magnus stroked one of the little sparks, sending it dancing along her thigh. Her gasp of pleasure was better than music to his ears. She might have gotten some mastery over electricity from him, but he was still the God of Lightning. The sparks danced to his command, flaring along her skin, his blood bond keeping his lovers safe from any harm.

  “He’s cheating,” he heard Slade whisper to Sylvia.

  “And?” She stared at him incredulously.

  Slade shrugged. “Just thought I should mention it.” He then nipped at her earlobe. “Five.”

  Magnus stroked between her thighs, delighted at the wetness he found. “Six.”

  Sylvia gasped as the spark stroked over her clit. No pain, only pleasure, his blood and magic making the spark a caress rather than a jolt. He fingered her, playing that little spark all over her pussy, forgetting all about the game in the need to see his lover come under his touch.

  He glanced up to find Slade and Sylvia kissing, silver and gold, pale and beautiful. He smiled, the love he felt for them overwhelming him. Slade was holding her so gently, like she was the most precious person in his world.

  Magnus understood how he felt. Apart, they’d almost been broken by outside forces, but together, they were far more than they could have ever been. But what Slade didn’t seem to realize was that it all started with him.

  Magnus lay down and placed his head on Sylvia’s stomach. Still stroking her with his hand, he moved until he could pull Slade’s cock into his mouth without hurting Sylvia.

  Slade jumped, then groaned as Magnus worked his cock. He couldn’t quite see Sylvia leaning up on her arms for a better look, but the tightening of her stomach and the way she gasped told him what she’d done.

  When she reached over and helped Magnus, it was even better. She stroked what he couldn’t reach, the pair of them pleasuring Slade until he was shuddering and pulling away from them.

  “No. Not this time.” That hoarse, sexy-as-hell voice had gone deep. He moved until his back was against the headboard, his dark eyes closed. When he opened them again, the whites were gone. “This time, it’s about you two.”

  Magnus shared a look with Sylvia. “No.”

  “It’s about all of us.” She smiled, climbing Slade like a tree until her pussy was lined up with his cock. “All three of us. Got that?” She slid down, taking Slade into her.

  “I was trying to—”

  “Shh.” Magnus covered Slade’s mouth with his own, kissing the breath out of the man. “We know what you were doing.”

  He grabbed hold of her hips. “This doesn’t feel like three.”

  “It will.” Magnus whistled happily as he reached into the drawer where they kept the lube. “Just give me a moment.”

  Slade’s eyes lit up as Magnus began to slick his cock, stroking it slowly. He was enjoying the way Sylvia and Slade were watching, like he held a delectable treat in his hands that they both wanted to devour.

  “Well? What’s keeping you?” Sylvia leaned over Slade and slapped her rear.

  Magnus laughed as Slade’s jaw dropped. “Sorry, Sylvia. We won’t be doing that until we get a chance to really stretch you out.”

  “And by that, he means ‘are you freakin’ nuts?’” Slade sat up, Sylvia groaning in response as she was jostled. “He’s huge.”

  “So are you.” It was hilarious, one lover on top of the other. Sylvia’s hands were now on her hips as she glared at Slade. “Hell, you’re hung like a—”

  “Don’t say it.” Slade shot her an incredulous look before darting a quick, sympathetic glance at Magnus.

  He might have actually been offended if Sylvia hadn’t been giggling like a loon again. “Yeah, don’t make the lightning god feel inadequate.” Magnus shook his head. “You two. What am I going to do with you?”

  They put their heads together and gave him identical innocent looks. “Love us?”

  “Hmm. Let me think about it.” He dove for them, latching on to the side of Slade’s neck and blowing a raspberry before doing the same to Sylvia. “Now make with the fucking, people.” He reached down and wagged his slicked-up erection at them. “I’m dying of blue balls here.”

  “Poor baby,” Sylvia cooed. She grabbed Slade and turned, pulling them until they were lying on their sides. Sliding her leg over Slade’s, she repositioned herself so that she was once again impaled on his cock.

  “Oh, I like where this is going.” Slade slowly fucked Sylvia, his ass checks clenching and unclenching as Magnus watched.

  Magnus had to palm those strong globes, feel the flex of the muscles dancing underneath the skin. The idea of the three of them connected that way was too enticing. He grabbed t
he bottle of lube and put a generous amount on his fingers. As Slade continued fucking Sylvia, he prepared Slade for his entry.

  When he felt Slade was loose enough, he pressed the head of his cock to Slade’s opening. “Ready for me?”

  “Hell yes.”

  That gravelly tone was one Magnus was familiar with. Slade was close, ready to blow at any moment. “Sylvia?”

  She shuddered, her eyes wide, her hair dancing around her head as the orgasm ripped through her.

  Magnus thrust into Slade, enjoying the way Slade pushed back against him as he continued to fuck Sylvia. Sylvia’s hair had bound the three of them together as they rode each other. Magnus stroked both of his lovers, touching whatever skin he could reach. Stroking the soft, golden skin of Sylvia, the lightly furred chest of Slade, he could do this forever.

  It wasn’t long before the primal need to come filled him, pushing him past his limits. He was the second one to come, his vision going black as the pleasure overloaded his senses. Slade’s raspy cry followed as Sylvia’s golden hair stroked them both.

  Slade bit his lip as Magnus met his gaze. They were cuddling in bed, the aftermath of their lovemaking still on their skin. “I’m thinking we need to paint the bedroom ceiling.”

  Sylvia looked absolutely lost and completely adorable. “Huh?”

  Magnus smiled sweetly. “Never mind that.”

  “Pfft. How can I? I’m constantly looking at it.” It was bo-ring. Hell, his stall in Asgard had been better looking than that white nothingness.

  Magnus reached over and tweaked his nipple, making Slade gasp in protest. They were sensitive after all the love play, almost painful to the touch. “I had a question for the two of you.” If not for that smile Slade might have been worried. Magnus’s tone was far more serious than his expression. “Where do you want to live?”

  “I don’t understand.” Sylvia frowned, glancing between the two of them as if Slade understood exactly what Magnus was talking about.

  “When this is all over and Odin is dead, where do we want to be?” Magnus glanced around. “I love it here, but let’s face it. We’re a little too close to one another.”

  “Just because a few people feel it’s perfectly acceptable to walk in on us whenever they feel like it?” Slade batted his lashes at Magnus.

  Magnus growled.

  Slade laughed, knowing full well Magnus adored having his family nearby. “Wherever we choose we should remain close to them. I’m not quite ready to move far away from my father and brother.” Slade tried to hide the shiver that came over him. Just the thought of being out there, alone except for his mates…

  Nope. So not ready for that. Magnus would die to protect them, he knew that, but it wasn’t something Slade ever wanted to contemplate.

  “Shh.” Sylvia wrapped her arms around him and began petting him, stroking his hair, his shoulders, even his hands. He didn’t realize how badly he was shaking until she clasped his hand between hers to still them.

  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to still his racing pulse. “I’m sorry, I just can’t. Not yet.”

  “It’s okay.” The feel of Magnus’s lips against his own made him open his eyes. The soft kiss was reassuring rather than heated. “We’ll stay as long as you need, Slade.”

  “I like it here.” Sylvia shrugged. “It feels like a family to me, the way it should have all along.”

  “Annoying?” Magnus was scowling, but Slade could tell his heart wasn’t in it.

  “Nosy.” Slade kissed Magnus on the cheek, happy that his lover’s scowl lightened at his touch.

  “Crazy.” Magnus twirled his finger near his temple, the universal sign for nut ball making Slade chuckle.

  “Pineapple scented?”

  Magnus gagged. “Please don’t mention that fruit ever again.”

  “How about loving?” Sylvia crossed her arms over her chest and glared at them both. “Kind?”

  “Psycho?” Slade ducked as Sylvia slapped him lightly on the arm, but she cuddled right back up to him after. “You know I love them all, but they’re flakier than raisin bran.”

  Sylvia giggled.

  Magnus shook his head, but placed his arm around both Slade and Sylvia, tugging them closer to him. It nearly put Sylvia in Slade’s lap, but he wasn’t about to complain. “So we stay here for as long as we can.”

  “There’s room for all of us, but we might reconsider once we start having children.” Sylvia blushed bright red as Slade froze.

  “Kids?” His voice broke as he put his hand on her stomach. “Are you…?”

  “Not yet, but if we keep at it like bunnies I will be.” Sylvia didn’t seem at all upset by the idea. “I’ll admit, I’d like to wait until Odin is dead, but if it happens I’m—”

  “Confined to the condo.” Magnus was so pale he rivaled the color of Slade’s hair.

  “And you’ll bring me whatever I want?” Sylvia leaned over Slade, her breasts pressing against Slade’s side, and stroked Magnus’s white cheek.

  Magnus nodded, his eyes wide.

  “Even pineapple?”

  Magnus started to nod again, then whimpered. “Yes.”

  “Then I can live with being confined here.” She gave him a smug smile and sat back. “Besides, I know it’s because you’d be afraid for me. I’m not going to send you out to fight if you’re terrified for me.”

  Now it was Slade’s turn to whimper, but he shook his head when Magnus tried to comfort him. “I’ll get over it.”

  “You’re allowed to worry about me, Slade.” Magnus glanced over at Sylvia. “About both of us. Just try not to let it to tie you up in knots.”

  Sylvia rubbed her cheek on his shoulder. “I’ll be right here with you, worrying about Magnus too.”

  “We’ll make sure you’re not alone, Slade. Someone will always be with you.” Magnus peppered his forehead with small, soothing kisses. “We’re staying in the condo, forever if need be.”

  “And when the time comes, and we can return to Asgard, we’ll be together there too.”

  “That’s all I want.” Slade’s voice broke again and he swallowed, hoping it would help. “My mates, and peace.”

  “You’ll have it, I swear.” Magnus tugged and maneuvered until Slade was lying against him with Sylvia draped over them both. The warmth of his two mates surrounded him. “Even if I have to bathe the Bifrost Bridge in blood, you’ll have peace.”

  Slade lifted himself just far enough that he could stare at Magnus. “Yup. Blood rivers are so peaceful.”

  “You know what I meant.” Magnus poked him in his side as Sylvia giggled. “Ass.”

  “Your ass.” And Slade couldn’t be happier about that.

  “Does it bother you that we aren’t warriors?” Sylvia bit her lip, staring at Magnus in concern.

  “Not one little bit.” Magnus kissed her forehead. “You two will be the peace I need to keep my temper in check, and I’ll protect you with every breath I take.”

  “We each have something the others need,” Slade added. “Magnus makes us feel safe.”

  “I can make a home,” Sylvia said thoughtfully.

  “And Slade can teach us all about pony play.” Magnus shot him a smug look.

  Slade smacked him in the chest. “Ass.”

  “You can give the kids horsey rides.” Magnus was laughing as Slade hit him again. “Teach them all about horse play.”

  “Quit it, Mags.” Slade was going to strangle the man, if he didn’t die laughing first.

  Magnus gave him a look so falsely innocent Slade was surprised he wasn’t struck by lightning on the spot. “What? I’m just horsing around.”

  Sylvia was laughing so hard she was crying.

  “What about—”

  Slade shut him up the best way he could think of, kissing the man until his brains le
aked out of his ears. He could say one thing about his mating with Sylvia and Magnus: it would never be boring

  Chapter Twelve

  “Well?” Frederica lifted the teapot, almost frowning as she saw her hands were shaking with rage. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

  Once again Oliver had fucked things up for her. He’d interfered in her plans, going after Sylvia and Sydney, forcing them to flee their apartment. And where had the two disloyal bitches gone?

  Right to Loki.

  Of course.

  She should have seen it coming. Something had been off that day, but she’d ignored her instincts, certain the pair were on her side. But no. Sydney, timid little rabbit that she was, had bolted to her favorite hidey-hole, Loki’s home. And Sylvia had followed right behind her BFF.

  Ugh. Even worse, Frederica didn’t know who she was angrier with, them for running or herself for trusting them. She should have had Nadine or Sonia take care of it, but neither of them could hold a candle to Sydney Saeter when it came to hacking.

  She should never have allowed Sylvia and Sydney to pair up. Sylvia was far too protective of the little rabbit. There was no way she’d allow Sydney to run to Loki alone. And now they were beyond her reach, their loyalty given to her treacherous grandchildren and the despicable Loki. She didn’t care that Loki had saved her son from Odin. Odin could rot in Hel.

  No. Loki had turned Baldur’s mind against her, leaving her without her only child. He’d known Baldur was alive, allowed her to grieve, and for that he would pay.

  “The new wards are far stronger than anything I’ve ever seen, my lady.” Nadine Grimm quietly thanked Frederica as she picked up her tea cup. Here, at least, was one whose loyalty Frederica never had to question. Gná had been with her for so many centuries neither of them could count them. “I can’t penetrate them.”

  Frederica set down the teapot before she threw it. She’d owned it since the time of Queen Victoria and was far too fond of it to shatter it in her anger. There was no discounting Nadine’s words. Nadine could break into almost anything.

  Almost, and that was the key. If Nadine said she couldn’t penetrate the new wards and retrieve Sydney and Sylvia, it could not be done.


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