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Strange Images of Death djs-8

Page 14

by Barbara Cleverly

  ‘You can stand here, quoting bloody Shakespeare at a time like this?’ Nathan’s voice was strangled.

  ‘I find myself responding to the killer’s imperative-as you do. It’s a scripted craziness. An Elizabethan melodrama we’re being offered. Perhaps if we follow him in his descent to hell, we’ll catch sight of his ugly features.

  ‘Look again. What’s he telling us? The wound was placed with precision, would you say? Nathan?’

  ‘Anyone would. I’m sure I’ve never seen a heart wound before, not even a knife wound of any kind, but it does look sort of … meant … placed.’

  ‘Expertly done, I think,’ Joe confirmed. ‘And what do you make of the hair, spread out like that? And the careful draping of the dress?’

  ‘Lord knows! It’s crazy! I can only say again-sickness.’

  ‘Not crazy. I believe it’s very deliberate. Have you seen this white dress before?’

  Nathan shrugged and shook his head. ‘It looks very old. Like something an ancestor might have worn. Hey! Where is the original wife?’

  Joe pointed to the corner in which the cairn of remains still stood, the shattered head, as before, displayed on its red silk cushion.

  It triggered in Nathan the same nauseated revulsion that Joe had felt the previous day. ‘More madness! Anywhere around here a feller can be sick?’ murmured Nathan.

  ‘No, no! Stiff upper lip, old man!’ advised Joe. ‘Quite enough bodily fluids around here to keep the police busy. Don’t add to them. Tell you what-if you need to pop out for a breath of air, why not go and pick up your bag? You put it down outside. Go and fetch your camera gear. Have you brought a flash?’

  ‘You’re not thinking …?’

  ‘I certainly am! First thing we do these days. Photograph the scene. If you object, pass me the equipment and I’ll do it myself. We can be quite certain that the man from Marseille won’t have thought to bring a camera with him.’

  ‘No! You unfeeling bugger! I won’t do it!’ Nathan protested angrily. ‘I can’t. You’ve no idea what you’re asking. And I’m wondering just exactly when you’re going to get up the courage to speak her name. Or are you waiting for me to say it? Don’t you have to get a close friend to make the identification? I can see you’re going to do everything by the book.’

  Joe waited, uncertain whether the American intended ever to address another word to him. He had pushed Joe angrily into the background and his whole attention was focused on the pale features. Finally, he whispered: ‘It’s Estelle. My friend. She’s been lying dead on a cold marble tomb this night when she should have been warm and safe in my bed.’

  He turned aside and his body began to shake with dry sobs.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Nathan was standing frozen and distant, marking his disapproval of the detective’s schemes, when Joe returned with the bag of equipment.

  Understanding his revulsion, Joe was almost ready to let the moment pass unrecorded. Professional concern, however, won out over emotion, and he firmly opened the case and took out the Ermanox camera. With relief, he noted that it was the same model as the one owned by his friend Cyril Tate. News photographer and society columnist, raffish Man-About-London, Cyril had nervously agreed to Joe’s borrowing his precious camera for a weekend as a trade-off for information received.

  New and very expensive. Joe sensed the same tension he’d provoked in Cyril in every line of Nathan’s body. A true camera-fiend would rather see his lover in Joe’s hands than his camera, he thought grumpily. He affected an air of confidence to reassure the trembling Nathan and was careful to first put the safety strap around his neck. He remembered to allow for the frontal weight of the enormous lens as he adjusted his hands to fit comfortably around the black leather-covered body, his fingers finding their place at once on the buttons and levers. Aware of Nathan’s proprietorial eye on him, he set about his task. His first gesture was to remove the lens cap and automatically put it in Nathan’s waiting hand.

  ‘Widest aperture, slowest speed,’ Nathan gritted. ‘If you must. You’ll find an exposure meter and a flash attachment in the bag. First plate’s in.’

  Joe found what he needed and satisfied himself that the shots he was planning were possible. He silently made some adjustments. ‘These will be no rival for noire et blanche,’ he said awkwardly. ‘The French police will take pictures but I’d like to have our own for reference. Do you have the means of developing these?’

  ‘Anything. I’ve got a small laboratory next to my studio. The lord provides when he scents success. And he’s interested. He knows a thing or two about photography and he’s got a line to the illustrated journals. You’re standing too far away!’

  ‘For artistic perfection, perhaps,’ said Joe easily. ‘But for forensic reference, this is just about right. A locating shot. Close-ups will follow.’

  As he spoke, he peered through the viewfinder and clicked the shutter. He took an overhead shot of the body and a close-up of the wound, working his way around the three sides of the tomb. At the far end, his foot caught on a solid object. He grunted and bent to examine it.

  ‘Here’s her attaché case,’ he called to Nathan and, receiving no response, went on: ‘It’s got her red dress in it. The one she was wearing at breakfast yesterday. And here are her shoes. A pair of black espadrilles. She must have brought the change of outfit into the chapel in the case and slipped into Aliénore’s gown and ballet shoes to enact this charade. Why in hell would she do that? Better leave this for the French Inspector to investigate.’

  Nathan sighed and forced out words between his teeth. ‘Posing? She was posing! It’s what she did all the time. The outfit’s straight out of the dressing-up chest. She was planning a joke on someone. I’d have guessed-me. Well, it would have worked. I thought for a moment she was going to spring up and laugh at me.’

  ‘Did you tell her you were coming in to take some slides?’

  ‘Yes. We talked about it at lunch time.’

  ‘That may have given her the idea?’

  ‘Could have. That’s what we’re looking at, Joe-a practical joke. The sort you English like to play on each other … “What a hoot! What a jape! I say, do let’s!”’

  Joe was disconcerted to hear in his accent echoes of Estelle’s own very English voice. He ignored the man’s rudeness, sensing his emotions were turning from shock and disbelief and hardening into acceptance and recrimination in a pattern familiar to Joe. Someone was to blame and quite often it was the unfortunate policeman, being on the spot, who was the one to get it in the neck. Joe was prepared for Nathan to demand next to know how he could have let such a thing happen. But he had underestimated the American. Nathan’s mind was running on retribution directed at a deserving target.

  ‘Who, Joe? Who traded on her sense of fun to lure her into this death trap? Someone she knew. Someone we both know! Has to be. You don’t need to be a smart detective or a pathologist to see that she was stabbed while she was lying down there. I’ve got that right, haven’t I?’

  Joe nodded. ‘The lack of vertical blood trail down the dress would indicate that you are correct. What blood there was has ponded in the chest area. If I could bring myself to do it, I’d lift her skirt and check for post-mortem discoloration. There’s always gravitation of the blood to the lowest point of the body-it shows up as a reddish-blue bruising. She was, I think, killed right there where she now lies. But-again-I’m keeping my hands off what is the French Inspector’s scene.’

  ‘She knew him. Trusted him. You didn’t know Estelle! I tell you she’d have fought like a hell cat if she’d thought she was in danger. Scratched him to pieces! Look at her hands … no, no … I understand. I won’t get too close. No sign of fending off an attack, is there?’

  ‘Not as far as I can make out. They’ll need to take samples from under her fingernails.’

  ‘He’s over there, isn’t he? In the hall, finishing his breakfast … Still in bed, exhausted after his night’s activity? But what did he say t
o her?’ Nathan blundered on, his voice rising to a shrill note of disbelief as he worked through the implications of the grisly scenario. ‘To make her do this? Did he kill her somewhere else and arrange her up here for a laugh?’

  Joe saw a flash of panic twist his features. ‘Good God, Joe! You don’t suppose …? Oh, no! I couldn’t bear it!’

  ‘No immediately obvious sign of a sexual attack-at least a physical one,’ said Joe. ‘But I have to tell you, Nat, I’m not going to pursue the possibility. Not now. That really must be left to the proper authority, properly equipped. I can just say-I think it highly unlikely. No. Whatever our perpetrator had in mind, I don’t think it was rape.’

  With a groan, Nathan moved forward at last to pull the camera clumsily from Joe’s grasp. ‘Let me have it. You’re useless! I’ll finish for you. And develop the plates. It’s all I can do for her now, isn’t it? You’ve got to find him, Joe. We’ve got to find the bastard.’

  It was with difficulty that Joe persuaded Nathan to leave the chapel and return with him to the house. He explained that he was anxious to speak to the child Marius before too many well-meaning souls had put ideas of their own into his head. He was, if not the key to all this horror, at least the witness of it and they would advance faster and further towards catching Estelle’s killer by getting his information. Joe was only surprised that the child had himself escaped the murderous attentions. He’d been shut in here with a killer and his victim. He was small for his age, his neck could have been snapped like a chicken’s and the sole witness removed in a second.

  ‘How strong are you feeling, Nat?’ Joe asked. ‘Steady enough to go back into the hall and break the news?’

  Nathan nodded.

  ‘Look, I ought by rights to isolate you and make certain you don’t spread this story around. But I don’t think anyone’s going to be able to keep the lid on for five minutes in the circumstances. And all things considered, if it’s going to come out, I’d rather it came out straight. From you. You know what this bunch are like for speculation. Will you just say Estelle is dead and in the chapel which remains out of bounds to all? Can you manage to avoid going into details, do you think?’

  Nathan agreed. ‘What’ll you do now, Joe? What can you do?’

  Joe grimaced. ‘Hands tied, I’m afraid! At home I’d ring for a squad, establish a scene of crime set-up, arrange interviews … As it is, we’ll just have to wait for the French spearhead to arrive, all unwitting.’

  Joe made his way into the kitchen through the side door, not knowing what he should expect, certain only that it would be an unpleasant scene.

  To his surprise, all was calm and orderly. All kitchen activity had been suspended and the staff were standing around, an attentive chorus backing up the main players. Dorcas was close by, he was relieved to note. Centrally placed on a chair that had been brought in from the dining room, Madame Dalbert sat holding her little son on her lap. Marius was no longer yelling. He was sitting, pink and vastly recovered from his ordeal, staring with fascination at the steward who had arrived to take charge.

  De Pacy was on his knees in front of Marius. Joe almost looked for a gift of frankincense, myrrh or gold in his hand but he was holding out for the child’s inspection a Limoges china bowl with a silver spoon standing up in it. The cherub was showing an interest in the contents. A kitchen boy thoughtfully came to take the bowl from de Pacy and held it steadily, allowing the steward to dig in with his good hand and tentatively offer up a spoonful of strawberry ice-cream. Marius’s eyes flicked in astonishment from the anxious face of the commanding officer on a level with his own and back to the silver spoon. Joe tensed. Would the child put back his head and howl or accept the offering? Marius made the right decision. He opened up his mouth like a baby cuckoo.

  Joe approached quietly and watched the scene until the bowl was empty. De Pacy got up, grunted and tousled the boy’s hair. ‘Brave lad!’ he murmured. ‘He’s a soldier like his father, Madame Dalbert.’ He turned to Joe and spoke in English. ‘I’m a bit lost. But I think you may be able to make some sense out of all this. All I can gather-and that mainly from Dorcas who came to fetch me-is that the poor lad spent the night trapped in the chapel and that you let him out just now. He’s terrified. He hasn’t told us anything. Doesn’t seem to be able to speak-although I know he can! He has a fine way with words for one so young and swears like a trooper. He refuses to talk to me. Perhaps you could-’

  ‘Why don’t you both move away and let me speak to him?’ said Dorcas. ‘You’re both big frightening men-he’s been told to keep out of your way. He won’t talk to you.’

  They went to stand behind Madame Dalbert while Dorcas approached him and took hold of his hand. ‘Awfully glad you’re back, Marius! We missed you.’ She spoke reassuringly in what Joe thought of as her ‘Provençal voice’. ‘We thought you’d gone to Granny’s but we searched all over the place just in case. Never thought of looking in the chapel. However did you manage to get in?’

  ‘It was all right. I was let in by a grown-up,’ muttered Marius.

  ‘Thought so. Which grown-up was that?’

  ‘Estelle. She found me running to the gateway and stopped me. Said I shouldn’t go down by myself, I’d be missed.’

  ‘Well, she was certainly right. You were missed. And then what did you do?’

  ‘She was a bit cross. I think I was in the way. She said she was meeting someone … And I’d better just come along with her and keep quiet and she’d take me back to the hall for supper when she’d finished.’

  ‘Was she carrying anything?’ asked Dorcas, remembering the conversation in the dormitory.

  ‘Yes. A brown case. A small one.’

  ‘And then what did you do?’

  ‘She opened the door and let me inside. She came in too. She looked at her watch. She told me she’d found the best ever hiding place and I could try it out. She put me in a sort of cupboard with a seat in it and a curtain hanging down.’

  ‘Sounds like a good hidey-hole …’

  ‘It worked! He never saw me!’

  ‘He? Who was that, Marius?’

  ‘The man.’

  ‘A man came in?’


  ‘Which man?’

  ‘Don’t know.’

  ‘How did you know it was a man?’

  Marius frowned. ‘Trousers. Black trousers. And shoes.’

  ‘Did this person know Estelle?’

  ‘Yes. Estelle was laughing.’

  ‘Who was the other person, Marius? Did you recognize the voice?’

  Marius thought hard. ‘No. They were whispering. And, anyway, I didn’t know what they were saying.’

  ‘You mean they were talking English-as I do sometimes?’

  ‘That’s it.’

  ‘How long were they in there … oh, you won’t be able to say in minutes, I know that, but did it seem a short time, a medium time or a very boring long time?’

  ‘I counted to a hundred,’ said Marius proudly and, turning to the audience behind, added, ‘I can count to a hundred! And I started again and got to twenty.’

  Joe felt gooseflesh prick his arms as he listened to the innocent boast. The child owed his life to numbers. If he hadn’t been able to count beyond ten or if he’d called out, ‘… ninety-nine, a hundred’ and jumped out, he wouldn’t have survived to be comforted with ice-cream.

  ‘That was brilliant, Marius!’ Dorcas gave him credit for his skill. ‘So, after a hundred and twenty, Estelle and her friend went out and left you there by yourself. They’d forgotten you were there, you kept so still and quiet?’

  ‘No! No! The man went out. Estelle stayed with me. She didn’t leave me.’ The boy seemed concerned that Estelle should bear no blame.

  ‘She stayed in the chapel with you?’ Dorcas made an effort to rein in her astonishment.

  ‘Yes. All night. She’d put on her nightie and gone to bed. On the big stone bed. She didn’t say goodnight. I think she’d forgotten me.’
br />   Puzzled, Dorcas glanced up at Joe. He nodded slowly, indicating that she should plough on.

  ‘So Estelle was there with you all night?’

  ‘Yes. I was glad she was there even though she was asleep. I wasn’t so frightened. I went and touched her hand and tried to wake her up but she wouldn’t. When it started to get dark I made a bed for myself by the door and went to sleep. But the noise woke me up. The wind. I started banging on the door with my clog. I really wanted someone to come and let me out. I was crying,’ he admitted. ‘I had a wee and drank some water from a jug …’ He pulled a face at the memory. ‘And then I went back to sleep again. Until the morning. Then I banged again and someone came.’

  He squirmed around and whispered to his mother, ‘Am I in trouble, Maman?’ with the certainty of one who knows he is definitely in the clear.

  ‘I’m trying to persuade Madame Dalbert to take her sons home and have the rest of the day off,’ said de Pacy.

  ‘I think we should ask Marius what he’d like to do,’ Joe suggested.

  ‘Oh, he wants to stay here,’ said Madame Dalbert. ‘He’s just longing to tell his story to René and the others! Aren’t you, my little monkey?’ She tickled him until he began to giggle.

  Her stoic good humour and the laughter melted the tension in the assembled crowd and Joe felt a wave of relief wash over them.

  ‘Then we should say three cheers for the hero of the hour,’ announced de Pacy, correctly interpreting the mood. ‘Hip, hip, hurrah!’ He led the responses with an uninhibited flourish of his silver spoon. Marius chuckled.

  ‘Excuse me? I’m looking for Monsieur de Pacy … Would you by any chance be he?’ enquired a chillingly polite voice as the last hurrah faded. ‘We were directed to the kitchens. Which would seem to be the centre of activity. In a manner of speaking, you could say I had an appointment. Let me present myself: Commissaire Jacquemin of the Brigade Criminelle, Paris.’ He allowed a moment for the import of this to sink in and then added: ‘And this is my assistant, Lieutenant Martineau of the Marseilles police. I apologize-we arrive a few minutes early.’


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