Book Read Free

Falling Into Love

Page 13

by TC Rybicki

  Gram walked over and hugged me. “Happy birthday, girl. I can’t believe your 19 already.”

  “Gram. This is so nice. You didn’t have to do all this.”

  “Nonsense. Birthdays should be celebrated, maybe not with the sun coming up, but that fool man of yours intends to monopolize your entire day, so I get you for breakfast only.”

  I had a list of rebuttals. Dane wasn’t my man and he never said what he planned, but I had to work. It was only Thursday, not the weekend. “I’m working so it won’t be the whole day.”

  “Nope, birthdays are free days. You’re off.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes. Go sit down. We’re going to wait on you today.”

  Shelby ran to the kitchen and came back with a stack of pancakes that resembled a cake. She had a candle in the middle. The entire room started to sing, staff and guests included. I was shocked they were making such a big deal. I only expected a regular evening hanging with Dane. It was a nice surprise.

  “Thanks, Shelby,” I said after blowing out the candle.

  “I added sprinkles to the batter, so they’d be like actual birthday cake.”

  “I noticed. Great idea.” Shelby waited for me to take a bite. She was a nervous type. I think Gram kept her on her toes. I crammed the carbohydrate concoction between my lips and chewed. “Mmm, just the perfect amount of sweetness. It’s great.”

  Gram brought her plate to the table and sat down with me. We normally ate in our private quarters but today was unique. “Thanks again, Gram.”

  “I had Shelby run your gift upstairs. You should open it before your date.”

  “Dane isn’t a date. You know how we are.”

  “Do I? I’ve seen twitterpated before, and I can’t decide who’s got it worse… you or him.”

  “I’m still seeing Grant.”

  “Funny, every time I look up, you’re seeing Dane Ellsworth. I would have expected you to do the right thing by now.”

  “Are you telling me to break up with Grant, a man my age to go out with Dane? You said he was too old for me and he is an Ellsworth.”

  “Quit trying to confuse the situation. I know the things I said, but there are some things I’m too tired to fight over. I’m here to tell you none of us can fight the inevitable.”

  Gram looked tired. She never looked tired in the mornings. “Are you alright? You don’t seem yourself.”

  “I’m right as rain. You only wish you’re as good as I am when you hit the birthday I had a few months ago.”

  I squeezed her hand on the table, “Love you, Gram.”

  “Get to eating. You’ll need fuel for the day ahead, and I don’t care how late you come home, but tomorrow is a workday. I’m not giving you two days off.”

  I sped up my eating, but there was no way I could finish that fluffy stack of birthday pancakes. The three I took up the whole plate. Gram only had one. She was off and running ten minutes later. Since I didn’t have to work, I pulled out my phone to see if Dane knew that. He didn’t respond. I was anxious to run upstairs and see what Gram had Shelby sneak up there.

  There were two boxes on my bed. One was huge, and the other one was rectangular. I attacked the biggest box first. Inside was the most beautiful vintage sundress I’d ever seen. The cut and fabric were old-fashioned, but it was also timeless. The tag attached didn’t have the price, and I didn’t recognize the dress shop even though I knew my way around town. She had my size right. I didn’t think Gram paid attention to these kinds of things. My next thoughts were about Dane. Was he expecting me to wear such a dress to hang out? I might look too eager, but I couldn’t hurt Gram’s feelings. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact she bought me something like this. I could almost call it frivolous, and Gram didn’t do frivolous.

  I opened the second box and found open-toe blue wedges that matched the blue in the flowers perfectly. Mind blown. Someone else shopped for her, but this gift was exciting. I hadn’t worn a dress in a long time.

  My phone rang, and I swiped to answer without even looking. “Hello.”

  “Hey, beautiful birthday girl. Are you ready? I’m leaving the ranch.”

  “Wait. What? No, I just had breakfast and I didn’t even know I had the day off. I’m thinking you did. You aren’t going to believe this, but Gram bought me a gorgeous dress. Are we going someplace I should wear a dress?”

  “Definitely, but hurry. Time’s a’wasting. We have a schedule, places to be and appointments, plus a two-hour drive.”

  “You’re teasing.”

  “No, I’m not. As you so often remind me, this is a little town with not much to offer. We have to make a journey to give you the day you deserve.”

  “Okay, spill. You’re talking in riddles, but I’m intrigued.”

  “Stop being intrigued and be ready. Ten minutes, Syd.”

  A half-hour later, I met Dane in the parlor. Gram was in there grilling him no doubt. Dane stood up when he saw me. I was in a rush, but I managed to do my makeup and add a few curls to my hair. My highlights were growing out so the week before I held my breath and went to Gram’s lady. She didn’t do half bad, freshened up my color and trimmed the ends for a third of what I use to put on my credit card.

  Gram clapped her hands. “Like a glove. You keep your hands in your pockets today, Mister.”

  “Gram, please.” Dane’s dimple showed itself and I looked away. My grandmother had no filter. “This dress is the best. Thanks so much.”

  “Well, Cora’s niece was visiting. I asked what the college girls were wearing these days. Lord knows I’m sick of the holey jeans and frayed shorts you wear around. This will never go out of style. Can you walk in those shoes? I wasn’t sure, but Cora insisted on them.”

  “Yes, they’re actually super comfy.” I leaned over and gave her kiss on the cheek. She told Dane to take care of me and not to keep me out all night.

  He still hadn’t really said what he thought about my new look.

  “Well, I’m ready if you are. I hope I didn’t blow the schedule.”

  “No, I rushed you because I knew you’d take twice as long. We’re still on time.”

  I started to walk past him to the door, but Dane grabbed my hand. “Sydney. You look… well, you always look great, but I hope it’s okay if I say this is your best look to date.”

  “You may and thanks. Now tell me about my surprises.”

  “Nope. You’ll find out with each new destination.”

  “There’s more than one?”

  “Yes, there’s several.”

  I sat back and tried to contain my excitement. The anticipation was killing me. Dane turned up his radio; my station was a preset now. I ditched my wedge shoes in the floorboard and propped my feet on his dash. He glanced over and shook his head. He pretty much let me have free reign in Stud, maybe even in his life. I probably shouldn’t, but I did.

  “Okay, no more mystery. We’re going to Fredericksburg. The signs are every ten minutes. Are you taking me antiquing?”

  “No, not hardly unless you want to do that.”

  “I’m teasing, but seriously, what else is there?”

  “Stuff. I’ve done my research.”

  We chatted back and forth about all our usual topics. Dane sold a huge property and closed the deal at the beginning of the week. I teased this was the reason I was getting the birthday treatment. We both knew he didn’t need extra money. Dane was funny though because he liked making money, but you couldn’t tell outwardly. He could easily be mistaken for a simple country boy, instead of a wealthy Real estate mogul with a master’s degree.

  Sometimes, my eyes would settle on my lap and the sundress. I still couldn’t believe what I was wearing. I would’ve never worn something like this the year before, but I loved it. Did I miss the old Sydney Hagel? I certainly didn’t mourn her like before. Sydney Littlefield was different, but not strange different. I found that I enjoyed the sun coming up in the mornings, eating breakfast with Gram and relaxing with Dane on lazy
evenings. My friends and I were always on the run back in Dallas: shopping, restaurants, and dance clubs we could get into, but excitement was relative. I never was bored after the first few days of my new life.

  The next sign said twelve miles. The excitement increased until Dane touched on a sore subject. For once, he wasn’t asking about Grant who so far had forgotten about my birthday. He got the go-ahead to move early into his apartment, so he’d been busy. Grant wanted me to check his place out before classes started. A trip to Austin wasn’t much further than the trip I was making with Dane today, but I wasn’t sure if Gram would allow me to drive Rusty and I’d never gone so far alone. Part of me thought it was time to visit with Grant face to face again. I wasn’t sure he still had the same effect on me as he once did. I thought seeing him would tell me all I needed to know. My heart was confused or maybe it was my head. Something was confusing lately. In fact, I was so confused I didn’t know what my next move should be.

  “Syd, are you listening to me? Did either of your parents reach out for your birthday?”

  “Oh, sorry. No, nothing from Dad, but I stuck letter number four in the drawer from my dear mother. This one looked like a card, so I guess she remembers the day I ruined her life.”

  “Come on. I doubt your mother ever thought for a second you ruined her life. You improved mine as soon as I got to know you.”

  “Can we not discuss her? I’ve been really happy today since I got out of bed.”

  “Fine, but even though you avoid something doesn’t mean that one day it doesn’t need to be dealt with. I think you need closure. Also, she can’t stay gone forever at a health and wellness spa. Maybe you should be reading her letters or else one day she’ll show up, and you’ll be blindsided.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Sure, I haven’t heard that before.”

  I was about to give him one last sarcastic comment when the sign came into view. “Are you kidding me right now?”

  “Nope. That’s our first stop.”

  “It says massage and day spa.”

  “Indeed, it does, and we need to get inside, our couples massage starts in five minutes.”

  I twisted my head to face him, “Couples?”

  “Sure, why not? They offered a better deal if I got one too.”

  Dane and I were getting massages together. I hadn’t had a good massage in six months. He parked in the space directly in the front. It wasn’t anything fancy, but I hardly cared, and we seemed to be the only patrons so far. It was early. Dane opened my door since I was frozen.

  “Come on, what are you doing?”

  “You’re treating me to a full body massage?” I had to ask once more.

  “Yeah, with hot stones. Oh, and a special red wine facial. You like those?”

  “I never had that kind.”

  “Good, I love giving you new experiences.”

  I turned with my legs halfway out of the truck; my hand slipped inside Dane’s hand. “This is an incredible gift, Dane. You know me so well.”

  He tweaked my nose. “That I do, but this is the first of many surprises. So, prepare yourself to be awed. It’s officially your day.”

  “Thanks, but honestly if this was all you got me, I’d be eternally grateful.”

  “Well, I got you so much more, so I wonder what’s longer than eternity.”

  I looked at her across the dimly lit room. Overhead tranquil music played through the speakers. We were both facedown waiting for our massage therapists. When we arrived, the receptionist led us to our room. She gave us speech about undressing and climbing onto the table. Sydney spoke up to ask about robes and changing rooms.

  Damn. I wasn’t going to ask.

  I didn’t know what to expect from a couple’s massage when we weren’t officially a couple. I couldn’t settle my mind down now that the robes were off, and we were under a thin sheet and a soft blanket. I decided to joke, so I didn’t get nasty thoughts.

  “Let it be known; I got Sydney Littlefield naked on her birthday.”

  “Shut up. I’m wearing panties.”

  “Ugh, can you not say that word to me? I’m liable to embarrass the poor woman that comes in to give me my massage.”

  “How do you know it’s a woman?”

  “Because I requested female massage therapists. The last thing I want is to hear you being pleasured by another man.”

  “You’re a weirdo. Massages are not sexual. Have you ever had one before?”

  “Nope, but I give them to you sometimes and I know all about the sounds you make,” I begged to differ with her those times had not been sexual. I assumed this professional environment would be a bit different.

  I had to laugh when our assigned therapists arrived. Sydney got an older heavyset woman that looked like an Agnes, but I think her name was Deidre. While she was busy going over the massage and asking if Sydney had any problem areas, my therapist Lola started asking me similar questions. She was a petite young woman with tanned skin and jet-black hair. I thought this couple massage wasn’t a bad idea, but I didn’t think those tiny fingers were going to do much with my tense body. I’d been a bundle of sexual tension since meeting Sydney.

  Lola was more than meets the eye. I was the first one to let out of yelp and Sydney laughed from across the room. “Sorry, less pressure? You’re sensitive.”

  “Yes, Dane is super tender.”

  “Shut up, Syd. No, Ma’am. That was fine pressure. I was surprised. Do you work out?”

  Lola didn’t answer, but she had to spend time in the gym because her grip was intense. I spent the rest of the massage pretending she wasn’t killing me, thinking each squeeze was going to leave a helluva mark.

  I skipped the red wine facial. They tried to convince me to try it, but that seemed like a chick only thing. I spent the rest of my time searching a location for our picnic. The front desk staff gave me some suggestions to look up on my phone. They also enticed me with some products they sold that I meant to hide from Sydney. Our next appointment wasn’t until 2:30. I packed a few snacks for us. We’d eat light for lunch since we had dinner reservations at a popular restaurant. This was a full day affair. Sydney had adapted to hard work in a short amount of time, but I could tell how she missed being pampered. It was nice to see how excited things like a spa day made her.

  Sydney emerged forty-five minutes later looking fresh and grinning ear to ear. “Does the next part of the day include a nap? I’m so relaxed.”

  “It can if you want it to, but I thought you might want a snack, maybe take in some scenery.”

  “Sounds nice. Oh, what’s in your bag?”

  I was going to say nothing, but the receptionist blabbed. “Trust me, you’ll love his baby-soft skin next time he shaves. My boyfriend uses it and it’s a treat.”

  Sydney pulled me out the door. “They all think we’re together.”

  “Strange assumption. I wonder why?”

  “I’m glad I have some essentials in my purse, or I’d have to go to dinner make up free.”

  “Yes, so good, since your natural look is positively horrid.”

  She made a frown like she wasn’t sure I was serious. We’d hung out by the pool or the river almost half the summer and I’d seen her plenty of times without make-up. I was lying. Sydney looked stunning au naturel.

  I wrapped my arm around her. “Come on, let’s get you inside Stud before someone sees you without makeup. I don’t want to crush my reputation being seen with someone so undesirable.” She elbowed me.

  “Stop teasing. You’re going to ruin my relaxed state.”

  I squeezed and kissed the side of her forehead close to her hairline. “Um, red wine. I could get drunk off your face, Sydney. Of course, I’m teasing. You’re beautiful.”

  “You’re such a jerk and it’s not like I’m covered in booze, it’s in the solution. You can’t get drunk from me.”

  I stopped Sydney from climbing inside the truck. We teased most of the time, but when I stroked her
freshly cleansed cheek, my hand stayed there. She blinked long delicate lashes in front of me but didn’t move or say a word. I was hypnotized in those eyes of hers.

  “Wanna bet? I feel tipsy already.”

  We drove out to a nearby park that had trails and water views. I told her we could take a walk and find a place to sit since I didn’t see picnic tables, but Sydney suggested we hang out in the bed of the truck. She claimed her new shoes were comfy, but she didn’t want to risk walking too much since they were new. I pointed to the flip-flops in the backseat.

  “Oh yeah, I’m always leaving stuff in here. You’d think I practically live with you, Dane.”

  “From your lips to God’s ears, maybe you’re speaking of the future.”

  She changed the subject to see what I packed in the cooler and picnic basket. I made a few finger sandwiches, had cut fruit, a big cookie for sharing and a chilled bottle of sparkling apple cider. I never offered Sydney alcohol even though I sometimes had a drink with my dinner. She never asked either. It was for the best we never indulged in each other’s presence. It was hard enough behaving myself stone cold sober with her. Either she ignored my ongoing attraction or was in a constant state of oblivion about what she was doing to me. That made me even crazier.

  I drove up to the nail salon after we headed back into town after our quiet picnic. “No way. Get out.”


  “I can’t believe this.”

  “I don’t know why not. I’ve never heard such carrying on by anyone over fingers and toes in all my life. ‘Day 23 without a proper pedicure. It’s been seven weeks since my last cuticle treatment.’ I’m sure you have a diary dedicated to your toe woes.”

  “I’ve been trying to keep them painted with drugstore polish. I haven’t mentioned it in a long time.”

  “If Sunday is long to you, then you’re right. I think that was the last time I heard you cuss about it.”

  Sydney started running in place sitting in my truck. Her knees bounced up and down from the joy. “I’m getting a mani-pedi?”



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