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Battling Troy: Devil's Knights Series

Page 11

by Winter Travers

  “Promise,” I purred picturing Troy’s handprint on my ass. He slapped my leg, drawing me out of my daydream.

  “Stop, you’re doing it again,” he growled.

  I hadn’t even noticed I was doing it. I was so turned on, my body was taking over. Troy’s rock hard dick inside me was driving me insane. Shit! Troy’s rock hard dick with NO CONDOM! “Stop!” I screeched, pushing at his chest. “You forgot the condom.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Troy grumbled, pulling out. “Sorry, Sunshine,” he apologized and leaned over the side of the bed and grabbed his pants off the floor. He found his wallet, flipped it open and tossed the condom to me.

  “So I need to put this on you?” I hummed, ripping the package open with my teeth and pulled it out. Troy crawled back over to me, his dick bobbing at me. I rolled the condom on his dick, pulsing under my fingertips.

  “I think we’re good now,” I purred, stroking his dick in my hand.

  “I think we’re more than good,” he growled, pushing me back onto the bed and spread my legs out. He slowly slid into me again, stroking in and out. “Fuck, you feel good, Marley.”

  “Faster,” I pleaded.

  Troy sped up, my walls clenching around him as he drove me to the edge again. He reached down, flicked my clit with his thumb and my hips bucked, a spasm running through me. “More.”

  “So fucking greedy, baby girl.” He flicked my clit harder, almost to the brink of pain. I closed my eyes and tossed my head back as fireworks exploded behind my eyelids. Troy leaned forward, caging me in with his arms, his body pressing me into the bed as he pistoned into me, finding his own release. He threw his head back, letting out a cry of ecstasy and slammed into me one more time.

  All I could hear was the pounding of my heart in my ears as I came down from heaven. Troy collapsed on me, his breathing heavy and labored.

  “Holy fuck,” he sighed, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

  “Yes, definitely holy fuck.” I agreed, giggling.

  “Laughing while my dick is still in you, Sunshine, is not a big ego boost,” he mumbled.

  “I think your ego is just fine.” I stroked his back, gently scratching my nails up and down.

  “Hmm, you can do that all night, Sunshine.”

  “Oh my god! My eyes! My eyes! I’m scared!”

  Troy jumped, his arms wrapping around me. “What the fuck?” he yelled.

  I peeked over his shoulder and saw Meg standing at the door that was thrown wide open, her hand covering her eyes.

  “Oh. My. God. I’m blind! I can’t unsee that!” Meg screeched.

  “Then get the fuck out!” Troy bellowed!

  “Babe, what the hell? Why didn’t you knock?” I heard King growl.

  “I did! They didn’t fucking hear me!”

  “Oh my god,” I wheezed out, laughing.

  “Have you ever heard of locking doors? I did not need to see your lily white ass waving in the air. I think I might be blind. Oh my God, I’m blind, Lo!”

  I leaned forward looking over Troy’s shoulder just in time to see Meg whip around and walk straight into King, almost knocking them both over.

  “Can you both leave until we get our damn clothes on?” Troy yelled, annoyed.

  “Yes! I’m getting the fuck out!” Meg yelled back, her head buried in King’s chest. King walked out backward, Meg pushing him and she slammed the door shut.

  I burst out laughing, my body shaking. “You think this is funny, Sunshine?”

  I nodded my head, unable to talk. I had just had the best sex of my life and moments later Meg and King walk through the door. I was beyond embarrassed, but it was funny as hell.

  “Do you think Meg will ever see again?” I laughed.

  “Fuck she’s crazy. Acts like it's my fault she walks in on us and then insults me on top of it, too. I can’t help it my ass is white. This is Wisconsin, who the hell tans their ass?” Troy rolled off of me and sprawled out on the other side of the bed.

  “It is pretty white,” I teased, leaning over and placing a kiss on his chest. “How long do you think they are going to give us before they come back in?”

  “I think with King holding her off we have at least fifteen minutes before she comes barging back in.” Troy leaned up on his elbows and kissed my forehead. “You have something in mind you want to do in those fifteen minutes, Sunshine?”

  I swung my leg over and straddled Troy’s hips. “I plan on getting very, very wet,” I purred, grinding on him.

  “I think I can help with that.” Troy threw his arms behind his head and relaxed back, watching me.

  “Oh yeah? I guess you can grab the soap for me,” I sang out as I scrambled off the bed and ran to the bathtub. I glanced back at Troy whose mouth was hanging wide open and his dick was at half-mast.

  “So that’s how it’s gonna be huh, Sunshine?”

  “Yes. At least for now,” I laughed and turned the water on.

  “Think there’s room for two in there?” he asked, standing up and stretched. God damn Troy was built. Every time I looked at him I was in awe that this man wanted to be with me. Well, at least he wanted me to be in his bed with him. Lord knew if I had made any headway in with a relationship between us. I really wouldn’t know if he did want a relationship with me until this whole Banachi fiasco got cleared up. Right now I felt like I was being pushed on him and he had no choice. I didn’t want him to feel that he had to be with me.

  “What’s with the frown, Sunshine?” he asked, walking over to me, his dick bobbing and waving at me.

  I pasted a smile on my face. There was no point in telling Troy what I was thinking. “No frown. I was just wondering if two people can fit in the shower and how we only have thirteen minutes left until Meg comes barging in here.”

  “Then you better get your sexy ass in here with me,” Troy said as he walked past me and right into the shower, leaving the curtain open behind him.

  Well, what was a girl to do? Stand here and worry about the future, or enjoy the delicious man who was waiting in the shower?

  I was wet and totally in the moment five seconds later. Mama didn’t raise no fool.


  Chapter 19


  “Everyone has their clothes on? All the bits and pieces put away?” Meg asked as she walked in the door, her hand covering her eyes.

  “Babe,” King laughed as he watched her walk right into the island and grunted.

  “I’m not opening my eyes until I have firm confirmation that Troy’s ass is fully covered. I can’t handle that kind of thing twice in one day.” She had turned and was talking to the cabinets.

  “Meg, take your damn hand off your face. You think I would walk you into a room where there was a naked guy other than me?” King growled, grabbing her arm and gently lowering it.

  “No, I don’t think you would.” Meg still had her eyes shut tight.

  “Meg, I have fucking clothes on,” I called, shaking my head as I quickly made the bed.


  “Hell yes.”

  She opened one eye and slowly turned around, looking around the apartment. “Don’t ever do that to me again,” she said, one eye still closed and pointed a finger at me.

  “Knock, Meg, and if no one answers, wait longer,” I laughed.

  “Dually noted,” she said, opening both eyes. “You might want to invest in a tanning membership by the way. Your ass is unusually pale.”

  “I might have to agree with Meg on that one,” Marley said as she walked out of the stall in the corner.

  “You got any beer, brother?” King asked as he opened the fridge and looked around.

  “Bottom left.” I grabbed the pillow that had ended up on the floor and tossed it at the head of the bed. “Grab me one, too.” The beer I had opened earlier sat on the counter forgotten and warm.

  “Do you have anything to eat, I’m starving,” Meg mumbled as
she opened the cabinets looking for food.

  “Check the freezer, there should be some snacks in there you can heat up.”

  “Heck yeah, I’m hungry, too,” Marley said as she walked over to Meg and they both peered into the freezer.

  “Dude, I think you need to buy stock in pizza rolls. You have like six bags in here,” Meg said as she grabbed a bag and tossed it on the counter.

  “Oh, popsicles!” Marley grabbed the half eaten box of banana twin popsicles and pulled one out. “Split one with me?” she asked Meg as she opened it and snapped it in half handing it to me.

  “Hell yes.”

  “After you feed yourselves, you think you can tell me what the hell ya’ll are doing here?” I said as I watched Meg grab down a plate and load it up with pizza rolls.

  “You didn’t invite them over?” Marley asked.

  “Hell no. I see Meg enough at work,” I smirked, cracking open my beer.

  “Ass,” Meg said, raising her hand up and flipping me off over her shoulder.

  “We need to talk,” King said as he sat down on the couch.

  I grabbed Marley’s hand and tugged her over to the sofa with me. I didn’t need Meg’s ‘uniqueness’ wearing off on her. “What’s up?” I asked, popping open the footrest.

  “Gravel stopped by your house earlier today.”


  “When he got there, your door was kicked in and your whole house was tossed.”

  “Oh my God,” Marley gasped, her hand covering her mouth.

  “Holy shit,” I cursed.

  “As of right now we are assuming it’s the Banachi’s. I had to call in a favor from the Chilton chapter to help get in touch with them. As of right now, all they are getting is silence.”

  “So they are still trying to get to Marley. Are they even going to care when you talk to them and tell them Marley doesn’t want the money?”

  “We’ll make them listen. I have Edge researching everything he can about inheritance law. There had to be a way to refuse the money or accept it and just give it back to his family.”

  “I tried!” Marley shouted.

  “I’m not saying you didn’t, Marley. We’re just double-checking to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Edge has a cousin who is a lawyer and he pulled a favor in. Hopefully, he’ll know something in the next couple of days,” King said, turning his head to watch Meg in the kitchen. “What the hell are you doing in there, babe?” he called.

  “Decorating for Christmas. What the hell do you think I’m doing? I’m hungry.” Meg pulled the plate from the microwave and grabbed two sodas and a couple more beers for King and me.

  “You always have to sass me?” King asked as he grabbed the drinks out of her hands.

  “Don’t ask such obvious questions and I won’t have to sass you so much.” Meg popped a pizza roll in her mouth and smiled at King.

  “You know where that sass ends you up,” he growled, leaning in and snatched the plate out of her hands.

  “Hey!” Meg yelled and grabbed the plate back. “Don’t even say it, Lo, or its couch city tonight for you.”

  “That sass gets a di-” Meg shoved a hand full of pizza rolls in his mouth and flounced over to the other end of the couch and plopped down next to Marley. “Fucking cavemen,” Meg mumbled under her breath.

  Marley burst out laughing as King wiped pizza sauce off his face and chewed on at least four pizza rolls. His cheeks were bulging out and he was looking at Meg like he didn’t know whether to throttle her or kiss her.

  “Pizza roll?” Meg asked, holding the plate out to Marley and me. Marley grabbed two, a smirk playing on her lips. “Sure, don’t want you to smash them in my face or anything.”

  “Your ass is mine as soon as we leave,” King growled, finally swallowing down the pizza rolls.

  Meg rolled her eyes but wisely didn’t say anything.

  “You’re going to have to stay here until we get things under control. The Banachi’s are going to keep looking for you, Marley. As of right now, this is the safest place for you. I didn’t even know this place was here until Meg showed it to me,” King said, wiping his hands on his jeans.

  “Are you sure they didn’t follow you here? Who’s to say they won’t find us here?” Marley said, and I could see the panic start to take her over.

  “No one followed us and I don’t know how they could know about this place. You have nothing to worry about here. Crowbar and Turtle should be here within the hour and will be staying up here, too. I figure they can camp out in the garage. You won’t even know they are here if you want.” King stood up and looked at Meg, who had her mouth full. “You wanna go for a four-wheeler ride with me, babe? I wanna take a look around and check things out.”

  Meg shook her head no and pointed at me. “Take him. I don’t trust being alone with you right now. I can tell the caveman is still front and center.”

  “God help me,” Lo said, shaking his head.

  “I’ll take ya.” I leaned over and kissed Marley on the side of her head. “Be right back, Sunshine,” I whispered in her ear.

  “OK,” she mumbled back, turning her head and quickly kissed me on the lips.

  I grabbed my boots out from under the bed and slipped them on. King was already out the door and climbing on the four wheeler Marley had drove before.

  “Try to distract him from the punishment he thinks he needs to dole out to me later,” Meg called.

  “Maybe you need it, Meg,” I said, walking out the door.

  “Traitor!” she yelled as I shut the door.

  I climbed on my four wheeler and looked at King. “She’s fucking crazy.”

  “Yeah, but I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he gruffed, trying to act like he wasn’t wrapped around her finger.

  “It’s about time I saw her happy. You did that to her.” Sappy, but it was the damn truth. No matter how crazy and batty Meg was, she was and always will be one of my best friends. She deserved the happiness that she had found with King.

  “I just give her what she deserves, brother. She’s the one who gave me a reason to live. Seeing her smile every day lets me know I’m finally doing something right with my life.” King cleared his throat and turned his head away. At that moment, I knew how much Meg meant to King.

  “Alright, enough sappy shit. Follow me and I’ll show you all the trails.” I fired up the four-wheeler and took off down the trails. I glanced back seeing King close behind and gunned it, kicking up dust.

  As I was walking out the door, I could see the fear creeping back into her eyes. She had the same look on her face when we had been shot at and told me to leave. I wasn’t going to let her push me away this time. Running away wasn’t going to fix her problems.

  She was going to let me help fix them and then her ass wasn’t going anywhere except to my bed.


  Chapter 20


  “You need another drink?” Meg asked, walking over to the fridge.

  “I didn’t even open the first one you gave me.” I glanced at the island where Lo had set the two sodas Meg had given him.

  “Me neither. I think,” Meg opened the cabinet above the sink and pulled down three bottles, “you and I need something stronger than soda right now.”

  Meg turned back around and grabbed two shot glasses down. “I don’t think you could be more right,” I said, standing up and sat down on a stool by the island.

  “You okay with southern comfort?” she asked as she filled both glasses to the top.

  I grabbed mine and took a sniff. “I’ve never had Southern Comfort.”

  “Well slap me silly and call me Bernice. I’m about to pop your cherry, darlin’.” Meg grabbed hers and clinked it against my glass. “Bottoms up,” she toasted and tossed her’s back.

  I quickly tossed mine back and my eyes squinted at the sharp taste. “Not bad,” I whizzed.

  Meg threw her h
ead back and laughed, “You’ll get used to it.” She filled up our glasses two more times and I threw them back without hesitation. By the time she filled my glass up for the fourth time, I was starting to relax.

  She pushed the glass towards me, but I didn’t grab it right away. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

  “Yes. I saw the same look in your eye you had when you proclaimed you were leaving. I needed to distract you. Booze was the fastest way.” She clinked her glass against mine and tossed her shot back like it was water.

  I threw mine back and felt it burn down my throat. “I think I need to slow down,” I mumbled as she lined up our glasses again and filled them. “How the hell are you still standing?” I slurred and leaned over to look at her legs.

  Meg put her hand on my shoulder and tilted me back upright in my chair. “I forgot you're not from Wisconsin.”

  “No. But I like it here.” Wait, was that the answer to the question? Did Meg ask me a question?

  “Good. But now we need to sober you up before Troy gets back. He’s going to piss himself when he finds out I got you hammered.” Meg whirled around from the island and started opening up cabinets.

  “I’m not hammered,” I said, although I think it might have come out hammmm. I’m not sure.

  “Of course you’re not, sweetie, I just think some coffee would be a good idea,” Meg said as she frantically searched the cabinets. “Lo is going to kill me for this. It’s not my fault I’m from Wisconsin and drink most women under the table. It’s what we do in the winter to stay warm; drink. And well, have sex. That’s why there're so many babies born in August and September. Or at least that’s what I like to think,” Meg rambled on as she opened the last cabinet and found the coffeemaker. “Jackpot!”

  My head was swimming by the time she had it plugged in and coffee was dripping into the pot. I was still trying to process her ramblings from before. “So this winter I need to drink and have lots of sex?”

  “What?” she asked, looking at me like I had grown two heads.

  “What you shed before, about this summer, ugh, I mean winter. Yes, winter.” Woo, maybe coffee was a good idea. I was struggling to put two words together.


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