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Battling Troy: Devil's Knights Series

Page 8

by Winter Travers

  “Why are you here, Marley? There are lots of places you could have stayed that would be as safe as here, if not safer. Four days ago I was someone you could walk away from without a second glance and now you’re at my doorstep expecting me to protect you. I’m sure everything Ethel told you was the same thing I said to you. “

  I sat down on the couch and Bandit hopped up next to me. Bandit seemed to be a bit more forgiving of me than Troy. I scratched behind his ears and he closed his eyes, leaning into my hand. “I shouldn’t have said what I did, Troy. You were right when you said I was irrational, but all that kept playing through my head was that you could have been shot or even worse, killed, because of me. My problems have nothing to do with anyone here, but you all seem to think that you need to fight them for me. I’ve never had something like that before. Even when I was with Mark, if I had a problem, I solved it, no one else.”

  “You’ve had the wrong fucking people in your life, Marley, if they never helped you when you were in trouble.” He ran his fingers through his hair and walked over to the TV, pausing the show he was watching.

  “You’re telling me. I thought Mark’s family were upstanding people who did no wrong, and I just found out they have ties to the mafia. That’s enough to make me wonder if I’ve had my head up my ass this whole time and not know who Mark really was either.” I turned my head away and dashed away the tears that were streaming down my face.

  “None of this is your fault, Marley. I’m sure if there was any indication that Mark was anything less than good, you would have seen it. Don’t beat yourself up for something that is out of your control. You had no idea any of this was going to happen when you left California.”

  “I knew they were upset, but I thought leaving would help. They took me to court to appeal the will ruling and I’m not fighting it at all. The only reason I can think of as to why they are doing this is because maybe the case isn’t going the way they want it to.”

  Troy sat down on the edge of the recliner and looked at me. “I think it’s time we have the conversation about what all happened before you moved to Wisconsin. I can piece together what happened from bits and pieces I’ve heard, but I’d much rather hear it from you.”

  “It might take a while,” I hiccupped.

  Troy popped open the footrest on the chair and reclined back. “I’ve got all night, Marley. If I’m going to be the one protecting you, I think it’s fair I know what I’m protecting you from. Start from the beginning.”

  I wiped the tears from my eyes and buried my face into Bandit’s neck. Telling Troy what was going on was going to be hard, but he had a right to know. A psycho family and the mafia trying to kill me was some serious shit.

  “OK,” I whispered, sitting back.

  Troy held his breath and waited.


  Chapter 12


  I clenched my hands together and tried to gather my thoughts. Where the hell should I even begin? Bandit laid down, resting his head in my lap. “Mark and I met when I moved to California. We were always in the same classes together but never actually talked until we started high school. Halfway through sophomore year, something changed. He started hanging out by my locker, asking for a pen even though I knew he had one. He finally asked me out on a date right before the end of the school year and we were inseparable from then on.”

  “Sounds like your typical high school romance. No red flags ever popped up, made you think there was something up with his family?”

  “I knew he had money. His family owns a talent agency and were well known around town. His money never really crossed my mind, because it was his and not mine. His parents hated me the second they met me. They had an air about them that they thought they were better than everyone. We only went over there a couple of times, before his mother called him into the kitchen, and I could hear them arguing about me. I tried to break up with him that night, but he insisted that those were his mother’s problems, not his. She had heard about my mom through town gossip. She also knew about Gravel, but I could never figure out how she found out about him. I never talked to anyone about him. I eventually told Mark about Gravel, but he didn’t seem to care. Mark was so different from his parents. He didn’t really care about money either. Although, that could be attributed to the fact that he was so loaded, it was something he was used to.” I took a breath and glanced at Troy. His eyes were trained on me, unwavering.

  “Keep going, Sunshine,” he mumbled when I didn’t continue.

  I turned away, focusing on the TV in front of me that was paused on three zombies chasing after a woman. Apparently, Troy was also a fan of The Walking Dead. It was also one of my favorite shows, too. “He always wanted to buy me things, but I never wanted them. Half of the jewelry I never wore and put in my dresser. I think one of the things he really liked about me, was that I didn’t care about the money. He knew that if the money were gone, I would have still been there. I saw him for who he is, not for what he could buy or give me.”

  “There’s not a lot of women out there like that, Sunshine. I’m glad he saw that you were something special.” I was surprised that Troy was being so understanding. Gravel had said if Mark wasn’t dead, he would kill him for putting me through this.

  “We rarely went to his parents’ house, spending most of our time either at my home or just driving around. We were basically inseparable in high school. After we had graduated, he went off to Stanford and I stayed local, going to community college and recieving my beautician's license.”

  “You stayed together all the while he was gone?” I knew it was a long time for a couple so young to stay together. Most marriages barely last that long anymore.

  “Yeah. He came home to visit once a month. We grew apart somewhat with barely seeing each other, but he was determined to stay with me.”

  “I bet his folks weren’t too happy about that.”

  “That’s the understatement of the year. I very rarely went to his house anymore. After he had graduated college, he came home and started running the family business. We eventually got our own place together and then he asked me to marry him three years later. I was right in the middle of paying and putting deposits down on rentals and things when he died.” Tears were streaming down my face, but I didn’t stop talking.

  “I got the phone call at seven o’clock at night. He had called before he left the office and told me that he was going to stop at the store to pick up milk and then he would be home. He got hit by a dump truck before he even made it to the shop.” I wrapped my arms around my middle and leaned into Bandit. He lifted his head and snuggled into me.

  “How long has it been since he passed away?”

  “Eight months,” I hiccupped. It had been awhile, but not by much.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m normally OK with it, it’s just when I have to talk about it, and I seem to lose it.” I wiped my nose with the back of my hand and closed my eyes, willing the tears to stop crying.

  He kicked the footrest down on his chair and walked into the kitchen and grabbed the box of Kleenex he had on the counter. “Dry your tears, Sunshine.”

  I grabbed two Kleenex and blew my nose. “His family didn’t talk to me until six months after his death when they couldn’t get access to his inheritance. I figure they thought that they would be able to get around the clause of all of his belongings and inheritance going to me and ran out of time. As of right now, I own the townhouse Mark and I used to live in and three other properties that were his and a pile of money.”

  “Holy shit.” Troy whistled.

  “Yeah, holy shit is right. Although I don’t want any of it. I only wanted it if Mark was a part of it. I didn’t care about money before he died, and I still don’t care about it. I wish his family would just leave me alone.”

  “So just give it to them and be done with it.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “If it were that
easy, Troy, I would have done that right away. Mark put a clause that I couldn’t give the money away or anything. It’s mine, whether I want it or not.”


  I wiped my hands on my pants and tried to get my crying under control. “So, that brings us to now.”

  “Wait, where the hell does the mafia fit in? Did his family hire them?”

  “I’m really not sure if they hired them or if it’s more of a favor. Gravel just told me that Mark’s grandfather had gone to the Banachi's for help and it somehow forged a relationship that hasn’t wavered.” I leaned forward and grabbed the remote off the coffee table. I was done talking. Troy now knew everything I did, and when I sat back and thought about it, it wasn’t a lot.

  I hit play on the DVR and sat back, watching an episode of The Walking Dead I had already seen. “You’re behind almost a full season, Troy.”

  I glanced at Troy, to see him staring at me. “I don’t watch them until I have the full season. I’m a bit behind on watching them, seeing as the new season starts in a week or two.”

  “Oh, well. I guess I can watch it again with you and try not to tell you what happens.” I laughed.

  “I hope you’re telling me everything, Marley. You know I’m going to talk to King and if he tells me something you should have, I’m not going to be happy. Now is not the time to be keeping secrets when you’re life is on the line,” Troy said sternly, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “I promise that’s it. If King tells you something that I didn’t, it’s because I didn’t know. I had no idea about the whole mafia thing until Gravel told me, I promise.” I lifted my hand up and put my other over my heart. ‘Scouts honor.”

  Troy’s eyes traveled over me, scrutinizing me. “You’re not leaving?”

  I had a lot of mistakes to fix with Troy. I actually had treated him like shit that night I had gotten shot. “I promise I’m not leaving, at least not willingly.”

  “We’ll see.” Troy grabbed the remote out of my hand and motioned for me to move over. “Scoot your ass over. The couch is the best place to see the TV from, and even though you’ve already seen this season of The Walking Dead, we’re still watching it. The first spoiler that pops out of your mouth, I’m duct taping it and sticking you in the garage.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” I shrieked, outraged.

  “I would and I have. Just ask Meg. Now scoot your ass over.”

  “You’re an ass if you’ve duct taped Meg’s mouth shut. Although I’m sure the thought has also crossed King’s mind. She sure is a talker.” I slid down to the other side of the couch and leaned against the armrest.

  “If he hasn’t thought about it, he’s a fucking saint. I love Meg to death, but some nights I can’t wait to get home and just have silence.” Troy pulled the coffee table closer to the couch and kicked his feet up after he sat down.

  “She’s kind of cool, though,” I said, not wanting to sound like I didn’t like Meg. I had only known her a short time, but I really liked her.

  “Yeah, she’s ok,” Troy mumbled, turning the TV up.

  “Are you trying to silence me subtly by turning the volume up on the TV?” I giggled.

  “No, I would never do that,” he smirked as he turned it up even louder.

  “I’m sorry I’m here interrupting you.” I didn’t want Troy to hate me for being here. I know he was probably used to being alone at home and now he had me thrown into his lap.

  “You’re not. I don’t mind you being here, Marley. Now, can we shut up and watch the show?” He glanced over at me, a shit eating grin on his face.

  “You’re an ass,” I shouted, grabbing the pillow from behind my back and threw it at him.

  “I’ve been told that before. You’ll get used to it.” He turned his attention back to the TV and relaxed into the couch.

  I leaned back into the couch and also turned back to the TV. I didn’t want Troy to regret having me here. If he wanted to watch TV and not be disturbed, I’d give him that. He was, after all, here to protect me. It was the least I could do.


  Chapter 13


  “I’m starving,” Marley whined from the couch.

  I glanced over, seeing her holding her stomach and giving me puppy dog eyes. Did she think that I wasn’t going to feed her? I hit the display button on the remote and saw it was past eight o’ clock. We had just binge watched six episodes of The Walking Dead nonstop and I was feeling a bit hungry too. “Pizza?”

  “Oh my God, hell yes!” Marley screeched, sitting up and bounced on her knees like a kid excited for Christmas morning.

  “Bring it down a notch there, Sunshine.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket, laughing at Marley. “What do you want on it?”

  “Everything. I mean everything.” She got up and stood in front of my chair, holding her hand out.

  “Gross. And what the hell are you holding your hand out for?”

  “Give me the phone. Mike knows exactly what I want.” She wiggled her fingers at me, waiting for me to hand the phone over.

  “Mike, from Pizza Heaven?” I asked. She had only been here for a month. How the hell did she know the owner of Pizza Heaven?

  “Yes. I order pizza at least three times a week. We’ve developed quite a relationship. I feel it might be becoming serious.”

  “He’s fucking sixty years old!” I had known Mike for my whole life. I can remember going and eating pizza when I was six. He had a beer gut then and it still was there. Marley must really love pizza.

  “I know, ass. Now, give me the phone.” She lunged at me, trying to grab the phone.

  I quickly raised my hand over my head and blocked her with my other arm. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, Sunshine,” I warned.

  “Yes, I do. I want your phone. It’ll be easier if I order.” She punched me in the stomach and dove onto the chair with me, trying to reach the phone.

  She knocked the wind out of me, but I didn’t lower my hand from above my head. Son of a bitch, she played dirty. “You don’t play fair,” I grunted.

  “That’s the one thing Gravel taught me that I’ve never forgotten. Win at all costs.” She was sprawled out on top of me, her body flush with mine.

  “Even if that means to play dirty,” I asked, grabbing her right arm and pinned it behind her back.

  “Yes. Even below the belt.” She was face to face with me, her lips inches away from mine.

  “You’re not getting the phone,” I vowed.

  “Oh yeah? Is that a challenge?”

  “No, it’s a promise.”

  “No,” she whispered. I leaned forward, closing the gap between us, and brushed my lips against her’s.

  “I’ve missed you,” she moaned.

  “Me too, Sunshine.” I deepened the kiss, savoring the feel and taste of her. Son of a bitch did I miss Marley. I tried telling myself for the past few days that she was just a one night stand, but there was no denying the chemistry and pull we had for one another. I released her arm from behind her back and grabbed her ass. I forgot how good she felt in my arms.

  “Mmm, you play dirty, too, Troy,” she whispered in between kisses.

  “I told you not to mess with me.”

  “If this is me messing with you, I think I’ll do this regularly.” She delved her fingers into my hair and pressed her lips against mine. I opened my mouth, wanting to taste all of her. She slipped her tongue into my mouth, and I moaned, loving what she was giving into me.

  “You forgot one thing,” she whispered, pulling away.

  “What’s that?” I asked, my hand traveling up her back and gripped the back of her neck. I pulled her towards me, needing more.

  “You forgot I play below the belt.” That was all I had heard before I saw stars flash before my eyes and Marley grabbed my semi-erect dick and twisted.

  “Son of a bitch,” I yelped, bucking my hips trying to get out of her hold
. Marley reached up with her other hand and ripped the phone out of my hand I forgot I was holding.

  She pushed off of me and stood up. Marley just grabbed my family jewels and grabbed them like her life depended on it. I reached down, rubbing my crotch and growled at her. “That was dirty.”

  “You should have just given me the phone,” she sang out as she swiped left and started pressing buttons.

  “I’m not going to forget about that anytime soon. Payback is a bitch, Sunshine.” I kicked the footrest closed on the chair and leaned forward in the chair, my hand not leaving my dick just in case Marley came back for more.

  “I have no doubt about that, but you have to catch me first.” She winked at me and walked into the kitchen, the phone held to her ear.

  I rubbed my dick, the throbbing pain diminishing. How the hell did I not see that coming? Usually, I could read people and know what they were going to do, but not with Marley. The second her lips had touched mine, all common sense had fled, and all I could think about was how she felt.

  I shook my head and stood up. This just went to show I needed to have my guard up when it came to Marley. She could fuck me up and I wouldn’t even see it coming.

  I heard her laugh ring out and the words, ‘everything, even the anchovies.’I had better get that phone out of her hand, or I wouldn’t be eating anything tonight if she put fucking anchovies on the pizza. “No anchovies, Sunshine,” I called as I turned the TV off and headed into the kitchen. “I don’t want all that garbage on my pizza.”

  “You’ll eat whatever I order.” She stuck her tongue out at me and dashed around to the other side of the table.

  She mumbled into the phone and then tossed it to me. “I can always call and cancel whatever the hell you just ordered.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” She cocked her hip out and rested her hand on it. God dammit Marley looked good. After that kiss she gave me, my fucking brain was fried. All I could think about was how to get close to her again.


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