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Recovery (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 3)

Page 3

by Sophia Hampton

  “No! I absolutely want to do this for you. I feel bad that you always do the cooking. I want to do the work for once and let you sit. You should probably go get some rest while I’m figuring this out, anyway. I bet you’re tired from all the stuff you’ve been doing.” Andy noted her shooting another worried glance his direction, and it made him feel terrible. He knew where the concern was stemming from.

  He had been jittery and restless for the past hour since he got back. She could probably tell he’d gotten zero sleep, and he kept going out to smoke a cigarette. He probably looked like he was back on cocaine, and she’d been taught of what to look for. No wonder she kept trying to get him to go to bed or show some sign or normalcy. He wished he could convince her that blow had nothing to do with his issue, well not technically, but the truth would worry her just as much. He wasn’t ready quite yet to admit how bad things really were.

  “I’m just overtired, babe. I’ll crash at some point. But right now…” he let the sentence trail off for a moment as he approached her in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around her. She was wearing an apron, looking very domestic. It awakened something in him that really got him going. Not that her body wasn’t enough to do that, but something about a woman in his kitchen just made it that much more appealing. “I just want to hang out with you.”

  He planted a kiss on her bare shoulder and felt her shiver beneath him. He loved that he could drive her crazy. “Andy, your hands are so shaky. Is everything alright? You know I worry about you.” There it was again. He needed to find a way to take both of their minds off all the worry. He hated making her feel that way.

  He heaved out a sigh and nodded into her. “Yes, I’m fine. I’m just on edge. Which is why I’m trying to relax.” He spun her around to face him and noted a look of surprise on her face. She looked almost dizzy and fell forward into his arms. “I always did like a damsel in distress,” he commented seductively before pulling her in for a passionate kiss. He could feel her resistance beginning to melt as he slid his hand up and down her back. He glided his fingers along the contours of her shoulder blades and spine through the tight shirt she was wearing. He could always count on Melanie to wear something skin tight.

  He didn’t give her a chance to think or protest as he crushed her body up against him, letting all their troubles drift off somewhere unknown. He heard the sound of the cookbook falling to the tiled floor as he lifted her up onto the counter. His hands ran up her bare legs to her thigh where he was blocked by tight jean shorts. He let out a groan being both pleased and frustrated by her choice of clothing.

  Andy moved the apron out of the way while he nibbled at her lip, causing her to make pleasant sounds and breathe heavily. Her reactions were getting him hard as he quickly unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts, letting them slide to the kitchen floor which would once again look like a domestic war zone.

  He slipped her lacy blue G-string right off with them, leaving just her shirt and her apron. He smirked up at her before diving her fingers right into her bare center, feeling the wetness and soft skin inside of her. He let his other hand explore underneath her shirt, her bare skin warming him up from the outside in.

  She moaned into his ear while sucking on his earlobe, making his bulge get even bigger, pressing on his jeans almost painfully. He removed his hands from her skin, feeling instantly cold, and saw how sticky sweet his fingers had become. Her smell was absolutely intoxicating.

  He picked Melanie up and carried her over to the couch, a leather couch they had just bought a couple of weeks before that. He thought it could use some breaking in.

  He laid her down and stood over her as he pulled his pants off, his shaft falling out over her with relief. It had been getting so cramped in his jeans, but now that it was out in the open he really wanted to feel Melanie’s touch.

  As if reading his mind, she complied, wrapping her warm hand around it and stroking it while he removed the rest of his clothing. He thrust his hips forward, helping her speed up the rhythm as he felt himself growing in her hand. He found himself wishing he could read her mind. He wanted to know how she felt stroking his hard cock there in the living room.

  Then, he gently removed her hand and flipped her body over so he could see her pale, pink ass. He gave it a satisfying smack and ordered her to get up on her hands and knees. He was in the mood to make her his slave at the moment, to take total control over both of their pleasures.

  He gave her ass another smack before squeezing himself in behind her, kneeling on his knees. He slapped the head of his shaft against the outside of her pussy, teasing her by making her wait. Then, he leaned into her, sliding his shaft downward to touch her clit. Her back arched, letting him know how much she was enjoying the feel of his sensitive skin on her and how much she wanted him to continue.

  He placed the tip of his shaft just inside her wet center and latched his hands onto her hips, using it as leverage to plunge himself inside her deep and fast. He smiled down at her as she let out a gasp upon his entrance. He loved the feel of her body in his hands as he thrust himself into her wet pussy. Her center closed tightly around him, fighting his hard cock every inch of the way, but that was the way he liked it. It was like the best hug in the world the way her flesh secured over him threatening to swallow him whole.

  As he thrusted harder, he began to breathe heavier, both from exertion and from the sheer pleasure of it all. At times like that he just wanted to dive into her head first, have her take his whole body inside of her. There was no limit to how much of him wanted to feel her, be a part of her in those moments. He bent himself over her body, continuing to hump her like a wild beast making love in a forest as he licked and kissed at the light skin that transitioned between her back and her ass which was pressing up against him. He could hear the muted slaps as he thick flesh met his.

  “Oh, Andy,” he heard her whisper underneath him. The sound of his name coming from her mouth was like Heaven or even better if that was possible. He had no idea how he had lived so long without this, without her skin pressing against his, without hearing his name on her lips. He knew at that moment how dumb it was to choose blow over the sexy as hell woman whose body was his for the taking. Her pussy was all the drugs he needed, better than the best high he’d ever had.

  He reared up, pulling a wad of her hair with him, making her let out a strangled scream. He pulled hard, taking a hold of her hair like reigns on a horse as he bucked into her fast and hard. He could feel her wetness dripping out all over him, and the sweet smell that followed was the most beautiful garden in spring time as it bloomed to life.

  He yanked her hair as hard as he could, forcing her neck back to its limit. Barely a soft moan could come out of her mouth, but his pleased grunts were drowning her out. A string of expletives wanted to force their way out of his mouth as he felt her center squeeze and pulse around him, begging him to cum inside of her with all his might. He let out something that sounded more like a battle cry than a moan as the last hard thrust brought on his climax, hot liquid spilling out and filling up empty spaces he didn’t know were there in her sweet cavity.

  He slid himself out slowly, shivering as his shrinking cock hit the cool air outside of Melanie’s body. She rolled over to make a space for him on the couch, but he instantly realized he couldn’t just lay there with her. He was still jittery and was also afraid he’d just pass out on her eventually if he lay down. He wanted to be with her as much as he could now that he was back, especially with the uncertainty of the future hanging over his head as a guillotine.

  “So, what do you say I go ahead and order something, babe? I don’t know about you, but I certainly worked up an appetite.” He gave her a sly smile as he said it before jumping up and heading to grab the pile of clothes from the kitchen floor. He’d have to remember not to put mistletoe anywhere near the kitchen come Christmas or the clothes dropping would include everyone in the house for all he knew. He shook his head letting out a silent chuckle before bringing the pile to wher
e Melanie was still on the couch.

  She was flashing him another look of concern. For some reason he couldn’t escape it, and no matter how much he tried to hide his anxiety and discomfort it shone like a new penny. He sighed and began pulling his clothes back on, trying to act naturally. But there seemed to be nothing natural about denying your naked girlfriend a cuddle after amazing sex, and acting like you couldn’t wait to get your clothes back on.

  Andy pulled out a cigarette and headed outside with his cell phone in hand. A smoke and some fresh air might clear his mind and body. He’d order the food for her while he was out there. “I’ll be back babe. I’ll order us some Chinese while I’m taking my smoke break, okay?” He didn’t wait for an answer as he kissed her forehead and walked out at top speed.

  To his dismay, Melanie showed up at his side in a robe just a few moment later. She ran her hand across his shoulders and back, feeling the mounting tension there. “Andy, you’ve been acting strange, and I’m worried. We agreed that you can tell me anything.”

  The hurt in her eyes said more than words ever could. He knew he would have to tell her soon. “I’m alright, babe. I’m not using again, I swear it. I don’t ever want to do that again. I just haven’t sorted all this out in my head yet, and I’m anxious.”

  She wrapped her arm around him with nothing but uncertainty. “I think maybe we should give Martin a call, anyway. The last thing we need is for you to slip back into that routine.” He nodded and laid his head on her shoulder. He’d do whatever she needed in order to reassure her that he wasn’t going to use again.


  Melanie looked around with a huff at the empty apartment. It was Saturday, and Andy had gone over to Martin’s house to have a guy day or something. It was the least harsh way she could think of to get Martin to probe and see if Andy was thinking about doing cocaine again, or if he was hiding something else big. Martin’s easy smile and kindness was sure to pull anything out of anyone’s mouth, even her boyfriend who was excellent at keeping secrets.

  She had thought that maybe she could have a girl’s day too, but Martin’s other half was busy with wedding plans, go figure. Apparently, her family had come down from Oregon to help her plan. Melanie had tried both Irene and Caleb, but Caleb had found a new boy toy online and had skipped town to meet him. Irene was spending a romantic weekend in the hot tub with her fiancé. It was frustrating that everyone had something good to do but her.

  Now she was twiddling her thumbs on the lonely leather couch in sweat pants with her hair up in a loose bun. It took her back to the days she was single, and she didn’t like the thought very much. She had already done crosswords and finished both books she had gotten from the library. What else could she possibly do?

  She glanced down at her phone and decided to resort to an old favorite; her mother. Things had been relatively stable with her mother, lately, and she felt comfortable calling her and talking to her without her having forgotten everything. Modern medicine was really a trip. Whoever came up with the medicine her mother was taking deserved a reward.

  “May I help you?” came a pleasant voice through the receiver. It was a nurse Melanie knew by name.

  “Oh, hey Nurse Helen; it’s Melanie. Can I talk to my mother?”

  “Ms. Veratti coming up!” Melanie heard the weird “bloop” that meant she was being transferred to her mother’s room, a room she had been so afraid she’d lose after the fall.

  “Hello?” Melanie almost felt herself light up at the sound of her mother’s voice. It was so nice to have a close relationship with her mother. So many people didn’t have that.

  “Hi, mom!” she answered, enthusiastically.

  “Oh, hi, darling, is something wrong?”

  “No, Mom; I just wanted to call and say hi and see how you were doing. Truth be told I’m a little bored and lonely. Andy’s having a guy’s night.”

  “Well, I’m doing fine. I’m glad to be of service. It’s not every day a mother with a grown daughter is of use.” Melanie felt her heart sink a little at the statement even though she knew her mother was joking.

  “Don’t say things like that, Mom.” Melanie felt herself frown, adding to the wrinkles that were beginning to appear on her face.

  “So, how are you and Andy? I am so glad I finally got to meet him. He seems well-suited for you.” Melanie was happy that they finally met as well. He had come to visit with her a couple weeks back. It was strange that her mother thought that about him. Andy was definitely not her usual type.

  “You really think that, Mom? So many people seem to feel otherwise. I even wonder. I mean, I love him of course, but it’s not like he at all resembles my usual tastes. He’s kind of a bad boy, you know.”

  “But, he’s a bad boy with a heart of gold, Melanie. Those are always the best to have around because they can love you and protect you. Plus, he seems like he makes you happy and he loves you very much.”

  “How do you know that?” Melanie was curious because it wasn’t like either of them had ever specifically told her mother that he loved her.

  “I can just tell, darling. The way he looks at you is a dead giveaway. Trust me, I can almost hear the wedding bells already. In fact, I was hoping you were calling me with news.” Melanie tilted her head. It wasn’t the first time lately someone had told her that they thought her and Andy would get married soon.

  “No, I’m afraid he hasn’t put a ring on it yet, but Irene is getting married. Can you believe it?”

  “Irene, that little redhead that thought boys had cooties?” Melanie laughed knowing her mother’s memory wasn’t that great still, and the last time she’d seen Irene was a few months after she had been moved into the center. But the description still somehow fit her perfectly. No one ever thought Irene would be the first to marry.

  “Yep, that’s the one. She was so opposed to it until she met this rich record producer guy and fell hard.” Melanie heard a beeping sound that informed her someone was calling her while she was on the phone with her mother. “Oh, hey, Mom, Andy is beeping in.”

  “Oh, say no more. I know I’ll see you soon.” Melanie smiled to herself as she answered the phone, happy to hear from Andy so soon.

  “Hey naughty boy, guess what? I’m sitting on this leather couch all alone, and I could really use some company.” She tried to sound sexy, but she couldn’t commit. She thought she might burst into laughter.

  “Babe, we need to talk.” The worst phrase ever came through the phone and had Melanie reeling. Either he was breaking up with her or something with the motorcycle club had gone to shit. Either way she knew she was about to be heartbroken. “I wish I had the chance to have this conversation in person, but unfortunately, there may not be any time. Something big has happened. Do you remember what I told you happened to the merch and why I had to back out of the club for a while?”

  Melanie felt her stomach drop to the ground as her heart threatened to stop beating. Here it was, the moment they had been dreading for so long. What was going to happen to their relationship, and more importantly, what was going to happen to Andy? “Yes,” she breathed into the phone, afraid for Andy to finish.

  “Well, the president called me, Melanie. He called me to warn me that a deal was presented. You see, the club has had it really bad since it all happened, since I left. They have been threatened and have had little income. The Colombians made an offer to give them all their money back, all their jobs back, if they did one thing; hand over the person responsible.” Melanie let a gasp escape her lips because she knew who the Colombians believed to be responsible, though deep down everyone knew he so wasn’t.

  “No, Andy, no. This can’t be happening. There must be a way to find out exactly who did it and bring them to justice so that the fault is taken off of you.”

  “I’m afraid it’s too late for that, especially now that I know who it was who was cutting it, stealing it. I can’t believe it, Melanie, but it was my damn best friend. I left him in charge while I wa
s gone. I trusted that man with my life!”

  She could hear the pain and frustration in his voice. She found it hard to believe as well. “Frank did this?” She knew who he meant, but she just had to make sure. It was so out of character.

  “I can’t even stand to say his name, Melanie. But I am in danger. They are going to come after me, and he knows so much about me and you, where to find me, the whole club does. I need to get out of here. I hate to ask you this because you have so many more ties than me at this point, but a life without you sounds like torture. Will you come with me? Don’t answer now, but I’ll be out of here by midnight, so think quickly. I’m sorry for the pressure. I have to go now.”

  Melanie heard the click that meant Andy had hung up the phone, and she let the phone slip out of her hand and crash to the ground. For moment she sat frozen, wondering if what she just heard was real. Then, adrenaline hit her hard, and she tore through the apartment like it was on fire and she had to save what she could.


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